Book Read Free

The Soldier's Mirror

Page 6

by Jay Zendrowski

  Chapter 6

  “Alright, most of you have never been here before,” the driver’s booming voice reached us at the back of the bus as he pulled to the curb and shut down the engine. “There are some decent places to get a bite to eat down either of those streets. The people that run those places appreciate your business and they’ll treat you real nice. Finnegan’s is right there.”

  He pointed to a big ramshackle building on the other side of the gravel patch on which he’d parked. It looked like it might have been a barn at one time, a cheesy hand-painted sign with the words ‘Finnegan’s Tavern’ hanging over the front door. Poorly-drawn images of two leprechauns clutching four-leaf clovers leaned against each end of the words on the sign. The pointy ears and sharp teeth the artist had given them made them look more like miniature vampires than some form of Irish folklore icon.

  “I imagine most of you’ll end up there later on,” the driver continued. “I’ll be back here in this same spot at midnight. Anybody who misses the bus is going to have a long walk home.” He popped open the door and made a sweeping motion with his arm, ushering us off.

  Sgt. Murphy and Cpl. Riddick were the first off, quickly followed by the rest of us, everyone anxious to get a taste of civilian life once more.

  “Where should we go to eat?” Harry asked, anxiously shifting from one foot to the other.

  “Let’s just see where they go first,” said Johnny quietly, nodding towards Murphy and Riddick. The two men talked briefly to each other, turned on their heels and headed down one of the streets the bus driver had indicated. “If those two are going that way, let’s go the other way.”

  Johnny’s suggestion was met with universal approval from our little gang and we eagerly headed off in the other direction. I glanced back over my shoulder at our training officers, hoping that would be the last we’d see of them until the end of the night.

  “What about that place?” Sid asked, pointing a short distance down the street. We all looked where he was pointing, a white clapboard building right at an intersection.

  “Well,” said Sam, giving us a big smile, “it looks good to me. I just hope they spend more time concentrating on their cooking than they do on their spelling.” With a round of chuckles and a few slaps on the back, our diversified little troop entered the Korner Restaurant.

  “Welcome, boys, I’m Bella,” bawled out a big blustery woman as we stopped in the entryway and piled into one another like Keystone Cops, her room-filling voice bringing us up short. We looked around to see most of the eyes in the place turned our way. There were a few old men sitting at the counter and a couple of families at tables, and that was about it. The place smelled wonderful, like my mother’s kitchen on a Sunday afternoon. Looking at the number of empty tables on a Friday night made me wonder if the food in this place stunk, or whether it was just a sign of the times; based on the delicious scent emanating from the kitchen, I was hoping it was option B. “We heard you boys would be coming into town tonight, so we’ve had a couple of nice roasts cooking nice and slow all afternoon.” The thought of that made my mouth water. “And if you don’t like that, we’ve got turkey with stuffing and all the fixings, too.” She stood there a second with her hands on her broad hips as we looked at each other, waiting for someone to make a decision. “Well, what do you think, you boys going to stand there all night with your thumbs up your butts or are you going to take a seat?”

  Her blatant approach had the patrons smiling. I got the impression from the way they looked at each other that the locals were used to Bella’s homespun charm. We all nodded to each other, happy to have someone take control and give us motherly instructions.

  “We’re in,” said Sam. She led us to a big table, suitable to accommodate all of us.

  “Do you have beer?” Johnny asked as we took our seats.

  Bella laughed, a big rolling infectious belly-laugh that had every inch of her portly girth quivering. She clapped her hand firmly on Johnny’s shoulder and turned to a middle-aged man behind the counter. “Hey Dickie, this handsome young man here wants to know if we have beer.”

  “Does a trombone player have long arms?”

  “There’s your answer, boys; straight from the trombone player’s mouth.”

  “Then what do you say, guys?” Johnny said as he looked around the table at each of us. “Should we get this night started with beers all around?”

  It seemed like just a minute or two later before we were toasting each other with mugs of the cool amber liquid, courtesy of a couple of pitchers Dickie had placed in the middle of our table. The bitter taste was exquisite, cold and tantalizing as it slid refreshingly down our throats.

  A cool draft caught our attention as another group of soldiers entered. They nodded in our direction and I recognized a number of faces from the base. Bella gave them the same cordial greeting and within minutes another group arrived. It wasn’t long before the place had filled up, nearly every table full of young recruits.

