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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

Page 53

by Leia King

“Luca, go to Cora. Have her work on dropping the veil that Vazra and Oriana have formed over the White Realm. She has the power, but she will need instruction from someone with extensive magical knowledge and training. Be careful. You must not touch the barrier, for it is fused with sunlight.”

  “You are preparing to unite the realms?” Luca queried.

  “Yes. That cannot happen, if I am blocked from reaching into the White Realm. Power has to connect from both sides.”

  “You think this will stop Oriana in her tracks,” Michael realized aloud.

  “Yes. Aside from hurting me, her chief goal is to prevent unification. However, once it has been done, it cannot be undone. If we unite, her agenda becomes null and void.”

  “She will come after you then, father. Marella, too,” Luca pointed out.

  Nathanial snarled at the mere thought of it. “No one will harm Marella. Once she is here, she will fall under my protection. Oriana cannot overpower me.” Satisfied that he had dealt with that, he moved on to the other volatile situation, addressing Michael, “Luca has briefed you on Ryan’s situation?”

  “Yes. I am prepared to assist.”

  “Good. You and I will begin our search for the source. Time is of the essence. Let us get to work.”


  Finally done with his duties to his wolves, Ryan hurried down the hall to his room, anxious to spend some quality time with his son. It had been too long. He had been dying to see him.

  He threw open the door, barely able to contain his excitement at the prospect.

  But, instead, he found Cora already there with Orion, cradling him in her arms on his bed. And, worst of all, she was speaking in wolf tongue. What the fuck?

  Her eyes shot to him and she started at his sudden arrival. “You could’ve knocked.”

  She was clearly still upset by their conversation in the Dark Realm. “It’s my bedroom.”

  “It’s both of ours.”

  He walked into the room. “You left. Now it’s just mine.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  He couldn’t help smiling at that. It was such an immature response. And, he’d missed it. The innocent side of her. So, it was still there after all then.

  He shook off his sentimental thoughts. He was too concerned with the fact that she was now somehow bonding with their son in wolf form. Orion being in wolf form had been the only thing preventing her from taking him away. Given how powerful she was, he doubted very much that he would be able to stop her, if she decided to take him.

  “Who taught you?” he demanded.

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Who, Cora? Which one of my wolves was it? Roy? Josh?”

  “What does it matter? I’m bonding with my son in wolf form now. Is that really something you want to deny? Our son’s connection to his own mother?”

  Shit. “I—no,” he said awkwardly, stumbling over his words. He quickly recovered and added, “But he’s not leaving here.”

  She placed their son down on the bedspread and strolled up to him, getting in his face. “Do you really think you have any chance of stopping me now?”

  Ryan glowered down at her fiercely. “I would put you down, before you even had the chance to summon your fucking magic.”

  “Threatening your own wife? That has to be a new low for you.”

  “Whatever it takes to protect my son.”

  “He is my son too, Ryan!”

  Ryan scoffed. “He is a wolf through and through.” He stepped back and spun around angrily. “Fuck! This was all wrong from the beginning. I knew you weren’t wolf, but I just accepted it, because of that fated love bullshit.”


  “Yeah, bullshit. We never even checked it out. We just went along with it, because your father told us to. And look how fucking trustworthy he turned out to be.”

  “You hate me that much that you’re questioning the validity of our bond?”

  “I don’t hate you.”

  “Really? In the Dark Realm you couldn’t stand to be in the same room as me. You wouldn’t tell me you loved me and now you’re actually threatening me.”

  “It’s not—things are just complicated right now.”

  Realization flashed in her eyes and she gasped, shrinking back and hugging herself defensively. “There’s someone else, isn’t there?”

  “Cora,” Luca’s voice came from the door suddenly.

  Ryan spun around and a look passed between him and Luca. Luca had unwittingly just saved him. He could see by the look on his face that he was pissed that he’d helped him out.

  Cora wiped away tears from her eyes and answered him, “What is it?”

  “We have work to do. Nathanial sent me.” He moved to step into the room, but Ryan growled in protest.

  Luca got the message and pulled back. “Cora, we need to breach the barrier over the White Realm.”

  “Nathanial wants to unite the realms now?”

  “As soon as possible.” He held out his hand for her and Ryan growled again.

  Luca hissed at him. “You have more important things to worry about right now. Oriana has the human realm vampires under her control. You need to secure the compound and remain here as a deterrent just in case they come this way. We can’t track them, because she’s blocking their scent, so we have no idea where they are.”

  At the sound of his words, Ryan snapped into action. He pulled out his cell from his jacket pocket and turned away as he dialed. “Josh. Gather the wolves. We have a situation. Ten minutes. Stop fucking Shaye and bring her to me immediately.”

  “Ryan,” Cora murmured.

  “We’ll talk later,” he said curtly.

  “Come on, princess,” he heard Luca say in that sickly-sweet voice of his that he reserved just for Cora. “We need to leave now.”

  “Yeah. Okay,” Cora said in a voice so full of sadness that it cut right through him, despite his attempts to shut down all emotion when it came to her.



  “Nathanial, I do not appreciate being escorted like some meek, incapable woman.”

