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HOPE BRINGERS (Strong superhero women) (Mystical Slayers Book 2)

Page 23

by Michael W. Huard

  This is a B-Purcell news broadcast: There is only one safe way of using online applications. The Y-Corporation way, under our jurisdiction and safety. Be warned, cyber hacking is at an all-time low because we do the work for you. Run your business with the comfort of knowing that we, as a major institution, are here to serve you and make your experience a great success. Y-Wood is the nation's leader in security, your trusted source for a better work environment.

  Jerry smirked, pointing up at the nonsense on the screen. "I will introduce you to my own master hacker soon. That right there is the bullshit the Corp spews out to people, and it's all lies…lies that never end."

  Getting back to the meeting at hand, Jerry explained, "One more thing I want you all to realize, is that Purcell is not like the old President Marcou. He's not obsessed with women, and he's really not that obsessed with robotics either. He is a power-hungry war general, so we have to take this into consideration with any move we make."

  She looked at both Jansa and Raegan. "And no, he's not responsible for me being in this chair."

  She rubbed at her wrist some and added, "We women seem to age harder than men, but don't let my appearance fool you; I will fight to the bitter end to make this country better."

  Jansa quickly replied, "I believe that, I really do!" Raegan nodded her agreement as well.

  Jerry took a deep breath and went on. "Back to Mayor Warns; he is nearly impossible to get at, politically or physically, when he's at the State Capitol Building. The thing is flooded with artificial intelligent robot guardians."

  Jansa had no clue who this mayor was. They hadn't encountered him earlier. Raegan, on the other hand, knew him all too well, but she did all she could to keep quiet.

  Jansa asked, "So we help you take him out, then I'm not sure what's next?"

  Jerry nodded as if she understood the concern. "You first take his golden ticket so we can use it in New York as soon as we can get it there. After that, together, we work out an attack plan to oust him."

  "How exactly would we do that?" Raegan asked. "Does he have a golden ticket already?"

  Jerry smiled for the first time in the meeting chamber. "I have been at this a long, long time, ladies. Do you think I just sit here dwelling on my own injuries and pain? Nada. I am always working. You two suddenly seem ready to talk all night, and I like that! Remember, though, those that play with owls all night must be ready to soar with eagles in the morning." Raegan grinned at such words.

  Miss Jerry Bends then went on to inform the ladies about many more things. As it turned out, they all seemed to be on the same wavelength.

  Yup, things were getting very interesting.

  But rest was in order until morning. And morning came fast.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  The three women met up privately after a small breakfast. They chatted for some time and then got more to the point at hand. Jerry picked up where she'd left off with her talkative ways.

  "This golden ticket could be valuable to us all, and there's one place you will find Warns, almost like clockwork: a sex club known as the dungeon. The problem is, it's a fetish club for the rich and powerful; it also has security, so it's very difficult to get inside unless you fit into a certain category. He expects to get the ticket this evening. My hacker, Jackson J, has the exchanges in text, and I feel this is our chance to take it from him."

  Jansa was a bit puzzled. "If we were to get to him in this underground club, what do you want us to do with him, besides getting the golden ticket?"

  The wheelchair-bound political woman puckered her lips at this question. "I would like nothing more than to see him gone from this world, but for now, probably better to just get the ticket and get out. There's a young woman from upstate New York that's going to need that ticket, so we gotta get it there pronto."

  Raegan leaned forward. "You say this place is a fetish specialty club, so how do Jansa and I get in?"

  Jerry spun her chair to the Mystical Slayer leader. "I have the right connections to get you in. You just need to have the right look, and from what I see, you're both very attractive. With the right clothing and credentials, we will get you in, no problem."

  With that, a young man entered the chamber. "This is Jackson J," announced Jerry.

  The kid, who looked to be maybe twenty or so, nodded to the ladies and smiled. He grabbed a chair and turned it backwards before taking a seat.

  "Ladies," he said, rubbing his hands together, "I got a plan…" He hesitated for a moment. "Who are you two?"

