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Blood Of The Righteous

Page 38

by J. E. Sandoval

  He took a seat in the empty inn that gave him the most clear view of the door, and he waited, sipping occasionally from the tankard of ale that Jenna had brought him.

  After a few minutes, a man dressed in black with a green-trimmed black tri-cornered hat sporting a large green plume came in. He was accompanied by a dark skinned man, most likely a Moor. They paid Gabriel no mind and headed straight to the bar. He guessed they were regulars, as Mia poured them drinks without asking them what they wanted. He listened to them chat about a sea battle and how they captured a guild ship, and how Tanner captured a Commodore Donegal.

  Next, a fellow who wore a maroon velvet jacket who carried himself with some authority. Captain Karinga, he thought. He had a big bruiser with him, who Gabriel thought would be his master at arms.

  The big man stopped, leaned out of the door and shouted “Hey, Tanner, hurry up!” The two went and sat down at a table.

  Gabriel stood up. The door opened and David walked into the inn, counting some coins. He looked up and saw Gabriel. Coins fell to the ground in a jingle as he stood, stunned. All eyes looked in his direction.

  “Gabriel!” he screamed. A feeling of joy he thought he had lost forever filled him as he ran over to his brother and the two embraced. David started to sob, as did Jenna.

  They separated. “Where have you been, little brother?”

  Fyke had walked over to the pair, drink in hand. “Brother? I never knew you had an older brother who was a Holy Defender!”

  “What was that?” Karinga asked. He stood up and walked over. “Did I hear right that David has a Holy Defender as a brother?”

  “David!!!” Cassim said. “That is wonderful!”

  “I…” David turned to Karinga and Corwyn. He was overwhelmed with the fact that his new world and former life had just collided. A quick thought ran through his mind of ‘Prayer answered! You didn’t expect that, did you?’ “Captain, Corwyn, I’m sorry I haven’t been entirely honest with you. My last name isn’t Tanner.”

  They both looked at him curiously.

  Gabriel put his arm around him. “No, it isn’t. He is David Ki Kalendeen, son of Lord Alexander Ki Kalendeen, and the rightful Lord of Lystra.”

  David bit his lip and nodded his head nervously.

  Karinga broke into a wide smile. “Of course! It all makes sense now!”

  Corwyn let out a loud laugh. “Hey, Jax! We asked the Lord of Lystra to be our first mate! Jenna, dear, a round of drinks for all of us!”

  Gabriel picked up the creamed whiskey. “I already got yours, David.”

  “You remembered!” David wiped a tear from his eyes and sat down, as did the rest of them. “How did you find me? I was so careful not to leave any trace!”

  Gabriel pulled out his father’s dagger, grinning. “For three generations, this dagger has belonged to the Lord of Lystra. It’s only right that you have it back.”

  David took the dagger and unsheathed it. A flood of emotions washed over him looking at the jeweled dagger his father had given to him an hour before his death. The pain and the loss he was feeling were driven away by feelings of joy and hope.

  “So why didn’t you come to Avonshire?” Gabriel asked.

  David hung his head. He couldn’t look Gabriel in the eye. “It was so horrible. The undead, the death, and the betrayal. The necromancer and that General thought I was dead, and I wanted it to stay that way. Being in Avonshire kept you and Eleenia safe. I wanted to write to you, but I couldn’t trust anyone enough to deliver it. I’m sorry, brother.” He started to cry again.

  Gabriel put his hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. I understand. Not so sure El will. She’s here in New Portsmouth, by the way.”

  “El’s here?” David asked excitedly.

  “Oh, you have a sister?” Corwyn asked, eyebrows perked.

  “Don’t even think of it, Fyke!” David said, smiling.

  Jenna refilled everyone’s cup as they sat, chatting small talk, waiting for someone to broach the subject of David’s future. Finally, Gabriel spoke up. “So David, it looks like you have three options. If you choose to go with Captain Fyke or Captain Karinga, I understand, but I would ask that you at least come say hello to Eleenia.”

