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people, looking for Tory, but she hadn't shown up with her date. Instead she saw Bonnie.
“Hey babe!.” replied Bonnie excitedly.
April eyes narrowed, glaring ferociously at Bonnie as she approached.
“What the crap is going on here?.” “ Aaron is with me Bonnie!.” April hissed.
“Actually... replied Bonnie, he's not... he's with me.”
Hot tears started to fill April's eyes.
“Aaron?, croaked April.” “ Is this... true?.
Aaron's face looked solemn.
“Yeah, the boy answered.” “ I mean … I guess I just asked you out cause I felt bad.”
“Nothing personal.”
April rushed out of the gym, Bonnie and Aaron looking on with smug looks on their faces. Tory and her date were just coming in the gym, as April rushed past them, Tory trying to get her attention, but April not noticing. As Tory turned around, she saw April's date, and Bonnie dancing.
Marching up to the couple, her small fist balled up. Tory rudely pulled Bonnie and Aaron apart.
“What the heck is wrong with you Bonnie? “ what the crap did April ever do to you!.”” And you!” said Tory pointing to Aaron,” You were the first boy that has ever... asked her on a date, how could you pull this kind of crap!.”
Tory swung her fist at Aaron's stomach, being as small as she was she couldn't reach his face. Aaron fell forward on his knees, Tory not noticing his stomach stretched in like an elastic band. Bonnie glared at the small girl walking briskly away, her eyes glowing green.
“Be gone! Hissed Bonnie, touching the hunched over boy beside her.
Aaron exploding into a pieces of leaves, tree bark and a torn suit, looking like a shrunken scarecrow that had been caught in the rain. Bonnie marched out of the gym, the rest of student body staring strangely at her.
“Ape, c'mon let me in!.” “tell me what happened.”
April sat on the toilet seat, her mascara trailing like rain down her cheeks, her eyes a different
color than normal.
“If it makes you feel better, piped Tory, I punched the guy out like I said I would.
April grabbed a piece of toilet paper blowing her nose.
“Look, you don't understand!” hissed April,
“ I'm not pretty, I'm not smart, and I'm sure as heck not girlfriend material Tor, I knew I had a
bad feeling about that guy.”
“What do you mean? Said Tory, like he was one of that lady's henchman or something.
But April didn't answer.
“You best leave now lass, came a screechy voice.” “It's time to take the girl... home.”
Tory turned around to see the Bonnie she knew, not Bonnie anymore, but a ghastly old woman with blonde hair still wearing a prom dress.
“What makes you think she's goin anywhere with you lady! Barked Tory.
“Very well”, said the witch with a smile.
Hortensia with a wave of her hand, threw Tory against the tiled wall of the bathroom instantly
knocking her out.
“Oh you poor, poor, dear” cooed Hortensia, it must be so hard being... ugly.”
April grew angry her fist tightening. Forcing the bathroom stall door open, the door slamming loudly against the lock, April emerged.
“Don't mess with me lady!” barked April, “You won't get anywhere. “
“But I already have” cackled the old witch,”
I have you exactly where I want you. “
A familiar wind began to blow, the bathroom stalls, walls and tiles began to evaporate melting into the black vortex. The echoes of the witch's laughter could barely be heard over the wind as April whooshed into the black abyss, trying to grab anything to not back with the old hag to the old world she knew so well.
A man in a dark blue suit, a policeman, walked up the steps towards the girl's bathroom seeing a white faced young man, with scraggly black hair, and pointy nose, dressed all in black.
“Are you alright son?.” asked the policeman gently.
But Tory's date didn't say anything. The policeman patted him on the shoulder and walked into the bathroom, immediately noticing a small tinge of blood on the tiled wall. Grabbing his walkie talkie, the policeman asked for the forensic team.
After the policeman had questioned most of the kids still at the dance, he shook his head, not knowing how he was going to explain the strange events that had taken place.
The Kingdom of Darkwood
Eleanor slowly opened her eyes, everything was still blurry, not being able to make out anything but recognizing the sweet voice of her sister Katherine.
“Kuh, Katherine? Said Eleanor weakly.
