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Allegiance (The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 8)

Page 8

by K E Osborn

I shake the thought from my mind as I gaze back at her. She’s fucking stunning. Lily grins at me all mischievous and tempting.

  “Well, hello yourself. I see we’ve taken to hiding in the shadows and hallways now, Lily. You’re a real delinquent, aren’t you?”

  She snorts out a laugh as she leans against the wall, her eyes not so subtly wandering up and down my body. “Delinquent… mmm… I like it. Though, I’m not sure I’m really the rebellious type.”

  I bring my arm up and place my palm flat on the wall next to Lily’s head, stepping closer, locking her against the wall. My eyes stare into hers as I notice her breath catch. My chest squeezes staring into her stunning hazel eyes. “I’m sure I could bring out your…” I wink, “… more rebellious side.”

  Lily bites her bottom lip in an attempt to hide her amusement, but it breaks through. “What if I don’t want you to?”

  I lean in closer, so close I can smell the cranberry on her lips from the drink she must have already consumed. The tension ripples through the air as I stare at her, our eyes locking in on one another, my breathing quickens as the energy in the air sizzles with the magnetism between us. “If you don’t want me to, then push me away.”

  Her breath catches as her hands slide up onto my chest. I tense for the briefest of moments thinking she’s going to, but her fingers clench onto my shirt pulling me toward her instead.

  My lips crash against hers, hard.

  If she wants to rebel, then I’m going to show her the very best bad parts of me. My free hand moves to her hip, forcing her back to the wall completely. I step even closer, our bodies colliding as her hands slide around my neck pulling me to her. My body aligns with hers as I press forcefully, my tongue seeking solace with hers. My cock begins to harden as I grind, not caring if anyone sees, though no one’s back here at this point.

  She kisses with as much enthusiasm as I’m showing her. It’s like we’ve been apart for a century and are only just reuniting. The chemistry I feel with her ignites my entire fucking body. My fingers dig into her hip, letting her know I mean business. She whimpers into my mouth, her body reacting to mine, giving me the go-ahead. She’s just as into this.

  “Jesus… get a room,” some douche murmurs walking past us toward the bathroom, and it’s enough to kill the moment.

  Lily slowly pulls back as I bring my hand up to cup her beautiful face. Her skin is like the smoothest silk I’ve ever felt as her eyes alight like sparkling diamonds in the dim light of the back hall.

  “We’re going to have trouble controlling ourselves.”

  She giggles, the sound fucking harmonious as she licks her lips like she’s trying to get one final taste of me. “I don’t know what it is about you, Eli. You make me into someone I want to be. Someone… fun.”

  I let out a small laugh. “You’re not normally fun?”

  “Work can be mundane. It tends to drown me in monotony, making me this boring person. But you… you’ve shown me more fun in the small amount of time I’ve been with you than I’ve had in the last five years.”

  “Wow! And all we’ve done is had coffee and a really, really great kiss against a wall.”

  “See, how my life is boring if that’s been my highlight?”

  I take a deep breath. This could mean one of two things. If her life is that dull, then there is no fucking way she could ever get used to the idea of me being in the club. Or it could go the other way because her life is so damn boring the club might be what she needs to loosen up.

  I guess I have to get more of a feel for her, to see which way this is going to play out.

  I need to get to know her a little more.

  Kissing her in the back of a posh pub isn’t accomplishing that.

  I need to slow this down. Yeah, you’re losing your fucking balls.

  Caressing her face, I smile as I exhale. “Well, then, let’s go take a seat and get to know each other properly. See if we can get some more excitement into your life, yeah?”

  She nods as she beams at me like her cheeks might burst if she’s not careful. The energy coming from her is so fucking euphoric it’s contagious. I lean in pressing my lips to hers once more briefly, then back away. I take her hand leading Lily back into the main room to find a quiet place to sit.

  We talk, the conversation between us is effortless, flowing easily, and we get along so fucking great. Though obviously, I need to bend the truth in some situations to hide the club from her, but it only serves my guilt. I hope, in the end, she will be able to forgive me for not telling the whole truth. My lies are out of control, and I’m going to need to deal with it at some stage, but tonight is not that night.

