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Imperfect Saint

Page 20

by Jess Bryant

  Her head rolled back and her hips bucked as he began to tease her with tongue. In and out, he flicked and hummed. He circled her opening and then plunged deep again. He groaned and muttered praises against her wet flesh that only made her squirm more. Her body found a pace with him and began to buck, rising to meet him, wanting him deeper, wanting something more, something that was just out of reach.

  “Oh God, Hunter…” Her voice broke on a cry as she felt all the emotions inside of her slam into a brick wall that was threatening to crumble, “Oh god, oh god, oh god…”

  He hummed, pulling back momentarily, ‘That’s it, baby. Come on my tongue. Come for me, Mills.”

  Hunter flicked his tongue over her clit once, twice, and after the third time he circled and then sucked it into his mouth. Millie screamed. Her entire body arched. It felt as if she was splintering into a million fragmented pieces. She was shattering glass. All of her walls tumbled down and the riptide of emotion she’d kept at bay for so long flooded her to the point that she felt like she might drown.

  She gasped but Hunter was right there with her, holding her through the hurricane of her orgasm. He whispered to her as she shook and came apart in his arms. Quiet, firm words that told her how beautiful she was, how special she was, how she was his now and he was never letting her go. It was his words that finally grounded her back into the real world and she slumped against the bed with exhaustion.

  “Oh… my… god…” She breathed raggedly and felt Hunter’s answering chuckle against her thigh.

  “You okay, baby?”

  “I… I don’t know yet.”

  His chuckle came again and then the barest butterfly touch of a kiss against her hip followed, “A promise is a promise, right?”

  “Oh, yeah. You kept your promise.” She kept her eyes closed, basking in the feeling of warmth and contentedness that washed over her as her orgasm ebbed and her body began to relax. “That was amazing, Hunter.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” He smiled against her belly, “Because I want another.”

  Her eyes flew open and she looked at him, “What?”

  “Give me another one, Mills. I know you’ve got more, got them all stocked up and saved and I want them. I want them all.”

  “But…” Her knees were jelly and her muscles vibrated as he kissed back down to her mound… “Hunter… I… I don’t know if I can.”

  “You can and you will.” His eyes met hers, dark and all but daring her to deny him, “Lay back, love. We’re just getting started.”

  Millie gasped as he put his mouth back on her. She moaned when he added his fingers to the mix. She cried out when he ratcheted the heat back up and she fell apart for him just like he wanted, again and again until there was no part of her left that wasn’t totally and completely his for the taking.


  Hunter woke up slowly, the light peeking through the windows of the cabin telling him that it was still early. The cabin, he smiled up at the ceiling as he let memories of the previous night wash over him. It had been perfect, everything with Millie was perfect, and now, this morning, he got to wake up with her in his arms, hugged tight to his chest, and he’d never felt so at home in his entire life.

  Her hair tickled his nose and he leaned down enough to kiss the top of her head. God, he loved her hair. He loved how soft it was. He loved the way it felt when he ran his fingers through the dark strands. He loved the way it smelled, sweet and fresh and just, Millie.

  She gave a soft sigh, her breath sliding over his bare chest and he swallowed a growl. His hand slid down her back of its own accord. He couldn’t help it. His body had reminded his mind that she was beautifully, gorgeously naked beneath the sheets and that he’d fallen asleep without taking his own release last night. He had to touch her. His hand found the soft curve of her hip and Millie made another sound, this time more of a moan, and he smiled against her hair.

  “Are you just going to lay there and pretend to be asleep or are you going to say good morning?”

  He felt her answering smile against his chest even before she curled her body, stretching up and around him, cuddling even closer until she was half draped over him. She finally leaned back and looked up at him and his heart melted. She looked beautiful in the early morning light. Soft and sweet and messy, squinting to see him without her glasses, she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.

  “I wasn’t sure if you were actually awake or if you were still dreaming.”