  The women looked at the dirty-blond guy with dreads and a friendly smile.

  "I'm Jansa, and this is Raegan," the curly-haired woman replied.

  "Ahhhh," he said, looking surprised, "very cool." He was, after all, an elite hacker, so he had already found out their names much earlier in the year. But he was just being nice, acting like it was good to meet up.

  They talked for a bit about various things, mostly the communications he'd so slickly intercepted from the mayor as well as the Y-Wood Corporation. This kid, or better labeled as a "young man," was really good. Jerry liked hearing them all working together and was actually silent for a rare moment.

  An associate of the political woman then arrived and joined their conversation. She was a short lady wearing a navy blue dress. Jerry Bends introduced her as a close ally and political hard nose. Vicky Val, as she was known, explained some more details about the club.

  "It's a fantasy club that's all about sex, and not just human sex. People go to see robot and human interaction." She paused to let this information sink in.

  Jansa scoffed. "Ahhhh, nope, there's no way I'm doing anything with a robot."

  Jerry cut in and said, "You will see things beyond even your wildest imagination. You just have to prepare yourself for the unknown." Jansa was still shaking her head. "Calm down!” Jerry added, laughing.

  Jackson J said, "For now, if you can just concentrate on getting the golden ticket and getting out of there, we're one step closer to making this come to fruition. The ticket holder in New York, I'm guessing, will most likely end up not having a ticket before all is said and done. Something will happen unless Y-Wood has control of her. It's up to us to help."

  Jansa again mumbled her reservations about the club to Raegan. Jerry's voice got louder, "FOCUS, you two. What we have here is a chance to have an insider in the Corporation's top level circle. THAT TICKET IS VALUABLE! It would make our master plan a hell of a lot easier to execute in the long haul."

  Raegan replied, "This is going to be a bit odd, though, because we're going to have to spend a bit of time in there and really play like we belong. If not, we will be caught in a matter of no time. We'll need to keep up the illusion that we're just there as partygoers, right? I mean, is there another plan?"

  Jackson J assured the women of two things. "Listen, we have plants that will be in the dungeon tonight. They will take the pressure off you guys and help out at the first sign of danger…if your covers are blown, for example. Don't worry, help will be available on the inside."

  "But our insiders can't pull this off alone," added Vicki.

  Jackson J went on. "Yes, both of you will have to step outside your boundaries, but we have the clothing to help you pull it off."

  "Clothing?" Jansa said, raising an eyebrow.

  Jerry wheeled her chair over to a door and opened up a walk-in closet. "Here you go. We have a whole host of fetish attire in here. You two are a smaller size, so we made sure everything would fit you. Go ahead, knock yourselves out."

  Jansa looked to Raegan. "Are they serious?"

  Her sister did a fake smile and replied, "We can at least see what they got?" Raegan then turned to Jerry. "So you will get us there, have our getaway car ready, and we just make our way back here after?"

  Jerry nodded as Jackson J said, "It's as easy as that. Your reputations are well noted, so you get in, act the part, dress hot, flirt, play games, dance, and when you see old fuc
k face Warns, you get him alone, take his ticket, and get your little asses out of there."

  Vicki then put in another thought. "You have to make sure he has the ticket, so you'll need to monitor the situation throughout the earlier part of the evening. Needless to say, I might add, you shouldn't use your real names. Plus, our inside sources will be able to let you know when the timing is right, if you're not so sure."

  Raegan asked, going a little off topic. "So I guess the meeting with Purcell is off the table for now?"

  Jerry grinned. "Yeah, I sense you two aren't crazy about that idea, so let's leave it on the back burner for now."

  Jackson J said, "One more thing about the club. One of the servers is a man named Jaguar. He's on the inside and will be your liaison for the most part, more so than anyone else in the club. He's a slim black dude who usually dresses in bright orange clothing and wears a beaded necklace around his neck; you really can't miss him."