  “I’m enjoying your company, Eli. I want to make this a regular thing if you’re game?”

  I tense a little not knowing how long I can keep up this façade. But what I am sure of is I want to keep seeing her. “For sure. How about I take you to the movies next weekend? Like a real date?”

  Lily’s eyes light. It’s like the world stops turning as everything focuses in on how dazzling she looks at this very moment. Her big doe eyes sparkle as her lips turn up like she’s the happiest she’s ever been. It’s as if she’s an angel, and her inner grace is glowing from the inside out, showing me how glorious she is. She truly is heaven-sent as she stands there shining like a goddamn beacon of hope.

  She gnaws on her bottom lip as she falls back down to earth. “I’d love that.”

  I exhale, relieved she’s agreed. At least, at the movies I can wear jeans and a standard shirt, but I still won’t be able to wear my cut.

  I should tell her.

  I should tell her right now.

  I’m a fucking pussy.

  Not only have my balls detached, but they have scampered away and are now hiding from my view.


  The Next Sunday

  I’m so freaking nervous.

  Eli’s picking me up from home. I know if he brings me back here after the movie, there’s a possibility he could come in and have coffee. Let’s face it, coffee is code for sex, and I’m secretly shitting myself. I haven’t had sex for so long. I haven’t had time to get myself prepared. Sure, I’ve showered, shaved my legs, and done everything I need to, but mentally, I’m not sure if I am ready. But then again, Eli has been nothing but amazing.

  Is taking the next step with him such a bad idea?

  I know we’ve only technically been on two dates, but we talk on our cells every day. So, that’s got to count for something, right?

  I’m busy checking myself over in the mirror. Eli told me to wear pants, which I thought was weird, but I’m going with it. So, I’m wearing skinny jeans with a white top and a black denim jacket over the top which has an embellishment of silver balls over it. On my feet are black heels that tie up around my ankles. The vibe is kind of a cross between rock and biker-chic. I think Eli will love it.

  I hear a rumble outside, but I’m too busy checking myself over to really take notice of the sound. Then my doorbell rings.

  “Shit!” I quickly rush to the door.

  Taking a breath while rubbing my hands down my outfit, I pull open the door. Eli’s standing there, holding two helmets in his hands, wearing jeans, boots, a tight-fitting T-shirt which shows off his rippling muscles, and a leather jacket. I tighten my legs together to stop the throb at just how damn good he looks.

  My eyes widen as I take in the two helmets. I place my hand on my hip as he beams like a cocky schoolboy at me. “Umm… what are they for?”

  He chuckles. “Well, hello, Lily. It’s nice to see you, too.”

  “Sorry. Hi, Eli, you’ve kinda thrown me with those helmets in your hands.”

  A devious expression lines his face causing a dimple to pop in on his left cheek. Fuck, he’s gorgeous.

  “Well, that’s because we’re going for a ride.”

  My heart leaps into my throat as I let out an audible gasp. “A what now?”

  “On my bike. You know… a Harley?”

; “No… I totally understand what you mean. I just… I’ve never been on the back of a motorcycle.”

  His face alights like that’s the best thing I could have possibly have said to him as he hands me the helmet. “Perfect. I like that I have one of your firsts.”

  My stomach squeezes as he winks at me, he then pulls his helmet over his head. The sight of him wearing it does something to me. Damn, if it doesn’t suit him to a tee. Seeing him out of his business clothing and styled as more—I don’t know—of a badass is having a real good effect on me.

  I lean in pressing my lips to his. A tingle vibrates through me like it has every single time he’s kissed me. It’s like all the tiny atoms in my body fire off in some kind of electro-charged mania. I’m addicted to the feeling as I slowly pull back, staring into his eyes. “Take me for a ride, biker boy.”

  His eyes widen as if he’s just won the lottery while he hands me a helmet. I pull it over my head, but he leans in doing up the strap for me. I bite down my bottom lip, loving the feeling. I could definitely get used to it.

