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Kochland Page 83

by Christopher Leonard

  oil theft investigated by, 8, 11–13, 15–17, 26–27, 130, 132, 141–44, 583

  Federal Aviation Administration, 114

  Federal Election Commission, 150

  Federal Energy Administration, 94

  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 251, 287–88, 290–92 414

  Federal Power Commission, 250, 251

  Federal Register, 147

  Federal Reserve, 347, 361–62

  feed mills, 200, 201

  feedstock, 83, 103, 195, 201, 469, 471

  Feekin, Lynn, 375–76, 382

  Feilmeier, Steven, 295, 466, 470, 500, 583, 590

  fertilizer plants, 368, 399, 482, 508, 570

  acquisition of, 3, 297–300, 302–6, 308, 466, 587

  financial products, 1, 238, 246, 583

  Fink, Kelly, 490

  Fink, Richard, 393, 412, 423, 433

  Flambeau River Papers, 527

  Flint Hills Resources, 466, 467, 469, 508, 572, 588, 590

  compliance regimen for, 316

  development group in, 296

  Koch Petroleum renamed, 222

  lobbyists for, 405

  Florida, 139, 532, 547

  oil theft in, 129

  presidential election of 2000 in, 227

  transportation infrastructure to New York from, 128

  fluff pulp, 310, 312, 317

  Food and Drug Administration, 114

  Forbes magazine, 212, 570

  Foreign Exchange and Interest Rates (FXIR), 346

  forklift drivers, 324–27, 331, 333–35, 337, 380, 587

  Labor Management System for, 335, 339, 342, 376, 389

  Fort Hays State University, 277

  Fort James tissue-paper company, 310, 317

  Fortune magazine, 131, 570, 578

  Foulston, Nola, 493, 496

  401(k) plans, 571

  Fox News, 439, 539

  fracking, 461, 463–72, 475–79, 553, 568, 588, 590


  climate accord negotiated in, 560, 561

  fertilizer terminals in, 507

  Franklin, Cris, 246–47, 258, 346–47, 350–51, 357–59, 362, 583

  Franzen, David, 375–76, 378, 382–85, 387–89, 531, 532, 583

  Freedom Partners, 540, 541, 548

  Freedom School, 95

  free markets, 95–97, 139, 147, 155–56, 163, 224, 537

  Hayek’s devotion to, 42, 82

  in California power system, 269, 272, 275, 289

  neoliberal policies on, 148

  2008 crash as failure of, 359

  Friedman, Milton, 486

  Fritz, Matt, 554

  Front Avenue warehouse, 372

  futures, 1, 238–40, 294, 354, 436, 587

  chemical, 103, 246

  electricity, 267, 354

  natural gas, 256, 257

  oil, 229, 234–37, 248, 266, 279, 355, 356

  regulation of, 348, 349, 390

  Gable, Wayne, 152, 449

  Gardner, David, 171

  gasoline, 56, 194, 230, 363, 420, 482, 546, 568

  Gates, Bill, 3, 570

  gaugers, 32–33, 45–49, 97, 128–29, 132–35

  interrogations of, 15–16, 27–26, 32, 141–43

  oil gathering mismeasurement by, 15, 47–49, 122, 128–31, 133, 137, 145, 582

  General Electric, 230, 348, 417, 502, 563

  General Motors, 23

  Genscape, 619n

  George Mason University Law & Economics Center, 139

  Georgia-Pacific (G-P), 307–24, 328–35, 340, 353, 406, 483, 508, 512–14, 516–30, 568, 572, 590