  The women reluctantly made their way to the walk-in closet and started looking over the clothing. There were thigh-high leather boots, various pink, red, and blue wigs, leather pants, skirts, and an assortment of bras made with chains, netting, and various other exotic materials. Next, they saw leather collars with spikes, spaghetti-strap halter tops of various neon colors, more types of boots in tiger, cheetah, and leopard prints as well as thongs, lots of thongs, and even more wackier stuff like whips, handcuffs, dildos, cock cases with a key, and lastly, an assortment of lotions, gels, and massage oils. On a shelf by the door was a box of jewelry with necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and even nipple rings.

  Jansa asked, "Where in the world did you get all this stuff?"

  Jerry replied, "We did what we needed to do to get you guys in there so we can get a hold the ticket. Both of you must leave your inhibitions behind. I certainly can't do it myself, but we need that ticket!"


  Meanwhile in New York, the testing was well under way. It was supposed to be a fair competition for all the lucky golden ticket finders. Dell, however, had no idea that her ticket had been stolen. No one had even asked to see them, or even mentioned them for that matter—yet!


  Jansa relayed the plan for the dungeon club back to Darren. He was more than a little concerned, but he said he was okay watching over the girls in the Jerry Bends compound if they decided to go ahead with the mission. Laughing, he said, "At least I get to see you two all dolled up."

  Jansa gave him a funny look, but Darren went on. "I have to ask you one quick question, though. Do you trust this woman, this Jerry Bends?"

  Jansa sighed and said, "I think so. This is just what we do, you know? I wouldn't know how to live any other way. We've been putting ourselves on the line and putting our lives in jeopardy for as long as I can remember now. Trust me, we'll be fine."

  Darren hugged her tight. "You know, there are other ways you could live; you don't always have to do these types of things.'

  Jansa smiled up at him. "Yeah, maybe someday…if it was with you." They wrapped their arms around each other tightly.

  Once back with her friend Raegan, the pair took another look over the clothing. Jansa held up a tiny skirt. "I'm going to feel a bit silly wearing anything in here."

  Raegan agreed. "Well, sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do." She looked at Jansa as if to say "this truly is a bit nuts" and added, "I just want to make sure I can fight in these weird outfits." Jansa just shook her head and laughed.

  Eventually, they started to make their choices. They both chose leather boots with a small heel—small in comparison to the other options—that fit securely over their feet, just in case they needed to defend themselves.

  Raegan picked a black pair and Jansa went with brown.

  Raegan looked to her friend. "I suppose we need to have some kind of strategy when picking this stuff out."

  Jansa pointed to the contents of the closet. "That's not going to be easy."

  The two giggled and fumbled about looking for other attire while joking and teasing one another about some of the picks. At least it kept them both in a good mood.

  Next, they looked at the choices of skirts and dresses hanging from a long rail. It seemed as though the only length available was the kind that would ride up around their butts and be quite revealing to say the least.

  Jansa found a tiger-print skirt, the longest one in the closet but still quite short, while her sister found a black mini-dress, a sleeveless number that was shiny and sleek in its presentation.

  Raegan mentioned how all the underwear available was beyond micro small, mostly decorated in rhinestones and beads. The tiny garments gave them something else to laugh about.

  Jansa then spotted a black top with spaghetti straps, which was the closest thing she could find to something suitable.

  Raegan debated whether or not to wear a diamond encrusted collar she'd picked up and was admiring, but she chose to stick with her crucifix necklace in the end. Rings and bracelets were next on the agenda.

  Jansa asked, "How are we supposed to hide any weapons on us? There's not enough material on any of this stuff!"

  Raegan shook her head. "Hmm. Good question."

  Vicki walked in and looked the ladies up and down. "Well, there you go! You two are certainly starting to look the part." She motioned to a huge case of makeup in her hand, suggesting that hair and makeup was next.

  Vicki went on to create some magical hairstyles for the two women, complemented with sexy cat's eyes and other bright colors for their makeup. After two long hours of playing dress-up, the two of them looked more than ready to get down to business at the dungeon.

