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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

Page 17

by Leia King

  Vazra hesitated.

  “How long?” Ryan insisted, feeling his temper rising.

  “One hundred and seventy-five years.”

  Cora staggered back. “What? So, I’m Ryan’s age really?”


  “You’re telling me that I’ve spent most of my life in a forced sleep?” she exclaimed, running her fingers through her hair in distress.

  The brutal realization hit Ryan then like a cement block to the face. It all made sense now. “That’s why it took so long for her to find me.” He growled low in his throat at Vazra, a dangerous warning of a growl. He could feel his eyes flashing with the sign of a shift, he was so irate. “How could you do this to her!” he thundered. “To us!”

  He couldn’t reel it in. It was all too fucking much. He lunged at Vazra in a fit of rage.

  Vazra threw up his hand.

  Ryan’s vision was compromised by a flash of white light bursting from the bastard’s palm. It enveloped him, forming some sort of bubble around him, confining him inside. His claws sprung free and he slashed. Over and over.

  But he couldn’t cause so much as a scratch. “Argh!”

  Cora rushed over, yelling at her father, “Release him. Now!”

  Vazra shook his head. “Only when he calms down. He was on the verge of shifting.”

  Ryan heard Cora’s soft voice urging him to look at her, to breathe, to quell his rage.

  No fucking way. He was too worked up to listen to reason.

  And why shouldn’t he be?

  Vazra had kept his mate from him for years. No, centuries. Much longer than he’d even realized, even with that stupid betrothal bond in effect.

  She was his age? Nowhere near as young as he’d thought.

  He’d known the Princess of the White Realm was his destined mate and he’d known Vazra had hidden her in the human realm, but he’d had no idea it had been for so long, in a sleep-induced state. He’d figured she’d only been born recently, a quarter of a century ago, and hidden upon her birth, to avoid fulfilling the promise of the treaty, her betrothal to Luca.

  Fuck, they’d been deprived of so many lifetimes together. They’d lost so much, because of Vazra’s deception.

  “I was trying to protect my daughter, Ryan,” Vazra called to him.

  “We can’t change the past, Ryan. But we have the present. I’m here now, baby. And so is our child.”

  Her words cut through his rage and Ryan locked eyes with her, his growls ceasing, calming.

  When her hand touched the shimmering barrier again, it passed right through. She gasped as her hand made contact with him. She weaved her fingers in his and held his hand tightly in hers.

  “I’m sorry, my love.”

  The barrier dissipated and Vazra lowered his palm. He spoke softly to Cora. “You are purely supernatural, Cora. I had no choice but to put you in a suspended sleep. The white magic in you was so strong, so powerful, that sending you directly to the human realm without a transition like an induced dormio would have killed you. Your own body determined the length of time that was needed in sleep, before you were ready to awaken safely in the human realm.”

  “I could have protected her,” Ryan muttered.

  “You were too close with your brother at that point in time, Ryan. The risk would have been too great. You were not aware of the extent of Luca’s manipulations. He would have stolen her away, right under your nose.”

  “This is Nathanial’s doing. No one else’s,” Cora spoke.

  “How are you so calm about this?” Ryan wondered aloud.

  “Because, I know.”

  “Know what?”

  Cora looked at her father. “You led me to Ryan that night, didn’t you?”


  “What? No, it was Luca. He tapped into your magic and awakened something in you. We figured that out, remember?”

  Cora shook her head. “No. That’s what I’d thought at the time. But the feeling I’d felt guiding me that night? I just felt it now when I touched the barrier. My father’s magic.”

  Vazra smiled at her. “Yes. When Luca tapped your power, it sent out a beacon to me. I was able to reach you then from the White Realm. I knew where Ryan was. I had been keeping an eye on him for a long time, as I had promised his father prior to his death. I guided you to him. As soon as Luca found you, I knew you were no longer safe. I knew I had to get you to Ryan as soon as possible, because you did not understand our world, but Ryan did. I knew he would be able to protect you.”