  “Okay, let’s do this. Hold on around my waist, move with me, and lean into my back.” He bops me on top of my helmet making me giggle as I turn to check my front door is locked. I walk with him over to his motorcycle. It’s stunning—so sleek and stylish. It’s fucking sexy as he slides on so effortlessly. Fuck, if that doesn’t make me want to ravage him right here, right now, on the back of the bike. I try to keep my shit together while he holds out his hand to help me on behind. Moving in closer behind him, I wrap my arms around his muscular waist, my breasts firmly pushing into his back.

  Instantly, I’m home. I’ve never done this before, and yet, I feel like this is where I’ve meant to be for my entire life.

  Eli starts the engine, peering back at me. “Hold on, gorgeous.” He faces the front, then takes off, making my entire body feel like it’s been left behind. But I fucking love it. I let out a little squeal as I cling to him like a monkey feeling the wind whipping at my face. He takes a corner, and I move with him, it’s effortless. We move as one so flawlessly. We’re meant to be on this bike together. I can’t believe I’ve never done this before. The vibration of the engine rattles up through my very soul. It’s so energizing that I’ve never felt more alive. I want to throw my hands in the air and scream at the top of my lungs like on a roller coaster. Though, it might not only be inappropriate but also dangerous, which wouldn’t be a good thing. Still, that’s how excited I am.

  Eli’s making me live on the edge, and honestly, I can’t help but love this side of me he’s bringing out. But before I know it, he’s pulled up at the complex and switches off the engine. I let out a long breath as I leap from the back of the bike, practically jumping on the spot in front of him. “That was the best thing I’ve ever done in my entire life, Eli,” I yell at him, my ears still adjusting from the noise.

  He chuckles, sliding with ease off his bike. “I’m glad I could oblige.” I bounce up and down excitedly on my toes as he leans in to undo the strap on my helmet. “You’re so damn cute when you’re happy.”

  I giggle. “I am sooo happy,” I blurt out like a giddy schoolgirl I barely recognize.

  Eli laughs as he pulls off my helmet and places it on his bike, then he takes off his own. He turns back to me, his hand coming in caressing my cheek. Delicately he kisses my lips, sending a spark through me again. I kiss him back while my insides turn to mush.

  Eli slowly pulls back with the biggest smile on his face. “Dinner, then movie?” he stipulates, more like a demand than a request.

  He takes my hand in his and leads me toward the café next to the cinema.

  My excitement from the ride eventually wore off. Dinner was terrific, and we were able to carry on a conversation with effortless ease. But now we’re in the cinema where it’s dark, and we’re not talking, and all I can do is think. The buzz is wearing off, and I’m getting into my own damn head.

  As if to sense my mood shift, Eli reaches out grabbing my hand, threading his fingers with mine. He’s so fucking perfect.

  I slump back into my seat further holding onto him for dear life. He’s amazing. The problem is, I’m lying to him about who I am. I’m an attorney who’s dealing with a criminal who’s so fucked up I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore.

  Raphael’s case is going to take a while to get underway. It’s going to be a long time before the court case is held, but there’s going to be a deposition of the victim, and I have to be ready for it. Even though Raphael will plead not guilty, I know he definitely is. All the time I’ve spent with him, I feel his guilt in my bones. The man’s a lying scumbag, and I hate the fact I’m defending him for personal gain.

  Quite simply, it doesn’t sit right with me.

  It’s actually tearing me up inside.

  If I knew it wouldn’t disappoint my mentor, Howard, I would pull out of the case, and I’d do it in a heartbeat. I know I could make name partner another way but don’t want to rock the boat. I’m too fucking nice sometimes. It goes against every inbuilt grain that I have to continue working with a guilty asshole like Raphael.

  The movie ends, and I realize I’ve spent the entire time worrying about the case while not really taking in any of the movie. I have no idea what the hell happened. I hope Eli doesn’t want to discuss the movie with me afterward. But as he walks with me to the bike, we’re both quiet, and it seems like he’s deep in thought too.

  I turn to him feeling vulnerable. I don’t want the night to end, and I need some comfort. “Eli…”

  He glances at me seeming unsure where this is going to go. “Yeah?”

