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Goddess Trials

Page 8

by A Lonergan

  She turned to look back at all of the people in the audience, and her eyes were shining bright gold. I gulped. It was the finishing touch to her ensemble. She was terrifying as she met people’s eyes. “I would do it again too.”

  “Really?” Zeus sat back in his thrown and scratched at his chin. “I have heard of these games of Apollo’s. I am not impressed.”

  Jessa lifted her chin in response.

  “I see your gold, girl. Are you ready to be a god?” Zeus asked, casually.

  “Bring it on.” I knew she was glaring at him and I wanted to Harrah from my seat! I wanted to cheer her on, but I knew my voice and my words wouldn’t help her. It would only make matters worse.

  My beast had been silent, and I knew he approved. He knew how strong Jessa was and he felt no threats. I was proud and slightly nervous, but I trusted my beast.

  Chapter 17


  I had half expected myself to fall out when he had spoken to me. I had thought I was going to pass out midway onto the field, but I had done the unthinkable. I had pushed myself to the limits of another god, and there was no turning back now.

  Zeus smiled down at me from his stand and raised his hands. His smiled didn’t reach his eyes. This wasn’t amusement for him. He wanted more, and if I didn’t pass whatever round he was about to throw at me, I was a goner.

  Sure enough, metal gates lifted up from either side of the stadium and a lion emerged from one of them. He tilted his head from side to side, watching me. Nothing came out from the other side, and I wondered if I should be worried or not. The male lion shook his mane out before licking his lips.

  I didn’t want to be his breakfast, but I also didn’t want him to be my prey. I pulled my whip from my belt and flicked it out. It made a loud snap in the air before it rested in front of me. The lion seemed unimpressed. He stalked forward, slowly before coming to a stop several feet in front of me.

  I had never seen such a giant lion before, and I had no idea they were so big. It had to have something to do with god magic. It was the only thing that made up for the monstrosity in front of me. He yawned then lunged at me. He soared over my head and made a swipe at me with his claws, but I used my size to my advantage, rolled on my back and snapped my whip out. It immediately wrapped its way around the lion’s neck. I jerked back hard, and the lion came crumbling to my feet.

  It clawed at the air around it and tried to wiggle free from my bond but no luck. His fighting eventually started to get weaker and weaker, but I couldn’t handle watching it any longer. Tears were prickling in my eyes at the thought of killing this magnificent beast.

  “Please, don’t kill me…” I whispered to the animal.

  I let the whip unwind from his neck and took a step back as he got oxygen into his lungs. I could hear collected gasps in the audience but couldn’t afford to take my eyes off the opponent in front of me.

  He let out an angry roar before rolling over and showing me his belly like a dog. I was dwarfed in comparison to him and reached forward slowly before sinking my fingers into the fur on his stomach.

  He meowed and wiggled his back on the ground. I had tamed the beast…. For the most part, it seemed.

  A clapping sounded from Zeus’s chair. I glanced up to find him standing while looking down at me with curious eyes. “Impressive,” He narrowed his eyes. “Seemed almost too easy, but I am sure that is enough fun for this morning. Please, go shower, but you must wear that outfit again tomorrow for the next challenge. Tonight we shall feast again.”

  Just like that, we were gone, one minute we had been standing in the arena and the next we were back in our rooms. At least, I imagined I wasn’t the only one that had been transported back.

  I looked at my now empty hands and felt sadness. I wondered what would happen to the ferocious animal. I fell face forward onto the bed and groaned. More games. More tests. More fun.


  I glanced up as Crawley pushed my bedroom door open. He didn’t say anything and collapsed beside me. His face was full of worry, but he still stayed silent.

  “Were you scared?” My voice didn’t sound as afraid as I felt. I had been shaking in my boots.

  “Nah.” He shrugged and rolled onto his back. “I have faith in you.”

  “Finally? After all this time?” I laughed even though my words were laced with insecurities.”

  “Yes. Finally.” He laughed but worry still shone in his bright eyes. “Artemis and Aphrodite weren’t there.”

