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Love Beyond Time

Page 9

by Rebecca Royce

  under the circumstances, and she might not be aware of it

  but he was not going to be pulling over, even if a police

  officer tried to stop them.

  "We call it 'The Island' and my family, well I guess

  the closest thing I've ever had to family, we all live there.

  Or at least call it our home base. Year round, the house is

  occupied by Dot, she's kind of Veli's, well I guess he's kind

  of my unofficial Uncle, housekeeper. She's much more than

  a housekeeper. She was the closest thing to a mother any of

  us ever had. Veli found her in Colorado while we were

  living in Vale. She had just lost her family in a terrible

  accident, well maybe it wasn't an accident…"

  Kal realized he rambled when all she had asked was

  where they were going. He tried to take a deep breath and


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  calm himself. He wasn't worked up about having tangled

  with the Darkness. He just couldn't get the feeling of

  kissing Isabelle out of his mind and it was making him feel


  Her body had been all soft curves and her mouth

  had been sweet and beyond tempting. He was terribly hard

  and his zipper was causing him no end of pain. He couldn't

  remember the last time he had felt this sexually


  What on earth had possessed him to bring up Dot's

  family tragedy? He could remember it vividly as if it had

  just happened and not almost two decades earlier.

  Leonardo had said that they needed to handle the

  situation themselves. They were never going to grow up

  and be men if they couldn't handle this one little

  interference by the Darkness. Kal had felt like arguing that

  they were only ten years old and they weren't supposed to

  be men yet but Veli had started addressing them as "sir"

  and "young man" instead of "boy", so he supposed that it

  was written somewhere that Outsiders grew up at ten years

  old. Leonardo knew things like that and admitting that he

  didn't know them would be admitting that he never paid

  attention when Veli spoke. That might earn him a good

  beating by Veli and he had already had one that week and

  didn't think he was up for another one.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  The woman had claimed that her house was

  possessed and that her neighbor had gone insane and was

  holding her husband and children hostage. Veli had heard

  about it because, not surprisingly, they had been living next

  door to the couple at the time. The Darkness still hadn't

  perfected his aim at them and was consistently

  manipulating the lives of the people who lived around them

  or near them. Veli had told them that this would stop

  because as the human body that the Darkness inhabited got

  older, so would the power that the Darkness possessed


  They might not have much time left at all before

  they would have to basically disappear off of the radar or

  risk being destroyed altogether. It was bad enough that the

  Darkness knew where they were and taunted them.

  The woman had been frantic and begged for help.

  The police had taken her statement and sent her home.

  Again, not a strange behavior from the local authorities in

  regards to things involving the Darkness. While they would

  take regular human crime very seriously, they seemed

  compelled to dismiss anything that was supernatural, even

  if it was in the guise of so-called normal crime.

  Veli had sighed and insisted that they had to run,

  yet again. Even at ten years old, it had been obvious to Kal

  that it was clearly against Veli's nature to keep running and


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  never turning around to fight, but he insisted to them, time

  and again, that they were his first priority and he had to

  keep them safe. He had suggested that maybe it was time to

  return to Europe and Marina had settled into packing them


  The rest of them hadn't felt so compliant. Marina

  might be willing to accept what little scrap of life Veli felt

  like giving to them and the constant need to run but they

  did not. Charma had gotten particularly exasperated,

  feeling the pain from the woman next door who had started

  pounding on her front entrance, yelling and screaming.

  Leonardo had felt it was high time that he and Kal took

  care of things themselves and started living up to what he

  kept calling their birthright. Kal knew he was supposed to

  be the warrior and Leonardo some kind of spell casting

  enhancer. Already full moons had started to make him feel

  a little twitchy.

  They had snuck in the back door of the neighbor's

  house thinking they were so grown up and competent, like

  avenging angels sent to fight back the forces of Evil at the

  meager age of ten. In retrospect Kal would realize that he

  had not heard the chanting that day, but at the time, he

  hadn't understood that he was supposed to hear it, so they

  had tried to confront their neighbor holding the poor

  woman's children hostage. The abductor had seemed


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  deranged, standing in the room pacing back and forth in

  front of the girls and their father, all tied to a wooden chair

  made for just one person. The girls were bound, the

  smallest one on top of the older one and both of them

  attached to their father. It had obviously not been a very

  well thought out plan. In his hand the lunatic held a .45

  caliber handgun. He was muttering gibberish and forming

  nonsensical words.

