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Perfect Storms (Storms of Blackwood Book 4)

Page 21

by Elle Middaugh

  A tiny bleating sound caught my attention, and I homed in on one of the tree's branches. I gasped right before I giggled, pleased to find my precious little Speedy dangling from a limb.

  "Speedy! Oh my gods, I've missed you."

  I wanted to scoop him up, but I noticed he had a sign of some sort clutched in the claws of one of his hands.

  "What's this?" I asked him, stepping close enough to take it from him and read it.

  I swallowed hard, staring at the words, all breathless and dizzy, like I'd just been sucker punched in the gut. Written in elegant text on a smoothly sanded board, they said...

  Will you marry me?

  I was pretty sure my heart freaking stopped.

  Speedy bleated and slowly made some sort of a sloth-like gesture toward the wood.

  I wasn't sure exactly what it meant, so I twisted it around in my hands, checking the sides and back for more. Sure enough, there were three more words:

  And Chrissen too.

  I let out a chuckle as my fingers found my mouth. How adorable was it that he'd included Criss in this? They were the only two I'd yet to officially wed.

  "Asher wants me to marry him?" I asked my sweet little pet, who nodded slowly. "What do you think I should say?"

  His return bleat sounded flat and unamused.

  I chuckled again. "Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't toy with his heart like that. I should just tell him yes."

  This time he let out a longer beating call and reached for a letter I hadn't even seen in the branches of his tree.

  "Is this for me?"

  He bleated encouragingly.

  I opened the envelope and began reading.


  As much as I loved being Speedy, your faithful sloth, and as much as I enjoyed the one-way-conversation thing we had going on, I'd much rather be Asher... your friend, lover, and hopefully, your husband.

  If you wouldn't mind giving me the ax, I'd really like to get down on one knee and do this thing right.

  - Ash.

  ps. make it a clean cut, will ya?

  I laughed as joyful tears bubbled up into my eyes. My golden ax was resting at the base of the tree, wrapped in a freaking pink bow.

  "Gods, you just thought of everything, didn't you?"

  He bleated, and I imagined him saying something along the lines of “Damn right, I did.”

  Never in my life had I wanted to kill Speedy quite like this.

  "Until next time, sweet boy," I whispered to him, kissing his furry little head.

  One quick slice of my ax, and soon, Asher was standing before me in a whirlwind of golden dust. Without missing a single beat, he knelt down and held out a diamond ring.

  Chapter 23

  "Are you kidding me?" I nearly shouted as I giggled. "You're completely naked! How am I supposed to concentrate on this proposal right now?"

  He grinned wide and bit his bottom lip. "Eyes up here, baby. That's for later."

  It took an absurd amount of concentration to keep from staring at the giant thing as it dangled between his legs, but I managed. Barely.

  "Alexis Ravenel-Storm," he said, tone suddenly serious. "Would you do me the extreme honor and privilege of being my wife? Oh, and Chrissen's too."

  I squealed and danced around in a circle to let off some of the pent-up energy bubbling inside me. "How do you know Chrissen even wants to marry me?"

  Ash rolled his amber eyes and then winked at me. "I just do. Now, tell me you want to marry us too."

  "I do," I said, nodding. "I do want to marry you. I love you so much."

  He promptly stood and wrapped me in his arms, kissing me sweetly over and over as we touched and smiled and celebrated quietly. Then he slipped his ring on my other hand. I had a diamond from him, a diamond from Cal, and four bands from Cal, Rob, Ben, and Dan. As soon as I had wedding bands from Ash and Criss, my fingers—and my life—would be complete.

  He kissed my hand above his gemstone and smiled so lovingly I felt it deep in my chest. The sensation was so intense it was almost painful. Love... I shook my head. Gods, love was so fucking powerful.

  "Now, take off your dress and we'll make a naked toast." He released me and sauntered off, ass-naked, toward a bottle of sparkling wine and two crystal glasses.

  "A naked toast?" I asked in disbelief, but still, I shimmied out of that gown like the damn thing was on fire.

  Ash remained silent, pouring our glasses as he watched me slip off my bra and panties. When I was finally completely naked, he handed me a glass.