  I hadn’t thought of them. I hadn’t thought to look for them but judging by the seriousness of Crawley’s tone, he had.

  “What do you think that means?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t like it.” He closed his eyes.

  “Do you think they would have tried to interfere?” I rolled over and matched his motions.

  “I don’t know them, but Artemis seems the type.” He shrugged again.

  “I wish Shaskia was here.” I eyed the bathroom door and wondered if I was bad off enough to need a shower.

  “You do stink.” He read my mind. I was up in seconds marching my way to the bathroom. He didn’t need to tell me twice.

  Crawley wasn’t waiting for me when I exited from the shower. A part of me was disappointed, but the other half of me appreciated how much of a gentleman he was. I looked at all the pretty dresses hanging in the closet and pulled my duffle out. I dug for holey jeans and a tank top. I wanted Zeus to know that I didn’t fear him and that I was here on my own terms. As I was buckling my sandals, I wondered how stupid I was being.

  Was this a smart decision on my part? To continue to defy the gods? To continue to spit at their feet like this? I was about to reconsider my clothing choice when my door opened again. Where I had expected Crawley, I found Artemis instead.

  She looked at my outfit horrified. “You know how to leave an impression.”

  “I’ve never really rebelled before, so this is my first rodeo.” She rolled her eyes at my response.

  “Zeus doesn’t like rule breakers.” She crossed her arms over her ample chest.

  “Is that why I’m here?” I licked my lips, nervously.

  “I’m not entirely sure why you are here, but you seem to be doing okay for your first day.” She clucked her tongue.

  “Oh? How would you know? I was informed you weren’t in attendance.” I sat on the bed and smirked at her.

  “I wasn’t allowed to be, but I have my eyes. Zeus is keeping a close watch on me. He’s worried I’ll turn the cards in your favor and he wants to see you do it on your own.” She shook her head in disbelief.

  “He wants to find me a match,” I said matter of fact.

  “I have no doubt. He loves power, and he wants to be the cause for it. He will take all the credit here, and then your children and their children will all know how Zeus did this for them.” She gave me a half smile. “You will be a legend. You will be fit to be a god.” A tear slid down her face. “The running is over. After all of this, you will be at the top of the food chain. You will forever have Zeus’ protection and favor.”

  “What does that mean? Like I'll be forced to live here?” I picked at the tear in my jeans.

  “I wouldn’t put it past him, honestly, but he could surprise you. He has surprised me in the past.” I didn’t feel any reassurance at her words.

  “I don’t want to be stuck here, I would rather die.” I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

  “I’m sure Zeus can see to that,” I jumped at Perseus’ voice. “What on earth are you wearing, by the way?”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “Don’t you like it? It’s the newest fashion in America.”

  Artemis still looked horrified, and Perseus looked amused. What I would have done to change the expression on his face.

  “Zeus will love breaking you. This will solidify his reasonings for the Trial.” His face turned sour quickly when he looked to Artemis. “You should have taught her better. Zeus will make it worse
.” He slammed the door on the way out.

  “I can tell you this much, I’ve hardly seen him angry.”Artemis shook her head at me.

  She had a point. I pulled the closet open and yanked all the dresses from their hangers. I threw them to the bed and stared. Right in the middle was the perfect one. I grabbed it from the pile and held it up to me. It was going to be just what I needed.

  Chapter 18


  I paced the hallway. I was turning into a nervous wreck. What was taking so long? I spun on my heel and headed back for the door. I couldn’t make it much longer. I held my fist up, ready to pound the door in when it swung open, revealing Artemis. She gave me a dazzling smile and stepped from the room. I watched her walk around me, curious. Her floor-length dress was deep crimson, her hair was pulled tightly away from her face in intricate braids and knots. The sleeves of her dress fell from her shoulders giving me a grand view of her bronze cleavage. I averted my eyes just as I heard high heels clicking on the floor.