  “I—I didn’t realize,” Ryan stumbled.

  “Is that an apology?” Vazra asked with amusement.

  Ryan scoffed. “Don’t push it.”

  Cora took his hand and pressed it to her belly. “This is what matters now, baby.”

  Ryan couldn’t help smiling back at her. He knew what she was doing. She was trying to make him calm the hell down and let her father off the hook by making him focus on their child. And, damn her, it was working. She had him wrapped around her little finger. He’d never calmed down so quickly for anyone. But Cora wasn’t just anyone. She was his mate. And that gave her a power over him that no one else had. It worked both ways, too. He heaved a heavy breath and mind-linked with her. Fine, I’ll let it go. For now.

  “Thank you, baby.”

  “There is much we need to discuss about the coming war. But first, a little break may be advisable,” Vazra said. “Why don’t you visit the royal gardens?”

  It was obvious to Ryan what Vazra was really saying. He wanted him in an agreeable mood when they sat down to talk business.

  “I think that’s a good idea, right, Ryan?” Cora asked.

  Ryan hissed, “Yes.”

  “My guards are right outside the door. They will give you directions. I will gather my Royal Court and we will all convene at nightfall.”

  Cora confirmed for the both of them and Ryan let her lead him out of the throne room.


  “I feel like a movie star. It’s odd,” Cora whispered to Ryan, as they walked hand in hand through the royal gardens.

  “It’s a huge deal having their princess back after all these years, Cora.”

  “Yeah, I’m getting that.”

  Since they’d left the throne room, all eyes had been on them. Curious glances and a flurry of hushed whispers had besieged them. Faeries, white witches, warlocks, and every White Realm creature imaginable had been absolutely captivated by them.

  The reception had been mixed. There had been whispers of joy at her return. But there had also been anxious comments about the Wolf King walking in the White Realm and, moreover, being with her.

  Cora tried to shake it off as they strolled through the gardens.

  Amazing. The beauty before them was unmatched by anything she’d ever seen before.

  It really was a world apart from the human realm.

  Glowing silver, lilac, cobalt, and turquoise foliage surrounded either side of the shimmering white, pebble path that they stood upon. The flowers were huge and their colors so vibrant. And they moved as they walked by. Cora reached out and touched one that looked a lot like a rose. She gasped in surprise when it emitted a peaceful hum.

  There was a powerful energy emanating from the gardens. A calming serenity.

  “Have you seen anything like this before? In the Dark Realm, maybe?” Cora asked, eyeing Ryan.

  He shook his head. “No. Everything there is blood and death. Nothing like this. Where there are flowers here, there are thorns there. Where there are ponds and fountains here, there are pits of lava there.”

  Cora shuddered at his disturbing descriptions.

  As intuitive as he was, he noticed right away. Wrapping his arm around her, he drew her close. “You don’t need to worry. I’m not taking you there. You belong in the light. So does our child.”

  “Wolves don’t belong in the Dark Realm, Ryan. They’re not dark creatures.”

  “You’ve only ever met wolves born in the human realm. Tru
st me when I tell you that the wolves in the Dark Realm are dark.”

  She gazed up at him, smiling warmly. “You were born in the Dark Realm and you’re not evil.”

  He looked away. “I learned to control my darker side. But I’ve… done things, Cora.”

  A sliver of trepidation crept through her. “What? Like what?”

  Her line of inquiry was interrupted by the shocking sight before them as they entered the clearing.

  A dozen faeries were fooling around in a majestic waterfall that cascaded into a golden pool beneath. Their shimmering, silver wings fluttered rapidly as they enjoyed themselves, some swimming in the pool, some pleasuring one another under the waterfall and on the grass embankments, and others sprawled out peacefully and looking up at the thousands of bright stars in the sky. They were all naked, their clothes discarded behind the waterfall.

  Cora held her hand over Ryan’s eyes to shield his view of the naked women. “No looking.”

