Book Read Free

Promises of the Heart

Page 6

by Nan Rossiter

  They nodded.

  “Thanks, Janelle,” Cora said, turning to her friend and giving her a hug. “I owe you one.”

  “You owe me nothin’, girl,” Janelle said. “Now, go.”

  “I’m goin’. I’ll call you in the morning.” She looked at the clock. “The real morning.”

  They watched her pull away, and Janelle closed the door. “I know you three are wide awake,” she said with a gentle smile, “but I bet if you lie down, you’ll fall back asleep.”

  Reluctantly, Frank and Joe shuffled to their room and closed the door, while Rudy lingered, looking out the window. Finally, she wandered down the hall, too. Every light in her room was on, illuminating the hurriedly thrown-off sheets and blankets. She gazed at the cot where her friend had been just minutes before, and sat down—it was still warm. She folded her hands to pray, but then dissolved into tears and buried her face in her hands.

  Janelle heard her crying, peered into the room, and sat down next to her, making the cot groan. “It’s okay, baby,” she whispered, putting her arm around her. “Everything’s goin’ to be okay.”

  “Why does everything have to be so hard for Harper?” she sobbed. “Nothin’ ever goes right.”

  “I don’t know, baby,” Janelle said softly. “All we can do is pray.”

  “I been prayin’, but it doesn’t help.”

  “Would it be okay if I prayed, too?”

  Rudy nodded, and Janelle held her hand and whispered a prayer for healing and for things to go better for her friend Harper.

  “Thanks, Janelle,” Rudy said, wrapping her arms around her wide middle.

  Rudy curled up on the cot, and Janelle pulled the blanket up around her shoulders.

  “Things will be better in the morning, Rudy. You’ll see.” She gently wiped away Rudy’s tears and kissed her forehead. A moment later, Rudy was sound asleep.


  MACEY LAY AWAKE FOR A LONG TIME. SHE COULDN’T SEEM TO SHUT OFF her worried thoughts—they ran together, making her mind spin, and when she finally did doze off, she had an unsettling dream about a three-legged dog struggling to swim, its sweet brown eyes full of fear. Later, deep in the night, she was awakened by the haunting sound of a siren, and she whispered a prayer—as she always did—for whomever needed help. She lay still, trying to fall asleep again, and heard light rain hitting the windows. Will it ever stop? she thought, rolling to her side. She could hear Grandy’s voice whispering, “‘He will come to us like rain.’”

  “What does that mean, Grandy?” she’d asked when she was little.

  “It’s from the book of Hosea, Macey dear. It means the Lord is always near when we need him—you just have to draw on your faith.”

  Macey listened to the rain now and tried to do just that, but her faith felt nonexistent. “Where are you, Lord?” she whispered, trying to think of a time when she’d felt God’s presence, or truly at peace. Her mind drifted to the day she’d come home from Europe and heard that everyone from her class was meeting at Doc’s. No one had known she was home, so she’d been excited at the prospect of surprising Ben. She had missed him. They’d written back and forth often, and she’d looked forward to seeing his familiar neat handwriting on the envelopes leaning inside her mailbox. His letters were warm and funny, and he often talked about running. Every day, it seemed, he’d get home from work, lace up his shoes, and “put in an easy ten or twelve miles”—like it was nothing!—and then, added with a smiley face, that it got him through missing her.

  Was he teasing, she had wondered, or did he really miss her? She couldn’t be sure, but every time she’d gone out with a guy in college, she’d found herself comparing her poor unsuspecting date to Ben—Was he as fit? As caring? As funny? Most of the guys, she’d decided, didn’t measure up.

  And then, when she’d traveled across Europe with her friends from Bowdoin, she hadn’t been interested in going out with any of the guys they met. Not even tall, blond, blue-eyed Per who they met one night at the Lamb & Flag. The handsome Scandinavian was pub-crawling with his equally handsome brother, Olaf, and their friend Nils, and the young men had paid for several rounds before trying to convince the three American girls to accompany them to the Star Tavern—the next watering hole on their itinerary. Bridget and Jen had been all in, but Macey—who was usually the first to say yes to more adventure—had hesitated.

  “Per likes you,” Bridget had whispered, trying to convince her.