  "I almost forgot these lil guys," Vicki said, handing both the women a pair of tiny micro-chips disguised as rhinestone studs. "Each of you pin one of these onto your panties. They will allow you access into the club."

  Raegan and Jansa exchanges curious glances but did as they were told.

  Vicki said, "Jerry is anxious to see you two, so let's go."

  The long-time feminist leader grinned as both girls appeared before her. "I must say, you ladies will certainly be of interest in the fetish club. By the looks of it, you two could be the main attractions." Jerry smirked at her own joke. "Do you have any questions?"

  Jansa was first. "So do we just get the ticket, or do we try to actually take out this mayor? I'm still a little confused as to the exact plan."

  Raegan replied, "I believe we get the ticket and move out. If we start a fight and create too much commotion, the chances are we could be delayed or attacked by the guards inside. Is that not right, Jerry?"

  The woman in the wheelchair nodded to Raegan.

  "May I ask you, Miss Bends," said Raegan, "what does freedom mean to you?"

  "That's a good question, young lady," replied Jerry. "To me, freedom is the ability to make decisions without worrying about being stopped or attacked by my government, the safety to have whatever religious beliefs I want without the fear of repercussions, and finally, the choice to believe in whatever politics I prefer. Freedom is a privilege. Freedom is the absence of fear, oppression, and tyranny, coupled with an abundance of necessities, like water, food, and shelter."

  Jerry turned to Raegan and pointed to Raegan's chest. "Tell me about this cross you wear. What does it mean to you?"

  Raegan touched the small crucifix around her neck and looked back to Jerry. "When we found the Bible drive in the hidden time capsule, the answers I'd sought about this life and our existence, were suddenly laid out right before us. I had always felt there was more than just people. This cross is a symbol of the atonement. It reminds me of God's love and how He sacrificed his own son for humanity." Her face trembled. "We, too, must make similar sacrifices." Raegan's eyes glazed over as tears welled behind her lids.

  Jerry wheeled her chair over to Raegan and took her hand. "We certainly do, my new friend, we certainly do."

  The opening of Jerry's door broke up their special mome

  Jackson J walked in. "Everything is ready…WOWWWW! You two look amazing! Um, your car is outside…it's time to move."


  The trip to the downtown fetish club didn't take too long.

  The number of vehicles on the streets of America was fast declining. With no formal laws to monitor drivers and their cars, motorists would often find themselves in dangerous situations if they dared to venture out on the roads; that's if they could even afford transportation of their own.

  The few motorists who were brave enough or stupid enough to drive, had since made up their own laws of the road. In Y-Wood controlled cities, robotic cops could still be found out and about here and there, but Corporation people mostly flew these days. Obviously, being a safer and easier mode of transport, the sky was only open to Corporation officials.

  But Jackson J was a pretty good driver. Knowing the best routes to get anywhere fast, he sped the women downtown in no time at all.

  He pulled up to a side alley. "This is it. Good luck, you two. I will be here when you make your way out…same spot."

  The ladies both gave him a look as if to say "here goes nothing."

  He winked at them. "Hey, at least smile when you're in there. And try not to be pulling down your skirts all night long!"

  Raegan looked to Jansa. "After you, honey. I'd like to get a view of your panties," she joked.

  Jansa playfully punched her sister in the arm. "Yeah, real funny!"

  Both the women exited the black car and stepped through the club's doorway. Walking down a dark hallway, music could be heard with a heavy blues-like bass playing loudly. As they rounded a corner, they came face to face with a guard.

  He was a small man with spiky blond hair. He wore a neon yellow wrestler's singlet and had giant golden loop earrings hanging from both ears. He immediately said to Raegan, "Nice nose piercing, darling."

  The door boy smiled and said, "Ladies, may I see your tickets please." He was referring to the digital chips that Jerry had supplied them with earlier.

  Raegan and Jansa both lifted their skirts and cringed as the guy scanned their chips with a hideous smile on his face. He then nodded. "Perfecto…and very nice! Move ahead, please."


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