  Nathanial couldn’t help grinning as he stood at the castle doors, his arms folded, watching her approach the castle, Haraz at her side protectively.

  He adored her feistiness. Even angry, she had such a dignity and grace about her.

  “It is not funny!”

  He forced his smile aside and held out his hand as she reached him. “I was concerned for your safety and that of our child, angel. It was a decision borne out of love. I do not think you incapable of anything.”

  She took his hand. “Well, seeing as though you put it like that, I will let it slide. This one time.”

  Nathanial wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I have missed you greatly, Marella. We will not be apart again.”

  She gazed up at him, her surprise evident. “Does that mean what I think it does?”

  “Yes. I will make you my Queen this night. Of course, only if that is something that you want?”

  “Do not tease me. Of course, it is. I love you, Nathanial.”

  “You are the only woman whom I have ever loved, angel.”

  “Finally, you are abiding by true tradition, your majesty,” Haraz commented as he passed by.

  Nathanial chuckled and then commanded Haraz, “Prepare the gardens. A private ceremony. You will officiate the joining rites.”

  Haraz nodded and sped off in a flash of vampire speed.

  “I am sorry we have to rush this, but with everything that is happening, you will only truly be safe once we are joined. Once the ritual is complete, you will have my full protection. For as long as I live, my Dark magic will always protect you, even if you step outside of the realm some time in the future.”

  “I understand,” she said. “Despite my insistence that I can take care of myself, I know that you will always be ill at ease until I let you have your way,” she jested.

  “You know me well, angel.�

  He took her hand in his and led her through the castle, until they came to a set of double doors located in a part of the castle that was secluded from the rest. He released her and pushed open both doors.

  “After you,” he said, stepping aside to allow her through.

  He heard her gasp in wonder as she took in the room.

  It was just the reaction he had been hoping for.

  It was unlike any other room in the castle.

  It was sheer luxury, encompassing two floors, with a rich red and gold color scheme that emanated a warmth that he had been determined to provide for his love.

  He watched her take it all in.

  The gold-rimmed, crystal chandeliers hang from the first-floor ceiling, presiding over the lounge area. A seating area complete with black, leather wraparound couches and oversized armchairs, which faced an antique fireplace made from red magical fire.

  He smiled to himself as she walked around their new chambers in a state of awe. She passed beyond the partition and entered the bedroom. A four-poster bed stood in the center. The frame was wrought iron, decorated with golden vines and leaves that snaked around the poles. Silky, red drapes brushed the sides of the bed, which was decked out in golden sheets and covered with decorative gold-and-red pillows. She glanced at the bathroom and he chuckled as her eyes widened. Her gaze swept over the sunken bathtub, the frosted glass shower and the marble wraparound benches.

  “What’s upstairs?” she cried, unable to contain her excitement.

  He grinned. “The nursery.”


  “This is our room. I had it prepared to your specific tastes. I had intended to show it to you after we were officially wed, but I could not wait.”

  “You built this for me?”

  “Yes. I told you I would give you everything, Marella. You thought I was merely jesting?”

  “I can’t believe it. It’s incredible.”

  “I am glad you like it.” He slid his arms around her waist. “I know you are comfortable with the light, so moving here concerned you. But you will have everything. Beyond what you had in the White Realm. I need you here as my Queen. Permanently. When we perform the joining ritual tonight, that is what you will be accepting. You will belong to the Dark Realm, Marella. To me.” He pulled away and said, “I will leave you to decide if that is what you truly wish. I know it is a lot to ask, but it must be this way. I am King and my wife and child must belong wholly to the Dark Realm.”

  “Nathanial!” she called out as he turned to go.

  He spun back around. “Yes, angel?”

  “You are my home now. There is nothing to consider. I already made my choice when I allowed you to take me to your bed that first night. I have belonged to you since then, just as you have belonged to me.”

  He rushed her in a burst of vampire speed, driving them down onto the bed. She giggled as he kissed her all over. “I love you. I cannot wait until we join.” He straddled her, gazing down at her intensely. “You are mine forever.”

  “And you are mine. Now take me, Nathanial.”


  “What just happened?” Luca asked, glancing around in surprise, as they rematerialized.

  Somehow, he had failed to teleport them to their destination.

  “Sorry. I was upset. I must’ve affected your teleportation spell,” Cora told him, stepping back in distress, tugging at her hair.

  “Unbelievable. Your power clearly knows no bounds to be able to force a change in course during the middle of another’s spell?”

  “Wait,” she murmured, stilling. “Isn’t this the place where we first met?”

  “That, it is,” he realized, more than a little taken aback.

  A wave of memories washed over him.

  Approaching her here. Informing her that she was his betrothed. Awakening her. Fooling around against the brick wall. Then, it taking turn, with her telling him to go to hell.

  And he had gone to hell. Several times over, since she’d come into his life. With her denying him. Him going off the deep end. Ryan actually mating with her, effectively taking her away from him.

  “I’m intrigued, princess. Why would you guide us here?” he asked, joining her by the brick wall.

  She kept her eyes cast downward as she admitted, “I was thinking about you as we teleported.”