  The food ended up being even better than Bella let on. It reminded me of home, the delicious flavors rolling over my tastebuds blissfully as I savored each and every bite. The beer kept flowing as Dickie plunked a couple more pitchers down before us as soon as the previous ones were emptied.

  A pair of town cops poked their heads in the door and grabbed a couple of stools at the counter. With barely a glance at the rest of us, they wolfed down some apple pie and coffee that Bella gave them. The legal drinking age was 21, but nobody seemed concerned that most of us hadn’t even hit that milestone. I don’t know if the cops were turning a blind eye because they felt some moral obligation to let the young boys going off to war have their little bit of fun, or if these merchants were greasing the wheels somewhere along the line. Whatever it was, the cops definitely seemed in no hurry to have their vision problems cured.

  Bella and Dickie were running around making sure all the young soldiers had everything they wanted, both of them busier than a one-toothed man at a corn-on-the-cob eating contest. After clearing away our plates, Bella plunked down a couple of pies, a lemon meringue and an apple. “Dig in, boys,” she said as she set down a stack of plates, “it could be awhile until you get pie like this again.” George did the honors and sliced the pies as we held our plates out, licking our lips in anticipation.

  “That’s the finest apple pie I’ve ever tasted,” Johnny said to Bella a few minutes later as she bustled past.

  “Thank you, son,” she replied as she hurried to the next table, loaded down with plates of roast beef and turkey. “You boys finish those all up.” She didn’t have to tell us twice. Within minutes there was nothing left of the pies but a few crumbs.

  “Alright boys, let’s head on over to Finnegan’s,” Sam said. “This place is great, but now that our bellies are full, I think we need some visual entertainment.”

  “There’s gonna be entertainment there?” Harry asked, his brows knotted quizzically.

  “He’s talking about broads, you idiot,” said Chester, shaking his head in disbelief at Harry’s naivete.

  “Oh yeah, broads,” Harry repeated, making an inept attempt at recovering from his gaffe.

  As some of the guys started to pull on their jackets, Bella arrived with the bill. Sam gathered the cash from everyone and did the math, allowing for a generous tip for our hospitable hostess.

  “I haven’t eaten anything that good since I left home,” I said to Johnny as our little clan made its way towards Finnegan’s.

  “Me too; sure as hell beats cigarette soup.”

  “Yeah.” In the growing darkness I stumbled and almost went down.

  “Alex, you okay?” Johnny asked as he reached out and grabbed me.

  “Yeah, I guess I’m just not used to that much beer.”

  “Me too. I tell you, brother, if we hadn’t had that food, I’d probably be puking my guts out already. Let’s just take it easy. I want to enjoy this night and not pass out before the fun starts.”

  “I’m with y
ou on that.” I’d only had the occasional beer in my life and had only been drunk once. I remembered barfing my guts out was not much fun. I trundled on, breathing in the cool air to try to clear my head.

  Finnegan’s was already sweltering under a packed crowd by the time we got there. The intriguing scent of cheap whiskey, spilled beer, cigarettes and human sweat filled the air. Purple haze from the cigarette smoke hung over the dance floor in a whispery fog as some enthusiastic hoofers were already strutting their stuff. A five-piece band was in full swing on a little stage at one end, their rhythmic beat driving the place like a heartbeat. Beneath the delightful cacophony of the music, the air was vibrant with a myriad variety of sounds: laughter, whistles, incessant chatter and the occasional splintering cry of a dropped glass shattering. The pulsing crowd was a diverse mix; soldiers and civilians, males and females. There was a thrumming energy in the air that let you know that this was the place to be.

  “C’mon,” Johnny shouted into my ear over the throbbing din, “let’s get a beer.” We hustled over to the bar, pushing our way through the milling throng. We passed over some cash as the overworked barkeep slid a couple of glasses in front of us, glistening foam slipping over the rim and sliding invitingly down the side. We’d both said we were going to take it easy, but the jubilant atmosphere of the place was contagious. Within seconds, half of our glasses were gone, and we were left smacking our lips.

  “This place is hoppin’,” Johnny said as we leaned on the bar and surveyed the crowd. I spotted Sam, Bill and Sid standing over by a pool table, watching a game in progress while George, Chester and Harry had managed to grab a small table near the dance floor. “Hey, over there.” Johnny’s nod drew my attention to a group of people standing near a high counter placed along one wall. It wasn’t hard to see what had attracted his attention. Two good-looking girls were talking, beer glasses held politely in hand. I could see Johnny eyeing up the brunette, which was fine with me as my eyes had gone instinctively to the taller blonde. “Would you look at the set of guns on that,” said Johnny, nodding towards the brunette.

