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Man in the Middle [Wolf Creek Pack 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 11

by Stormy Glenn

  “You have to understand, Justin. My life really wasn’t going anywhere. My home life sucked. I thought my mother was dead and that my father was a drunk. I was searching for something, but I didn’t know what. I wanted more out of life. I felt like I was just floating along.”

  “Have you ever killed anyone?” Taylor asked.

  Chase sighed. He really did not want to have this conversation. He would rather chew nails, with a side of broken glass, than reveal to his mates what he had done for the past few years before he got out.


  Justin’s eyes widened and he looked dazed, but Taylor scooted a little closer, as if he didn’t want to miss a word. Of all the reactions he had played through his mind if he ever decided to tell his mates what was going on, these didn’t even come close.

  He imaged them turning their backs on him. He imagined them calling him a killer. He had even imagined them telling him to fuck off and never talk to them again. But Chase never expected both of them to look as if they were hanging on his every word.

  “But only when it came down to me or them.”

  “I don’t understand,” Justin said as he slid an inch closer. “If you were a hired gun, why would you only kill someone if it came down to you or them?”

  Chase reached up and cupped the back of Justin’s neck, pulling his mate close and kissing his temple. Gods, the man was so damn innocent. “I worked for an agency that specializes in neutralizing security threats. And before you ask, I’m going to leave it at that. The less you know the better.”

  “Fair enough,” Taylor said. “No questions about who you worked for. But I want to know why you felt you couldn’t claim us.”

  “It is worked, right?” Justin asked. “I mean, you don’t still work for them, do you?”

  “No, I don’t work for them and haven’t for about a year now, but I still call in favors when I need them. There are people, dangerous people, out there that owe me. The problem is, when I call in these favors, it brings them closer to you two. They may owe me, but some feel I’m a threat to the agency since I no longer work for them, yet I still know all of their dirty little secrets. They would rather put a bullet in my head then let me walk around breathing.”

  “Oh, gods,” Justin whispered. “And you’re afraid they would use us against you.”

  “Exactly,” Chase replied. “They would use the two of you to force me to come back.” Chase shook his head, feeling the fear and tension he had held for so long take control of him once more. “I can’t go back.”

  “Why can’t you just tell them that you won’t tell any of their secrets?” Justin asked.

  Chase wished it were that easy. But he wasn’t as naïve as Justin. He knew a pinky promise wouldn’t cut it with these men. Some of the men he had worked with were so ruthless that Chase still had nightmares about them.

  “It doesn’t work that way, Justin,” Taylor replied for Chase. “If I go by what Chase is telling us, these men would stop at nothing to silence him.” Taylor’s eyes widened as he jumped up from the floor, taking a step back as his eyes filled with horror. “You called them!”

  “What?” Justin asked as he looked between Chase and Taylor, confusion drowning in the depths of his green eyes.

  “Chase called them to help locate you,” Taylor said as his entire body began to shake.

  Chase stood, pulling his mate into his arms, soothing Taylor as he cursed himself for putting so much fear into both men. This wasn’t what he had wanted. He had wanted to keep them sheltered from the harsh truth of his former life.

  “What can we do?” Justin asked as he jumped up from the bed, hurrying into the circle of Chase and Taylor, his hand grabbing at Chase’s arm. “How can we stop them?”

  “I’m not sure,” Chase confessed the truth. “They are already on their way.”

  Justin’s eyes filled with tears as he took a step back, darting his eyes away from Chase and Taylor. “This is all my fault. If I hadn’t left, you wouldn’t have called them.”

  Chase growled. There was no way he was going to allow his mate to put this burden on his little shoulders. He was sick and tired of arguing and pleading with his mates. It was high time they pulled together and worked as a team. “This is not your fault, Justin.”


  Chase grabbed Justin’s arm, pulling his mate until Justin was against his body and planted a heated kiss on his mate’s lips. Gods, the man tasted so fucking good. Reluctantly, Chase pulled back, rubbing his thumb over Justin’s cheek.

  “I could counter your argument and say that none of this would be happening if I hadn’t gotten mixed up with the agency in the first place.”