  acquisition of, 313, 318–21, 323, 328, 345, 501, 518, 581

  compliance team for, 314–16

  financial collapse of, 346–47

  injuries and deaths at, 517–26, 569

  Labor Management System at, 331–39, 341–42, 389, 513

  lobbyists for, 405

  Market Based Management at, 328–31, 482, 527

  pulp mills of, 307–11, 316–18, 585

  TRAX monitoring system at, 516–17

  warehouse workers at, 337, 342–43, 371–88, 512, 513, 516, 527–32, 582–84, 587

  Georgia-Pacific Holdings, 319

  Glass-Steagall Act (1933), 147

  Global warming, see Climate change/global warming

  Goldman Sachs, 3, 229, 237, 348, 350, 359

  Goo, Michael, 397, 456, 553

  Gore, Al, 227, 417, 433, 480

  Government Accountability Office (GAO), 474

  Gowdy, Trey, 451–54, 457

  Graham, Lindsay, 449, 454

  Grand Coulee Dam, 258

  gravity of oil, 48

  Great Depression, 93, 204, 335, 343, 352, 361, 363

  Great Northern Oil Company, 50, 53

  Great Society programs, 227

  Green, Gene, 415–16, 421

  greenhouse gas emissions, 395, 397, 413, 451, 455, 552–54, 561, 586

  increases in, 400, 456

  Obama administration agenda for regulation of, 2, 393, 482

  Trump administration responses to, 556, 560, 582

  See also Carbon emissions

  Greenpeace, 450, 459

  Greenspan, Alan, 348

  Guardian Industries, 483, 568

  Guernica (literary magazine), 506

  Gulf Coast, 47, 85, 126–27, 231–32, 248, 250, 255, 472, 474–76

  Gulf Coast Basis, 250, 255

  Gulf of Mexico, 122, 128, 193, 356, 507

  Gushers, 22–23, 47, 80, 399

  Guthrie, Woody, 53

  Haber-Bosch process, 195

  Hall, Brad, 104–5, 119–21, 192, 207–8, 487, 504, 583

  computer simulations run by, 105–7

  development group headed by, 198–99, 214, 224, 239, 295

  Hall, Karen, 154, 160, 162, 164, 172, 175, 177, 184

  Hall, Rob, 447

  Hamilton, Alexander, 421

  Hammerschmidt, Joseph, 57–60, 71, 72, 77, 254, 284, 600n

  Hammond, Carla Hogue, 326, 327

  Hammond, Steve, 7, 323–28, 337, 347, 582

  in IBU contract negotiations, 342–43, 371–78, 383, 387–88, 390, 512–16, 528, 530–31, 584

  Hanna, Bill, 87, 134, 210, 221, 584

  Hannan, Jim, 307–9, 311, 313, 317, 320–22, 520, 523, 569, 572, 584

  Harrison, Ken, 380–85, 389, 390

  Harvard Business Review, 105, 214

  Harvard University, 121, 191, 199, 228, 455, 588

  Business School, 255, 295

  John F. Kennedy School of Government, 396

  Hastert, Dennis, 438n

  Hawaii, 23

  carbon accumulation in, 399

  Hawley, Dave, 491–92, 497

  Hayek, Friedrich, 94, 96, 124, 435, 438, 533

  academic interest in, 152, 369

  collectors editions of works of, 393

  free market absolutism of, 42–43, 50, 82

  judges ranked for conformity with teachings of, 139

  Koch Industries as laboratory to test theories of, 96–97

  labor unions condemned as coercive and violent by, 53

  New Deal loathed by acolytes of, 92

  political economy concept of, 91–92

  hazardous waste, 160

  Health and Human Services, US Department of, 428n

  Heartland Institute, 480, 481

  hedge funds, 126, 265, 301

  Hedke, Dennis, 479

  Henry Hub, 253

  Heritage Foundation, 555

  Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander, 455

  Hocker, Chris, 112

  Hoffman, David, 314–15, 404–6, 411–16, 433, 584

  hog farming, see pig industry

  Hollywood, 269

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 13

  horizontal drilling, see fracking

  House of Representatives, US, 396–97, 407, 420, 444, 455, 462, 538

  Energy and Commerce Committee, 397, 403, 419, 422

  Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee, 3
96, 456

  Freedom Caucus in, 539–41, 546, 587

  fuel shortages investigated by joint committee of Senate and, 73

  Science, Space, and Technology Committee, 417

  Ways and Means Committee, 542

  Howell, Ron, 135–37, 139, 142, 229–37, 239, 584

  Hurricane Katrina, 474–75

  How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 120

  hydraulic fracturing, see fracking

  hydroelectric power, 249, 258

  IBM computers, 84

  Idaho, 35

  IMD Storage, Transportation and Asset Management Company L.L.C. (IMDST), 259

  India, 311, 444

  oil refineries in, 474

  Indians, 12, 18–19, 56

  oil theft from, 20–21, 46, 131, 133, 136, 394

  infrastructure, 3, 128, 164, 233, 267, 360, 373, 411, 503, 538

  energy, 14, 46, 251–52, 456, 475

  Ingleside Pier, 462, 463

  Inglis, Bob, 427–29, 435, 438, 480, 584–85

  campaign fundraising by, 418–20

  climate change advocacy of, 416–18, 457

  in primary fight with Gowdy, 442–54

  right-wing opposition to, 429–32, 440–42, 451, 581

  Inhofe, James, 443–44

  Inlandboatmen’s Union (IBU), 325, 328, 337, 342–43, 371–90, 512–33, 571, 582–84, 587

