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The Highlander’s Demand

Page 19

by Wine, Mary

  He knew it. He sent his fingertip through the folds guarding the entrance to her body and found that spot. She cried out, arching up toward his hands without realizing why she was doing so. It was impossible to resist.

  Her reward was pleasure.

  Every stroke took her closer and closer to something she didn’t understand. She was wet, making his fingers slide easily across her little nub. The pleasure traveled to her core, making her desperate for some form of release.

  When it burst, she twisted with pleasure. It was blinding and threatened to carry her away. It was pulsing through her, ebbing, but still enough to keep her panting softly.

  “That’s it, lass, that’s the reason I want to build the heat in ye,” he whispered next to her ear. Then he smoothed her hair back from her face and placed a kiss against her temple before kissing her lips once more.

  The yearning had subsided, but not completely. Deep inside, she was still hungry. Somehow, she understood he was what she needed to be fully satisfied. The knowledge was there in her mind, somewhere from a moment when an older woman had explained being a woman to her.

  Now, though, thinking was something she wasn’t even remotely interested in. She clung to her lover, needing to touch him, stroke him, and share the moment with him.

  And she liked it that way.

  Somehow, they had both become hot.

  “I’m very wet now, Buchanan.”

  He lifted his head, the candlelight reflecting in his eyes. There was a look in them that made her shiver. It was primal and dangerous, and it thrilled her.

  “Aye, ye are, lass…” He straightened his arms, pushing his upper body up and away from hers.

  He settled back on his knees, his expression settling into one of male satisfaction.

  “I like the sight of it,” he whispered as he pressed her thighs wide. “The sight of ye aroused and eager for me.”

  He trailed his finger through the folds of her slit.

  “Um…” She was suddenly feeling vulnerable.

  He pressed her thighs wider.

  “I want to see my woman,” he said huskily. “I just swore that I will have none but ye…and I would have all of ye Rhedyn.”

  He caressed her opening, circling it before thrusting his finger inside her. She let out a little sound of delight as her eyelids began to feel heavy again.

  “Are ye frightened, Rhedyn?” he asked softly. “We do nae have to go any further tonight.”

  “But…it’s our wedding night,” she said. Her mind wasn’t on her words, but on the thick length of flesh standing up between his thighs.

  “Aye, it is.”

  His jaw was tight with need. She could see frustration glittering in his eyes, but there was also something else. A determination to keep his word to her.

  She slowly smiled, trust making her bold. “Ye have touched me…there.”

  He thrust his finger into her again. “Aye…”

  “So, let me touch ye the same way.”

  His lips curled back from his teeth. It was a primal form of male enjoyment, one she found intoxicating to witness.

  Had she truly affected him so deeply?

  Apparently, she had. The knowledge gave her courage. She rolled up, reaching for his cock. He sucked in his breath as her fingertips brushed it. The skin was smooth as silk, but it was coated with a length of flesh that was hard. She drew her fingers from the tip, down to the base.

  “Christ…” he muttered.

  So, she had the power to reduce him to the same mindless state she’d been in.

  She reached all the way forward so she could close her fingers around his staff. But he pulled her hand away a moment later.

  “Forgive me, lass, but I do nae have the discipline to endure yer sweet touch.”

  “Will ye feel…good…as I did?”

  One side of his mouth twitched. He pressed her back onto the surface of the bed. His breath teased her lips. “It will feel very good, lass. I can nae think of anything I want more than to have ye under me.”

  His cock was pressed against her opening. She shivered, caught between the desire to understand his words and the need to just sink back down into the swirling mist of sensation and yearning.

  “But tonight, I need me cock to no’ fail me before we finish the business at hand, for I would no’ have it on yer mind.”

  Understanding didn’t elude her. Consummating a marriage was serious business, for more than one bride had been branded barren when the truth was, her groom had never visited her bed.

  It was business and yet, she felt anything but the cold detachment of getting a chore done.