  "To that tiny spark that started the flame," he murmured low. "To the hot, burning passion that consumes our souls." His gaze and his words practically seared my skin. "To the smoldering embers that will never go out." I could hardly breathe. "To love. To forever. To us."

  My voice was barely a whisper. "When did you become such a hopeless romantic?"

  He grinned, and it set my soul on fire, just like he'd described.

  "I am a man of many talents, Sweets. Cheers." We downed our wine, and he poured us some more. "The sooner we finish this bottle, the sooner I can show you more of those talents of mine."

  "Mmm, is that right?" I asked, taking a sip of my refill.

  He laid out a soft, white fur blanket and propped himself up on his side. "Yes, that's right."

  His muscular arms, his perfect washboard abs, his narrow hips and sexy V, and his half-hard dick were all on glorious display for my viewing pleasure. Just the sight of him had me fighting for air, but coupled with the love and romance, I was practically drowning in emotion.

  Mirroring his movements, I stretched out onto my side and took another tiny sip at my wine. My lady bits were tucked securely between my thighs, but my breasts were full and spilling down my chest, my hardened nipples drawing his heated gaze.

  Immediately he swallowed the rest of his drink and tossed his glass. "Fuck finishing the bottle."

  He was on top of me in an instant, pinning me into the soft fur blanket below as he kissed me deeply and tenderly. It was glorious to feel his lips on mine, especially after that sweet trip he'd taken us on down memory lane. It made this kiss feel like home. Like I was exactly where I needed to be.

  Things with Ash were different than with everyone else. Not frantic and rushed. Not even slow and seductive. It was just… natural. Our kiss naturally escalated into a furious tangling of tongues. Our bodies naturally came together as we touched and caressed, his cock finding and slipping into my cunt on instinct more than anything else. Our rhythm naturally matched up, like the vibrations of our souls were just irresistibly in sync. And after what felt like an eternity of sensual lovemaking, our orgasms naturally hit at the exact same time.

  And usually there was nothing natural about simultaneous orgasms, so…

  "I love you, Sweets," he whispered as he held me tight. "I always have, and I always will."

  I closed my eyes and snuggled in tighter to him, our bodies fitting together like two halves of a whole. "I love you too, Ash. Forever and ever."

  And I meant it. I loved all of my Storms that way. And soon, one final wedding would prove my undying love to the entire world.

  I was so ready to make them all mine.

  Chapter 24

  Three weeks later, I peered through the lacy white veil surrounding a small, hidden gazebo. The fine strands looked like spiderwebs with frosted dew sticking to them. I was pretty sure it was actually beading, but regardless, it looked beautiful.

  Everything was so bright and pure it had an almost heavenly aura. As if this event—me marrying the last of my Storms—was blessed by the gods themselves. I knew that wasn't the case, considering the gods didn't really seem to care about anything other than themselves, but it was still a pretty thought.

  Beyond the veil, chattering people filtered into the wide-open, snow-covered field and sat down on makeshift log seats that helpful citizens had positioned in rows on either side of the aisle. Dressed in their finest attire, they anxiously awaited what was sa
id to be the wedding of the century—at least for Southern Blackwood. Thank the gods the rest of the kingdom never gave Sohsol the time of day; otherwise, I might've been worried about uninvited guests showing up.

  Elenore and Rosie put the finishing touches on my hair and makeup—a dab of lipstick and some tiny white flowers braided into my curled updo—and handed me my bouquet, arranged with more little white buds, clusters of tiny blue flowers, and big white blossoms that fanned out and curled at the ends. It was simple, yet perfect.

  We were doing this thing the old-fashioned way, with bridesmaids and groomsmen and walking down the aisle to the sound of classical music. I wasn't even nervous. Only excited. I guess that's how I knew for sure that what I was doing was right. No hesitation. No irrational fears. Just pure love and the intense desire to be one with my significant others.

  Which was a bit of a strange feeling for me, considering… I'd never wanted a wedding.