  He folded his arms across his chest, as he regarded her shrewdly. “In what way?”

  “In a way that I shouldn’t have been.”

  They were words that he had longed to hear. But given what had happened between her and Ryan just moments ago, he couldn’t trust it. “You are upset with Ryan. Your judgment is clouded.”

  She pushed off the wall. “I want to break the bond between us.”

  He frowned, confused. “We already have.”

  “Between Ryan and me.”

  Wow. More than anything, he wanted to support the decision, to get her away from Ryan. He was wrong for her. Fate had made a grievous error when pairing her with that animal. But he knew he couldn’t go that route. His father would not want that. They were growing closer, overcoming their differences. He wanted to do right by him and avoid doing anything to jeopardize their strengthening relationship.

  That was why, he took a step back from her and said, “I know Ryan hasn’t been himself lately. There are reasons, Cora. It can’t be helped, but it will get better. Just hang in there a little while longer.”

  “I know you’re privy to those reasons.”

  Oh, no. He swallowed hard. “Excuse me?”

  She stepped up to him, glaring. “You know why Ryan is… different. The change that happened in him when he became king was bad enough, but this is more. And you know all about it. I’ve seen the looks passing between the two of you.”

  He shook his head, willing her not to push it, not to push him. It was hard enough denying what he truly wanted, as it was.

  Thankfully, he was granted a reprieve, as she moved away, beginning to pace, as she muttered, “It doesn’t matter. Ryan doesn’t want me. Not anymore. He wants a wolf as his mate. It’s the way it should be, I guess. I should’ve realized it would all lead to this, the moment he accepted his duty as Wolf King. Plus, the way he’s treated me? I won’t take that from anyone, especially not my husband. I’m not a submissive wife and I never will be. It’s what Ryan wants, what he’s used to.”

  “What about your son?” Luca asked gently. His heart hurt for her. He could hear the waver in her voice, sense her grief over her broken relationship. He just wanted to take away her pain.

  “We’ll work something out when he calms down. I’m learning how to communicate in wolf tongue, so it won’t be a problem anymore even if he stays in wolf form forever. Ryan and I can share custody.”

  “I see,” he said, clenching his fists, fighting to hold it together. Hearing her plans to split from Ryan was what he’d wanted for so long. It would be so easy to give the situation a slight push and have their relationship come crashing down, once and for all.

  But the man who would’ve snatched up the opportunity, regardless of the consequences to others, was gone. He was different now. He loved the girl, for goodness sake. He couldn’t see her hurt from his actions. It was bad enough witnessing so much pain from her now, because of Ryan.

  He tensed as she came back to him, stepping up close. She tucked a wayward strand of her silky, black hair behind her ear, the act so innocent, so delicately feminine that it struck him in the gut. “So, will you help me?”

  Clearing his throat, he choked out, “Help you?”

  “To break the bond between me and Ryan?”

  His father would kill him if he discovered he’d had any part in something like that. But, at the same time, he knew Cora had no one else to turn to. She was surrounded by beings loyal to Ryan, first and foremost. He couldn’t leave her hanging. “If it comes to that,” he offered.

  “Luca, I—”

  “You need time to gain perspective, princess. If y
ou still feel this way in a few days, we will talk.”

  “Fine.” She moved closer until they were almost touching. “But, you should know that I’m more resilient than you give me credit for. I just see the truth now, that’s all. Ryan questioned our bond tonight. And, he’s right. We did just accept it. We didn’t even know one another well, before we jumped right in and blindly trusted all that fated love bullshit. Now that I know the bond can be broken, that it doesn’t really mean forever, I can give him what he wants. To be free of me.”

  Luca shook his head. “He is just confused.” Unable to help himself any longer, he reached out and took her hand. “I know this, because no one would ever want to be free of you. You are exquisite.”

  Her deep-blue eyes burned into his, threatening to shatter his resolve, all his better intentions. “Thank you,” she said, squeezing his hand back.

  The intensity between them was reaching the point of no return.

  He had to move away, shut her down, anything. Or, it would be too late.

  But, before he could push off the wall and evade her, she leaned in, pressing her lips to his. Shocking him, it wasn’t just a mere brush, or a peck. No, she closed her eyes and savored her lips on his, kissing him fully, so incredibly sensually. It was soft, slow, and so very erotic.

  His desire for her burned white-hot, threatening to consume him wholly. His cock jerked wildly, desperate to take what it’d wanted for so long.

  So, he couldn’t actually believe his own actions when he jerked back, pressing a hand to her chest to hold her at bay. “Cora. You aren’t thinking clearly.”

  She scrutinized him. “Is that what you really think? Or, is this about Nathanial and his unyielding loyalty to Ryan? A loyalty he doesn’t deserve. Not lately, anyway.”

  She clearly knew him too well now. “Perhaps.”

  “I. Don’t. Care,” she seethed.

  Suddenly, she was fisting her hands in the lapels of his jacket and jerking him against her. She held him close, as she trailed her tongue across his lips, down to his neck.

  Holy shit. He threw his head back, moaning at the sweet pleasure. Her hands were all over him then.


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