  No, ye’re eager, like peering into a locked chest ye’re finally old enough to know the contents of…

  “Let us be married,” she said.

  He held her gaze for a moment.

  A long moment stretched out. He was waiting on her, allowing her to make the final choice. The knowledge settled the last of her nerves, leaving her ready to embrace the woman she was ready to become.

  “Come, husband, I would be yer wife in every way.”

  Pleasure lit his features in response. He smoothed his hands along the inside of her thighs. In the semidarkness, they were both shadow creatures, and it suited the moment. There was something very primal about it. He reached down and clasped his cock, rubbing the head of it through the center of her slit.

  She gasped as it connected with the little bundle of nerves at the top of her slit. She covered her mouth with her hand to prevent any more sounds from escaping.

  “I enjoy the sounds ye make,” he said, gazing at her.

  She might have replied, but he was distracting her by moving his cock up and down. Pleasure was rippling through her as need gnawed inside her. But she wasn’t the only one caught in the grip of need. His face betrayed how much it cost him to hold back. His jaw was tight, his lips thin as he took a few more moments to stroke her.

  She knew the moment he lost the battle.

  She was more than wet enough to accommodate him, yet she felt the resistance as he pressed into her.

  “Christ…” he growled.

  He started to pull back, and she clamped her thighs around his hips. “More.”

  It was a demand. But she didn’t regret it. No, she reached up and gripped his forearms.

  “Do it,” she encouraged him.

  He caught the side of face, his fingers twisting in her hair. “Tell me ye are me wife.”

  “I married ye.”

  He pressed a hard kiss against her mouth as he moved his length back into her. This time, there was pain. Her body protested as he entered her. She lifted her hips, and he grunted as he sent his length deep into her. The pain was hot, searing her in those first few moments.

  Yet, it didn’t last. Buchanan began to move, unleashing a new yearning. She wanted to keep pace with him now. She raised her hips up to take every thrust, delighting in the sensation of having his flesh deep inside her. Somehow, she understood the method of seeking out satisfaction. She moved with him, striving toward some mutual goal. It was an all-encompassing need, one she found held her captive.

  When it all burst, the pleasure was so bright, she cried out with the sheer intensity of experiencing it. She twisted in its grip, her body shredding.

  But she wasn’t alone. Buchanan let out a growl, burying himself deep as he arched back, every muscle in his body tight. She was left gasping for breath as he rolled away from her. The sound of their deep breathing filled the chamber.

  Sometime later, Buchanan rolled back toward her. He gathered her close. There was something very intimate about the way he pulled her into the curve of his body. A sense of contentment came with the contact. It was so serene, she drifted off to sleep, unwilling to ruin the moment by thinking.

  Tomorrow would come soon enough, and she would have to face the reality of her choice.


  Innis normally enjoyed the good moments in life as they came.

  It was a
practical attitude for a girl in her position. But tonight, she sat at the long table in the kitchen without remembering that being allowed to get off her feet was a rare comfort. There were platters of sweet breads and cheese on the tables still. There was even part of the tart, which had been baked especially for the bridal couple, left over. Everything was made with spices and fruits to celebrate the wedding of the laird.

  Innis should have been eating as much of it as she could, for tomorrow, there would only be common fare. Fenella was a strict mistress, but she did manage to make certain her girls had a taste of the dishes they worked hard to produce.

  “The laird had to wed.”

  Innis jumped. Fenella emerged from the shadows, a knowing look in her eyes.

  “Of course, mistress.”

  Fenella let out a snort. “And yet, ye sit here looking so forlorn. Girl, the laird was never going to belong to ye alone.”

  The Head-of-House reached over and sliced off a generous portion of the tart. She lifted it to her nose and inhaled its scent before she took a bite.

  “Ye can nae be too pleased about it either,” Innis remarked softly. She looked about, but the two boys who slept in the kitchen were both snoring. “That Lindsey might put ye out of yer position tomorrow.”

