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Serviced (Getting Dirty Series Book 1)

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by Tory Baker


  Getting Dirty Series Book 1

  Tory Baker



  1. Rowen

  2. Braxton

  3. Rowen

  4. Braxton

  5. Rowen

  6. Braxton

  7. Rowen

  8. Braxton

  9. Rowen

  10. Braxton

  11. Rowen

  12. Braxton

  13. Rowen

  14. Braxton

  15. Rowen

  16. Braxton



  What’s Next?

  About the Author

  Also by Tory Baker

  Copyright © 2020 by Tory Baker

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Edited By: Diamond in the Rough Editing

  Cover Design By: LJ with Mayhem Cover Creations

  Created with Vellum

  “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”– Lucille Ball



  Three Years Earlier

  I had to leave her party before she continued shaking my world off its axis, or Bridger would beat my ass, and I wouldn’t even fight him back. She’s too fucking young for the likes of me. Rowen Jennings will be my downfall, wrapped up in the most dangerous way possible. The fire in the smoldering looks she sends my way when no one else is watching, those glances are for me, and only me. I’m not a fool though. She’s eight-fucking-teen, and I’m twenty-five. You do the math, there’s no way I’m going anywhere near her, not when she has a life to live, college to go to, and memories to make.

  That doesn’t stop me from taking in her lithe body, her smooth skin, the curves of her ass and tits, the way her tiny bikini isn’t stopping my imagination from running wild. I’m so fucking screwed when it comes to Rowen. She knows it, and so do I. But I’m not going after her, even though I know she wants it now more than ever. I saw the way she would navigate towards me throughout the past year. Sure, I talked to her, but the minute she’d try to get closer to me, I left. There was no fucking way I’d mess with jailbait. I’m taking my last sip of beer, getting ready to call it a day, when a movement out of the corner of my eye stops me from what I’m doing.

  “Are you leaving already?” Rowen’s voice is shy.

  “Yeah, early day tomorrow. You having a good birthday?” I ask. She shrugs a shoulder, causing her tits to bounce in her white string bikini. My gaze immediately feasts on them.

  “It could be better. You know our parents. They take it to the next level. I would have been happy with a small dinner.”

  “It’s not every day you graduate high school and celebrate your birthday in the same month. I’m sure that had something to do with it.” Our bodies are gravitating towards one another. Her lush and pouty lips are practically begging to be kissed.

  “Brax.” She knows my intentions. There’s no way I can deny her this. Hell, there’s no way I can deny myself a taste of her.

  “Shit,” I groan. My hand is on her lower hip, my thumb gliding where I’m sure no man has ever been, where I shouldn’t be, but fuck if I don’t say, Screw it. Her skin is warm to the touch on this May afternoon that’s slowly turning into evening. I can’t tell if her body is red from the sun or if it’s a blush that’s overtaken her body, but it’s something I want to explore.

  “Come here, Rowen.” My voice doesn’t sound like my own. She does what I demand without questioning me, and I know for a fact she’d listen to everything I say when we’re in the bedroom.

  My body frames hers. My thumb doesn’t stop its path as it slides into the side of her bottoms. “Fuck,” I groan. She’s bare, completely fucking bare. I want my mouth on her pussy like it’s the last drink I’ll ever have.

  “This for me, Rowen?” I question. Her body is slowly moving, her nipples puckered beneath her bathing suit top.

  “God,” she purrs. She arches into my chest, rubbing those pretty tits of hers against me, chasing the orgasm I’m going to give her. My thumb finds her clit, wishing it were my lips wrapped around that bundle of nerves. This will have to do, for now.

  “That’s not an answer, siren.” I stop my ministrations on making her come.

  “Yes, Braxton, it’s for you.” With that, I give her exactly what she needs, my mouth landing on hers, taking her, owning her, and letting her know with my lips and tongue just what she does to me while her nipples are getting the attention they need against my naked chest, my thumb circling her clit, adding pressure when she moans into my mouth.

  When she rips her mouth away from mine, coming on a long sigh, I make sure she knows she’ll be mine one day. Even if I have to fight my way through Bridger. It just can’t happen right now. I want her to live a little, explore what else the world has to offer, but she’ll know damn sure she’s it for me.

  “Damn right, it’s for me. Only for me. You’ll wait for me too, won’t you,” I demand when she comes down off her high. I kiss her forehead, not wanting this to end, but I’ve already heard Bridger’s voice carry from the pool deck and I know she’ll need a minute so she doesn’t look freshly fucked.

  “It’s always been yours, and it always will be,” she breathes. Her head is tipped back, her eyes looking into mine now.

  “Rowen Mae Jennings, get your ass up here!” Bridger bellows from the deck, where everyone is standing around, and I know it’s my time to make tracks. I already snuck in her room earlier after making an excuse to use the restroom to place her present next to her bed.

