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HOPE BRINGERS (Strong superhero women) (Mystical Slayers Book 2)

Page 29

by Michael W. Huard

  The hundreds of robotic soldiers banged there armored chests to indicate they were ready.

  Purcell called to them once more. "ARE YOU READY?" His entire army then began stomping their metallic boots on the roadway and clanging their rifles to their legs as they marched forward.

  The sisters' ships and the sisters themselves began launching missiles and firing at the approaching Corporation ground patrol. Some of the women ran ahead and put up barricades to help block the road and delay the enemy's progress. Darren and his remaining gang had all joined with the sisterhood in this epic fight.

  Chaya made a point of grabbing a long pole and attaching to it the former United States of America flag. She perched the flag high on their side of the bridge so all could see its colors. Jansa stepped before her and nodded her approval before raising a laser pistol at the oncoming army. "This is it," she announced.

  Mahira came up to both behind them and patted both her sisters' shoulders. She gave them all a strong look. "Live free or die, my sisters. Live free or die!"

  Their hearts sunk when several more Corporation flyers, somehow not grounded, came into view above them. All paused and looked to the sky.

  Then, even more flyers were seen behind these. However, this time, it was the state representatives from Los Angeles who had ships of their own, now trapping the newly arrived Corporation's ships to their rear.

  All the newly arrived air ships turned on one another as a great sky battle ensued.

  Jerry Bends had help coming as well, so the ladies had to hold on until they arrived. They were holding the bridge firm until a large group of black armored soldiers suddenly broke through and opened fire.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Things were looking bad for the sisterhood, but Raegan's phone suddenly went off and Jackson J was back on the line. "Raegan, you're not going to believe this. That flaming orb hit the Empire State Building and the thing was demolished!" he yelled out, sounding all excited. "I mean, some civilians in the area got blown up, but holy crap!" Again, his connections started to break up, and then the line cut off completely.

  Raegan had no time to think because behind the oncoming battalion of death dealers, strode a very tall, silver and blue robot. Beside him walked a man wearing a metal helmet topped with a silver eagle.

  Jansa made her way closer to her friend, then Mahira and Tyne Gem joined her up front.

  Jansa knew this was their chance. "We have to use our best ground rocket now," Jansa demanded in her friend's ear. "It's their leaders, Rae…make the call."

  "Yes!" cried out Mahira. "The cannon is already loaded and armed. Make the call, Raegan. Let's blast these leader fuckers to smithereens."

  Tyne and Raegan looked at one another as Mahira took hold of the big rocket launcher. Raegan pointed to her cyborg sister. "Go ahead and help her."

  Raegan was in agreement, nodding her head up and down with excitement. Mahira motioned for everyone to back up. "This is going to put a huge hole in the bridge. Get back more…here they come!" she screamed.

  Raegan, Mahira, Jansa, Chaya, and Tyne held their breath as Jansa called out, "For Zaey and D-Marge."

  Mahira's eyes took on a look of fury and she pointed the launcher directly at the army coming across the bridge. Tyne rushed in and held the launcher with her.

  As the army, led by their super robot Galax and the new big shot President Berlin Purcell, strode at them, she cried out, "TIME TO DIE, MOTHERFUCKERS!"

  But then, the world stopped for Raegan. The flying ships all paused, the lasers all froze in colorful streams all about, the fires stopped burning, and the screams of war became silent.

  Purcell and Galax had parted, and between them, a young boy holding a rifle walked forward. Raegan felt like she couldn't breathe.

  He was a small, curly brown-haired kid. Her heart jumped from her chest at seeing her son. It was Johan. It was him. Yes, it had been years, but she just knew it. Johan was alive! His helmet did little to conceal his beautiful face from her view.

  She could not speak.

  More flyers appeared from the right, indicating that Jerry Bends' team had arrived. The explosions and sounds of battle began again, louder than ever.

  Galax, seeing the women preparing to shoot at them, raised his gigantic laser rifle and aimed at the lead woman across from them. Jansa stepped in front to block her sister Raegan who was standing at the front.

  Raegan then spun about, asking Mahira and Tyne to wait. But when she then looked back at her son, Galax had already pulled the trigger. A thick red laser bullet came racing toward Jansa, but before it struck, a figure zoomed out of nowhere on a motorbike and skidded to a halt directly in front of Jansa. This biker man had taken the bullet and saved Jansa's life. Darren and his bike went flying to the ground, his chest shot open with a hole the size of a pineapple.