  He chuckled and eased her hand down.

  “Relax. You’re the only woman worth looking at, my love.”

  As soon as he spoke, the faeries started in shock. All eyes turned to them. They zoned in on Ryan. And then they screamed.

  In a flash of blinding silver light, they were gone.

  “Oh no. What was that all about?” Cora wondered aloud.

  “It was about me, Cora.”


  “They sensed dark energy.”

  “Oh,” she murmured, frowning. She could see that it’d bothered him, even if he was trying to play it off as best as he could. She trailed her fingers down his cheek. “I’m sorry, Ryan. They don’t know you like I do. They’re being ridiculous.”

  “Let’s head back to the palace and see Vazra. I’m sure he has a room set aside for his daughter. We’ll chill in there until the meeting.”

  “No. We’re not hiding out all because of some racist idiots.” She frowned. “No. That’s not the right word, is it?”

  He smiled, clearly amused at her naivety. “Speciest.”

  “Right. Thanks.” She tugged on his hand. “Come on,” she urged, pulling him towards the waterfall.

  He chuckled, letting her pull him along.

  “It’s better that it’s empty anyway,” she said as she let go of him and walked to the edge of the embankment, gazing at the pool below. “It’s just the two of us now.” She winked at him slyly, then started stripping off her clothes.

  His eyes went wide. “What are you doing?”

  “Going for a swim,” she said, simply. “With my husband.”

  “Well, damn. I’m not gonna discourage that.” He followed her lead. “Where’s my shy little wife gone all of a sudden?” he asked, as he stripped quickly, using his wolf speed to his advantage.

  “I don’t know. I guess, I feel different here.”

  “You were cut off and hidden from your supernatural heritage in the human realm. Being here, being home, must be really freeing.”

  “Yeah, I think that’s it.”

  “In the human realm you never got to explore who you really were. I mean, you started to when you came to me that night after being awakened by that prick. But the massive delay, thinking you were someone you weren’t, left you closed off and shy. Plus, you were a virgin for so long, which had you ill at ease around men. But now, darlin’.” He paused, distracted by her nakedness, his eyes wandering appreciatively all over her body. “Now you’re so free.”

  He shed the last of his clothes and lunged at her, driving her into the pool. She shrieked as they hit the water with a heavy splash.

  She resurfaced to find him smiling at her happily.

  “I think it’s also the baby, Cora.”

  Of course. “The wolf.”

  “Damn straight.”

  She reached out and stroked his chest. The second they touched they both gasped. Holy crap. A powerful wave of euphoria rushed through her. She drew back, panting hard. One look at Ryan told her he was experiencing the same thing.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Do it again.”

  She pressed her hands to his chest and he shuddered.

  “Oh God,” she breathed. “I’ve never felt… what is that?”

  “The water must be enchanted,” he said, taking her hands and pulling her with him until they stood under the waterfall.

  She watched his eyes glow gold, brighter than she’d ever seen them do before. She could feel hers doing the same. All she could focus on was his touch. It consumed her wholly. They were only holding hands and the sensation coursing through her was already approaching pure bliss. They were both panting uncontrollably.

  Before she knew what was happening, Ryan dipped his head to her left breast and began worshipping it with his mouth. He kissed, suckled, and nipped her ravenously. She moaned and arched her back, pushing it further into his mouth. As he turned his attention to the other one, she gripped his shoulders and hoisted herself up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  Burning lust and heat overwhelmed her. She couldn’t control herself, her want and need for him.

  She drove herself down onto his hard dick.

  Holy fucking shit!

  The shock of Cora suddenly impaling her tight, wet pussy on his cock had her tit slipping from his mouth as he roared out his pleasure at the top of his lungs.

  “Ah, fuck,” he choked. He fisted his hand in her hair, while the other cupped her ass, supporting her against him. “Yes, ride me, darlin’.”

  She rode him like a wild animal, screaming shrilly, pulling almost all the way off his cock and then driving herself all the way back down his length, burying him inside her, right to the hilt.

