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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 9

Page 6

by Yukiya Murasaki

  “Once we pass through Faltra, many human positions will lie exposed before us,” Eulerex said, his neck rotating horizontally. “For now, we will let the Demon Overlord show us his great power.”

  “I see...”

  “The enemy was wrong to stir up the Demon Overlord’s desire to fight. An act of foolishness, indeed. Their insistence on fighting has only wrought them this conclusion.”

  Perhaps that, too, was part of Eulerex’s calculations. He let Ryoka meet her demise so her fight would draw the Demon Overlord’s attention. Plus, with Faltra reduced to ashes, the western side of Lyferia would easily fall under their control.

  Truly cunning...

  “To think they would have to fight the Demon Overlord...” Lazpuras looked toward Faltra. “I may be a Fallen, but I feel somewhat piteous for them.”

  “You are far too naïve, Priest!”

  Perhaps it was so. But he couldn’t help it; the Demon Overlord’s power was far too overwhelming...

  Chapter 2: Fighting the Demon Overlord

  A scream caused the ground to tremor.

  What stood before the box that emitted the flash of light was a creature with a black goat’s head. It had a pair of bat-like wings on its back, and was twice the size of the races, putting it at half that of a large-type Fallen. It was hardly muscular, and gave off more of a thin, even gangly impression.

  Despite that, its menacing aura was greater than any of the others. Hearing its voice made even Emile’s body shrink in fright.

  “Wh-What is...that...?!”

  “That’s...the Demon Overlord,” Galford said, a shiver creeping on his words.

  “Uuu, this can’t be...” Yuan moaned, falling to his knees. “Fighting that thing... It’s impossible...”

  “We can’t give up.” Turon the healer brandished his staff. Applying his healing spell repeatedly, he eventually closed up all of Emile’s wounds.

  Emile took a long sword in hand. His broadsword had been crushed by Ryoka, so it was someone else’s gear: the deceased Grutas’s sword.

  “I’ll be borrowing this, Grutas...” He rose up, the bloodied longsword in hand.

  Before them was an unbelievable opponent that defied all imagination. If Emile had to describe it...he would say it was a sense of despair that surpassed even the terror of being told to jump off a large, bottomless precipice.

  Still, he gripped his sword tightly.

  “I will never fall!”

  “Hmph... If nothing else, I commend your courage for not running away.”

  Galford’s body was then enveloped by magic. There were apparently healers among the regional knights behind them. His wounds were gradually disappearing, but his previously consumed SP wasn’t recovering.

  “I’d never run!” Emile declared. “This time, my sword and I will protect all women!”

  “...I won’t pry into your past, but I’ll at least trust in your aptitude to struggle. Though, I am quite aware of how poor your ability is...”


  Standing so far away they couldn’t tell its expression, the Demon Overlord Modinaram howled, turning to face them.

  Galford stood guard. “It’s coming!”

  The enemy kicked the ground, forming a massive cloud of dust in the wake of its explosive leap. In the space of a short moment that seemed to render the very concept of distance meaningless, Modinaram was upon them. Emile immediately swung his sword. There was no time to wait and see; he’d have to unleash his martial arts at full force right at the start.

  “Quad Slash!”

  A longsword moved more quickly than a broadsword, so his attack was unleashed faster than before. Four slashes were released at essentially the same moment, landing on the Demon Overlord with perfect timing. But Emile was perfectly prepared, not at all expecting this to be a simple opponent to fight.

  Yet he still wouldn’t have been able to predict what was to come. The Demon Overlord Modinaram caught the blade of the sword swung down upon it with its teeth.

  “Wh-What?! I-It’s... It’s eating the sword?!”

  The sword broke all too easily.

  But this is a high-class sword we got in the capital!

  “Geheheheh!” Emile thought he saw the black goat head laugh at him.

  Its thin, scrawny arms clenched into a fist. Its physique, at the very least, wasn’t very different from the races’.

  I can dodge it!

  But just as he thought he did, the Demon Overlord’s fist approached his face.

  Did he predict my dodge?!