  “Yeah, nice,” I replied, but I was busy gazing at the slim form of her pal, my eyes zeroing in on her shapely legs.

  “That blonde’s got some nice gams on her too. C’mon.” Johnny started over. I grabbed my beer and followed in his wake.

  “Hello girls,” Johnny said as he sidled up next to the brunette, his target of choice. “My friend here and I have been authorized by the owner of this establishment to check everyone’s IDs. They want to make sure they are operating within the confines of the law.”

  “Then I think you better start with yourselves,” the brunette said, giving Johnny a playful smile.

  “What?” Johnny replied, holding up his hands in mock innocence. “We’re both twenty-five, right Alex?”

  “I’m only twenty-four. I’ve got another month to go until I’m an old man like you.” The girls smiled, the blonde showing a dazzling set of pearly whites.

  “So girls, you can see we’re more than legal, giving us the right to be official ID inspectors.” Johnny held out his hand, beckoning to them. “So c’mon, cough up the ID, the owner doesn’t want to get shut down for serving minors.”

  “We’re not going to show you our ID, but we will tell you our names,” the brunette said.

  “That sounds like a good deal to me,” Johnny said, a wry smile on his face.

  “I’m Ruth,” said the brunette, looking directly at Johnny. Obviously he had caught her interest as well.

  “Johnny,” he replied.

  “I’m Alex,” I said as I turned to the statuesque blonde, her eyes almost at the same level as mine.

  “Helen.” She smiled, a shiver running right down my spine as she looked at me.

  With the ice broken, we talked, our mouths sometimes coming close to each other’s ear in order to be heard over the tumultuous brouhaha going on all around us. Helen told me she and Ruth worked together doing secretarial and clerical work for an insurance office. I hung on her every word, happy to be near her. I leaned in close and asked about her family, the intoxicating fragrance of her perfume and shampoo filling my senses. She turned and spoke over the raucous din, her warm breath bathing the sensitive tissues of my ear tantalizingly. I don’t even remember what she said, the delightful sensations within me taking control of my brain. She moved back and raised her glass to her full lips, my eyes taking in every scintillating detail of this heavenly creature. Her blue eyes sparkled as she pushed a strand of wavy blonde hair off her face, the cascading locks framing her lovely features.

  “Would you like to dance?” I asked, all but shouting the words.

  “Yes,” she nodded happily.

  I took her delicate hand in mine and led her to the dance floor. We found an open space and started dancing, her body moving smoothly with mine. She was a good dancer, her motions appearing effortless as she followed my lead without one misstep. I loved to dance, but most of my practice had come with my sister or cousins at family weddings. My sister had taught me well, and as I saw the smile on Helen’s face, I knew all those hours practising the Lindy Hop and other dances in our basement had been worth it. I gave her arm a timed little jerk, and she rolled with the motion, spinning right up against me before I whipped my arm out and she unfurled herself away from me, her dress flying up as she twirled. I instinctively glanced down, catching a glimpse of her stocking tops, the darker beige band at the top clenched tight by biting garters. She extended her arm dramatically as our clutched hands jerked us to a stop, her flaring skirt dropping back into place.

  “Go Alex, go!” I looked over to see George, Chester and Harry watching, clapping and cheering us on. I turned back to Helen as we both shimmied in a circle, still holding on to each other at arm’s length. We smiled at each other, reveling in the joyful bliss of finding a kindred spirit.

  The song ended and the band struck up another one. I could tell by the look on her face that Helen had no interest in leaving the dance floor; she was enjoying herself too much. I pulled her close and we strutted our stuff, the hoots and hollers of my buddies reaching us over the pulsing throb of the driving music. I flung her out at arm’s length again, her head thrown back joyously as we spun in a circle, communicating purely by touch. I pulled her close once more, her warm body feeling exquisite against mine as we circled the dance floor, her delicate feet following each step of mine impeccably. Dancing with her was exhilarating. I felt like I was flying, the two of us moving like birds in formation, effortlessly and in perfect unison.

  “WHOO HOO!” we both looked over to see Harry hollering at us, a huge smile spread across his face. Johnny and Ruth had joined our three chums at the table, all of them clapping in time and watching us, looks of admirable surprise on their faces. We danced one more song, then collapsed into a couple of chairs at the table, both of us gasping for air, our chests heaving from our rhythmic exertions.

