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Allegiance (The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 8)

Page 16

by K E Osborn

  Foxy tilts her head. “You or her?”

  “Me. I keep telling her I don’t want them ‘cause a club is no place to raise kids.”

  A loud roar of laughter bursts out from all of us, accept Lily, as we shake our heads at him. At the same time, Hope, Rix, and Grace run past us, their tiny feet hitting the clubhouse floor as they play chasey with each other. He watches the three kids like their timing couldn’t be more ill-timed.

  Foxy raises her brow at him, and he groans. “Okay, all right, all right… at the time of our discussion, there weren’t many kids on the scene. I thought it wasn’t safe at that time. I guess nothing much has happened around here lately.”

  Sparx shrugs. “You think any of your brothers are gonna let any bastard hurt their kids? You think any of us mama bears are gonna either?”

  Scratch looks at Lily. “Lily… you know better than all of us about the assholes of the world. You know the bad of the bad. Would you bring a child into the world?”

  Lily stills like she’s shocked about being brought into this conversation. All eyes turn to her, but she doesn’t hesitate to answer Scratch, “Yeah, yeah, I would. Because from what I’ve seen, anyone here would take a bullet for their brothers and families. Scratch, if you want to have kids, then don’t hold back because you never know what’s around the corner. Life can change in the blink of an eye.”

  Lily’s eyes meet mine, a sadness washing over her, and I know exactly what she means.

  “After the shit I’ve seen, you never know what’s coming. So, take every day you have. Take a risk. If you love, Tiny. Tell her. Make her an Old Lady and put a baby in her belly because, Scratch, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed nor is it destined to be perfect. Make the most of it while you can. This club, from the little I have seen, is a perfect place to bring up children.”

  A slow smile crosses my face as Foxy pats Lily on the back. “Well, shit! We’ll make an Old lady of you yet.”

  I look up to see Lift walking over with Vibe, and there’s a look of pride on his face. He obviously overheard what Foxy said, and to Lift, that was probably a sign of approval from the first Old Lady.

  “Thanks, Lily, appreciate the pep talk. Now, I need to figure out what the hell I’m gonna call my woman when I claim her.”

  Excitement bubbles through me as a resounding cheer echoes through the clubhouse. Lift and Vibe slap Scratch on the back as he stands. Tipping his head at Lily, she winks at him as he strides off to make some big-life decisions.

  “That was good of you, Lily,” I tell her.

  Lift places his hands supportively on her shoulders as she turns to look at me. “It was?”

  “Hearing that the club is good for families from someone not necessarily in the club, well, that was all the confirmation he needed to get off his ass and claim his woman.”

  Foxy nods. “Tiny has been waiting to be claimed for years. It doesn’t matter to her that she hasn’t been. She knows she’s a part of this club anyway, but it’s the sentiment behind being claimed that means something, you know?” Foxy glances from Lily up at Lift.

  He nods his head once getting her meaning.

  Lily and Lift are new. They might not be anywhere near there yet, but with how Lily is fitting in here, she’s on the right track.

  I see Lily.

  Not Delilah.

  And I like what I see.


  It’s been a long day, and the club is winding down for the evening. The children are asleep, my brothers are casually having a drink as we do before bed, but tonight is a celebration. Not only is my woman here and staying with us, but Scratch is going to claim Tiny when she comes home after her shift at the hospital. And he’s going to do it in a big way in front of us all—a declaration if you will.

  We’re all in on it. We all know what’s going to happen, so we’re eagerly awaiting her arrival.

  Lily’s getting along with everyone. She’s only been here for a little over twenty-four hours and yet it’s like she’s been here a lifetime. I’m so fucking glad that everyone’s been able to put their shit aside and come together. It’s how it is meant to be.

  Scratch barrels into the clubhouse, sweating profusely, grabbing all of our attention. “Showtime, everyone!”

  Lily smiles at me widely. She doesn’t really know what to expect, but I can see from the look in her eyes she’s pumped to watch this happen. Torque flicks the lights of the clubroom off, leaving the single table in the middle of the room glowing with the flickering amber hue of a few candles. Scratch has set up a romantic dinner for the two of them. Of course, they’ll be surrounded by us, but Tiny will love the attention.