  I had thought Jessa’s ball gown for my brother’s memorial had been spectacular but this... this was something else entirely. Jessa’s hair was piled high onto her head with a few loose pieces hanging around her neck.

  The dress. Oh, gods. It was unimaginable. Thin straps held the crop top on her chest while the skirts of it fitted just below her bright gold scar. The black satin was the perfect contrast to the gold in her skin. It almost looked as if she was wearing jewelry. The front of her skirt was high, touching just above her knees, while the back of the dress just barely met the floor. She wore black strappy sandals that showed off the scars on her ankles. The only artificial gold on her was her eyeliner. It was a long shining swipe across each eye. I then noticed how red her face was a realized I had been staring for quite some time.

  I cleared my throat and tried to think of something witty to say, but nothing came to mind. All I could do was stand there awkwardly gazing at her beauty. I was such a creep.

  “Are you okay?” Jessa moved her hand up and down in front of my face and gave me a funny look.

  I nodded my head vigorously. “Yeah, you just look... wow.”

  Nice one.

  Artemis grabbed both of our hands and pulled us forward. “No time to waste, we don’t want to be late.”

  The tables had been cleared out of the dining room. Massive throngs of people took up space. I wasn’t sure if I was staring at gods, Demigods or mortals.

  “It’s a little bit of all 3. The humans keep the gods placid. They help with the entertainment.” Artemis looked indifferent, but I knew deep down that she cared. Why wasn’t she allowed to love a human when the gods used them as toys? What was different? The difference was that the gods were superior and the humans are to be enjoyed not revered.

  Jessa held her head high with her shoulders back as she observed all the people milling around her. Many stopped to gaze on her beauty, and others gawked at her scars. Many bore similar scarring but none as extensive as Jessa’s. Where Jessa was marked god on some of her body, she also had normal scarring, and the gods did not. It showed her humanity, and it was making her vulnerable.

  Perseus jumped from the stand and rushed to her side. He tucked her delicate hand into his elbow and whisked her away. I could hear his words echo off of the walls, “This is much better. I’m glad someone talked some sense into you.”

  I couldn’t have rolled my eyes harder. What a douche. Let the woman wear what she wants to. Controlling prick. Artemis got close to me and tucked her hand into the crook of my elbow and gave me a wink. She was plotting, and I was curious about her end game. I followed her lead as she pulled me to the middle of the room where many couples were dancing.

  She pulled me close to her and rested her cheek on my chest.

  “I remember when you were born.” I pulled away slightly trying to look at her face as she spoke. “Watch Jessa, but listen. I knew the gifts you would possess, and I kept them from going to your brother first. I didn’t know he had gods blood, but I knew he already had power. Keeping the beast for you was easy. You gave me hope when I was in despair. I visited your nursery often when you cried and held you close.” She pulled away from me then. Tears sparkled in her eyes, but I couldn’t concentrate on her, she was right when she told me to watch Jessa. Zeus now had her on his arm. “It’s hard for me to see you so grown up. I always knew you would accomplish much. Here you are in Olympus.”

  “But I am no god.” I gulped, afraid of where this conversation would take us.

  “You are the beast of Zeus. He watches you. Even now. You have his blood.” Artemis straightened the lapel on my coat. “Keep her safe. I don’t think I’ll be around forever.”

  Before I could reply, Apollo appeared and gave me an amused smile. “May I cut in, Mutt?”

  I smirked. “From one Mutt to another,” I swept my arm out and nodded to Artemis. I wasn’t afraid of Apollo here, and I wasn’t surprised to see him. Though, he seemed thrown off by my presence.

  I made my way to Jessa and just barely kept my eyes on Apollo. His eyes followed me all the way to her. When he spotted her, his pupils dilated, and he gripped Artemis’ arms angrily. I couldn’t hear what he said, but I knew what it was about. His sweet Jessa was now in with the big honcho. Jessa watched the exchange with blank eyes, not giving away her feelings but showing a bit of curiosity for the scene unfolding.