  Back in Blackleaf, I didn't have the money for one. And after Asher left the first time—mysteriously turning into Speedy, unbeknownst to me—I didn't have the desire for one either. People were pretty disinterested in poor girls anyway, and I kept to myself mostly.

  Even when I met the princes, the idea of a wedding sounded awful at first. The one I'd been forced into with Cal, traumatic “honeymoon” aside, wasn't terrible, but it wasn't elaborate or super fancy. It was just a dais in the middle of the palace courtyard surrounded by as many Blackwood citizens that would fit.

  This, though… this ceremony here in Blackdell… it was like nothing I'd ever seen.

  The whole town had come together to decorate, set up, and prepare. The seamstress had made me a custom, long-sleeved, ivory gown that was warm enough to wear without a robe and beautiful enough that I looked like an ice queen straight out of a story book.

  The colors we'd chosen were white, pale gray, and ice blue. As I peered through the lace of the gazebo, watching Ash and Criss joke with the guys as they waited for me… looking all sexy in their light gray suits, white, collared shirts, and pale blue ties… I knew the colors were the perfect choice. They looked so damn handsome. So damn perfect. I could hardly believe this was the wedding that would finally give me them all.

  A solitary violin started weaving delicate notes into the chilled air and was slowly joined by other stringed instruments. My breath hitched. It was time.

  "All right, ladies," Elenore announced with excitement, "time to line up."

  I'd chosen my bridesmaids straight from the heart: Elenore, Rosie, Bria, and Camilla. They were my closest friends nowadays, the ones who stuck by me and always had my back.

  I only wished Gemma could be there…

  I smiled as I thought of her, though, safe and living a peaceful life along the coast. Nothing but happiness stirred through my chest. No sadness. I was too grateful knowing she was even alive to be sad that she wasn't here with me.

  My bridesmaids and I slipped through the lacey veil of the gazebo and walked in a line to the foot of a long, white, carpeted aisle. The thin rug glittered beneath the overcast, winter sky, looking like diamond dust, or perhaps like it had magical silkworm strands woven into the material.

  At our appearance, everyone in the crowd twisted on their logs to stare at us with adoring eyes. But I barely saw any of them. My gaze followed the long carpet all the way to the end of the aisle, and I looked up, staring wide-eyed and mystified at the six beautiful men waiting for me. My heart squeezed, and my eyes watered as I was overcome with love, joy, and gratitude. These men were… everything.

  The smiles dropped right off each of their faces, and they stared at me intently, like they'd never quite seen me before this moment. I knew what they were feeling, because it was exactly how I felt. Love. Love so strong it wove itself through every cell of my being. It curled around my lungs, stomach, heart, and throat and settled deep within my soul. It raced through my blood like a tidal wave of unfathomable emotion and left nothing less than bliss, adoration, and fierce loyalty glimmering in its wake.

  The musicians continued playing the classical tune, and on the proper note, my friends began walking down the aisle. Rosie first, followed by Elenore, then Bria, and finally Camilla, until all that was left was me. That's when the tune changed slightly, elevating in volume, decreasing in speed, and filling the whole atmosphere with emotion and anticipation.

  My turn.

  I took a deep breath, a big step, and stared straight ahead, drawn to my guys like magnetic stones, unable and unwilling to resist the pull between their hearts and mine. Step after slow step, I made my way closer to Asher and Chrissen who were standing at the front of the line, with Cal, Dan, Ben, and Rob trailing after, acting as groomsmen.

  I couldn't help but smile as I locked gazes with them, Ash's amber and Criss's hazel, both pairs of eyes overflowing with happiness. My feet shook as they fought against the urge to run straight toward them, and for a moment I thought I might lose my balance. Luckily, I stayed upright with just a hint of a wobble, but Ash freaking chuckled anyway. The beautiful brat. Chrissen simply grinned and nodded, silently encouraging me to keep moving closer.

  As I neared the front, I saw the recently reanimated queens—Delilah, Bianca, and Rosemary—sitting together in the first row on the right, smiling adoringly at me. Gods, how I wished my own mother could've been there, and Asher's, Chrissen's, and Cal's. But I was still so proud of Rob and Criss for bringing them back, and so unbelievably grateful that the three of them could be present for this third and final wedding.