  We all hide, making the clubhouse seem abandoned except for the singular table. Lily reaches for my hand, linking my fingers with hers, the brightest of smiles on her face like she’s enjoying this element of surprise.

  Scratch runs behind the table, stands, and waits running his obviously sweaty palms down his jeans.

  The sound of footsteps echo as Tiny steps inside the clubhouse. As she rounds the door, she stops.

  “What the fuck? Has the power gone out?” she asks hesitantly.

  Lights out in the clubhouse generally isn’t a good sign. It usually means trouble, but her eyes move to the flickering candles, and she tilts her head. Her footsteps turn light as she very gingerly steps farther inside. Her hand slowly reaches into her handbag—this small woman is preparing for a fight. That’s the thing about club women, they’re tough and know when something’s off. Tiny reaches in pulling out a small canister, and I hold in my laugh wondering if she’s going to pepper spray Scratch when he talks to her.

  “Guys?” she calls out, her voice wavering with obvious fear.

  “Now!” Scratch calls out.

  Torque flicks the lights on at the same time everyone jumps out from their hiding spots throwing confetti hearts at her.

  Tiny screams loudly, throwing the pepper spray canister into the air, her hands coming to her chest as she bursts out laughing. I chuckle while glancing at Lily who’s enjoying this way too much.

  Scratch has upped the game. I know when I do this for Lily, I’m going to have to do something pretty damn special.

  “What. In. The. Hell?” Tiny blurts out as she looks around the clubroom at everyone.

  We all part, allowing Scratch to walk down the center between us toward her.

  Tiny can’t contain her smile. “You big idiot. What are you doing?”

  Scratch moves in, grabs her hands in his, and bends down looking into her chocolate eyes. “Tiny, I’ve known you for so fucking long…”

  “Too long,” she quips, making us all laugh.

  Scratch rolls his eyes. “From our first meeting in the hospital to the first time you snuck into my room, I knew we would end up here.”

  Her cheeky grin falls, and it’s like she’s registered what’s happening. She swallows hard as Scratch stands taller signaling to Medic. He walks over with a property patch. Tiny’s eyes widen and sparkle with an intensity I’ve never seen from her before. She’s always so jovial, always joking around and poking fun, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tiny cry. But right here, right now, she’s crying from happiness.

  She belongs at this club.

  She belongs with Scratch.

  That’s always been clear.

  “Tiny, I love you. And right here, right now, before all my brothers, I am staking my clai—”

  Suddenly, the lights turn off again making all of us turn around looking at each other. That wasn’t on the program for tonight’s celebrations.

  Lily glances up at me as I tense.

  Torque walks toward Ace. “What’s going on, Ace?”

  Ace shrugs. “No fucking clue. Maybe the fuse blew. I’ll go check. Sorry, Tiny, we gotta hit pause for a moment,” Ace instructs as he heads to the fuse box.

  “Vibe, go with him,” Torque instructs.

  To me, that means he’s not sure it’s a fuse. And, to be honest, I have a sinking f
eeling in my stomach. I glance at Lily, tensions rolling through me as I pull her to me. Everyone’s quiet. Waiting. All hoping the lights flicker back on.

  Suddenly, a huge blast rattles the walls of the clubhouse.

  We all duck for cover. My body shelters Lily’s as my heart hammers in my chest, my head trying to comprehend what the hell is going on.

  “We’re under attack. Women… get down the hall to the kids. Go. Go. Go!” Torque calls out while standing.

  It takes a second for us all to kick our asses into gear. Lily’s eyes meet mine, and I nod at her, my eyes telling her it’s going to be okay.

  Foxy runs past us, yanking on Lily’s arm, dragging her away from me.

  My chest squeezes as I pull out my gun, but before I have a second to think or to find a place for cover, the door smashes open, and a flash mob of men storms the damn clubhouse. I raise my gun at them, and the immediate burst of gunfire echoes through the giant shed as I run for cover.