“Shh...” whispered Katherine brushing Eleanor's hair. “just rest. “
A boy now with a hint of a red beard, stood looking over the young girl in the bed.
“What has happened Aunt?.” “What are you not telling me.”
Katherine didn't look up.
“She just needs rest Wilfred... that is all.”
Another girl in the bed next to Eleanor, suddenly stood up.
“Where the crap am I! “ Tory said exasperately,
“ and where is April?.” April!.”
Katherine got up from her sister's bedside.
“Rest, replied Katherine, gently pushing Tory back down and covering her with the sheepskin blanket. “My sister will be fine.”
Tory quickly fell back asleep.
“Who is she Katherine? She speaks as if she knows Eleanor. Replied Wilfred with a strange look.
“I do not know Wilfred, she must... have known Eleanor in the other realm.”
“Call upon me when she wakes again please “ said Wilfred picking up his pitchfork,
“I wish to speak to her.”
Katherine nodded. The bed that Eleanor was resting on began to shake violently. Katherine covering her mouth in fear called back for Wilfred and the other men. Eleanor's body began to glow a deep green color.
“Hurry!!! yelled Katherine, “call the priest Wilfred.”
Wilfred rushed out of the small cottage and towards the town church, a small white stone building. When the priest emerged, an older man with balding hair, wearing a large white hat with a red cross woven in. Looking on the trembling girl, now floating in the air, a look of terror was etched on his wrinkly face.
“What kind of witchcraft is this Katherine? Said in the priest in terror.
“It is not Father” said Katherine, it is the old hag's doing, the woman that has plagued the wood with her dark magic. “Is there anything you can do father?.”
The priest sadly shook his head.
“She is in God's hands now my dear.”
Katherine began to cry, not noticing an entourage of strange creatures approaching the village green. A tall fair haired woman appeared in the doorway, her blue hair flowing down her back, her eyes kind, a crown carved of wood sat on her head, her dress made of beautiful flowers flowing on the ground as if it were growing out of it.
Katherine in fear moved out of the way, watching as the woman of the wood waved her hand, sending Eleanor gently back on the bed. The woman of the wood tapped her staff on the ground, two small satyrs rushing to her side.
“Cato, Janus, take the girl to the safety of my palace,
The two little goat men nodded their heads, going towards the bed and lifting Eleanor onto to their strong shoulders.
“Wha, where are you going? Replied Katherine frantically. “She shall be fine in my care.”
The woman of the woman smiled.
“You have been so kind to watch over her, but it twill be better for her in my care , the old witch is even now searching for her, in order to begin her evil desire.” I”m afraid your sister is the key to her magic. “
With that, the woman of the wood, the satyrs and Eleanor disappeared. The woman of the wood recited a protective spell covering Eleanor in a bright white light as they entered the palace of the w
ood. Eleanor floated gently into a stone box, the outside covered in elaborate carvings.
“Pintu, eskirata, domin!. “ The woman of the wood said in a loud voice.
The lid of the stone coffin gently settled on top of the sleeping princess, the magic sealing the coffin shut and a protective light shone around it.
“You may go.” nodded the woman of the wood to the small satyr men.
The two satyrs bowed and left the palace. A look of concern was on the woman of the wood's face. She wondered how long before Hortensia discovered her plan and broke the spell, sending everything into chaos.
Tory jumped awake, looking around, recognizing nothing.
“Shh, said a gentle voice.”You must rest.”
Tory shook her head violently.
“Where the heck am I! Tory hissed, and where is April?.” “April!!!. April!!!.”
Katherine gave Wilfred the signal to help. The boy rushing over.
“Who are you people? Tory said as she thrushed around trying to get free.
“We're friends” said Katherine trying to be patient.” “Now please... April is safe... now lie down, you must rest.”
“No wayyyyyy....” Tory grew drowsy again and fell back, her eyes rolling up inside her sockets.
Wilfred sighed a sigh of relief. Going toward the door, Katherine laid her hand on his shoulder.
“She's going to be alright... you know that... right?.”
Wilfred looked down, ashamed of his emotions.