  I hesitate but ask anyway. “Do you wanna come inside when we get back… you know, for coffee?”

  Eli’s lips push up in a smile as he hands me my helmet. I bite on my bottom lip taking it from him and place it on my head.


  I wonder if my code for coffee means the same thing for him as it does for me?


  We walk into the kitchen, neither of us saying anything, but there’s a definite tension in the room. An energy if you will. I think we both know what could happen, but we’re walking on eggshells as I make my way to the Keurig to start the coffee.

  I turn to face him, his eyes full of lust as he stares at me. My heart races in my chest as the energy surges between us, popping and crackling like fireworks. “Umm… I don’t have a pod for Americano,” I say all breathy.

  Eli chuckles as I turn back to the machine to find a pod that might be suitable.

  “Anything’s fine, Lily. As long as it’s… hot,” he murmurs the last word as he steps in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist holding me to him.

  I swallow hard as my back melts into his front, his hand coming up swiping a small amount of hair away from my skin. His lips slowly slide in, caressing the nape of my neck tenderly, sending a chill down my spine. I close my eyes letting out a long breath as my clit begins to throb. My hand snakes up to hold onto the back of his head as he continues to plant firm kisses on my neck. Both of our breathing becomes rushed.

  My heart beats so frantically fast that I can’t take it anymore. I spin in his grip, my eyes meet his for a second—just a brief second—before my mouth collides with his in a flurry of passion. His tongue dances with mine as his hands slide to my ass. He quickly hoists me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he pushes me back and onto top of the counter. All the while we kiss desperately.

  Eli moves in, and I feel his hard cock pressing against the seam of my jeans, and I already know I’m wet for him. Eli, quite simply, has that effect on me.

  Energy runs through us—anticipation of what’s to come. His tongue caresses mine, and it’s like we’ve been doing this dance for so long, the need inside of me has built into a massive crescendo. But the thing is we haven’t been doing this dance for long. We don’t know each other that well, but the way I connect with him, it feels like I’ve known him a lifetime. The way my body alights when
I’m around him only lets me know that this is the direction we were headed from the moment he walked up to that coffee cart.

  I kiss him like I mean it, my body throbbing with such deep desire that I need to move this along. I want to take this slow. I want to do this the right way, but I know with us, there’s going to be nothing romantic about this. We’re animalistic right now, and we have an insatiable need for each other.

  My hands run over his broad shoulders yanking on his leather jacket, pulling it down. It falls to the floor, leaving him in a tight-as-fuck polo shirt. I see the swarm of tattoos running the length of his arms, and fuck if it doesn’t turn me on even more. I want to take my time to admire them. I want to study each one, but my body is too worked up to slow this down to take in his body’s artwork. Instead, my hands rush to the bottom of his shirt, lifting it. He helps me ease it off his muscular torso as we break our kiss, and I run my fingers along his impressive six-pack.

  Eli’s intense eyes shift to my shoestring top, his hands soon follow as he grabs the hem hoisting it over my head, leaving me in my strapless bra. Not the prettiest of lingerie, but I don’t care right now.

  My breaths are coming in short bursts as his hand loops around as he unclips my bra with one hand, making me giggle. He’s a master at that. My bra falls to the floor freeing my medium-size breasts.

  Eli’s eyes focus on them. Lust burns in his eyes as he leans down taking a nipple between his teeth and sucking with a little force. My head falls back in delight while his hands slowly edge to my jeans. His teeth grip onto my nipple, grazing it with just the right amount of pressure to make me squirm against the counter. I bite down on my bottom lip as he very slowly unbuttons them, the movement so fucking sexy it’s sending a shiver down my spine. Then in one swift movement, he pulls them and my panties down stopping at my feet. The whole thing catches me off guard as I gasp at the sheer dominance in his demeanor. He has me shuddering on the countertop at the way he moves around me. He’s so fucking strong and masculine. So assured. I can hardly contain myself. I even think for a moment about touching my clit to ease the ache he’s sending between my legs. But I don’t because I want to save that all for him. He removes my heels then continues to pull off my jeans and panties, leaving me naked sitting on top of the counter.


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