  “That’s what worries me,” she’d replied, laughing.

  “Just one,” Jen pressed. “It’ll be fun! Then, we’ll go home. Promise.”

  But just one had turned into one too many, and things had gotten out of hand. Regrettably out of hand. When Macey had opened her eyes the next morning and blinked at the light filtering into the room, the first person she’d thought of was Ben. She’d clenched her jaw in dismay and remorse, and rubbed her aching head. What would Ben think if he could see her now? And why, for heaven’s sake, did it matter? It’s not like they were dating, or had any kind of commitment whatsoever. Heck, they hadn’t even seen each other in four years . . . so why then did she suddenly feel so . . . guilty? Damn him, she thought, tears stinging her eyes. All he does is work hard, be cheerful and honest, eat the lunch he gets up early to make for himself, go running, come home tired, and find time to sit at his desk and write her sweet, funny letters. That’s the whole problem, right there, she thought, he is too good!

  After that night, all Macey had wanted was to go home. She’d had enough of traveling, sightseeing, and partying, and she’d begun to wonder if something—or someone—was playing a role in guiding her. Because it certainly seemed as if subtly, without any one occurrence she could pinpoint, she was falling in love with her old friend. The idea was crazy, she knew, because back when they were spending all their time together in high school, she’d seen the tender look in Ben’s eyes, and she’d ignored it. After all, it was just Ben, her best friend, the boy she always called kiddo. But, somehow, the old adage absence makes the heart go fonder was proving true, and the gentle unspoken patience of Ben’s heart was . . . well, it was driving her crazy!

  Needless to say, when Ben Samuelson walked through the door at Doc’s, her heart had skipped a beat. And as she made her way toward him, she’d realized he wasn’t the skinny kid she’d said good-bye to four years earlier. He was six-foot, tan, and handsome, and his chiseled chin was accentuated by a scruffy beard. And although his shoulders and chest were broad and muscular from working construction with his dad, his faded Levi’s still hung casually from his slender runner’s hips.

  “Hey, kiddo! Look at you!” she’d said with a smile as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. The look on his face had been priceless.

  “Hey . . . look at you! I . . . I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

  Macey grinned. “I know. I wanted to surprise you.”

  Just then, Henry had peered around Ben, and Macey had looked over in surprise. “Oh no! Double trouble!” she’d said with a laugh, taking in the adult version of Ben’s best friend. Henry, too, had changed. He was still handsome, but his chestnut-brown hair was receding, and he was heavier than she remembered, as if maybe he’d been to too many frat parties.

  “Hey, Mace,” Henry said, giving her a warm hug. “Care to join us?” He nodded to the table in the corner where Lindsey and Hayley were sitting.

  Macey looked over at the table. “Oh my goodness! Is that Hayley?”

  “It is,” Henry confirmed.

  “She came along because she knows so many people in our class,” Ben added quickly, which prompted Henry to raise an eyebrow.

  “Are you sure there’s room?”

  “We’ll make room,” Ben asked, reaching for his wallet. “What would you like to drink?”

  Macey eyed the pitchers in Henry’s hands. “I’ll just get a glass and have whatever you’re having . . . if you don’t mind.”

  “We don’t mind,” Ben assured her.

sp; They made their way through the crowd to their table, saying hello to several more classmates before Ben grabbed an extra chair and pulled it over.

  As soon as Hayley saw Macey, she stood up. “Hi, Mace!” The two friends hugged. “Is Maeve here, too?”

  “No, she’s home with a sore throat—but she sends her love to everyone!”

  Henry set the pitchers on the table and introduced Lindsey to Macey, and the two girls, discovering they had New England roots in common, immediately hit it off.

  “How did you two meet?” Macey asked, looking from Lindsey to Henry.

  “At college,” Henry answered as he filled their glasses.

  Macey knew Henry had gone to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, but she wasn’t sure what he had majored in. She gave him a puzzled look. “Remind me what your major was, Hen.”

  “Business . . . and Lindsey majored in education,” he added. “In fact, she just started teaching kindergarten at an elementary school in Charlotte.”

  “Nice!” Macey said. She turned to Lindsey. “Do you like it?”