  Inouye, Daniel, 23–24

  Institute for Energy Research (IER), 448

  Institute for Humane Studies, 95, 361, 448–49

  Insulair, 322

  interest rate swaps, 247, 258

  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 400

  Interior, US Department of, 557

  International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, 503

  International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), 342–43

  International Paper, 527

  Internet, 436–38, 440, 557n

  Introduction to Market-Based Management (booklet), 152, 154, 163

  Invista, 320, 345, 404–6, 418, 447

  acquisition of, 312, 318, 501

  chemical plants in, 312–13

  compliance requirements for, 313–16

  in Koch Enterprises, 572, 584

  nitrous oxide emissions of, 411–12

  product line of, 253, 312, 418, 569

  in “Project Snow,” 503

  Iowa, 194, 300, 505

  Iran-Contra affair, 19, 21

  Iraq war, 228, 396

  Islam, 439

  Israel, 197, 573

  Egyptian and Syrian military attack on, 80

  Ista, Gary, 182

  J.P. Morgan & Co., 237

  Jacobson, Jim, 180


  industrial growth in, 122

  recession in, 354

  Jindal, Bobby, 458

  Jobs with Justice, 382

  John Birch Society, 34, 566

  Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 344

  Johnson, Kelly, 578

  Johnson, Lyndon, 227

  Johnson, S. A., 356

  Jones, Jeremy, 352–53, 585

  Jones, Nancy S., 132–33, 140–44, 585

  Jones, Wesley, 310–11, 317–18, 321, 517, 585, 607n

  Joplin, Arlene, 142, 608n

  Joseph, Stephen, 496

  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 384

  Justice, US Department of (DOJ), 33, 146, 149, 473, 526

  Kansans for Life, 480

  Kansas, 27, 33, 44, 115, 151, 228, 311, 566

  Americans for Prosperity chapter in, 430

  district courts in, 139

  farming in, 87, 296, 298, 300, 305, 478

  Koch organizations in, 150, 480

  state legislature of, 478–82

  tennis competitions in, 489, 491

  testimony on oil theft in, 145

  University of, 241, 509

  US Senators representing, 138, 144

  See also Wichita

  Kansas Chamber of Commerce, 480

  Kansas City Star, 356

  Kansas Policy Institute, 480

  Kansas State University, 87, 191, 193, 221, 296, 305, 467

  Fort Hays campus of, 277

  Kassebaum, Nancy, 138

  KED Fiber, 312

  Keeling, Charles David, 399

  Kennedy, John F., 47

  Kenny, Shannon, 553, 554

  Kerpen, Phil, 439–40

  Kerr-McGee, 21

  Kerry, John, 453

  Khan, Lina, 577, 621n

  Kichline, Tim, 275

  Killer Tomatoes Entertainment, 293

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 157

  Koch, Annie Breitenbach (Chase’s wife), 509

  Koch, Bill, 99–108, 114, 130, 499, 585, 589

  buyout of shares of, 118–19, 131

  coup against Charles attempted by, 108–12, 116–18

  litigation against Koch Industries pursued by, 131, 145, 197, 199, 208, 212, 582, 583

  oil theft information provided to Senate investigation by, 24, 133, 135

  Koch, Charles, 311, 328, 362, 406, 564–74, 584

  Americans for Prosperity supported by, 433, 434

  annual holiday party hosted by, 392

  appearance and demeanor of, 1, 29, 101

  Ballen’s deposition of, 28–33

  bankers’ public offering proposal dismissed by, 1–2, 240

  becomes head of father’s businesses, 39–40, 151, 565

  Bill Koch’s antagonism toward, 98, 101, 104, 108–11, 115–20, 130–32, 135, 197–99, 208, 215, 423, 582

  Boston management consultant job of, 38

  childhood and adolescence of, 36–38, 42, 565–66

  children’s relationships with, 485–501, 506–12, 573–74

  classes for senior managers instigated by, 120–21, 202, 203, 367

  climate change denial of, 400

  compliance doctrine of, 315, 502, 526, 584

  computer simulations presented to, 105–7

  continuous improvement expected by, 32–33

  Deming’s influence on, 122–24

  donor groups of, 392–93, 435, 458–61

  education of, 37, 499

  at father’s funeral, 38–39

  financial practices of, 86–91, 300–303, 320–21

  fracking proposal approved by, 470–71

  growth strategy of, 190, 192–93, 224, 311–13, 318–22, 482–83, 567–68

  information gathering emphasized by, 82, 86, 94, 224

  job interviews conducted by, 88, 369–71

  Koch Industries overhauled by, 221–22, 224–25, 261

  Libertarian Party supported by, 94, 112–13

  lobbying by, 96, 146, 394, 406

  long-term strategy of, 3, 32, 295

  losses due to decisions by, 80

  loyalty of employees to, 28–29

  management philosophy of 96, 215 (See also Market-Based Management)