  Just as the fist connected with Emile’s face, a blade of light cut into Modinaram’s flank.



  Its roar didn’t sound like anything a living creature could emit. It was like a cacophony of broken musical instruments.

  Galford had delivered the slash, and it seemed to have hit its mark.. But just as that thought crossed through Emile’s mind, Galford clicked his tongue.

  “Is that...Rampart?!” A martial art capable of nullifying incoming damage...

  Still screaming, Modinaram swung its fist again. Galford tried to create some distance between them, but while the fist didn’t seem to be traveling that quickly, his own movements seemed sluggish if Galford was being drawn into the fist.

  A snapping sound, like a piece of dry wood had just been crushed, rang out.

  “Guh?!” Galford’s expression distorted. His right arm, which took the attack, bent in an unnatural direction.

  A high level warrior like Galford had his arm broken that easily?! Emile couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  “Aaah... It’s strong... Too strong!”

  “Not yet! Even if he takes my right arm...I can’t...retreat!”

  Galford formed another Sword of Light in his left hand, which was enveloped with red flames from the effects of the martial art Heat Sonic. He swiftly moved into a spectacular combo of eight slashes, but Modinaram evaded all of them with unnatural speed, instead biting into Galford’s left arm. A wet, vile sound clashed against Emile’s ears, and crimson blood spilled to the ground.

  “Gah!” Galford cried out in agony, jumping back. Horrifyingly, his left arm was missing from the elbow down. Modinaram held his left hand, still dripping with blood, in its mouth.

  It bit off his arm?!

  Emile couldn’t help but shiver. What he saw now was sheer terror. When he was facing Ryoka, he could feel she was strong, and was stronger than he ever imagined when they did trade blows. But Modinaram was different.

  At that moment, Emile realized, We have no way of dealing damage to Modinaram. And we have no means of blocking its attacks, either. Whatever’s happening here, it’s no mere battle, but rather...


  “A massacre!” Eulerex proclaimed, a dark smile on his lips as he overlooked the battle.

  “Indeed, as if it were swatting away powerless flies...” Lazpuras nodded.

  “Heheh... The Demon Overlord has absorbed many of the Demon Lords!” Eulerex said with an ecstatic, elated tone. “It fights with the martial art Rampart constantly activated, its fists are granted a Sure Hit, and its fangs have the power to Sure Kill!”

  One couldn’t help but stand in awe.

  “It is overwhelming. The races require years upon years of training to achieve such abilities momentarily, but the Demon Overlord fights with them at the ready, constantly activated.”

  “Our victory is assured!”


  Lazpuras was internally relieved, for the Demon Overlord hadn’t blasted them with a wide range spell. If it did, the majority of the food would be reduced to ash. If utilized in melee combat, the city of Faltra would most likely be reduced to rubble. The races would be butchered sooner or later, but they had to get their hands on those provisions. Lazpuras hoped this battle would be decided swiftly.

  “...The races ought to cease their pointless struggling and accept their destructi
on. That would ease their suffering, at least.”

  “Heheheheh... Yes, trying to oppose the Demon Overlord is useless.”

  “Quite true. There exists no one in this land who can cause harm to...”

  In that moment, the Demon Overlord Modinaram was blown away spectacularly.

  ““Whaaaaaat?!”” Lazpuras and Eulerex exclaimed together.


  A young girl lorded over them, her arms folded.

  “Heheheh... You’ve gotten quite tough if you’re able to endure this Demon Lord’s kick, Madness.”

  Having climbed up to a high spot—a remainder of the walls that hadn’t yet crumbled—the young girl bore down on Modinaram with a spinning kick. She had two long horns and a tail, which was split at its end. Her bright golden hair danced in the wind. Brushing it aside, she placed her hands on her hips and puffed up her meager chest so much it seemed like she might fall backward.

  “This Demon Lord makes her entrance!”

  “Klem?!” Emile’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Nnn!” Galford moaned, cold sweat sliding down his forehead. His left arm was gone from the elbow down, and his right was bent in an unbelievable direction, dangling powerlessly. “Guh... The child...that Demon brought...kicked Modinaram away...?! Impossible!”