  “I could argue that…” Taylor bit his lip and then shrugged. “Yeah, I got nothing. But I was trying to feel a part of this.”

  Taylor blushed heavily when Chase chuckled and pulled his other mate closer. “Nice try.”

  “Actually,” Taylor began, his blush deepening. “I was trying for one of those kisses.”

  Justin snickered.

  Chase growled. “All you have to do is ask, baby.”

  “Wait!” Justin said as he stuck his hand between Taylor and Chase’s lips.

  Chase wanted to nip Justin’s fingers for stopping him. Taylor looked just as exasperated. “Yes?” Chase turned to Justin.

  “So, that’s why you didn’t claim us?” Justin asked. “You stayed away not because you thought I was sick, but because you were trying to protect us?”

  Duh. Chase had thought he made that very clear to both his mates. “Justin, you being sick doesn’t matter to me. Well, I cared that you were sick, but under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t have stopped me. I would have just had to care for you as Taylor did.”

  “And that wouldn’t have bothered you?” Justin asked suspiciously.

  Chase was ready to put Justin over his knee and paddle the man’s ass until he saw the truth. “You are my mate, Justin. I take you as you are, diabetic, vampire, or a plaid alien with tentacles coming out of your cute little backside. It doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is that fate gave both of you to me, and I plan on taking damn good care of both of you.”

  Damn it.

  Why did Justin look like he was about to cry again? Chase wasn’t sure if he would ever figure the man out. When Justin was mad, he cried. When Justin was happy, he cried. Chase briefly wondered if he would see tears in his mate’s eyes if he fucked him into the next century.

  Sighing inwardly, Chase knew it was a something that he would get used to. Justin was sensitive. He didn’t mind having a sensitive mate. He just hated to see tears in the man’s eyes. He felt powerless when Justin looked on the verge of crying. He wanted to slay the dragon that made his mate cry.

  But how could he slay himself?

  Ugh, this was complicated.

  “That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” Justin said as he smiled, wiping at his face.

  “And I’m chopped liver?” Taylor asked.

  Justin made the cutest face as he pulled Taylor into his arms, flashing a dazzling smile as he nipped Taylor on his chin. “Never. You say the best things to me as well.”

  “Better kiss up,” Taylor mumbled as he grabbed Justin’s ass, pulling the man closer as he smashed his lips against Justin’s.

  Fuck, if the sight didn’t have Chase’s cock rock hard within seconds. He had seen the two men have sex before, and Chase had always wished he was a part of their coupling. He was definitely going to make sure that he was a part of the chemistry he could see between the two men before the night was through.

  Besides, he still had a mate to finish claiming.

  Chapter 10

  Chase could feel the sizzle of lust in the air even before Taylor released Justin and turned to look at him. He was practically salivating and licking his lips as he watched Taylor turn Justin in his arms and pulled the man’s back against his chest. He leaned over Justin and trailed his hand down his lover’s finely sculpted c

  “Isn’t he pretty, Chase?” Taylor asked as he stripped the shirt from Justin’s body. Even through his thin cotton shirt, Justin’s body was a work of art, but without it, he was even more gorgeous.

  Chase nodded rapidly, swallowing hard.

  “He’s yours now, you know. Yours and mine.”

  Chase’s snapped up to meet Taylors. “Yours and mine,” Chase repeated, feeling like he was in some sort of hypnotic daze.

  “You don’t have to stay outside anymore and watch through the window as Justin and I put on a show for you.” The widening of Chase’s eyes told Taylor that the man hadn’t realized they had been putting on a show. “You can play, too.”

  “Ohhh,” Justin groaned. “I like playing.”

  Fuck! Justin was going to send Chase into a coronary. The man’s chest was rising and falling so fast that Taylor worried Chase would hyperventilate. And that would really suck, especially now that they were all on the same wavelength.

  “Justin, love,” Taylor murmured in Justin’s ear, speaking just loud enough for Chase to hear him. “Why don’t you show Chase just what you can do with that perfect little mouth of yours?”