  “Alex, you old dog,” said George. “Why didn’t you tell us you could dance like that?”

  “It never came up,” I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

  “Man, you guys looked great out there,” Harry chimed in.

  “Thanks very much,” Helen replied. “It helps to have a good partner.” She turned her eyes to mine and as I gazed into the limpid blue pools, I fell in love right there on the spot. No doubt about it, I was done like a Christmas turkey.

  Within minutes we had recovered, both of us eager to get back on the dance floor. She touched my hand and nodded. I pulled off my jacket and loosened my tie as we rose as one and stepped back onto the parquet, her hand slipping into mine smoothly; and then we were off.

  We danced and we danced, both of us feeling the driving music course through our bodies, a feeling of rising euphoria overwhelming us as we fed off each other’s movement. It felt wonderful as she moved with me, the little bit of alcoholic high leaving my body as I sweated it out. Another type of high had taken its place; the high brought on by doing
something you love, something that you can lose yourself in; that feeds your very soul. I had found that in dancing with Helen, and I never wanted it to end. I forgot all about the war, about Sgt. Murphy, about my family. I could only think of her, how smoothly she moved as we rolled our hips and shimmied against each other, how incredible she looked as I twirled her on my arm, her long legs shimmering in the light as her skirt flared up around her.

  I could see some of the others dancing; Ruth and Johnny looking stiff and awkward, but happy to be with each other. Chester, Harry and George even got in on the action, hoofing it with some girls they’d charmed into dancing with them. They would dance a song or two and then go back the table, but Helen and I never let up, dancing song after song, the pure joy we felt giving us the energy we needed.

  “We’re gonna take a short break and then we’ll be back with you good folks shortly,” the bandleader said as they blaringly came to a close on one hopping number.

  I took Helen’s hand and led her back to the table, the group growing as the guys had rounded up some chairs for their dance partners.

  “I think you both need this,” Johnny said as he slid a tall glass of beer in front each of us. It tasted exquisite as we raised our glasses, the refreshing bitter liquid sliding down my throat luxuriously. Helen wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked at me, pure contentment glowing on the smooth skin of her face.

  “Thank you, Alex,” she said softly as she leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek.

  “No, thank you,” I replied, sitting up a little straighter in my chair as I looked at her. “You… were fantastic.”

  “You weren’t so bad yourself.” She reached over and as she took my hand in both of hers, I felt another trembling shiver of excitement run down my spine.

  “Uh oh,” I heard Johnny’s voice take on a more serious tone. “I was hoping we wouldn’t be seeing those two tonight.”

  I saw where he was looking. I felt my own heart sink a little as I spotted Sgt. Murphy and Cpl. Riddick standing at the bar. Murphy’s eyes stopped briefly on our table as he scanned the crowd; the look he gave me let me know that he seemed just as unhappy to see us as we were to see him.

  “More beer,” George yelled as a waiter scurried past our table. A couple more pitchers arrived and as Harry tried to fill my glass, I held my hand over the top.

  “I’m good for right now, thanks,” I said, “maybe later.” I was happy to see Helen did the same. Harry filled Johnny’s glass and I watched as he quickly drained it, motioning to Harry for more.

  “Johnny, maybe you better slow down there a little,” I said, nodding to the glass Harry was in the process of filling.

  “I’ll be fine, Alex, I’ll be fine.”

  A group of four girls filed past our table and stopped at the side counter where we’d first met Helen and Ruth. Three of the girls were chatting away to the each other like jaybirds, while the fourth seemed to stick close to one of them, but didn’t take part in the conversation. I looked at her closely. She looked younger than the others, a pretty little thing, but even to me she looked far too young to be in a place like this.

  “Helen,” I said as I nodded in the direction of the new arrivals, “do you know those girls over there?”

  “Tired of me already, buster?” she said with a smile as she gave me a playful shove.

  “No, no, it’s not that at all.” I hurriedly scrambled to recover. “That one girl there, she looks really young.” Her eyes followed mine.

  “That’s Shirley’s little sister, Janet. Shirley’s the one in the blue dress. She’s in here a lot with the other two, but I’ve never seen her sister with her before. Janet tags along with her sister when she’s out shopping and stuff, but this is the first time I’ve seen her in here. I’ve never seen her wearing makeup like that before either; she must have bugged her big sister into taking her out with her and her friends.”