  Bullets whizz past my head as I duck behind a table, wood splintering off in all different directions as I try to figure out who the fuck these guys are. I glance over to see the women didn’t make it down the hall. They’re all stuck behind the bar.

  Tension fills me with dread. Lily is behind there with no training, probably scared out of her damn mind. She could get hurt or fucking worse. My body reacts in a way I never thought it could on instinct. I duck out from my safe position, unloading a couple of rounds as I go. A bullet smacks an intruder in the face, parts flinging onto Scratch’s homemade plate of garlic steak and potatoes as he falls to the floor in a bloodied mess. I duck down behind the date table trying to figure out my next move. I need to get to the bar and our women. I know the old ladies can fight for themselves, but Lily can’t, and I need to protect her.

  I glance at the dead body to my left and take in his appearance. Mexican maybe? My muscles tense a little wondering if all the fuckers in here right now are Mexicans. I peek over the table. My brothers are fighting, some with guns, some hand to hand. It’s an even match, and I don’t understand why they’re here.

  A bullet suddenly slams into the date table making the candles fall over onto the gingham tablecloth. It lights the table up in flames forcing me to have to back away as a Mexican rushes for me. He’s quick, trying to slash at me with a knife. I dodge past him, reach out for a piece of the tablecloth that isn’t on fire, and I yank on it. Everything flies off the table as the flaming tablecloth soars through the air. I spin it, so it lands on the guy. The asshole lets out an ear-piercing scream as he runs through the clubhouse trying to douse his flaming body.

  Another one rushes me, I raise my gun, but he’s quick knocking it from my grip. His punch lands straight into the side of my face, making my head snap to the side, the sting reverberating right through my head. He moves in taking me into a headlock, and I gasp as I grip onto his arm. My heart hammers in my chest as I punch him in the side, but nothing is working. Air is becoming an issue, my brain starts to fog when a sudden blast sounds, rattling my already dazed head, then warmth covers my face. I’m blinded temporarily. It takes me a second to register the pressure around my neck has gone, so I wipe his blood from my face which splattered all over my head. I glance up to see Scratch standing next to me holding a gun, and I look down at the Mexican, his brains blown out which I am now wearing.

  Scratch saved my life.

  No doubt about it.

  We high five cockily, celebrating our win.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see a Mexican bend down, grabbing the steak knife off the floor. My eyes widen as he runs in behind Scratch. I reach out as fast as I can, but the Mexican lunges forward at the same time I yank Scratch toward me. The knife raising in the air, misses the intended target of Scratch’s back, and slams right into Scratch’s neck hitting his jugular vein. He falls into my arms.

  “Nooo,” I scream as someone, I don’t know who, fires a round smacking the Mexican in the chest three times. He falls to the ground as I slide to the floor with Scratch in my grip. His hand shifts to the knife sticking out of his neck, blood almost squirting out of his throat. I move Scratch on my lap right next to the bar. My body shudders as his blank eyes stare up at mine. Soft gargles echo from his mouth as he stares at me with nothing but deathly fear.

  My face scrunches as I move my hand to his wound trying to stem the bleeding. “You’re gonna be okay, Scratch. You’re gonna be fine,” I demand.

  I hear a scream, and I turn to see Tiny peeking out from behind the bar. Lily grips onto her trying to keep her back, but Tiny breaks free, skidding to a halt right next to the bar beside Scratch. She reaches out holding his hand, watching the life drain out of him right before her very eyes. Tiny’s eyes flood with tears as her medical training kicks into gear. She wipes her nose with her arm and then glances down at the knife.

  Vibe rushes over to stand guard. “Jesus,” he murmurs, bringing his gun up and shooting anyone who comes near.

  Tiny’s little hands shake as she assesses the wound, then presses on it. Blood flows over her coffee-colored hand, and she shakes her head, tears streaming down her face. “Why’d you have to go and do this for, huh?” she murmurs.

  His eyes lock onto hers, and I see the moment they both know.

  Tiny sobs as she shakes her head leaning down to kiss Scratch. Her body trembling as Scratch starts to cough. “I love you so much, Scratch. Always and forever,” she mumbles against his lips.