  Justin dropped to his knees and reached for the zipper on Chase’s pants. Chase’s body bucked as his cock was pulled from his pants and enveloped by Justin. He started to reach for Justin and then stopped, letting his hands drop to his sides as he clenched them into tight fists.

  Taylor grinned as he walked around behind Chase and stroked his hands down the man’s muscled back. “It feels good, doesn’t it, Chase?” he whispered into Chase’s ear, right before taking a little nip with his teeth. “Justin could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.”

  Oh hell, yes, he could. He felt Justin’s lips tighten around the head of his cock, and then the man began to suck, his cheeks hollowing out, his tongue tracing the veins on the shaft of Chase’s cock.

  Damn, he was good.

  “Chase, watch me.”

  Chase’s eyes snapped to Taylor. The man had dropped to his knees behind Justin. As Chase watched, Taylor stripped the pants from Justin’s body and then lifted Justin’s ass into the air, angling him sideways so that Chase had a full view of the show.

  Taylor slid his hand down between Justin’s thighs to his tight little bud. Chase’s breath caught in his throat as he watched Taylor finger Justin’s hole and then push one finger in to the knuckle.

  Taylor’s wiggled his finger in Justin’s ass, stretching their mate’s opening enough to force in another digit. He pulled all the way back out and pushed back in, fucking Justin with his fingers. Justin’s hips started moving. Hearing the sultry groans that spilled from Justin’s mouth as he was stretched caused Chase’s own cock to ache and throb.

  “Fuck me,” Chase groaned.

  Taylor grinned over his shoulder. “Plenty of time for that after you fuck Justin.”

  “I…uh…” Chase glanced down at Justin. He wanted to fuck Justin with a desperation that bordered on obsessive, but he also wanted to continue to feel Justin suck him down. And then he wanted to fuck Taylor.

  “He’s ready for you, Chase.”

  Chase bit his lip as he watched Taylor stand and walk over to the bed, stripping his clothes off as he went. By the time he reached the bed, he was totally naked. He sat down on the edge and then scooted halfway across the mattress, grabbing his cock at the base.

  “Oh, Justin,” he sang out. “I have something for you to play with, love. And, if you’re really good, Chase will fuck you while you suck me.”

  Justin dropped Chase’s cock from his mouth like a hot rock and scrambled across the floor to the bed. He didn’t even stand up. He just crawled the entire way. Once he reached the bed, he climbed up on top of it and lunged at Taylor, swallowing him down.


  Justin really liked cock. Either that, or the idea of being fucked in the ass while he sucked Taylor off was more than he could handle. Chase was willing to take whatever Justin wanted just as long as he was involved.

  “Come on, Chase,” Taylor said as he looked past Justin’s bobbing head. “He’s waiting for you.”

  Chase unbuttoned his shirt with trembling fingers, dropping it to the floor as soon as it was open. He kept his eyes locked on where Justin was sucking so hard on Taylor’s cock that his cheeks were concave.

  Chase kicked his pants away and slowly approached the bed. Justin must have heard him because his ass stuck farther up into the air. And damned if it wasn’t a perfectly fine ass, too. Perfectly rounded and just big enough to grab onto—which was exactly what Chase did.

  He scooted up behind Justin and grabbed his hips. Lining his cock up with Justin’s stretched hole, Chase began to slowly push in. The tight fit was exquisite. Justin wrapped around Chase’s cock like a velvet glove, squeezing him, and drawing hungry moans of pleasure from deep inside Chase’s chest.

  Chase had only felt such ecstasy once before in his life and that was just the previous evening. He knew mates were fated for each other, and supposed to be perfect for each other, but he had never expected this when he had two different mates.

  “It’s good, isn’t it?”

  Chase followed the trail of naked skin up Justin’s back, over his bobbing head to meet Taylor’s pale-blue eyes. The sparkle of lust burning in Taylor’s eyes was almost Chase’s undoing. Only by closing his eyes and taking several deep breaths, and not moving and inch, was Chase able to hold his orgasm at bay.

  “Fuck, Taylor!”