  Leonardo had stepped out of the shadows first with

  Kal standing next to him as protection. They had silently

  decided that this would place them in a position of power

  while talking down the assailant who Leonardo recognized

  as another neighbor. It would be the first time either of

  them had seen firsthand the Darkness take over a person

  from a distance, actually control their mind and free will.

  The girls had looked desperate and their father was quasi-

  unconscious from a bump he had obviously taken on the

  head, obvious by the welt that resembled a baseball

  growing from his forehead. He had struggled to raise his

  head and looked at them with desperation in his eyes. That

  was when their deranged neighbor had lifted the gun at


  Leonardo had turned two shades of grey in panic

  and in a moment of clarity Kal had somehow managed to

  find his supernatural predator speed years before it would


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  really develop. He had pushed Leonardo to the ground,

  throwing his body on top of him, then had silently begun to

  scream for Veli, calling him, pleading with him, and

  begging him to hear him and come and save them.

  Telepathy would become easier for him to do aroundr />
  puberty but sometimes he could make it work and he was

  desperately hoping it would work at that moment.

  The gunshots had continued, two each into the

  children and their father. Why hadn't he continued to fire at

  them? Kal would never understand what had happened to

  make the gunman do that, but Veli would later suggest,

  rather harshly, that the Darkness had wanted them to suffer

  by watching the destruction of innocent lives. Kal had

  suffered. Big point for the bad guy that day.

  The gunman, and Kal had never wanted to know his

  name, now almost out of bullets, had then turned himself

  towards the two boys huddled on the ground. Kal was still

  shielding Leonardo who seemed frozen to the floor

  although his eyes had turned a swirling shade of grey. He

  had raised the gun and Kal had found himself sending out a

  silent apology to the universe that he would never be

  around to perform his sacred duty, the one he knew he was

  supposed to complete, and a second apology to the

  unknown person who was holding the other half of his soul

  that he would never grow up and get to know exactly what


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  that meant. Those were the days when he'd still believed he

  could find her.

  He was terribly sorry and not embarrassed about the

  tears that had formed in his eyes. In a furious speed such

  that Kal had never seen before, Veli had appeared at the

  doorway calling all the strength of the heavens down on top

  of them as he blasted their delirious assailant into the next

  world and whatever Fate would bestow on him. All that

  had been left were splatters of their opponent on the walls

  of the house.

  The silence that had filled the room had been

  palpable. Leonardo had risen first, prepared to take the

  blame, it had been his idea after all, but it was Kal who

  would later that night take the most painful beating of his

  life. Veli would teach Kal about pain and disobedience with

  no care or love behind his intentions. His fists would teach

  Kal what it meant to really feel pain—all earlier and later

  physical altercations between them were, and would be,

  pale replicas of the beating that he took that day. Veli's cold

  eyes would teach him about his place in the world. It was

  okay for Leonardo to make mistakes, he was cerebral and

  still learning, but Veli would not accept such pathetic

  attempts from him. As far as Veli was concerned, Kal was

  the disposable one.

  Veli was not his father and did not hold any of the


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  paternal feelings for him that might stay his hand or calm

  his temper. Even as Kal had heard Leonardo pounding on

  his bedroom door begging to help and take the punishment

  instead, he had known he was alone in the universe and

  would never know the peace that came with love and

  acceptance. That night he decided that even if the Fates had

  given Leonardo, Charma, and Marina a soul mate, they had

  not given one to him. He would be alone with only the

  responsibilities for his people to sustain him until he died.

  That was the day that Kal had grown up, that was the day

  he had really become the cold-hearted, desperate being that

  Veli had always assumed him to be.

  They had found out later that the man who had held

  the gun and gone deranged, their neighbor, had been

  beating his wife for years but even she couldn't account for

  what had made him go crazy but they knew—it was the

  Darkness that had done it. Kal had known it was laughing

  at them and always would be.