  I feel his body begin to relax in my arms. “Lo… love y… you.” Scratch’s voice is barely audible over the gunfire as his body begins to shudder. I hold onto him as Tiny stares in his eyes and caresses his face tenderly. Tears stream down her face so damn hard my heart breaks for her.

  Lily slides in behind Tiny holding onto her for comfort.

  I feel Scratch’s body go completely limp. My chest squeezes in agony as Tiny falls to the floor. I close my eyes trying to keep my shit together right now. I need composure and solidarity with my brothers. My friend, my brother, has just died in my arms.

  Out of the blue, my entire body is being pulled backward.

  Scratch falls away from me as I’m lifted from the ground forcefully. I struggle in the grip of the man, fighting like hell, but a gun is shoved in my face. I stop dead. There’s a gun aimed on Vibe as well. Another Mexican rushes forward and grabs hold of Lily. My eyes widen as my fighter instinct kicks in. I try to push forward, but the Mexican in front of me smashes his fist into my stomach.

  I hunch over losing my breath, but I don’t stop. “Lily! Lily! No!” I struggle in his grip to get to Lily, but the other Mexican drags her off with him toward the exit of the clubhouse.

  “Lily,” I scream, wanting anyone who can hear to stop them from leaving with her, but everyone is having the same problem I am right now. We’re outnumbered, and they have my woman. I push and fight with everything I have until another Mexican swings his free hand and socks me in the side of the head. The pain sears through me so intensely I see stars. My body stumbles, everything spins as I flop on the floor with a massive thud.

  My eyes go completely foggy, and the last thing I see before the blackness hits is Lily’s feet being dragged out of the clubhouse.

  A massive splash of something very cold and wet smothers my body, shocking my system back to reality. I gasp, feeling woozy and foggy as shit. Gradually, my mind starts to take in what’s around me while my eyes blink a few times. Then I remember what happened.


  Being dragged off by Mexicans.

  Fear sears through my entire being as I stagger up from the cold concrete, trying to gain my equilibrium and bearings. I stumble on the spot as someone grabs my shoulder and steadies me.

  “Whoa! Hold on, slow down.” Torque’s voice makes the fog clear a little. My eyes focus. I take in the sight of the clubhouse.

  Dead bodies lay all around me.

  I think of Lily being held captive by the Mexicans.

  That thought sends the fear of
God into me.

  I stare into Torque’s eyes, pleading with him. “They have her. We have to go. Now!”

  Torque rests his hands on my shoulders steadying my unstable body as his eyes shift from me to the floor beside me. “We have things we need to deal with here first, Lift.”

  My eyes follow his line of sight to see Tiny lying on the floor covered in blood, rocking back and forth holding onto Scratch. He’s pale, the knife’s still protruding from his neck, but his eyes, his eyes tell me everything.

  They’re glazed, glassed over with a vacant stare.

  He’s not in there anymore.

  Scratch is gone.

  I want to pass out or puke and not necessarily in that order. Seeing Scratch this way sends a heavy realization through us all, and it rattles me to the core. He is gone. He’s really gone.

  I drop to one knee in my anguish as Vibe comes up beside me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “He fought hard, brother.”

  I’m torn.

  I know a brother has fallen.

  It’s the worst thing possible.

  But someone came in and took my woman.

  Who knows who these Mexican’s are? That’s a big deal as well, and we need to find out who.

  I glance back at Torque, pleading with him. If it were Foxy they took, he would be after them in a heartbeat, and he knows it.

  “I have Ace on it already. But we had no warning, Lift. We haven’t seen these assholes before. We don’t know who they are or who they work for. But Ace is on it. We’ll find her, Lift.”

  I relax a little knowing that while I was out of it, my president was on the job. I nod in acknowledgment because I can’t seem to find any words. My emotions are all over the place right now.

  “In the meantime, Finn and Dax, get everything ready for the handover,” Torque instructs, and everyone in the room tenses.

  Tiny screams out, agony etched in her voice.

  Finn and Dax walk over to Scratch, moving to take him, but Tiny clings to him not wanting to let go. The sight sends a chill into my very soul.

  Scratch is dead because of me.


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