  Galford was about to collapse, but was caught and supported by a red-headed woman: Laminitus. She didn’t have her magi gun in hand anymore. She probably decided it wouldn’t be of any use against the Demon Overlord.

  “Stand back, Sir Galford! We never expected the Demon Overlord to be this much of a monster. We don’t know who she is, but we’ve got no choice but to let her handle this!”

  “Kuh... She said...she’s a Demon Lord.”


  “I thought be nonsense...”

  Emile knew the truth. He’d seen it once before, when the Demon Lord Krebskulm awakened in Faltra. That young girl, Klem, was the Demon Lord Krebskulm.

  Stepping in front of Emile was the unusual figure of a girl in a waitress outfit, holding a spear in her hands.

  “Getting in, Demon Lord’s way? In the way! Move, human!”

  There was something off about her eyes and she wasn’t of the races.

  “Y-You’re a Fallen...?!” Emile realized, startled.

  “So...what?” The waitress glared at him harshly.

  It was a different type of pressure from what he felt from Ryoka and the Demon Overlord. What she was didn’t actually matter.

  “...You’re beautiful.”

  He intended to do his usual greeting, but the tip of her spear poked at his feet.

  “Edelgard, said to, move!”

  “Aaah, yes, yes!”

  Sadly, it was as she said. Galford and Laminitus were powerless before the Demon Overlord. All Emile could do was clench his teeth.

  Modinaram, who’d been kicked away, stood up. It growled loudly like a wolf, despite having a goat’s head.

  “I see you’ve remembered quite a bit after gathering the other Demon Lords...” Klem scoffed, her hands still on her hips. “But it’s useless if you can’t put it all to use, Madness.”

  Right now, Modinaram called itself the Demon Overlord, but it was originally called the Demon Lord of Madness. It roared loudly and closed the distance between them at once, launching its fist forward. Its arm was scrawny and thin, but packed enough strength to crush Galford’s arm. And, oddly enough, it was unavoidable.

  “Too slow!” Klem called out, unleashing another kick.

  It was a crude attack that amounted to nothing more than her swinging her leg forward, but Emile’s eyes couldn’t even follow what she was doing. It was like time stopped for everyone but her. Modinaram was blown back again, its goat head smashed by the kick with a crunching sound.

  “Hmph...” Klem scoffed. “The rumors said you were several times stronger than a Demon Lord, but this? You’re weak. Are you holding back against this Demon Lord, you fool?”

  Modinaram growled, baring its teeth as it writhed.

  “Hah!” Klem exclaimed. “You can’t exhibit your true strength, can you? You have too much power and you’re being overwhelmed by it. Pathetic.”

  She drew closer to him. This time, Modinaram didn’t unleash any large attacks, but a series of sharp thrusts, in small movements reminiscent of a fencer. Even so, the strength of those thrusts was unimaginably great. Klem was capable of blocking them, but couldn’t counterattack.

  “Aaah, this is bad...” Emile moaned. “Klem’s faster, but Modinaram’s stronger. He’s got an advantage in terms of reach.”

  Edelgard, who’d stepped forward as if to block Emile from view, turned around to face him.

  “Surprised...” she said, seemingly impressed. “One of the races can, see it?”

  “Of course. I’m a warrior, after all.”

  “Oh... Really surprised. You’re, completely wrong.”


  “Demon Lord, is, Demon Lord! Not, pushed back,” she stated with a proud expression.

  Klem deflected Modinaram’s attacks one after the other, not a single hit landing on her.

  “What is this...?” Klem spoke, an indomitable smile on her lips. “I thought you’d do something more interesting than this after fusing with that many Demon Lords, but all you can do is punch? I’m bored with you.”

  She swung her leg forward and landed another kick on Modinaram’s face, an ominous snapping sound echoing from its neck. Its goat head slanted unnaturally as Klem clenched her right hand. Light began emanating from her fist.

  “My master ordered this Demon Lord to defend this city. That’s why...I’ll beat you!”