  David drained his cup of creamed whiskey. He motioned to Jenna. “Please make sure it’s cold if possible.” He looked to Karinga and Corwyn. “I’m sorry Captain, Captain, but my place is with my family. Besides, now that my secret is out, I would make you an even bigger target. Not only with the guild, but it would put you in danger with the Aragil authorities.

  “It’s okay, David,” Karinga said, putting his hand on his shoulder. “You’ve made us all wealthy, as well as yourself, I imagine.”

  “Plus you’ve taught us an awful lot,” Corwyn said. “I think Jax and I will manage. You deserve to be with your family.”

  “Thank you, my friends,” David said.

  “David, exactly how much money have you accumulated?” Gabriel asked.

  “Close to 50,000 platinum by now.”

  Gabriel’s jaw dropped. “Wow. Very impressive, but not entirely unexpected. Master Cohen always did say you were the best of his students. Better than Eleenia, even.”

  They sat in the Salt Spray Inn, drinking, laughing, telling stories, and eating for hours before David said goodbye to his crew and his life, promising them he would see them again.

  * * * * * *

  As they walked back to castle Eddington, David told Gabriel the details of the battle with the necromancer. “When I got back to father, Alexander was already dead, but father was clinging to life. He told me to always walk in the light, and then he died in my arms.”

  Gabriel wiped a tear from his eye. “I’m glad you were the last one Mother and Father both saw before they crossed over. They would be proud of the man you have become.”

  David shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve used my gifts to leverage people into positions where I was clearly taking advantage of them.”

  “True, but you’ve made a lot of people a lot more money than their station in life would normally afford them. Plus, you never outright cheated anyone, did you?”

  “Heavens no,” David insisted. “I merely used the tactics that Master Cohen taught us. I was always honest, and the people I dealt with trusted me. I’m not really sure what I’m going to do now. I’m too old to enter the university or to be initiated into the Holy Defenders, not that your path would fit me. Still, it always used to be an option.”

  “Old man Hollinger was looking to sell his Angel’s Reach estate on the river downstream from Avonshire. It is outside the city walls, yet it has a large dock and warehouse. The village around it is very quaint and friendly. If you wanted to keep on trading, you may consider making him an offer,” Gabriel suggested.

  “What is he asking?”

  “150 thousand gold. You could definitely afford that much.”

  David laughed. “Brother, by the time I’m done with Mr. Hollinger, I will be paying substantially less. Cash in hand is a very powerful bargaining chip.”

  “How are you going to transport you wealth to Avonshire?”

  David pointed to a building. “I keep it in the Royal Bank. I’ll get a signed and certified voucher tomorrow, and then turn it in to the Royal Bank in Avonshire. Merchants do it all the time.”

  Gabriel scratched his head. “How do they keep track of it all?”

  “They pay smart people a lot of money to track it, and they pay smarter people even more money to watch over the trackers.”

  They reached one of the many small town squares. Since it was late, all of the stalls were closed. However, there was a crowd of people gathered around a crier, yelling at the top of his voice. “Healer Eleenia Ki Kalendeen from the University at Avonshire has found the cause and a cure to the Snakepox! All those who keep the legs of their beds in a container of wat
er to keep the snakes from climbing into their beds, it is advised that you change out the water at least twice a week, as it becomes a breeding ground for insects that cause the blisters! Mix three parts aloe, one part vorkus root, and one part pure grain alcohol into a lotion, rub it onto the affected areas of your skin, and wrap it in bandages! Two days later, you shall be cured!” The crier repeated his message after the excited murmur of the crowd died down.

  “Well, I’ll be damned! That girl is a smart one,” David exclaimed. “Father always said she was the most gifted of the three of us. Never to our face, of course, but I used to hide under the table while he dined with Mother.”

  “Really?” Gabriel asked. “What did he say of me?”