  Fenella took another bite of the tart before she replied. “Aye, she could at that. Which is why I am going to enjoy partaking of this feast while I might.” Fenella finished off her slice of tart and looked over what else the table offered. “She is still in the laird’s chamber, so the matter is done now. Worrying about me fate will no change it.”

  It was done. Innis’s heart ached.

  Fenella sliced off more of the sweet treat and dropped it onto a plate, which she slid in front of Innis.

  “Enjoy it while ye may, girl. What will happen tomorrow will be upon us soon enough with the rising of the sun.” Fenella winked at her. “Who knows? There might yet be a place for ye in the laird’s affection. As soon as his wife breeds, well, she’ll be back in the north tower.”

  Innis felt her mood brighten. Oh, yes. She hadn’t thought about the matter like that. Buchanan was doing his duty. It didn’t mean he liked his new wife.

  No, it didn’t mean that at all.


  There was a hard rap on the laird’s chamber door at first light.

  Rhedyn opened her eyes and felt a stab of pain go through her skull. The three goblets of wine she’d consumed the night before was taking its toll for certain. She groaned.

  “Aye, that’s the word for this morning,” Buchanan grumbled.

  Rhedyn jumped. The bed ropes groaned as she moved, and Buchanan chuckled at her surprise.

  “Good morning to ye, wife,” he said with a grin.

  Whoever was on the other side of the door laid their fist on the wood panels again with more force.

  “Enter!” Buchanan barked.

  “Wait,” Rhedyn protested.

  The door was pushed in, and Graham was there, smiling wide enough to show off all of his missing teeth.

  “A fine morning to ye both,” he called out congenially. “Time to be out of bed.”

  “Ye’ll wait.” Shona appeared behind the captain. She turned and sent him a hard look before she was hurrying around to where a dressing robe was draped over the back of a chair. She shook it out with a snap.

  “Up with ye, mistress.” Shona held the robe open as there was the unmistakable sound of more steps on the floor outside the chamber door.

  Even knowing there were others making ready to enter the chamber, it was still hard to force herself to slip out from beneath the bedding. Graham was looking at the ceiling, affording her the chance to make it to the robe. She quickly shoved her arms into it.

  But everyone knew she was naked. And one glance at the bed showed the dark stain on the sheets. Buchanan had taken the opportunity to get up and put his shirt on. Graham didn’t wait very long. Shona was just tying the sash on the robe when the captain came across the floor. The rest of Buchanan’s captains were right on his heels. They tore the bedding all the way off and shook out the sheet.

  “Here now.” It was Fenella who raised her voice above their enjoyment. “Hang it already, and get out so the mistress can dress.”

  Buchanan added a grunt to her order. The men appeared to be astonished to discover everyone wasn’t as gleeful as they were with the stained sheet.

  “Now!” Buchanan instructed them.

  They shuffled toward the window. Fenella opened the shutters, allowing the bright morning light in. A few moments later, the sheet was hanging out of the open window to the delight of those waiting in the courtyard. A cheer rose up.

  Rhedyn was certain she was going to die right where she stood. There was an ache between her thighs, and everyone, absolutely everyone in the castle knew what she’d been about the night before.

  Fenella started pushing them all toward the door. “Ye have had yer fun! Stop wasting the daylight!”

  And she was intent on pushing Buchanan out of the chamber as well.

  “It’s my chamber,” Buchanan protested.

  Shona had already gathered up his clothing. She handed them off to the laird. “I believe yer bride has had her fill of men for the moment. Go on with ye.”

  Fenella shut the door in his startled face.

  “There,” the Head-of-House said as she nodded with satisfaction.

  “It is his chamber,” Rhedyn said in surprise. But a moment later, she was giggling. “The look on his face!”

  Shona wore a smile as she began to lay out new garments for Rhedyn to put on. Fenella gathered up all of the wedding dress parts before she turned and faced Rhedyn. The tension in the chamber was suddenly high. A quick glance around made Rhedyn realize there were no other maids.