  Blane, Zane, Rafe, Orion, and Peter sat in the front row on the left. Behind them sat Veda and Verron, and the demons: Hugh, Larry, Sue, Kel, and Bob. Everywhere I looked, I was surrounded by people I appreciated and cared for. It was like a dream come true.

  What felt like an eternity later, the song ended, and I was standing before my Storms in all their godlike glory. The emotions radiating off them were enough to get the empathetic side of me high, my head dizzying with excitement, my heart pounding with affection. Ash took my left hand, Criss took my right, and Malik cleared his throat, signaling to the crowd that the vow ceremony was about to begin.

  Yeah, a vampire was our unofficial priest. It was too freaking perfect.

  "Ladies and gentlemen," Malik began with a toothy grin, "we welcome you today to the wedding of Princes Asher and Chrissen Storm to the Princess Alexis Storm. Don't let the surnames fool you, they're not actually related."

  A few audience members chuckled softly, and so did I. I was too giddy to keep silent. My smile stretched so far across my face it was almost painful, but I loved every moment of it.

  "The princes and princess have decided to recite their own vows today. So, without further ado… Prince Asher."

  I released Criss's hand and turned to fully face Ash, my heart skipping like a smooth stone across tranquil waters.

  "I love you, Sweets," he began, his voice shaking slightly for once in his life, that calm and cool demeanor slipping just a smidge in the face of raw emotion. "I promise to always provide you with friendship and chocolate, passion and pastries, and the faithfulness of a sloth who just can't die."

  The crowd and I chuckled once more, making Ash grin.

  "I promise to share you equally and fairly with these other assholes because I know deep down that they love you just as much as I do and that they'll care for you and protect you just as fiercely as I would—until my very last breath."

  My bottom lip quivered as tears sprang up in my eyes.

  "I am eternally grateful that I met you all those years ago, Sweets. You've had my heart this whole time, so please, take this ring and tie me down forever."

  "Watch it," Ben muttered playfully. "She just might."

  Ash waggled his brows at me, and I nodded as happy tears fell down my cheeks and he slipped his band onto one of my free fingers.

  Malik stepped forward. "And now, Prince Chrissen's vows."

  I turned to Criss, placing my hands in his as he gazed adori
ngly into my watery eyes.

  "Alexis, when I first met you, I was a mess—a jilted wannabe with a grudge and a crush. I never imagined that you'd like me back or that our like would turn into love. I never imagined being able to hold you and kiss you outside the realm of my dreams. I never imagined how happy I could be when I found my true place amongst you and… my brothers."

  My heart melted at his words. I loved that he was making this about more than just him and me. That he was thanking the guys for loving him and including him too. It meant the freaking world to me.

  "There's a majestic light inside of you that draws me like a moth to your flame. I…" He swallowed hard, fighting the emotions I felt crawling up his throat. "I love you, Firefly, and I can't live another second of my life without you lighting my way. Say you'll be mine?"

  "Ours!" Dan shouted, trying to hide it beneath a cough.

  Once again, the audience snickered.

  But Chrissen merely smiled wide, the joy of it reaching up to touch his eyes, and he shook his head. "Be ours, Lexi."

  I half expected Dan to correct him on using his nickname for me, but he didn't, and for some reason, that made me even happier yet. It was just another example of how willing they were to share. How united we were as a team.

  I glanced down at the fresh tattoo on my inner wrist, the symbol that represented our team dynamic. It was basically a geometric wonder, one that the snake-haired tattoo artist, Medina, had clearly put a lot of thought and effort into.

  At the very center, rested a six-sided jewel—the jewel represented me, but in a way, the six points also represented them being a part of me. Ensconcing the jewel was a six-sided star—the star symbolized the six of them loving and protecting me. Just outside of that were seven lightning bolts shooting off in different directions—they represented each one of us Storms, even me, and all the different aspects and assets we brought to the table. And at the end of each lightning bolt, the lines curled around into a swirl that touched the next bolt over, so that each one of us was connected to the other in a loop that never ended.


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