  “Mmm, feels like a dream come true.” He slid a hand into her curls and leaned down to brush his lips over hers, “Nope. Better than a dream.”

  “Sweet talker.” Her nose wrinkled and he tapped her on it lightly.

  “You deserve sweet, Mills.” He played with her hair, “That’s what I want to give you.”

  Her smile wrapped around his heart. He couldn’t remember a time he’d ever been so happy. He’d woken up with more than one woman in his bed over the years. He’d had fun with past girlfriends. He’d enjoyed himself. But he’d never felt this complete and utter sense of contentedness like he did waking up with Millie.

  He’d known the first time he met her that he wanted her. After working beside her for months, he’d known that he wanted to get to know her better. But after spending this weekend with her, spending the night with her, he knew that it was more than just wanting to be around her. He wanted to be with her, all the time, and he wanted her to be his.

  “What’re you smiling about?” She propped herself up on one elbow and grinned right back at him.

  “What’s not to smile about? I just woke up in bed with the very beautiful, very naked, woman of my dreams.”

  She giggled, “Last night was…”

  “Perfect?” He raised an eyebrow when she dropped her gaze and looked up at him from beneath her lashes. “What? Not perfect? Because I’m pretty sure it was one of the best nights of my life.”

  “It was great.”

  “But? I feel a but coming on.”

  “But it felt a little…” She bit her lip, “One-sided.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Well, I came but…”

  “Four times.” He grinned when her cheeks flushed adorably, “You came four times.”

  “But you didn’t. Not even once.” She huffed at him, “It was wonderful and amazing and I loved every second of it but, I want to make you feel good too, Hunter.”

  God help him. Sweet, sexy, Millie asking for her turn to drive him crazy might actually kill him. Saying yes was the only possible response and yet, he wasn’t sure he could survive it if she decided to return the favor and explore every inch of him like he had her last night.

  “Baby, last night was about you. I told you that.”

  “I know, but I don’t want this thing between us to be one-sided. I want it to be about the both of us. You make me happy. You make me feel sexy and wanted but what I want, is you.”

  “You have me.” He reached out and caught her chin, “I’m right here.”

  “And when we go home?” Her eyes met his, serious and searching and he knew that she had to feel it too, either that or she’d read his mind while he was staring at her, thinking about their future together.

  “Millie,” he met her gaze right back and held it, “I’ve told you the truth from the moment we met and I’m not going to change that now. As far as I’m concerned, we’re together. I told you the first day we got here that this was real for me. Whether we’re here or in Nashville or on the moon, it’ll still be true.”

  “You want us to be together?”

  He smiled at the sweet hope in her voice, “We are together, Millie.”

  “Good.” She nodded, still looking up at him from beneath those lashes, “That’s what I want. I want there to be an us. I want to try and make this work between us.”

  “We’ll do more than try.” He promised but Millie didn’t smile like he’d thought she would.

  She shook her head and looked away, “Hunter, I don�
��t have the best track record with this kind of thing. I told you that Joshua was the only man I’d ever been with and look how that turned out.”

  “Hey.” He instantly rolled her to her back so she was forced to meet his eyes again, “This is nothing like that. I would never, ever, hurt you. You have to know that. You have to trust me. This relationship might not always be easy. We might argue but I will never hurt you.”

  “I know that.” She raised a hand and touched his cheek, “I know you’re not like that. I just meant… I don’t have a history of making good choices when it comes to the men in my life.”

  “Well, first off, there’s no more men in your life. There’s just one man, and that’s me.” He smiled when her expression lightened a little, “And second, we’re good together Millie. You know it just as well as I do. Anytime you doubt it, you just let me know and I’ll remind you how good we are together, deal?”

  He finally got another of those soft smiles that turned him inside out. The light in the room was getting brighter. Dawn had broken and soon they’d have to crawl out of this bed and leave this secluded little cabin in the woods. They’d have to say their goodbyes and then hit the road back to Nashville, back to the real world and their real lives. But they’d be doing all of that together and that was the important thing he had to remember.