  “Gaah... Guuagh...”

  “If you destroy the races’ cities, I won’t be able to eat biscuits anymore!”

  That’s your reason?! Emile shouted in his mind.

  The next moment, Klem brandished her right fist. “Infinity Detonation!”

  “Gah... Gaaagaaaaagaaah?!”

  A flash of light enveloped Modinaram.

  “Heheheheh!” Klem laughed, showing her fangs. “I see your body’s protected by damage nullification, but it’s pointless! A Demon Lord’s attack ignores all manner of defenses!”

  It was so transcendental Emile’s mind couldn’t follow the logic of it at all. He’d somehow realized Modinaram was using a damage nullification martial art called Rampart, so it didn’t look like Galford’s slashes or Klem’s kicks had much of an effect. There were those among the races who could use Rampart, but only for a brief moment (nullifying damage continually felt all too unfair, after all). But Klem’s attack seemed even more like cheating, because it had penetrated Rampart.

  A sequence of explosions rocked the area. Eventually, the sound of something breaking reached Emile’s ears.

  “Gagaaaaaah?!” Modinaram howled.

  It was the sound of Rampart having been pierced. The powerful attack bore deep into Modinaram’s left side, its left arm being eaten from the shoulder and all the way into its chest. It coughed up black blood.

  “Guh... Gahgah... Sur...prised...unforeseen, power?!”

  “Oh?” Klem’s eyes narrowed. “So you can talk. And I thought you’d degraded to a mere beast.”

  Modinaram’s lips, which had only let out growls and roars until now, began speaking in the tongue of the races.

  “I ask you, Demon Lord of the Soul, Krebskulm...what reason have you for siding with the races?”

  “Because biscuits are tasty!”


  “I’ll have you answer me now. Why are you trying to kill the races?”

  “Foolish question. A Demon Lord is a being that brings ruin to the races. What other purpose would I need?”

  “Hah! For all the Demon Lords you’ve taken in, you’re completely mindless! In that case, I’ll give you the meaningless conclusion a fool that fights thoughtlessly deserves!”

  Light began gathering in Klem’s right fist again.

  “Demon Lord of the Soul, Krebskulm...” Modinaram’s goat head exhaled softly. “Said to be the strongest of all Demon Lords... You are not an opponent I can match without removing my seal.”


  Modinaram’s body started changing. His limbs suddenly increased in mass, and his missing left half regenerated rapidly. His torso also grew in size, matching his now-swollen limbs. He’d gotten a whole head taller, but his body had become a mass of menacing musculature. The only thing that remained unchanged was its black goat head.

  “Guh, guh... Never did I expect to release it before I reached the races’ capital.”

  “Fool. You think getting a little bigger means you are a match to this Demon Lo—ah?!” Klem jumped away in a hurry, the confident smile gone from her lips.

  Emile didn’t understand the enemy’s transformation. Its body had definitely gotten bigger, but that wasn’t all there was to it.

  “Uuu... Can’t be...?!” Edelgard took a frightened step back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “...D-Demon Lords... So many... Many Demon Lords? There!” she answered Emile’s question with a shaking voice.

  “Is it because it’s the Demon Overlord?!”

  “Danger...ous...” Edelgard was scared stiff.

  “How do you like the taste of despair?” Modinaram asked, now beefed up.

  “Kuh... So this is your...full power.”

  “Krebskulm... As you said, the accumulated power of the Demon Lords is too great. Using it spells the destruction of this body. Self-destruction. Reduction to nothing but ashes.”

  Modinaram spread out its arms, showing the tips of its fingers slowly turning to sand. Given time, Modinaram would surely crumble away entirely.

  Klem stood poised, her right fist still shining with light. “H-Hmph... Did absorbing the Demon Lords’ powers make you this prone to chattering away? This Demon Lord doesn’t know any talkative Demon Lords.”

  “Affirmative. Wisdom, too, is a form of power.”

  “That manner of speaking... It’s like the Demon Lord of the Throat, Biotros. That one truly was a weakling who didn’t know when to shut up.


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