  “That of all of us, you were the most touched by the Spirit. He expected great things of you. He said that you take after Mother the most. You had the best aptitude for all arts martial, and he always knew you would make a fine Holy Defender who would be remembered throughout the ages.”

  Gabriel blushed. “Well, I don’t know about all that. What did he say about you?”

  “That I was the one always causing trouble, and the most adventurous. To be honest he didn’t talk much about me. He had great concerns about Alexander’s ability to rule Lystra, and he suspected that the responsibility would fall on me.”

  “From your mouth to God’s ears, brother. One day, I pray you reestablish our family. Now, tell me about this necromancer and General. When we get back to Avonshire, I am going to make the case to the Templar Majorus that we not suffer them to live.”

  * * * * * *

  Eleenia was sitting at her desk at the workroom that the Eddingtons had given her, making more of her pox lotion. Lady Eddington was doing well, and had ordered the house steward to acquire more of the ingredients.

  Although she was consumed in her work, Eleenia had been observing the Eddingtons. Lord Richard was very full of himself and didn’t spend any time with his family. He was always plotting something, or testing out ideas on that awful Sir Marcus. The way he leered at her was just downright creepy. The staff generally stayed clear of those two, as stories of Richard’s temper were well known. Lady Laurel, on the other hand, was loved and admired. Since she had been sick for so long, she was catching up by spending time with Arianna.

  For most of the day, El had stayed in the workroom. She wasn’t used to the adulations she was receiving. It seemed everyone knew someone who had been stricken, and she couldn’t go to the privy without someone bowing and kneeling in thanks. A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts.

  “Come in, please,” she said.

  The plump kitchen worker opened the door holding a tray of food. “Miss Eleenia, your dinner. Lady Laurel asked me to bring it to you.”

  “Oh! Thank you. Just put it over there.”

  After doing so, the woman walked over and knelt beside Eleenia. “I wanted to thank you for saving my mum and dad. They were all I had left in the world. Thank you, Miss Eleenia.”

  Eleenia blushed. “You are quite welcome. Now if you will excuse me, I want to finish working.”

  The kitchen worker got to her feet with some difficulty. “Also, I wanted to let you know that Lord Eddington has planned a banquet for tomorrow evening in your honor.”

  Eleenia rubbed her forehead and sighed. “Very well.”

  The large woman curtsied and beat a hasty retreat.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” Gabriel said, entering the room.

  El turned. Gabriel was standing in the doorway with a big goofy grin. “Yeah, thanks. To be honest, all this appreciation is getting to me. Can we leave soon? I’d like to get back to Avonshire. Lord Schlort is having a dinner for me tomorrow, and I’d like to go the day after that if possible.” She braced herself for Gabriel’s rebuke.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  El blinked in disbelief.

  “One thing first, sister, I want you to close your eyes. I have a surprise for you.”

  A congratulatory gift? Yes, that was very much Gabriel’s style. Very well. She’d play along. El closed her eyes and waited.

  She heard a couple of sets of boots against the stone floor. Was it something so big it took two people to carry it?

  “Okay, open your eyes.”

  “Hi, El,” a familiar voice said.

  She opened her eyes and saw David for the first time in five years. Although she made no sound, tears poured from her eyes as she stood there in shock.

  David walked over to her. She reached out and touched his face, then full on jumped on him, enveloping him with a monstrous hug. If Gabriel hadn’t been there to steady him, David would have fallen over.

  El had no words. Her heart was filled with joy, which quickly turned to anger. She released David from her hug, looked him in the eyes, and smacked him upside his head.

  Shaking a finger at him, as her mother used to do, she yelled “Where the hell have you been, young man! How DARE you put us through that! Part of me died the day I heard you were killed! Damn it, David! How could you?”

  She then enveloped him in another hug and the two cried.

  “I’ve missed you so much, El. I am so sorry.”

  “I’ve missed you too, David.”

  Gabriel clapped them on the shoulder. “What say we take this down to the dining hall.”