  Tyne's voice called out, "Raegan, we have to shoot them…make the call."

  Jansa ran to Darren and cried out in agony. "Oh, please…nooo! Ahhhhhh!" She reached for him, kneeling and holding him close.

  He looked up at her and smiled. Fighting for breath, he said, "See … I told you … that bike was … special. I told you … I'd be back for it … one day…"

  Mahira yelled out, "Raegan, make the call!"

  More explosions, shots and screams erupted all about the area.

  Darren could hardly talk, but he had to tell her something. "I also told you … I would do something good in life," he whispered. "Now I have…for you, my sunshine…for…I love you."

  Jansa's tears flowed freely down her cheeks as her heart tore in two. "Noooooooo, Darren! Please, noooooooo…hold on, my love, you can't go, we can make it in this life…I love you…noooooooo!" She held her man close as he died in her arms.

  The Ruthys were fast approaching and had dropped a miniature but deadly army of spitters to the turf; these snake-like creatures of a robotic form slithered fast at the rebels, looking to bite and poison anyone on the bridge that stood in their path.

  Smoke and fire rose all about and vision was limited as the ugliness of this fight ramped up to full motion. Many members of the beloved sisterhood and their allies that had come from far and wide were dying in the name of freedom.

  Jansa with tears and black smoke and soot all about her face looked to Raegan. "We need to blast them to pieces. Come on! Make the call, Raegan!"

  Chaya yelled from behind, "That missile will take out everyone on that side of the bridge…hurry, Raegan, make the call or we're all going to die."

  Raegan looked ahead through the veil of smoke and fire, through the carnage that was all that stood between her and the leadership of the Y-Corporation. She could make the call. She could end Y-Wood right here and now.

  Then, the young boy with a somewhat puzzled expression, called out to her, "Mom?"


  The Mystical Slayers trilogy comes to an epic conclusion soon with book three "FREEDOM."

  Personal note from Michael:

  Well you made it to the end of my book! I hope that means that you enjoyed it. I would just like to thank you for giving me your valuable time to try and entertain you. I am blessed to have such a fun job, but I only have such because of people like you; people kind enough to give my books a chance. I am very grateful for that. I love writing and telling heroic stories. If you enjoyed this novel and would like to help me out, then please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else that readers visit. The most important part of how well a book sells is the many positive reviews it has, so if you leave me one, you are directly helping me to continue on this wonderful writing journey. – Thanks again, Michael W. Huard

  About the Author:

  Michael W. Huard is a dreamer, a lover of words, and someone with an endless imagination. He's a long-time martial artist and simply a human being on a voyage in time.

  Please join his mailing list for all the latest updates in the Mystical Slayer book series. Mike i
s always busy writing many more stories about your favorite sisterhood.

  The Mystical Slayers Heritage Series

  Rising: A Mystical Slayers prequel Novella (This is set hundreds of years before Land of the Free)

  Sisters of the Dawn's Early Light: A Mystical Slayers Novella Prequel

  Hellcat: A Mystical Slayers Novella Prequel (This takes place right after Sisters of the Dawn's Early Light)

  The Mystical Slayers Trilogy

  Land of the Free: Book 1 in the Mystical Slayers 3 novel series.

  To speak of any God in the 31st century would mean certain death. However, for one sisterhood, faith has chosen them.

  ***Land of the Free is the first novel in the Mystical Slayer trilogy; one that is receiving rave reviews worldwide.

  Hope Bringers: Book 2 in the Mystical Slayers trilogy

  Freedom: Book 3, the exciting first trilogy conclusion is here!

  Other books:

  Leader: Mystical Slayers Tales Vol 1- Coming soon!

  Celestial: A Mystical Slayers love story- Don’t miss this!

  Get In Touch:

  For the latest Mystical Slayers updates, get on my mailing list subscription and website:

  My Facebook author page:

  I am also on Goodreads where the same reviews can be left for all my books.

  ****God bless you all, and thanks again****

  Mystical Slayers Glossary

  Aaron Steele: Nerdy Y-Wood assistant

  Akaboo: Paka’s unique dog on Mars

  Albarto: An associate leader for Y-Wood Corporation.