  This wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t the end of anything. It was only the beginning.

  “Deal.” Millie reached up and put her arms around his neck, pulling him down to brush a kiss across his mouth, “Hunter?”

  “Hmm?” He nipped at her lip as she said his name, loving the sound of it from her sweet mouth.

  “I’d like my reminder now.”

  He felt her smile against his lips and grinned in return. God, she made him crazy. So hesitant and unsure at times and then at others she was as confident as a nymph and as seductive as a siren. He loved that she had no problem telling him what she wanted. He loved knowing that she wanted him and he fully intended to always give her what she wanted and needed in this relationship.

  Hunter kissed her again softly. Sweetly. He swiped his lips over hers again and again. He kept the contact light and teasing. He teased until she made that needy little sound he loved so much and then he stopped playing and took her mouth, kissing her deep and hard, tangling their tongues, kissing her until they both ran low on air and he had to pull back to keep from passing out.

  “Hunter.” She breathed his name on a small little gasp and he groaned as he peppered kisses down her neck.

  “Millie.” He licked the soft spot below her ear and then sucked, relishing the way her body arched and her breath caught, “I want you. I want to make love to you. I want to bury myself inside you again and again until we both forget what it feels like to be apart.”

  She moaned, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled his head back, his mouth back to hers, “Yes. Please. God yes.”

  He kissed her again and she kissed him back just as wildly. Her hands were everywhere. Tangling in his hair. Running down his back. Her nails scratching their way back up and making him groan with pleasure.

  His own hands were desperately trying to get rid of the sheets that were twisted all around them. He didn’t want anything between them. Not right now. He pulled and jerked at the sheets, finally pulling away from her to curse as he found and edge and threw the entirety of the linens to the floor.

  Millie laughed and he grinned down at her. His beautiful, happy girl. She practically glowed. Her lips were red and swollen from his kisses. Her hair was in wild tangles. She was completely naked, all of her smooth, pale skin, rosy with her laughter and desire. She didn’t move to cover herself or try to hide her body from him and he committed the moment to memory.

  Oh, he couldn’t look away.

  Her breasts were small, like the rest of her. Round and perky and tipped with nipples the color of strawberries. Her stomach was a smooth plane down to the apex of her legs. Her mound was covered in a perfectly trimmed triangle that pointed the way to heaven and his mouth watered with the memory of feasting between her legs last night. She opened them for him now, shifting against the bed as if she couldn’t be still beneath his gaze.

  She moaned, “God, Hunter. You’re going to make me come again if you keep looking at me like that.”

  He smirked and let his eyes slowly move back up her trim body to find her dark eyes, “I’m definitely going to make you come again, baby. Don’t doubt that for a second.”

  “Do you think you could be inside me when you do? Because I really want that.” She licked her own lips as her eyes skated down his chest to settle on the steel beam trying to escape his boxers. “Please?”

  He closed his eyes and dropped his head back. He sent a silent prayer up to the heavens for strength and endurance. She was going to kill him and it was going to be the most glorious death a man could know.

  “I think I can manage that.” He forced himself off the bed when he managed to get control of himself again.

  “Hunter?” Millie frowned, her brows knitting, “Where are you going?”

  “Condom.” He growled as he went to the bedside table and began rummaging in the drawers, “I have to find a condom. I need inside you and I need to find a condom before I become incapable of rational thought.”

  Millie snorted, “Don’t you have one in your wallet like every other red-blooded male over the age of fifteen?”

  “No.” He shot her a dark look and frowned right back, “I didn’t bring any this weekend. I didn’t want to get my hopes up or make you think I expected anything to happen.”

