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Love Beyond Time

Page 12

by Rebecca Royce

  Isabelle this way. He wanted her to know him, really know

  him for all of his flaws, and there were many, so he could

  be sure if she liked him then it wasn't just something he had

  magically forced her to do because he was experienced in

  dealing with his powers.

  "Go on. You were telling me a story before I

  interrupted to tell you all about dreams and sadness."

  "I like your interruptions." He smiled at her,

  thinking about kissing her again but decided that it could

  wait until she had heard everything he had to say. "So, the

  prophecy said that there would be nineteen children born

  on the same day, eighteen to our clan and one born

  elsewhere. The eighteen would have to fight a terrible

  battle to defeat the nineteenth who was the evilest creature

  to ever be born on this earth. He had been trying to

  manifest himself here for years but had never managed to

  be human. The Spirits were sending the eighteen down to

  destroy him. These children would be of a higher level or

  power if you prefer. They would be able to end his reign

  and silence the evil dwellers for one thousand years.

  "It seemed pretty ridiculous. How could eighteen

  children be born on the same day? There were far more


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  women than that pregnant, and no one was due at the same

  time. So, the Great One died and left Abraxas in charge. He

  was the most powerful member of the society at the time

  and also extremely close friends with Veli, his top warrior."

  Kal paused in his storytelling to glance at Isabelle.

  He frankly wasn't used to talking this much and his internal

  radar had just gone off and for once he was sure he could

  pinpoint the cause. Something was happening with Isabelle.

  Was she having a bad reaction to the story he was

  explaining to her or was there something else happening to

  her that he needed to be aware of?

  "I feel a little strange, Kal, and I don't think it's what

  you are telling me that's making me feel this way. I think

  I'm having some kind of sixth sense feeling, like I know

  something is happening right now and it's a very, very bad


  Kal jumped up and went to look out the window.

  He didn't see, or sense, anyone out there. He kept

  looking—if they had been found already then they were in

  big trouble.

  "Kal?" Isabelle's voice was barely above a whisper.

  "Yes, kiddo?" he answered casually, liking the easy

  companionship that they were forming.

  "I'm so sorry about your friends. I feel like this is

  my fault. If I hadn't happened upon you guys, you'd be


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  grilling trout and reminiscing about college conquests and

  they wouldn't be dead." Isabelle choked on the last word.

  "Hey!" he shouted, stunning her. "This isn't your

  fault. If it's anyone's fault, it's my fault. I could feel

  something coming all day and I ignored it. I think there

  were forces beyond our control bringing you to me. I will

  miss those guys tons, but I can't mourn them yet. Later, on

  the Island, there will be time." He looked out the window

  again. "I need to get you home."

  "Home?" He saw as thoughts of her parents dawned

  on her. "Kal, if this evil guy has somehow found me, is it

  possible he'll go after my parents?"

  He didn't want to tell her the truth but he would

  never lie to her. "It's possible." Her family might be in

  danger. They might be pawns. "Call them." He handed her

  his cell phone. Nodding, Isabelle took the phone out of his

  hand, and he noted her fingers trembled as she dialed the


  * * * *

  Isabelle hoped she was acting cool and collected but

  inside of her she thought she might explode with anxiety.

  Her parents could not be dragged into this. They were

  sweet, hard working people. In no way did they belong in a


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  situation where they could be threatened by paranormal

  beings just because they had the bad luck of having loved

  and raised her. The cell-phone rang a few times before her

  mom answered.

  "Hello?" the familiar voice on the other end of the

  line questioned. Isabelle wasn't using her own phone and

  her mom wouldn't have recognized the number.

  "Mom?" Isabelle's speech patterns sped up. "It's me,

  is everything okay? Why are you at home and not at the

  restaurant? Where are Dad and Brian?" Her mother had run

  the same little restaurant her grandmother had run for sixty

  years. It was a family legacy that Isabelle had never been

  able to bring herself to take over.

  "Izzy?" Her mom sounded frantic. "Where are


  "I'm working," Isabelle lied, something she hadn't

  done to her family in years.

  "Come home," her mom answered strangely.

  "What is it, Mama?" Isabelle bit her lower lip.

  "I said, come home, Isabelle. Where are you?" her

  mother shouted, sounding very strange to Isabelle's ears.