  “I was just thinking that if I had a little sister, I wouldn’t bring her into a place like this.”

  “Yeah, I think she’s probably only around fifteen or sixteen.”

  “So which of you hep cats is ready to swing?” the bandleader’s echoey voice boomed out through the sound system. A split second later the sax player started wailing and his bandmates joined in. Helen grabbed my hand and pulled me out onto the dance floor. I was happy to be dancing, an intense feeling of blissful freedom swelling my soul as we flew from one side of the dance floor to the other.

  Our little table swelled with activity, Sam and his two pals hanging around as well. The beer kept flowing and the boys kept drinking. From the dance floor I noticed that Murphy and Riddick had sidled over to the side rail, Riddick engrossed in what appeared to be flirting conversation with the woman Helen had identified as Shirley, while Murphy was trying to talk to her younger sister. I noticed the girl seemed uncomfortable and anxious, looking repeatedly at her older sister, who was paying the girl no heed. Shirley seemed to be busy basking in the fawning attention Riddick was giving her.

  I looked over at our table and saw Johnny watching them too. His eyes were fixed on Murphy and when he turned back to take another drink of beer, I could see anger burning inside him. Ruth leaned over and kissed his cheek, trying to get his attention. Johnny seemed oblivious as his head swiveled back in Murphy’s direction.

  Helen and I took another break, plunking ourselves down in our chairs and cooling off. Johnny took another big slug of beer, tapping the table with his fingertips as he pulled at his tie, clearly agitated. He looked again in the sergeant’s direction. I followed his gaze; Murphy was now crowding the young girl and speaking close, his face next to her ear. I could see her clutching her purse tightly as she nervously smiled, edging away from Murphy again and again as he kept inching closer. I couldn’t believe how oblivious he seemed to her apparent unease. I kept expecting him to step away from her and leave her alone, which certainly seemed to be what she wanted. I found myself getting restless and uneasy as I watched what was going on.

  Riddick seemed to be doing fine with the older sister, his face nuzzled into her neck as he teasingly kissed her. She loved the attention, smiling and looking at him with a come-hither look in her eyes. Riddick spoke into her ear and motioned towards the rear exit. I saw her nod in agreement. The corporal turned and spoke to Murphy. He was far out of earshot from where we were sitting, but the intent of his words was obvious. The sergeant nodded and put his arm around the young girl. With Riddick and Shirley leading the way, Murphy hustled the young girl towards the exit. It was obvious she was hesitant to go, but equally reluctant to leave her older sister. The door closed behind them, leaving my head spinning at what I had just seen.

  “Jesus Christ,” I heard Johnny mutter under his breath, his eyes locked on the exit door as well. He turned and saw a similar expression on my face, both of us distressed by what we had just seen happen. I was uncertain about what to do and what kind of trouble we might get into if we interfered; but more so, I was tormented by what might happen on the other side of that door if we did nothing. I could see that Johnny was having similar thoughts until he was unable to contain himself, bolting up from his chair and striding purposely towards the door.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said to Helen as I rose from my chair and joined him.

  “Johnny.” I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him, just as he was about to push his way through the door.

  “What?” he asked angrily, his wrath temporarily directed towards me.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “You saw what was happening there, Alex. He should have just left her alone. For Christ sakes, you saw her; she’s not much more than a little kid.” I was shocked to see his eyes brimming with tears, his fists clenching and unclenching as he fought with his emotions.

  “Listen to me, if you start anything with Murphy, you could end up in the stockade. Maybe….maybe they just went outside to cool off.”

  He paused and looked at me as i
f I was stupid. I could barely look him in the eye. “Do you really think that’s what’s happening out there?” I could only shake my head, ashamed of myself. “I know I’m probably going to get court martialed, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do something.”

  His courage seemed to buck up my own strength. “You’re right. I’m going with you.”

  “This isn’t your fight, Alex. I know Murphy hates both of us, but let me take the heat on this.”

  “No. Our chances of ending this quietly are better if there are two of us. If he starts something with either of us, I’m sure he wouldn’t like to have to deal with a witness. Now just try and stay calm and let’s see what he’s up to.”