  The horrified woman who had lost her family to the

  possessed neighbor down the street had been Dot and she

  had been their responsibility ever since. Charma had

  absolutely refused to leave her behind and Veli had blamed

  the boys for her troubles as he felt that had they just left

  things to their natural course the neighborhood would have

  returned to normal. They had all agreed that perhaps they


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  needed another adult to watch after Kal and Leonardo.

  Kal could hardly ever look at her without

  remembering what had happened and he never stopped

  asking himself the hard question about her fate. Would her

  deranged neighbor have stopped and left them alone if only

  Kal and Leonardo had listened to Veli and moved away

  silently in the night? Would her daughters have grown up

  to have lives, husbands, jobs, and children? Was he

  responsible for all of it? Shaking his head, Kal pounded on

  the steering wheel, wishing he hadn't been quiet for so long

  a time. Isabelle must already think him insane without him

  drifting off into thought.

  "I guess Dot could see that Veli wasn't handling

  things very well with three almost teenagers," Kal

  continued his story. "And she offered to come and help him

  and not ask too many questions. Over the years I'm sure

  she's seen things and suspected things about us but she has

  never, as far as I know, asked Veli what was going on and

  she took good care of us, sometimes she pretended to be

  our Aunt. She would know Veli was going to move us

  before the rest of us knew. We would come home from

  school and there would everything be, boxed up and ready

  to go. I think she was trying to make it as easy on us as

  possible. She's half in love with Veli but he will never love

  her back."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Kal was surprised that he had shared so much

  information so quickly with Isabelle, even if he hadn't filled

  her in on the whole truth about Dot. The truth was that as

  much as he was culpable for her children's deaths, it wasn't

  his story to tell her. It belonged to the quiet, dark-haired

  woman who had somehow forgiven them for all of their

  faults and helped them try to find joy in their lives, even as

  she found almost none in her own.

  Usually he tried not to talk about his family at all. It

  was easier to say nothing than to try to explain. Growing

  up, he had lots of pretend stories to tell people about his

  family. Every new place created a new story—sometimes

  he was Veli's son and Charma and Leonardo were his

  cousins; sometimes he was the cousin. When Marina came

  she just fitted into the made-up stories. Veli was lucky to

  not have gotten all eighteen of the babies because then they

  would have looked like a traveling circus troupe. They

  would make it up as they went along and Veli didn't much

  care what they said as long as they were temporarily safe.

  Money was never a problem; Veli could conjure it and if he

  forgot to then Leonardo would.

  "Why won't he love her back?" Isabelle asked in a

  sad voice as she shifted in her seat.

  "Because Outsiders only love once and if we lo

  our loves then we can't feel that level of emotion again for


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  anyone else. There's only one true love and it sustains us

  through time even when it's gone," Kal repeated the

  explanation that Veli had given all of them when he could

  be bothered to discuss mundane things like life and love

  and not drill them with tales of battles and responsibility.

  "If we don't find love we're not much interested in dallying

  with the opposite sex." Had he really just said dallying?

  Talking about Veli was making him sound like Veli.

  "Is that what you are? An 'Outsider'. It sounds like a

  novel I read when I was a teenager. What does that even

  mean? Is it some sort of weird cult? And since you brought

  it up, what was it that you did back there and what was that

  weird chanting? I heard it when you were taking care of

  that crazy man but then it got louder when you were kissing

  me," Isabelle questioned loudly, getting animated and he

  couldn't blame her. Her frustration at not knowing what

  was going on must be palpable. Also, if he were in her

  position he would blame the whole thing on her. In fact,

  Kal wandered if that was just what she was doing.

  She was so adorable, he wanted to brush the dark

  hair out of her eyes but stopped himself. Her vibe was

  screaming 'personal space' and he intended to honor that.

  "You heard that chanting too?" Kal clenched his

  jaw. He had heard it his whole life whenever his powers

  were being properly used. Veli had told them it was the


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Spirits of the earth joining them to aid in the correct use of

  magic. If their purpose was correct, the Spirits would help

  them. Hearing them when he had kissed Isabelle had been a

  surprise and Kal was very aware of what the ramifications

  of that chanting had meant—soul mate. That was startling


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