  "Mom? What's going on?" Isabelle asked,

  squirming in her seat and standing up to pace the room.

  "Hang up!" Kal grabbed the phone from her and

  disconnected it.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "Why did you do that?" she screamed, feeling very

  anxious all of a sudden and not liking Kal grabbing things

  out of her hand.

  "Did that sound like your mother to you? Was she

  answering your questions? Did she sound, I don't know,

  off?" Kal questioned.

  She nodded. He was remarkably accurate. "Yes.

  How did you know?"

  "I could just tell. Where do you live? Are we


  "Twenty minutes if we keep on the road we've been

  driving on. Kal! Do you think they're in danger?" Isabelle

  was desperate to know. She wanted him to tell her that they

  were fine, but knew what his answer would be before he

  told her.

  "Yes." Kal nodded. "We'll get to them." Isabelle

  slumped on the bed in distress for a moment but Kal

  quickly hauled her up and pulled her against him. His

  strong arms promised safety and she wanted, more than

  anything, to stay in their warmth until she felt better. But

  her parents needed her so she couldn't fall apart. Not yet,

  maybe not ever.

  When they had arrived at the hotel, he had told her

  how important it was that they not be exposed at night but

  now here they were running out into the Darkness where


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  anything or anyone could be watching. She gripped his arm

  as they walked through the door. Kal let it close behind

  them and then stopped to do the motions she had been

  accustomed to in just their short time together. He called it

  scanning and if it could somehow keep them
safe, she

  would learn to do it herself.

  Evidently satisfied that they were safe, he led her

  towards the car. Once they got to her family, she would

  simply insist that they all come with her wherever Kal and

  she were going until things were back to normal.

  She just hoped they made it in time. To do

  otherwise was too awful to think about so she shook her

  head and bit down hard on her bottom lip. Trusting Kal was

  not just her only choice, it was the right one, and she knew

  it to her core.

  * * * *

  Kal opened the car door for Isabelle while

  continuing to scan the area. Nothing caught his attention

  and he had a sick feeling that it was a very bad sign. The

  Darkness should be looking for them and if it wasn't it

  could only be because it had found something else to focus

  on. He joined her in the car and started driving. His foot

  pressed down on the accelerator and he tried to keep a


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  pleasant look on his face. Now would be a very bad time

  for Isabelle to read his thoughts. He'd caught hers earlier in

  bits and pieces and he considered himself very fortunate

  that he had or he wouldn't have realized her mother

  sounded odd to her. That would have been a disaster.

  "Tell me the rest of the story."

  "You want to hear that right now?" He looked at

  her, hating the dark circles that formed under her eyes. He

  reached out with his thumb and touched the delicate skin

  under each lid. She closed her eyes briefly before they

  fluttered open, still wounded-looking.

  "I need to be distracted."

  That he could understand. Where had he finished

  earlier? In his life, Kal had never wanted to make someone

  feel better so desperately as he did right now. "So, Veli's

  wife dies suddenly in childbirth and he hightails it out of

  England to Romania to try to heal, not something that is

  easily done when an Outsider loses his or her other half and

  then people start getting pregnant, but it's not at the same

  time and they even start to laugh about how the Great One

  must not have been that great, to die early and get his

  prophecy wrong. Even Abraxas' wife gets pregnant, but

  later than the others. So no one is worried until one night

  when all of the women go into labor at the same time,

  months early for many and some over a month late. Some


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  women deliver babies who are stillborn."

  "Let me guess, all born at the same moment,"

  Isabelle added.

  "Exactly. And now everyone is terrified because

  that means there is a truly evil being out there, an infant

  grant you, but an extremely powerful being bent on world

  destruction who knows he's got to kill these babies in order

  to live and all the good clansmen start to freak out. They

  want Abraxas to make it all better; he is after all the most

  powerful member in the group. He tells them they need to

  join together to fight this being; pool their powers to keep

  the children safe. But they don't listen to him, they want the

  children hidden, spread out, and they leave the security of

  their homes and go off to hide. Which works okay for

  several months but then the evil infant gets stronger and he

  starts to telepathically send his minions out to get the

  children. In a desperate act, Abraxas tries to send all the

  children to Veli, the strongest warrior he knows, to be

  protected but he fails and only three children get to him. I

  was one of those children. My 'cousins' Charma and

  Leonardo were the others. We've been looking for all of the

  other children ever since."