  marriage of, 80

  New Deal disparaged by, 4–5, 95

  Obama administration opposed by, 359–62, 389, 457

  oil mismeasurement practices of, 129–31, 290, 582

  old age of, 484–85

  during OPEC oil shock, 80–82

  opportunism encouraged by, 124–25, 467

  personality of, 41, 88, 104, 125, 208, 358–59

  Pine Bend refinery purchased by, 50–51, 294, 520

  plan of succession of, 512, 571–73, 584

  political ads and exposés denouncing, 484

  and Purina Mills catastrophe, 208–12, 214, 422, 567–68

  at quarterly meetings, 45–46, 104, 296, 422, 567

  ranking of employees by, 338–39

  Republican Party denounced by, 94

  Roskind and, 101–3

  secrecy valued by, 2, 8, 29, 226, 240

  security precautions for, 564–65

  state election interventions by, 478, 481–82

  Tea Party and, 434, 438–39

  think tanks founded
by, 95, 395, 445–46, 448–49, 547

  trading operations of, 101–3, 239, 255, 260–62, 293, 350–41, 357

  in training videos, 329–30, 368

  Trump and, 532–33, 535–42, 544, 550, 552, 554, 560–63

  during 2008–2009 recession, 343–45, 352–54

  union busting by, 51–52, 55, 59, 61, 64, 72, 74, 77–79, 378, 571

  Washington, DC, political operation established by, 137–38

  Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill opposed by, 412, 414, 423–24, 432, 434, 457

  wealth of, 3, 212, 215, 344, 564, 571

  world view of, 42–43, 82, 91–92, 96–97, 155–56, 440

  Koch, Chase, 485–512, 572–74, 581, 583, 585, 587–89

  birth of, 487

  in fatal automobile accident, 493–97

  father’s involvement in education of, 486–87, 490–91, 574

  marriage of, 509

  as president of Koch Fertilizer, 507–12, 588

  in rotation of high-level jobs, 500–507, 587

  at summer jobs at Koch companies, 490, 498–99

  tennis regimen of, 488–93, 497–98

  at Texas A&M, 499–500

  Koch, David, 116–18, 354, 392, 395, 459, 585–86

  Americans for Prosperity funded by, 432–34, 540

  charitable donations made by, 344–45, 357, 423

  in Dole’s presidential campaign, 138

  Libertarian Party vice presidential candidacy of, 14, 112–14

  at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 499

  shares of Koch Industries held by, 98, 198, 222, 225, 299, 303

  wealth of, 344, 390, 570

  Koch, Elizabeth (Charles’s daughter), 363, 486–89, 495, 506–7, 586

  Koch, Elizabeth “Liz” (Charles’s wife), 111, 487, 495, 496, 509, 586, 589

  construction of house for Charles and, 80, 97

  Koch, Fred, 34–40, 43, 151, 358, 367, 470, 590

  child-rearing approach of, 37–38, 565–66

  corporations founded and operated by, 6, 40, 44, 46, 566, 586

  death of, 24, 34–36, 39, 118, 565

  minority share in Pine Bend refinery owned by, 50, 72

  at MIT, 499

  Koch, Fred “Freddie,” Jr., 39, 118, 131, 506, 586

  Koch, Julia, 345

  Koch, Mary R., 81

  Koch Agriculture, 196–97, 199, 208, 210, 214, 297, 299

  Koch Agronomic Services, 507, 511

  Koch Beef Company, 490

  Koch Capital Services, 221

  Koch Carbon, 104, 119

  Koch Cellulose LLC, 311

  Koch Chemical Technology Group, 223

  Koch Companies Public Sector, 405, 408, 535, 583

  Koch Disruptive Technologies, 573, 585

  Koch Energy Services, 305

  Koch Energy Trading, 265, 281, 282, 292, 348, 590

  electricity futures business of, 267

  information-sharing agreement of Public Service Company of New Mexico and, 281

  Koch Engineering Company, 37, 38

  Koch Enterprises, 572, 584

  Koch Fertilizer, 194, 504–5, 507–11, 568, 585, 587


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