  Taylor only chuckled like he knew he was being evil and enjoyed it. Chase opened his eyes and smirked at his mate. Two could play this game, and if Justin liked sucking cock and getting fucked as much as Chase thought he might, then he had definite plans for both of his mates.

  Chase tightened his hold on Justin’s hips and thrust forward with enough force to move Justin up the bed a little. Taylor’s deep groan filled the room, making the hairs on Chase’s arms stand on end.

  Chase grinned and started moving, driving his cock into Justin’s tight ass as far as he could go and then pulling out until just the tip remained inside the little ring of muscles. The slurping sounds of Justin sucking Taylor’s cock increased as if Justin was losing his concentration. Taylor’s hands clenched in the blankets.

  Chase tucked Justin’s curves neatly into his own contours when the man began to squirm beneath him. It made thrusting a little harder, but Chase could feel every move that Justin made, and that was more than worth whatever extra effort he had to put in to fuck the man’s ass.

  “Do you like that, Taylor?” Chase asked, turning the man’s game back on him. “Do Justin’s lips feel good around your cock?”

  Taylor’s mouth dropped open. Instead of an argument coming out from between his lips, a long groan did. Taylor hitched his hips and spread his legs, his hands curling into Justin’s red hair.

  Chase’s hands ran intimately over Justin’s back and hips as he pounded into the man. Shivers of delight followed his touch, both for him and for Justin. The soft keening noises that began to fill the room could only be coming from Justin. Chase was too busy panting to moan, and Taylor had his lower lip caught between his teeth.

  When Justin’s tight ass began to spasm around his cock, Chase knew his little darling was close. He stroked his hand up the middle of Justin’s back to the nape of his neck, and then grabbed a handful of hair.

  He wanted to yield to the burning sweetness that seemed to captivate within him. He wanted to give voice to the lust burning inside of him. He wanted to claim his mate and then howl it to the world that both Justin and Taylor belonged to him.

  Chase wound Justin’s fair hair around his hand and tilted the man’s head to one side, just enough to reach his neck, but not enough to force the man’s mouth off of Taylor’s cock. He couldn’t wait to find out what would happen when he bit into Justin’s neck.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” Chase whispered into Justin’s ear. Justin bobbed his head. Chase wasn’t s
ure if he was agreeing or just sucking harder. He decided to assume Justin was agreeing.

  Chase pushed his cock deep into Justin until he felt Justin’s rounded little butt hit his groin, and then he licked a line up the side of Justin’s neck from his collarbone to the base of his ear. When Justin shuddered and the silky muscles encircling Chase’s cock quivered, Chase knew it was time.

  “Mine!” he growled and then sank his canines deep into Justin’s throat. Hot, sweet blood rushed over his tongue even as Justin’s high cry filled the room. Chase’s eyes filled with tears as the mating bond snapped into place between them like a rubber band, like it had with Taylor. Chase knew, no matter what, he would never be alone again. He had his two mates.

  Justin’s ass pulsed and pulled Chase’s orgasm from him with the force of a freight train. He barely had time to pull his teeth from Justin’s soft flesh before he was tossing his head back and roaring out his release.

  Chase panted heavily as he dropped his head down into the middle of Justin’s back. He could feel each spurt of cum that shot out of his cock and filled Justin’s ass. He could feel each shudder of Justin’s body, each quiver of his inner muscles.

  Hell, he could feel Justin breathe.

  And he could hear Justin giggling.

  Chase raised his head and looked down at Justin in confusion. He wanted Justin to be happy that they were now mated, but he hadn’t really expected the guy to laugh. A quick glance up at Taylor just confused him more. The man was staring down at Justin with his mouth hanging open.

  “Uh, did I miss something?” Chase asked.

  “No.” Justin went into another fit of laughter. “And neither did Taylor.”

  Chase had no idea what Justin was talking about until the man turned his head and he caught sight of the globs of white all over Justin’s face. Chase tucked his lips in to keep from laughing as he looked from Justin to Taylor, but it did no good. Chase found himself laughing right along with Justin.

  “It wasn’t that funny,” Taylor complained.

  Chase arched an eyebrow at Taylor. “Maybe we should switch positions and see how you feel being on the receiving end next time.”


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