  “Happy birthday, Rowen,” I kiss her softly on the lips one last time.

  “Thank you.”

  “Get out of here before he comes looking and we’re both in trouble,” I grumble, not ready to deal with that shit show just yet.

  “See you soon.” I watch her as she leaves, that ass of hers begging for the palms of my hands. I shake my head, bypass the activities, head home with a hard cock and the knowledge of knowing Rowen won’t be mine for years to come.




  “This is such bullshit. Wait for me, Rowen. Is this for me, Rowen?” I remember those hushed words like it was yesterday. I know he was worried about Bridger and the fact that I was going off to college. Which, let’s be honest, the college I went to was three hours away. It wasn’t like we couldn’t have made it work for three years, but because he was being an asshat, I walked away without even saying goodbye to him.

  Bridger, my brother, he knew what was going on between Braxton and me the entire time. He somehow bit his tongue, not saying anything about the anger seething through my veins at the last party we had. It wasn’t the one where Brax had me moaning his name and writhing in pleasure. Oh no, at the last one, he kept his distance. I didn’t even bother making my way to him after I saw the way he sequestered himself by the picnic table. Braxton was wearing a pair of well-worn denim jeans, a black T-shirt, his
hair a ruffled mess, his beard way more than a five-o’clock shadow usually held. It took everything I had not to approach him. His shoulders were slumped, and the one time we made eye contact, I saw the dark circles under those deep soulful, emerald-green eyes. He shook his head when I took a step forward. That’s what solidified my decision to spin on my heels and hang out with my sisters, Aspen and Peyton.

  I stayed at college through each summer to get ahead, only coming home for the holidays, which sucked, but my brother and sisters would come and visit once a month like clockwork. If I ever went back to Lodgeview, I know I’d never want to leave, and there was no way I wasn’t going to finish my college education. Which leads me to now. Braxton Martinez has been avoiding me since I’ve been back home, permanently this time, and today I’m over it. It’s time I take action, even if that means confronting him with the excuse that my car is making a rattling noise that you can only hear going down the road at eighty miles per hour. Which it’s not. I mean, it does make this vibrating noise that I can’t remember it ever making before.

  The look on his face when he sees I’ve driven that fast will have Braxton losing his damn mind. I may or may not have driven that fast, but if it gives me an in, then that’s what I’ll be doing.

  I pull my car up to Braxton’s shop. It was once old man Red’s. Braxton bought it from him, did a few renovations on the outside. For the most part, the real showstopper is in the garage bays. He completely updated everything he possibly could. I remember hearing Drake and Leo talking about the loan he took out, refusing help from either of them. Something about that second child who was more stubborn than either of them. I rolled my eyes. Every man who surrounds our group is one hundred percent stubborn and an alpha male to boot, my father included.

  Braxton is leaning over a car. He’s in his coveralls, boots, and his head doesn’t even pop to look when I get out of my vehicle, slamming the door to try and garner his attention. Even that doesn’t work though. I do the next best thing, I walk towards the radio he has blaring on his toolbox, bypassing him, which isn’t an easy task, especially because I’m ready to give him a piece of my mind. Not to mention, I can see just how firm his backside is even through the coveralls he’s wearing. The thought alone causes me to lick my lips, but I have something to do first before I drool all over myself.

  The country music makes me smile. Braxton always does the least of what I expect. His music choice is much the same. Honestly, I figured he’d have classic rock blaring through the speakers, but it’s not.

  “What the fuck,” Braxton grumbles the minute the music comes to a stop. I’m leaning against his massive toolbox, knowing it weighs more than Braxton and me together. It has no issue withstanding the way my back is pushed against it. My arms are crossed over my chest and my ankles are crossed as well. My eyebrow is raised, and a small smile is playing on my lips. I’m ready for battle. He’s holding a wrench in his hand, oil and grease smeared on his forearms. There’s even a smudge on his forehead, but really, it’s the soft look he gives me once he realizes I’m the culprit who stopped him in his tracks.

  “Hi, Braxton, how have you been? You know, since you somehow have managed to duck out of everything that included me in the past three weeks I’ve been home?” I question.

  “That’s what you’re coming at me with? The same could be said for you. It’s taken you three weeks to get your cute ass to me too.” It seems Braxton is in a playful mood today. What a complete turnaround from the last interaction we had.

  “Hi, Rowen, how are you?” I blow out a puff of air, letting him know he’s annoying me. I mean, he couldn’t even say hello. “Are words too good for you now?”

  “Rowen,” he whisper growls, the word slipping from his lips, causing my thighs to clench. It’s the same way he said my name all those years ago, and my body is a slave to his, like his own personal harlot.