  “Love it! The kids are so sweet.”

  “And . . . what are you doing with your fabulous business degree?” she teased, eyeing Henry.

  Henry chuckled and took a sip of his beer. “Figuring things out . . . and bartending, but I’m definitely staying in Charlotte.” He smiled at Lindsey, and then looked around the table. “One of us has to break away from this old town.”

  “Well, I’m done breaking away,” Macey announced. “I’m moving back to Tybee.”

  They all looked surprised, and she smiled. “I’ve been accepted to a pediatric PA program in Savannah, and since my parents are getting older, I want to be nearby.”

  “Your parents aren’t that old,” Ben said, although he was happy to hear this news.

  “They’re not, but they will be, and it would be better if I settled nearby. I’ve missed them . . . and Maeve. Besides, Tybee is the most beautiful place on earth . . . with the best people,” she added with a smile, “so why would I want to be anywhere else?”

  “That’s what I’ve always thought, too,” Ben said with a grin.

  The conversation turned to Hayley, and she talked about the nightlife in New Orleans and invited them all down for Mardi Gras. “We have plenty of room,” she added, smiling at Ben even though it was obvious to everyone that the embers slowly burning in his heart for Macey had been fanned to a flame.

  He should’ve stayed with Hayley, Macey thought sadly as she lay in bed now. She has three kids! She pushed off her covers, slipped out of bed, and shuffled downstairs to make a cup of tea. She looked at the clock—it was 5:00 A.M. There were five hours to kill until church. She sighed, and as she waited for the water to heat, she pictured the big golden retriever curled up on a cold cement floor. The image made her feel worse. “Poor guy,” she said softly. “Life isn’t fair.”

  She heard a sound, turned around, and saw the boy she’d missed so much when she was in Europe leaning against the doorframe in his boxers, and she realized some greater force must have played a role in weaving their lives back together. Now, if she could only find the faith to believe there was more joy and wonder in store for them. “I’m sorry if I woke you,” she said, smiling sadly.

  “I was awake.”

  She nodded.

  “Mace,” he said softly, “if you want to go see about adopting that dog, I’ll go with you.”

  “Yeah?” she said, half smiling.

  “Yeah,” he said, putting his arms around her. “What did you say his name was?”


  He smiled. “I guess you can’t go wrong with a name like that.”

  She leaned into him and smiled. “No, you can’t.”


  OVER AN HOUR HAD PASSED SINCE CORA FOUND A SEAT IN THE CROWDED emergency room. She was surrounded by people who were either waiting to be seen, or were waiting—as she was—for news. Every ten minutes or so, the ER doors would glide open, and along with the wind, leaves, and rain, another stretcher would be whisked in. “Must be a full moon,” a nurse behind the desk said.

  Moments later, a slender Asian woman appeared in the doorway and looked down at her iPad. “Cora Grant?” she said, glancing around the crowded room. Cora waved her hand, and clutching her bag, hurried over.

  “How’s Harper?” she asked anxiously.

  Seeing Cora, the woman frowned. “I’m guessing you’re not her kin.”

  Cora shook her head. “No, Harper has no kin we know of. She’s in the custody of the state. I’m her case worker. How is she doing?”

  The woman nodded. “I’m Dr. Chu. Why don’t we go back to one of the consultation rooms?”

  Cora followed her through the doors, and Dr. Chu guided her to a small private room and they sat across from each other.

  “Harper is stable,” she said with a smile, “and she’s feeling much better, but we need to run more tests. Do you know where we can get copies of her medical records?”

  Cora took a deep breath and shook her head. “DFCS usually uses Dr. Hack at Savannah Pediatrics, but not all the kids go there, so I’m not positive and I don’t even know how complete Harper’s records are. She didn’t come to us until she was three—her mother died of a drug overdose, and we’ve never been able to find her father.”

  “All kids get sick from time to time. Do you happen to remember a time when she didn’t feel well?”

  Cora shook her head. “I keep track of so many kids, it’s hard to keep ’em all straight.”

  “It would help tremendously if you could remember.”