  * * * * * *

  “And Karinga was all ‘Hell no, Tanner! I won’t have that crazy, hairy bastard aboard my ship!’ Then the orang raspberried him! I swear, if Hollinger sells me Angel’s Reach, I am going to send for it right away.”

  Gabriel and Eleenia both laughed at David’s stories. “You’ve had quite the adventures!” El said. “What’s it like being at sea?”

  David leaned back, put his hands behind his head, looked up and sighed. “El, it is the closest thing to Heaven I’ll see this side of that final breath. I needed it, to help clear my head after what happened. The gentle rocking, the feeling of safety, the salt spray while at the jib… It healed me. I was broken. Now I’m not. I’ll tell you what, after I get reestablished, come with me on a cargo run! I’ll charter Karinga, Fyke, or Armstrong and we’ll all go.”

  “Ship some goods on the church’s behalf and I can request assignment to protect it,” Gabriel stated.

  “You’ll have to introduce me to Avonshire’s Master of Coin then!”

  El smiled. “You already know him. It’s Bishop Malachi!”

  David frowned. “That’s too bad. The fact that we were close will make it harder to negotiate with him.”

  “David,” Eleenia said, “could we take Liam Branvold with us too? He hasn’t been right in the head since the attack. If it did wonders for you, it may do wonders for him.”

  “I hadn’t even thought about Liam. Of course! If he wanted to, I could probably get him on as a Yeoman on Karinga or Fyke’ ship. He was trained by Master Cohen and is pretty bright. Although once I get set up I’m going to offer him a place in my household.”

  “Little brother, I am so impressed with how well you’ve done for yourself,” Gabriel said. “Tell me, as a sailor, did you ever partake of pleasures of the flesh? You fellows have a reputation.”

  “Oh, Gabriel!” Eleenia said, blushing.

  David laughed. “I assure you, dear brother, I am still as pure as the driven snow. I have had a number of opportunities, and I’m sure the other crewmen laughed about it behind my back, but I always figured I would someday retire from my life at sea and take on a wife. I want to marry a virgin, so I thought I should offer her the same courtesy.”

  El smiled. “David, that is lovely.”

  “You should introduce him to Janelle Argos,” Gabriel said.

  “So, you’re secret is out,” a voice said from behind them.

  David turned. “Steward Thomas! It is good
to see you again.”

  He came over and shook David’s hand. “Good to see you, especially without having to explain to Lord Eddington why his wine order cost us so much of the household funds. I assume you will be at the banquet my lord has planned in honor of your sister?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. El has done what no man has ever done in the history of New Portsmouth.”

  Eleenia tried to suppress a smile at David’s subtle ribbing at the men in Eddington’s employ.

  “Yes, well, Lord Eddington has turned in, otherwise I’m sure he would want to meet you again. Lady Eddington is slowly gaining her strength, so she has gone to her chambers early. Tell me, David, would you happen to be available for employment? I could use a good negotiator like yourself.”

  Gabriel stood up and stepped between them. “You are addressing the rightful Lord of Lystra, my good man. He is not a mere commoner who you can ‘use’.”

  El rolled her eyes.

  “It’s okay, brother. I took no offense. I am flattered at the offer, in fact. However, I intend to go into business for myself.”

  Gabriel sat back down.

  Thomas looked around to make sure no one was watching. “Could you use the services of a good household steward? I can provide references.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. You may hear from me sooner than you think,” David said.

  Thomas gave a big sigh of relief. “I would be eternally in your debt if you got me out of this hell hole. Well, I think I’ll turn in, too.”

  After he was out of earshot, the three started to laugh. “Will you hire him, David?” El asked.

  “I just might! He is very good at what he does, and he learns quickly. Every time I came back, it was just a little harder for me to shake him down. With a few good lessons, I could make him the envy of Avonshire.”

  “Tell us about the night you met Captain Karinga,” El said, leaning in.

  “Well, it all started when I met these four sacks of vomit working for the guild…”

  * * * * * *


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