  “Oh no, you don’t get to come at me with that,” I manage to say even though my body wants nothing more than to be plastered against his.

  “Office. Now,” he demands. This is another side of Braxton I haven’t witnessed. My traitorous body does what he orders, but not before making sure he can see the swish in my skirt that even I know accentuates my legs, especially in the wedge sandals I’m wearing.



  Fuck, she’s not wrong. Though I’ll never admit that to her. I knew Rowen was home. Everyone who was anyone in town was talking about her being home and how she’s looking for a job now that she finished her college degree. As if I didn’t know—the best part about having a business account and two brothers who have some form of background in the technology and bodyguard industry is you learn things along the way. I wasn’t an idiot when she requested me on my personal pages. I accepted. This was the way she could see what I was doing, which was fucking nothing except digging my way out of debt and getting my shit taken care of. I knew when she came back home, I wasn’t going to let anyone else snap her up. Fuck that noise. She’s been mine since I gave her that first orgasm, and I’ll be the only one giving them to her from now unto forever. Yeah, I checked every post she put out there. She might have been living the college life, but I saw that she was always with the girls from her dorm that first year, and then her cousin Berkley transferring there the next year. Those two were as thick as thieves. I was worried they would be little hell-raisers, but apparently Bridger put his foot down after they moved into an apartment. I laughed my ass off when Drake and Leo were talking about the fact that Bridger was grumbling that out of all three of his sisters, Rowen was giving him more gray hair and heartburn than Aspen and Peyton.

  I understood it all too well. There were many times when I wanted to type out a message or call her just to hear her voice or see her response. I held strong though. I knew what would happen once we started down that road. I’d have her barefoot and pregnant, with no fucking regrets either. Rowen thought I didn’t know she was in my shop, but I knew right away. Not only by the slamming of her car door, but when she walked by me, her scent told me everything I needed to confirm it. Her soft floral smell wrapped in everything you could tie to a woman with pure seduction on her mind. I’m not falling into her trap, even with the tight-as-sin top she’s wearing, the way her skin is showing way too fucking much at that. Her top is white, some kind of spaghetti strap thing, somehow defying all odds and holding her firm tits in place. It barely covers the top of her stomach and moves up more with every breath of air she takes, almost giving me that glimpse of her navel piercing. And not to mention her skirt, which might be made to appear sweet and innocent, but it’s anything but the way it’s wrapped around her body. The palms of my hands are itching to get beneath her skirt just to feel the heat radiating off her body and need alone. She is teasing me without even lifting a finger, the unmistakable mirth she has on her face, the way those baby blues were filled with joy, her soft hair falling down way past her tits that were amplified even more by the way she crossed her arms beneath them. Yeah, she is about to get dirty, real fucking dirty.

  As soon as she’s in my office, I slam the door behind me, grabbing my rag out of my back pocket trying to get the excess grease off my hands before I make my way to the bathroom attached to the office to clean them. No way am I not getting my hands on Rowen. Once I finish, I walk towards her, backing her up until her ass is planted on my desk, and I wedge my hips between her spread thighs.

  “Braxton,” she breathes out, her hands landing on my hips to steady herself. I back away, but only for a second. I unbutton my coveralls, not wanting to mess her clothes up, at least not yet, pulling my arms out of them before tying the long sleeves around my waist. I always wear a tank top and gym shorts under these. I know some guys wear a full uniform, but there is no way I’m going to wear two layers of clothing while working on a car even on a fall day. That shit is for the birds.

  “I like my name on your lips, siren.” I lick my own, letting her know exactly what she does to me.

nbsp; “Wait, we need to talk.” Rowen’s hands press against my firm stomach. I use my hips to slide her legs further apart.

  “Not really the words I want to hear when I haven’t had my hands on you in three years.”

  “Too fucking bad. You did this. You’ll be the one to fix it.” I admire the way she’s standing her ground even if it’s against me.

  “I will.” My hands fist in her long hair, causing Rowen to arch her neck so she can look into my eyes when I say these next few words. “I’m going to make this right. It’ll be hard, Rowen. We have every factor playing against us, starting with your brother and your age.” She starts to interrupt me, but I stop her. “Hush, I let your age get between us because I wanted you to go out and live a little. I knew the minute you were back in my arms, that was it. I was going to keep you, and nothing would come between us. That’s not the factor I’m worried about. You know as well as I do that your brother is going to lose his fucking mind. Rightfully so, siren. He saw the way I was looking at you when you were too young. We’re lucky he didn’t find us that night you gave me one of the sweetest gifts possible.” I slide my hand up her inner thigh until it drags her skirt up, wanting to see how wet she is for me. Rowen spreads her legs further. My thumb glides to the edge of her panties, and I find her clit.

  “God, Braxton, I can’t think when your hands are on me,” she purrs out, her lips begging for mine.


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