  Cora rubbed her forehead, thinking. “I know she’s had strep a few times—it’s very common with all the kids comin’ and goin’ . . . oh! and she’s also allergic to nuts—just so you know . . . but I think, one time, she might’ve had strep and not had the usual symptoms—just had a headache.”

  “Did she have a fever?”

  “She may’ve, but I don’t know that we have a record of that. She’s been in and out of so many homes the last couple years—she’s kind of a tough cookie, you know.” Cora shook her head, trying to remember. “I’m sorry, but I’m really not sure.”

  Dr. Chu nodded as she tapped notes into her iPad. “Thank you, that’s more helpful than you know.” She looked up. “Harper’s chest pains seem to be caused by a weakened heart, but we won’t have more details until we have all her test results back.”

  Cora frowned. “A weakened heart? What in the world would’ve caused that?”

  “Well, she may have been born with it—congenital heart defects are more common in children than most people realize, and if she didn’t have regular checkups as a baby, it may never have been diagnosed. There are other possibilities, too, though. You said her mom died of a drug overdose? She may very well have been a user when she was pregnant with Harper—and that could’ve played a role. Also, a fever that goes untreated can damage the heart—it’s hard to say without her records. We will run more tests and reach out to the doctor’s office to see if they have any records, but until we have all of the information, we really won’t have a complete picture.”

  Cora nodded. “Can I see her? I have her teddy bear,” she said, holding up the tattered bear. “I promised I’d come.”

  Dr. Chu smiled. “Of course, but just for a few minutes. We’re also going to be keeping her overnight. In fact, we might keep her longer, depending on what we find and how she feels.”

  They stood up and walked to Harper’s room.

  “Hey, Harper,” Dr. Chu said cheerfully as they walked in, “I brought someone to see you.”

  Seeing Cora, Harper mustered a weak smile. “Are you feeling better?” the doctor asked as she checked the most recent readings on her monitor.

  Harper shrugged. “I guess.”

  Dr. Chu nodded. “I’ll let you two chat, and then we’re going to take you upstairs for more tests.”

  Harper nodded, and as the doctor stepped out, Cora pull
ed a chair up next to the bed. “How’re you really feeling?”

  “A little better,” Harper said.

  “Rudy made sure I brought Bear with me,” she said, tucking the bear next to her.

  “Thanks,” Harper said, lightly fingering the pink heart. She looked up and her lip trembled. “What’s wrong with me, Cora?”

  “Nothin’, baby,” Cora whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

  “I heard the doctor say there’s something wrong with my heart.”

  Cora swallowed and reached for Harper’s hand. “Don’t worry, baby. They’re goin’ to do some more tests and find out what’s going on, and then they’re gonna fix you up like new. Don’t you worry one bit.”

  Tears spilled down Harper’s cheeks. “Am I going to die?”

  “No, baby, you are not going to die,” she said, squeezing her hand. “You are much too stubborn for that!”

  Harper half smiled, and Cora gently brushed her tears away.

  “That’s better. . . . Now, promise me you won’t worry.”

  Harper nodded.

  “Everything’s goin’ to be okay,” Cora said, sweeping Harper’s copper bangs out of her eyes, and Harper pressed her lips together and nodded.

  Just then, a young technician peered around the door. “Harper Wheaton?” he asked. Harper looked up and nodded, and he stepped into the room. “I’m Bryan and I’m going to be taking you for a couple more tests. . . . But don’t worry, they’re easy . . . not like math or anything.” He helped her into a wheelchair. “Ready, my friend?”

  Harper nodded and then looked worriedly at Cora. “Will you be here when I get back?”

  “I have to go home and check on Rudy and the boys, but I’ll come back as soon as I can.”

  “Okay,” Harper said, and as Bryan clicked off the brakes on the chair, Cora leaned down and gave her a hug. “Don’t worry, baby,” she whispered.

  “I won’t.”


  “Cross my heart,” Harper said, pulling Bear against her chest.


  “I’M SURE KEEPER IS NOT MEANT TO SPEND THE REST OF HIS DAYS IN A shelter,” Macey said as they climbed into Ben’s truck. “He’s already been through so much. Can you imagine? Losing an owner who loved him enough to pay for an expensive surgery? There must still be something good in store for him . . . and maybe it is us. Maybe we are the plan.”


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