  “I’m ready,” Fenella spoke firmly. She stood in front of Rhedyn, her chin steady and her expression set. “Best to have this done now.”

  “Aye,” Shona agreed. She’d taken up a position to one side, clearly there to serve as witness.

  Rhedyn suddenly understood very well what the two women were expecting.

  Appearances. Always maintain appearances.

  Her mother had pressed that lesson deep into Rhedyn.

  “I wronged ye,” Fenella stated, her expression one of confidence. “Ye are the mistress now, and I’ll make no excuses.”

  Rhedyn felt something inside her shift. Whatever she did at that moment, it would have a severe impact on more than just the people in the room. Once done, it could never be undone. She had to make a choice on how she would appear to the rest of the staff.

  “I am newly arrived here,” Rhedyn began. “Of course, ye know this well. I mention it because there is no true way for me to judge yer character since I have only just met you, Fenella. Perhaps ye might tell me how long ye have served here?”

  Fenella’s expression eased. The love she had for the Mackenzies was evident. “Me mother was a cook here. In those days, before the great hall was finished, there were three main kitchens. Me mother ran the north tower one.”

  Rhedyn didn’t just hear the words. She noticed the stains on Fenella’s apron. So early in the day and yet, the fabric already sported several marks. Fenella wasn’t one to let her staff rise early and produce the morning fare while she enjoyed being at her leisure.

  “The wedding celebration ye presented was very fine.”

  Fenella hadn’t been expecting a compliment. She raised an eyebrow. “I’m pleased to hear it met with yer approval.”

  “Ye are a competent Head-of-House,” Rhedyn continued. “I would be foolish to remove ye from the position.”

  Her words surprised Fenella and Shona. The two women shared a look as Rhedyn realized she’d also stunned herself. But she liked the feeling she gained for knowing she’d resisted the urge to strike out at someone, simply because circumstances had changed.

  “As to the matter of discipline,” Rhedyn addressed the subject directly.

face tightened.

  “It is the laird’s rule that ye give no more than ten blows without his approval, correct?” Rhedyn fought the urge to retch as she remembered the sound of the rod sailing through the air.

  “It is,” Fenella confirmed.

  “Best we all adhere to that standard henceforth.”

  There was silence. Fenella contemplated Rhedyn for a long moment. “Yer mother saw to yer education well.”

  “As did yer own,” Rhedyn responded in kind. “A household this large will require all of our efforts to see it running smoothly.”

  “Well said,” Shona spoke at last.

  “I’ll be getting back to the kitchens now, mistress.” The Head-of-House inclined her head before she turned and left.

  Rhedyn sat down to pull the stockings onto her feet. Her heart was racing, but the sense of accomplishment flowing through her made her smile.

  “Ye should be pleased with yerself,” Shona said once they were alone. “No’ too many would have been kind to her while still wearing the bruises she gave ye.”

  Rhedyn looked at her forearms. The bruises were faded now. In fact, it was a marvel to realize just how far in the past her first few days with Buchanan felt. Time was truly a wondrous elixir. The memory of the meadow rose from her thoughts, overshadowing the time she’d spent in the storeroom above the kitchens. It did in fact appear that the future might be bright if she merely looked at the positive things around her instead of the negative.

  Her mother would have called it prudent.

  “She was grieving,” Rhedyn remarked as she secured her garters. “She spoke up against Hamish for me. I think it better to remember that.”

  Could life truly be what she made of it? Rhedyn wasn’t sure, but the morning light was suddenly warm and full of opportunities. She was eager to see what the day held.

  Trusting yer captor?

  The thought didn’t give her pause. No, she ignored it as she continued dressing. And she refused to entertain any further doubts. The sheet was flapping outside the window–she’d made her choice.

  Her husband.

  So, she’d make the best of her marriage.


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