  Aliah: The Corporation’s champion cyborg

  Arn Marcou: President of Y-Wood Corporation

  Ashman: Y-Wood Corporation photographer

  Atune: Private cyber hacker and info bot in NY

  Barlow: NYC arms dealer

  Berlin Purcell: Military Field Commander / General for Y-Wood Corporation

  Bloom Bars: Corporation nutritional fast food

  Blu: A Mystical Slayer, the Sky Captain, the one with blue hair highlights

  Bowtanny: A barbarian from Saturn’s secret land

  Brin: A Mystical Slayer in training

  Brock Jones: A silver-haired west coast representative & lawyer

  Cally: Tyranna Be Rex’s daughter from Texas

  Captain Raymond Hully: Washington’s finest space pilot

  Celestial: Sinaye’s daughter on Saturn’s moon

  Chancellor Tessa: The tall refined secretary of Y-Wood Corporation

  Chadwick McArthur: The sea boat captain from Maine

  Chaya: A Mystical Slayer, spiritual speaker of the sisterhood

  Darren: Biker gang leader in California

  Dazzle: A cyborg bar manager

  Deimos: A moon of planet Mars

  Della: Golden ticket owner from upstate NY

  Delve Marcou: the former CEO of Y-Wood Corporation

  D-Marge: Online hacker of the sisterhood

  Elchano Bareki: A Texas arms dealer

  Ella Von Stybeck: West Coast state representative

  Enceladus: A moon on Planet Saturn

  Envy: A Mystical Slayer, the wildcat, and a master spy

  Ereesta: An alternative planet

  Galax: A sleek, powerful super robot of the Y-Wood Corporation

  Gavin: Young man in the sisterhood compound

  Hale Valdosta: An assistant to President Marcou

  IHF: Instant Healing Formula

  Jackson J: Cyber hacker

  Jansa Davin: A Mystical Slayer, the new age doctor / healer of the sisterhood

  Jazz: Biker girl from California

  Jerry Bends: Washington D.C. freedom fighter/ politician

  Johan: The young son of Raegan and Lomax

  J-Rail: An elite, mercenary bounty hunter

  Kalina: Mahira’s nightclub lover

  Kanya: A Mystical Slayer and prison guard on Planet Mars

  Karma: A young Asian-American Mystical Slayer

  Kron: Chaya’s robotic companion

  Lomax: R-Bel news reporter and Raegan’s husband

  Mahira: A Mystical Slayer, gladiator and little spark plug

  Malice: Mahira’s Puerto Rican nightclub lover

  Martian Worms: Big ugly critters on planet Mars

  Massaki-Mi: Sensei (teacher) to all the sisterhood

  Mars: The red planet

  Metaya Valteese: The founding mother of the sisterhood

  Mr. Derringer: A politician on Mars

  Nah: The lost above world on Saturn's moon Enceladus

  Naiera: Young Native American Mystical Slayer

  Omagus: A super hologram robot of Y-Wood Corporation

  Paka: A Mystical Slayer and Afro-American prison guard on Mars

  Pandora: Paka’s lover on Mars

  Parkis Dell: The top lawyer for Y-Wood Corporation

  Phobos: A moon of planet Mars

  Poland: An info bot in California

  Q-Jin: Meaning "freedom fighters" in robot language

  Raegan James: A Mystical Slayer, R-Bel news reporter, and leader of the sisterhood

  Rah: The ocean world on Saturn's moon Enceladus.

  Resin Cador: The top assistant to President Marcou

  Ruthys: Ruthless, all black robot killing machines

  Saturn: The ringed planet

  Seidons: Aquatic fish people on Saturn's moon Enceladus

  Showerheads: Robotic spider-snakes of Y-Wood Corporation

  Sinaye: A Mystical Slayer, and top robotic scientist of the sisterhood

  Spicy: A night club owner

  Spitters: Cobra-like metal robotic snakes of the Y-Wood Corporation

  Starigen 6280: The sisterhood’s highly guarded, secret drug formula

  Sun: A young trainee in the sisterhood

  Supreme Justice Tartilla: A virtual judge

  Suzy-Q: A cyborg bounty hunter

  Tallis Merrill: Jansa’s medical / reiki master and teacher

  Thella: Fish woman from Saturn

  Tyne Gem: A Mystical Slayer, a cyborg with sparkling blue eyes

  Tyranna Be Rex: Armor and weapons designer from Texas

  Vadooo Osae: Club owner of the dungeon in Washington D.C.

  Vicky Val: Personal assistant to Jerry Bends in CA

  Victory: Young blond Mystical Slayer

  Wormholes: Time bending space connecters

  Wraith: Mahira’s step dad

  Wycliffe: A hip hop drug lord from NJ

  Wynne: A Mystical Slayer, an expert markswoman for the sisterhood

  Zaey: A Mystical Slayer, and lawyer from the land down under




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