“I think.. I love her Aunt” replied Wilfred quietly, “ I just... want her to be alright.”
Katherine smiled.
“So... you can tell her when the time is right.” “I know... it will come Wilfred, you must
be patient.”
Chapter 10
Acrobats in bright clothing jumped and flipped around the large castle throne room, loud drums and flutes playing in the background. The queen sat in the middle, her silent husband beside drinking as much ale as he could trying to forget his situation as much as possible.
“Come husband replied Gwyneth nudging the king... have some fun for once, this is.. your birthday after all.”
The Queen clapped her hands, ordering the servants to bring in her husband's surprise, a large beast captured the day before by her knights near the dark forest. The king was not amused. The giant beast, a large animal with spiky black fur, a long snout, and razor sharp teeth, growled and groaned as it tried every way possible to escape.
A green mist started to settle within the cage, surrounding the beast and in a split second the beast transformed into a small decrepid old woman.
The whole room gasped, the Queen's face turned pale white.
“So sorry”, replied the witch going through iron bars as if transparent, “I... didn't mean to startle anyone. The old hag cackled loudly.
“Enough!!! barked the Queen, “What is your business here sorceress?.”
The witch smiled a nasty grin.
“I came to ask a favor your majesty, replied the old hag taking a little bow.
The Queen's eyes narrowed in anger.
“And why would I possibly help you?.” the Queen replied haughtily.
“Because... replied the hag, if you don't , it may mean... your life.”
Queen Gwynneth tried to hide her fear, but the old woman saw right through her.
“All I want your majesty is your help in finding someone for me... a girl that has aluded me for some time now.”
“ Ah, my sister... I thought we captured her”.
The witch laughed.
The Queen's face turned red her anger rising within in.
“Do not play games with me old woman barked the Queen, both my sisters are dead.”
“Oh no... replied the hag, they are very well alive, you saw for yourself I believe.... One of them still rots in your dungeon.”
“I will not harm my sister witch, no matter what the cost replied the Queen standing her red fur cape around her scrawny shoulders. “Now... be gone!.”
The witch's eyes grew wide, her black teeth growing into a nasty smile.
“Very well said Hortensia, I suppose I must put matters... into my own hands.”
Raising her arms into the air, the witch bellowed a terrible curse. Black mist rising in the air, surrounding everyone in the room including the king and Queen, the king shaking terribly more than normal. The Queen's guards rushed at the witch, but were stopped abruptly. Chanting in a low voice, black fur popped out from underneath the men's shiny silver armor, the knights turning into large beasts. The rest of the company of people, still as stone, their eyes glazed over.
“Come!!!! screeched the witch, to the dark woods!.”
Everyone had gathered into the village square beholding the awful scene in front of them, a vast armor of monsters coming from the palace, the Queen and a old hag leading them. The men ran for their pitchforks, and whatever weapons they had, boys that were old enough to fight were handed weapons as well, their hands shaking violently.
A black mist followed the terrible army, soon enveloping the small village. The mayor of the town a large fellow wearing leather armor, shouted a charge, the men following but the old hag held out her hand halting them in place.
“Come no further!!! barked the old woman.” “I do not wish to harm you.” “ let us pass, and you shall live.”
The mayor made a signal for the men to lower their weapons, letting the black army pass going through the grain fields, and towards the dark forest.
The woman of the wood had sensed Hortensia's dark presence for some time and began making preparations for the worst.
“Oh mother!” cried one nymph, what are we going to do? , you are no match for Hortensia's magic.”
The woman of the wood smiled.
“Do not worry child , all will be well, “Now, gather your sisters and disguise yourselves quickly.”
The nymph did as she was told, disappearing from the palace.
Aria raised her hands in the air chanting a spell. Branches and vines began to cover the forest floor and roof, the bright sun overhead slowly disappearing. The woman of the wood's elegant palace disappearing into darkness as well.
The witch's army drew near to the woman of the wood's realm, the old hag having a shocked looked on her face as she saw the whole forest was protecting the princess as well as her nemesis the Woman of the wood.
“No, hissed the witch under her breath, “it cannot be.”