  Her frown lessened, “Aw, Hunter…”

  “Don’t call me sweet again, Millie. I’m not feeling sweet right now. I’m feeling like a royal fucking idiot for not planning ahead. I was in the Army for God’s sake. I’m trained to be prepared for anything.”

  This time she laughed, “Did you just compare me to a military mission?”

  “No. I…” He paused, ran a hand through his hair, “Maybe?”

  Millie laughed again and he finally paused in his search to look back at her. She grinned at him and pointed to the window seat built into the far wall of the little cabin. He frowned but moved towards it and sure enough, he saw what it was she wanted him to see.

  On first glance it looked like nothing more than a bench but close up, he could see that the top had hinges. It wasn’t just a bench. It had a built-in storage space. He shot her a suspicious look but Millie only smiled again. He pushed the candles and blankets that were sitting atop it aside until he could lift one corner and get a handle on the lid.

  “Holy shit.” He opened it and gaped.

  “What?” Millie sat up, “Is it not there?”

  “Oh, it’s here.” He chuckled as he shook his head and then shot her another suspicious look, “My question to you is, how did you know there were condoms stashed in here?”

  Millie gave a shrug and he tried not to let his gaze drop to her perky breasts that bobbed with the motion, “I told you. I used to find Colin and Reed making out in here. This was their spot. I figured it was safe to assume they still hid their… things… in the window seat.”

  “Yeah, they have lots of… things… stashed out here.”

  “Like what?” Millie moved as if she was going to get up from the bed but Hunter grabbed a condom from one of the boxes that was open and let the lid of the bench seat slam shut.

  “Don’t even think of getting out of that bed.” He warned.

  Millie raised an eyebrow, “Because you don’t want me to see what my brother and Reed have hidden in there? Trust me. I’ve got a pretty good idea. I spent years being the annoying, tagalong little sister. They might have been able to keep things a secret from Dad but nothing got past me.”

  “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.” Hunter snorted, “But no. You’re staying in that bed because I found what we were looking for and I’m not getting distracted by your brother’s gay porn collection.”

“He has porn in…” Millie’s surprised question trailed off into a squeak when Hunter whipped his boxers to the floor.

  His dick sprang free and he took great pleasure in watching her mouth form that sweet little O. He was hard. Hell, he’d been hard last night. He’d woken up hard this morning. He was pretty sure at that moment he couldn’t have remembered the last time he wasn’t hard in this girl’s presence. Having her attention on him took it to a whole new level though. His dick bounced against his abdomen, dripping pre-come and practically begging for its turn to meet Millie.

  “Sorry, you were saying?” He teased her as he gave himself a good, hard stroke.

  “I…” Millie licked her lips, her eyes darting up to his and then back to his dick. “Huh?”

  “Remind me what it was you wanted, Mills.” He tore the condom open with his teeth and then carefully rolled it on as she watched.

  “You.” She whispered, her eyes finally coming up to meet his again and stay. “I want you, Hunter.”

  He moved towards the bed, crawling back up and over her until she lay back against the pillows, “You’ve got me. Be more specific.”

  “I want you inside me.” She said without hesitation. “Make love to me. Please?”

  “God,” he groaned as he positioned himself between her legs, “You’re so damn sweet. I love it when you say please. Makes me feel like I could conquer the world. Like I’ve got something you need and only I can give it to you.”

  “Yes.” She raised up and pressed a kiss to his jaw, “Give it to me, Hunter.”

  “Need to make sure you’re ready first.” He tilted his head and took her lips, pressing his tongue into her mouth and flicking his tongue in and out in the filthiest way, imitating what he planned to do with his cock. As he kissed her, he slid his hand up her thigh until he found that sweet spot between her legs. She gasped when he pressed a finger along her slit and he groaned as she bucked beneath him. “Fuck, Mills. You’re so wet for me.”

  “I’m ready. Please, Hunter.” She was rocking her hips into his fingers, going mindless with the need and he couldn’t be the voice of reason to hold them back a moment longer.


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