  A powerful desire, a frantic need gripped him, taking his control.

  He couldn’t think.

  He just needed her.

  He was already inside her, but it wasn’t enough.

  He needed more.

  So much more.

  He was on fire. Craving release immediately.

  He felt his claws drop but he was powerless to stop it. Some inexplicable force urged him on.

  No! Stop!

  He couldn’t.

  In the next second, he was swiping them across her chest, drawing a deep wound.

  She hissed at the burn.

  He lapped at the blood trickling from the wound he’d inflicted, reveling in the power rush her blood always gave him. But it seemed way more potent now and it took him over, sending a rush of ecstasy through him that had him coming inside her.

  It still wasn’t enough, though. Shit.

  His cock was still rigid inside her, showing no sign of calming down.

  She ground her pussy against him and he felt her contract around him.

  “More! Yes! More!” she screamed. “It’s not enough. Not enough, Ryan. I need more. Now,” she pleaded, her eyes filling with tears from the depth of her need.

  He barely recognized her voice at all. It was like someone else was speaking through her, or something else.

  He didn’t care. He just wanted to fuck her more. Harder. More brutally. He wanted to fuck her like the animal that he really was.

  Not wanted to. Needed to.

  He had to.

  He found himself biting down on the sensitive flesh between her neck and her shoulder.

  With his wolf teeth.

  Something in the back of his mind told him to stop, but it was barely more than a distant whisper. The pull to continue was much stronger.

  His sharp incisors broke through her skin with ease. She screamed as he ripped through her flesh brutally. Her blood rushed into his mouth. Despite her screams, she didn’t try to stop him. She just kept riding him hard. He couldn’t count the number of times that she came around him in a powerful wave of back-to-back orgasms that left her screaming wildly through the still night.

  His claws dug into her back, slicing her soft flesh apart, shredding her skin.

  She stopped then and scre
amed in agony.

  The sound of her agonized cries managed to reach something within him and he forced himself to pull his teeth from her shoulder. But his claws kept shredding her. He couldn’t seem to control more than one thing at once.

  “I can’t… stop. Fuck. Blast me… with your power,” he rasped. “Now, Cora.”

  “I’m too weak. Too much blood loss. Please, Ryan. Stop. Please,” she begged, sobbing. “It hurts.”

  Strong hands gripped his shoulders.

  He was ripped from Cora and tossed across the pool onto the grass embankment several feet away.

  Instantly, the powerful feeling that had taken him over went away.

  Reality came rushing back.

  No! Fucking hell! What had he done? “Cora!”

  “She is okay.”

  He swung his head in the direction of the unfamiliar voice.

  A strange man was approaching him, carrying Cora in his arms.

  His shoulder-length, golden hair was tucked behind his pointed ears. A faery. His eyes were a deep lilac. He wore dark blue, loose pants made of some silky material. His white shirt billowed against the wind and it was open enough to reveal the start of his chiseled abs. He was clean-shaven and looked to be in his late twenties. In human years.

  He knelt down with Cora in his arms, helping her into a sitting position. Ryan realized that he couldn’t lay her down, on account of the deep wounds etched into both her back and her chest.

  “Let me take her,” Ryan said, reaching for her.

  “No.” The guy tightened his hold on her protectively. “She needs to remain still to heal.”

  Incensed that another man was holding his wife while she was wet and naked, a low, threatening growl burst from him.

  “You do not scare me, wolf,” the guy told him. “Although, I do understand why you are uncomfortable. Let me ease your tension.”

  Ryan watched as he waved his hand over Cora’s body. A white robe materialized on her, shielding her nakedness. The man turned to him and did the same thing. Ryan looked down and found himself wearing a robe also.

  He skidded to his knees beside Cora and brought his wrist to his teeth. “My blood will heal her.”

  “No. She will heal on her own. She does not need your blood,” the guy spat with distaste.


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