  I pushed open the door before he had a chance to try and stop me. We stepped outside, our breath visible in the cool air as the door swung closed behind us. I prayed they had just gone outside to get some fresh air, but I knew I was only fooling myself if I believed that. I could feel the sweat on my body chilling me as we started along the side of building, searching for Murphy and Riddick. Johnny stopped and silently pointed to a little bump-out along the side of the tavern. I don’t know whether they used it for storage or garbage or whatever, but it looked like a cube about ten feet on each side sticking out like an unwanted growth on the side of the tavern. Snuggled up in the corner facing us were Riddick and Shirley, tightly embraced with their faces mashed together in a fierce liplock. Sgt. Murphy was nowhere to be seen. Johnny motioned that we should look around on the other side of the little structure. We quietly stepped past the two engrossed lovers and made our way along the edge of the cube.

  “Don’t, please. I don’t want to!” We heard a girl’s anguished voice coming from around the corner. We stepped out past the edge and saw Sgt. Murphy pressing himself up against the young girl, her back pressed into the corner. In the moonlight we could see that Murphy had her sweater pushed up, one hand grappling at her bra-covered breasts while his other hand was thrust up under her skirt. The girl looked terrified as she struggled against the burly man.

  “Sgt. Murphy!” I blurted out. He stopped dead in his tracks as his head pivoted in our direction. A blistering scowl came over his face. Although I was repulsed by what I saw him doing, I wanted to distract him and also give him the opportunity to save face in front of two of his recruits. “Sir, you’re needed in the bar, Sir. Some of the guys have gotten into a little bit of trouble.”

  “What the fuck,” he muttered under his breath. He took his hands off the young girl, who quickly pulled down her sweater and adjusted her skirt. He gave her a scathing look that told her to stay right where she was, that she hadn’t been dismissed; just like one of his recruits. She was trembling as she withdrew further away from him into the corner, the furtive look of a caged animal in her teary eyes. “I’m off duty, you fucking idiot. I don’t give two shits about what kind of trouble—”

  “LET HER GO!” Johnny’s voice shut Murphy off in mid-sentence. The volume and bravado of Johnny’s outburst seemed to knock the wind out of Murphy’s sails. Like a boxer taking an uppercut, he stood teetering for a second at this unexpected blow. The girl saw her chance and darted forward.

  The abrupt movement of the girl hit him like a slap in the face, bringing Murphy back to life. “THAT’S IT, RUN……YOU FUCKING COCKTEASER!” he yelled after her as she disappeared around the corner. He paused for a second, looking at the two of us nervously standing before him. “RIDDICK!” His booming voice in the little enclosure seemed to rock the whole building. He pulled at his jacket before taking off his cap and running his hand over his brush cut, a habit of his that we were used to by now.

  “Sarge, what’s up?” Riddick breathlessly gasped as he came around the corner, hurriedly tucking his shirt into his pants.

  “Our two favorite heroes here decided they wanted to fuck up our night out, even after our little talk earlier today.” He swaggered forward. I didn’t know if the shimmering cloud of glittering crystals I saw drifting above him was his breath chilling in the cool air, or steam coming out of his ears. I could sense Riddick moving behind us, working with his boss like pack animals to make sure they cut off every possible angle of retreat. At least the girl had gotten safely away. “Now tell me boys, what the fuck do you think you were doing? That young lady and I were just getting to know each other until you two dipshits came along and scared the crap out of her.”

  “Fuck you, Murphy!” Johnny spat out a split second later. “We all know exactly what was happening here. She’s just a kid, for God’s sake.”

  “I DON’T HAVE TO EXPLAIN MYSELF TO YOU, YOU FUCKING WOP!” Even in the shifting moonlight, I could see Murphy’s face going beet-red as he shouted right in Johnny’s face.

  “No, you don’t; but you might have trouble explaining yourself to the captain,” Johnny replied calmly. Again, his words staggered Murphy. The sergeant stepped back and took a deep breath, twisting his head slowly from side to side. In the palpable silence, you could hear the joints in his neck cracking; the popping sound sending a shiver of fear tripping down my spine.

  “Ah, well, I see,” said Murphy a little more calmly now. “But remember, boys, we’re all off duty here and I don’t really think the captain is going to give two shits about something two drunken grunts think they saw.” He held his hands up in mock innocence. “And what did they really see anyway?”

  I looked at Johnny, and knew the sergeant was right. We had been drinking a lot, especially Johnny. There were a number of witnesses who could attest to that. Plus, I didn’t recall any of the other guys watching Murphy and the young girl in the bar like Johnny and I had. It was likely nobody else had seen anything out of the ordinary, and the girl herself was likely long gone; heading safely home where she belonged. And even if we found her, she’d be too frightened and embarrassed to talk. I knew we were screwed and Johnny’s threat of going to Capt. Crocker was nothing more than a shot across Murphy’s bow; scary at first, but about as potent as a fart in a hurricane.