  "And you think I'm one of those children?" Isabelle

  spoke softly.

  "You heard the chanting, you read my thoughts.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  You're one of us, kiddo, and now our evil dude is after

  you," Kal answered simply, pulling off the highway where

  she directed.

  "My brother always said they found me in the

  backyard, I thought he was joking." Isabelle slapped a hand

  on her forehead. "Holy cow, they found me in the


  He shook his head. "What?"

  "When I was a kid, my brother used to make jokes

  saying that I was weird and not like the rest of the family

  because my mom had found me in the backyard. My

  parents would get really mad at him when he would say

  that, really furious and they would make him take it back. It

  must be true. They must have found me in the backyard."

  Isabelle sucked in a breath like she might cry again and Kal

  gripped the steering wheel tighter. He really hoped she

  didn't cry again. After a moment, she rubbed her nose and

  blinked. "Hey Kal?"

  "Yes, kiddo?" Kal ran a hand through his hair and

  noticed it was slightly drenched, as if he was gearing up for

  a big fight.

  "How can I be accepting what you are saying? Why

  am I not running for the hills crying insanity?"

  Kal could see the intense heat burning in her eyes as

  they filled with emotion."I'm not an expert on these things,


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Isabelle, but I feel like I've known you forever and I just

  met you a few hours ago. I think sometimes our souls just

  accept things as true and right when it just is. When

  everything else tells us that something is wrong, if our

  souls know it's right, then we believe it."

  "Why Kal!" Her light laughter filled the car.

  "You're a romantic! Who would have thought?"

  "That's not a word often used to describe me,

  sweetheart, but I suppose when one's life has basically been

  a gothic novel, there is that element to it." Kal laughed

  back. He loved the way her eyes lifted slightly when she


  He wanted to make her laugh forever, but he knew

  it would be a long time before he could start on that task.

  There was a fight coming, he could feel it in his veins. The

  warrior in him had been stirred to life and he was moving

  towards it.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Nine

  Kal wondered if two fights in one day would be too

  much for Isabelle and if she would finally insist on parting

  ways with him, or when it was done, if she would stay with

  her parents and not come back with him to Maine. If that

  was the case, then he would have to stay here with her

  because he was never going to be without her again.

  Destroying evildoers might be a 'turn on' for some kinds of

  women, but he didn't suspect that Isabelle was one of them.

  He pulled the car into the driveway in front of them

  and took stock of the place. He could see Isabelle growing

  up in these surroundings. The neighborhood was nice, but

  not fancy. The neighbors seeme
d to keep up their yards, the

  grass was mowed, and the shrubs were trimmed. None of

  the houses were ostentatious or particularly bigger than the

  other ones. He could almost envision children on their

  bicycles riding up and down the street with laughter in the

  air. The street was well lit and even he, who knew next to

  nothing on these subjects, could see that it was a safe place

  to play outside.

  Children could grow up here, dream their dreams,

  and live their lives and come back home with their own

  families when they were ready. The imaginary vision

  stirred a long repressed longing in his gut. Char might


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  sometimes make Leonardo and Kal laugh, but their

  evenings and weekends had been spent in power lessons

  and descriptions of death and destruction. Veli had tried to

  be a parent to them, Kal supposed, but a sitcom father from

  the seventies he was not. He was more like a repressed

  version of various famous serial killers.

  Kal's head started to pound, a very bad sign. The

  last thing he wanted was to go into Isabelle's house and find

  her parents trapped in the basement while some deranged

  sicko under the influence of a being he could neither

  understand nor communicate with tortured them. He

  thought that might push Isabelle over the very fragile ledge

  he could imagine she was currently perched on. He tried to

  keep his thoughts even, suddenly remembering that back in

  the woods in a stressful situation, Isabelle had been able to

  read his thoughts. He didn't want her to know what he was

  thinking at this particular moment. Jumping out of the car,

  he ran to open Isabelle's, keeping his expression blank.

  "Isabelle," Kal began as they approached the front

  door. "I'd like to go in front of you, but that would alert


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