  Zeus said something but when she didn’t reply; he too looked toward the spectacle that Apollo was making. Something flashed across Zeus’ eyes as he watched Apollo grab Artemis’ between his thumb and forefinger. Thunder clapped in the distance, and I knew it wasn’t a coincidence.

  “Apollo,” Zeus barely spoke, but the sound carried across the room. Apollo jerked away from Artemis. Her face was beet red, and two bruises were starting to form on her cheeks. My beast rumbled, angry that I had left her with the real monster. Zeus’ eyes flashed to me in warning and beast immediately went quiet.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Zeus dropped Jessa’s hand and glided across the room to stand in front of them.

  Apollo jutted his chin out in defiance. “Nothing to worry about, your highness.” He bowed low in mockery. My patience was wearing thin at his disrespect, and by the looks of it, Zeus was feeling the same way.

  “I’m getting increasingly weary of you,” Zeus moves his head from side to side, causing it to make loud cracking noises. “I don’t understand your type of entertainment. I never have.”

  Jessa moved closer to me and gave me a nervous glance. I wanted to reach out and grasp her hand in mine, but instead, I clenched my fists at my side.

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean. Women are wonderful entertainment. They were created to serve us, were they not?” Apollo grinned like a Cheshire cat.

  “If they are willing.” Zeus shook his head. “I have never taken a woman against her will, and we all know how I take enjoyment of the flesh.”

  There was nervous laughter around the room.

  “Jessa, my dear,” Zeus held his hand out to Jessa. Jessa straightened her spine and made her way across the room to his side. When she made it to him, he stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Apollo’s eyes grew wide in greed and pleasure. Zeus continued on, stroking Jessa’s hair affectionately. “She’s a beautiful prize, is she not?”

  Apollo nodded his head enthusiastically. My stomach was in knots, afraid of where the conversation was going. I move closer upon instinct.

  “She will be a beautiful bride. She is brave and courageous, beautiful and true, loyal and deadly. I just can’t figure out who I will gift her to.”

  Jessa stood rod straight, as if she weren’t breathing and I didn’t blame her, I couldn’t breathe either. Artemis stood off to the side, horror written all over her face.

  Apollo broke the silence. “She’s mine.” His words were guttural.

  “Is this so?” Zeus stroked down Jessa’s arm. My stomach did a flip, and I was trying
my hardest to keep it together.

  Apollo marched forward and grabbed Jessa’s waist. “This is my work. This is my design. This is my mark! Of course, she is mine! Every drop of gold on her body is from me. It is my signature branded into her skin. Its branded into her soul.”

  Zeus yanked Jessa back to his side. “I knew you weren’t doing well with the humans and you have admitted it. Torture and blunt force. I don’t know why I am surprised.”

  Apollo’s nostrils flared. “She is mine.”

  “You have lost your sanity. Your possession has lead to your downfall.” Zeus shook his head. “If you want her, you’ll have to fight for her.”

  He grinned like he had won and I wasn’t so sure he hadn’t until Zeus continued on, “if you want Jessa, you’ll have to fight her.”

  That was when the mask on Jessa’s face broke, and she looked to Zeus with shock on her face. I inhaled deeply, expecting to scent her fear in the air but I couldn’t smell anything but Artemis’ horror. Zeus tucked Jessa’s hand back into his arm and pulled her back to his throne.

  Chapter 19


  My mind was in tatters. I had tried to remain stoic and uncaring, I couldn’t give these gods any satisfaction, but Zeus had shocked me. I was more than afraid of what was to come that I had a small inkling of hope spreading throughout me.

  “Don’t be afraid. There are many vipers here, but I am not one of them.” Zeus leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Please, sit, don’t look so uncomfortable. There is no need for the charades.”

  I let my shoulders relax a little bit. “Yes, your highness.”

  He waved his massive hands in the air before him. “No formalities please, just Zeus.”

  I nodded my head, uncomfortable again, unsure of where I stood in all of this. “When will I fight him?”


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