  “So if I were you two, I’d think twice about embarrassing myself in front of the captain. So, I would suggest that we all just agree that since in the end nobody got hurt, all’s well that ends well, right?” We stood there speechless. “Wouldn’t you agree, Cpl. Riddick?” Murphy said with a glance over our shoulders to his buddy behind us.

  “Yes Sir. All’s well that ends well.”

  “And nobody got hurt, right Cpl. Riddick?” Murphy said as he lifted his cap and ran his fingers through his bristly hair again.

  “Yes Sir. Nobody got hurt.”

  “Well, almost nobody,” Murphy said calmly before shooting out a powerful uppercut to Johnny’s midsection.

  The air went out of Johnny in an audible “Whoosh” as he dropped to his knees, gasping and wheezing. He coughed as he fell forward and supported himself on one outstretched arm just before he started to puke. His body jerked as he lowered his head, coughing and retching as he spewed out his guts.

  Just then I felt a staggering jolt in my lower back, the searing pain blossoming throughout my body as my legs turned to jelly. I dropped to my knees as I groaned, the intense pain overwhelming me. I turned to see the smiling rat-like face of Riddick, his fist still coiled from the kidney punch he’d just delivered.

  “Now you two pieces of shit, listen to me,” Murphy said as he kneeled down and spoke menacingly under his breath. “If either of you fuck with me once more, it’ll be the end of you. I’ll cut off your dick and shove it so far up your ass they’ll need a jackhammer to get it out.”

  Johnny had stopped puking, but was unable to get up. He was still leaning forward on his hands and knees, gasping, trying to bring air back into his lungs. I was on my knees beside him. I felt like I couldn’t move, like my lower back was on fire. I watched Murphy as he ran his hand through his hair once more before putting his cap back on and straightening his jacket.

  “So, like I said, all’s well that ends well, right corporal?”

  “Yes Sir. All’
s well that ends well.”

  They started walking away before Riddick turned and spoke over his shoulder, “Remember not to miss your bus, girls. You wouldn’t want to be late and have your chariot turn into a pumpkin.” He chuckled at his own joke, his high-pitched laugh sounding like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  “Johnny, are you okay?” I asked as I knelt beside him, both of us gasping.

  He lifted his head, snot dripping from his nose while a slimy strand of spit hung off his lip. He looked at our retreating assailants, deep smoldering hostility burning in his eyes. “I hate that bastard.” I could see his gaze was focused specifically on Murphy. “I feel like killing the son-of-a-bitch for what he was trying to do to that girl.”

  I reached down and grabbed Johnny’s shoulder as I struggled to my feet, my wobbly legs barely able to support my own weight. As I tried to help him up, a twisting shot of pain lanced up from my lower back, the intensity of it slicing right through me. I winced at the pain; my own thoughts of what I wanted to do to Murphy and his pal not far from Johnny’s.

  We stumbled back into the tavern, each of us barely able to walk, let alone dance. Everyone asked what happened. Not wanting to get any of the other guys involved in our feud with Murphy and Riddick, we told them we’d been jumped by some knuckleheads while we were having a smoke. I saw Murphy watching us, probably wondering if we were spilling the beans to our buddies. His steely gaze never wavered, waiting to see if anyone would look his way. No one did. Helen and Ruth had shown their concern, Helen near tears as she gently helped ease me into my seat. Johnny and I barely had the strength to move until it was time to get back on the bus. Helen slipped her phone number into my hand, then gave me a delicious kiss, her soft lips warm and sweet against mine.

  The guys helped us onto the bus, Johnny and I each taking a full seat to ourselves as we tried to get comfortable. Murphy and Riddick were the last ones on, riding shotgun up front. As Johnny and I slowly recovered, most of the other guys continued to hoot and holler, the beer and liquor they’d ingested powering their vocal chords. The driver had to make an emergency pit stop when Harry threatened to piss right there on the bus. Sam and Chester helped the staggering country boy over to the side of the road, where he ended up going for the full grand slam; dropping his pants and squatting as he pissed, puked and shit at the same time. He could barely stand by himself as the other two pulled his pants up and dragged him back onto the bus and tossed him into a seat, the front of his jacket spackled with vomit.

  Yes… had been quite a night.


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