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Augur of Shadows

Page 14

by Jacob Rundle

  “As you have been told, the hierarchy in the spiritual realm is vastly different to the systems you humans have in place. I know what I am allowed to know. So, if Kali told you that you would have to resurrect this demon to open the first gateway then you must complete this action.” Adhira was becoming frustrated with Henri.

  “When she told me about the first gateway, I was hoping that you were listening to our conversation.”

  “I told you that each divinity respects each other. So, listening to that conversation would have been a blatant sign of disrespect, and the proceeding actions could lead to an all-out war among the divinities. The universe doesn’t need a divine war right now.”

  “So, does this mean that you have no idea where the weapon of Kali is located?”

  “I am sorry, child, but I do not know where the item is.”

  “No, she said that she gave two of the items to humanity for safekeeping,” Henri replied.

  “Well, maybe your new friend, Etlina, will be able to assist you. I’m sure that she can find where they are.”

  “I don’t know if I want to get her involved with all of this destiny stuff. I already feel horrible that Siméon is involved. What happens if she gets injured?” Henri didn’t want to think of Etlina getting injured.

  “If she gets injured, it is because she decided to get involved. Seer, you don’t get to decide other people’s fates. If she wants to get involved with you and your journey then she has already decided to join. She is aware of the risks. There is always a reason for everything. Have you thought about that? Have you tried “seeing” what the truth is there?”

  “Wait… try seeing what?”

  “Go to a place where your nerves are calm, and your mind is at ease. And I want you to “see” the truth. You have the ability to see the past, present and future. Use that talent.”

  As per usual, Adhira walked back across the veil to the other side. Henri realized he was more prepared to make a decision about the gateway now that he had spoken to Adhira.

  Henri took a few minutes to figure out where he should go to relax. New York City wasn’t really known to be a city that fostered relaxation. He slowed his pace for a few moments in order to admire the beauty of his surroundings. It was a beautiful autumn day. The birds flew back and forth among the trees, feeding their babies. When his brain finally calmed down, a name came to his mind.

  St. Lucia’s Catholic Church.


  9:35 A.M.


  Henri approached the steps of St. Lucia’s Church - the place where Tim Stevenson took his last breath. He admired the beautiful gothic architecture of the building. The gargoyles still mystified him, and he wondered if the stories were true.

  He grabbed the doorknockers to open the doors, and memories of Metatron flashed through his mind, and the time that he projected to the future. He still remembered the terrifying experience of projecting to the future. Henri had a difficult time erasing the sounds from his mind - the sound of a living soul becoming part of the nothing.

  His memory caused Henri to question everything he had experienced lately.

  “Why does it feel like this whole situation started decades ago?” he asked himself, knowing if someone passed by that they would think that he was crazy.

  Henri entered the main sanctum of the church, and he could see a few individuals sitting in silence, obviously praying. He walked over to a bench in the back so that he was left alone. He didn’t really want someone to see him. If someone saw him then they would tell his mother that he was at church right now instead of being at school. The sanctum was so eerily quiet that the hairs rose on the back of his neck.

  He had to admit that being in the church was actually relaxing. There weren’t any threats of condemnation being hurled around at the moment. For one of the few times, Henri could relax.

  Adhira was correct to suggest that he find someplace to collect his thoughts. Since he actually felt his muscles softening, he was ready to move on. He was there to find the truth but still unsure just how he was going to do it.

  He calmed his mind and body, so he could get something out of being in the church. He put aside all hatred and animosity towards the institution, and he concentrated on the reason he was there—self-reflection. He dismissed the thoughts pertaining to his mother and his father.

  Destiny was the only thing about which he wanted to think. He knew that his unexpressed emotions did nothing but worsen his state of mind, so he was already feeling ridiculous.

  “Time to prioritize,” Henri declared absent-mindedly. He proceeded through the church, noticing his heartbeat quicken as he walked. Henri gained a new sense of panic within the church. He dodged anyone that knew him to avoid detection.

  He saw that the church was packed with their friends. He recognized a few members of the marriage parties - his dad’s brothers, Uncle Steve and Uncle Al, and his mother’s only sister, Aunt Rachel.

  The preacher stood to the right of his father, waiting for his mother to walk down the aisle. The song playing was the exact song that his father played every year on their anniversary. The flowers were the same--white orchids. He, without fail, brought white orchids to his mother every year, which would explain why they would always be his mother’s favorite.

  Uncle Steve and Uncle Al stood to the left of his father. Seeing the wedding only made Henri more sentimental about his mom and dad. To him, his father was not conventional; instead, he was someone who did things on his own. He was easily the best man that Henri had ever known. Henri believed, without a doubt, that he would have told his father about being gay. Way before he would have told his mother as she was the more conservative parent.

  The orchestra’s alluring magic spread throughout the area, and the bride paced down the aisle. There she was, looking radiant— his mom. Her pearl white dress was as beautiful as Princess Diana’s revolutionary gown. Her veil could reach the moon. They both looked unbelievably happy, and they clearly loved each other beyond comprehension. Henri saw the looks that they gave each other.

  As Henri continued to watch the most magical day of his parents’ lives, he noticed droplets of water striking his dry clothes. Their happiness touched every single person that they knew in the world. A rush of emotions flooded Henri’s mind, making it difficult to focus on the wedding. Suddenly, he wanted the vision to go away. He was heart-broken because somehow, his parents had lost their happy ending. He didn’t understand why their shine had dulled throughout the years.

  “I wish that my father was still alive. I really need him right now. Dad, I really need you!” Henri didn’t enjoy his solitary rain show, but he also needed a sense of normalcy. Thinking of his dad made Henri melancholy. He couldn’t bear the idea of seeing his dad any longer. He intended to project back to escape the emotional reunion, but he knew that if he left, his dad wouldn’t be in front of him and somehow that would be so much worse.

  “Henri?” a male voice called to him.

  The familiar voice’s harmony paralyzed Henri, bringing panic. He turned around to see who called his name. What he saw, he could not quite comprehend. All he could muster was a faltering whisper.

  “Dad?” Henri said through the look of shock and horror of seeing his deceased father in front of him.

  “Yes, Henri, it’s your father,” his dad replied to his son.

  “Wait…how is this possible? You’re dead!” Henri stopped to rethink his reaction. He knew exactly how the encounter was possible.

  “Oh, Son. You have no idea on how gifted you are. You will find out soon enough, though.” His father treated him to one of his famous smiles.

  “I…mean…how?” The proper words flew around his mind, but he couldn’t relay them to make sense.

  “Henri, Son, you thought of me, and so I came to you. It isn’t every day that a father has a son who has the gifts that you possess. Plus, the Ancestors allowed me to come to you. You wouldn’t believe all the thi
ngs you learn when you pass onto the other side.”

  “You know about the Ancestors?”

  “Oh, yes. I met with them before coming to see you. Plus, when you pass on to our side, you always have ancestors accompany you while you adjust to the new surroundings.”

  “Dad, what else do you know?”

  “Son, I know everything that you have been through up to this very moment. I know that you became aware of your destiny. I know about all the anguish that you have gone through because of my death.”

  “Dad, let’s not talk about it.” Henri didn’t want to waste time, even though he had wished for the opportunity. He didn’t want to ruin their time together either.

  “Henri, I do not blame you for my death.” Henri was horrified that his deep-seated thoughts were outspoken.


  “There was nothing that you could have done to prevent it. And I am so sorry that you had to see it before it happened.”

  “Dad, it’s been hard, and Mom has had a grueling time.”

  “I know, Son, and I am sorry that you had to feel the pain that I felt at the moment of impact. No child should have to go through those feelings and emotions. We don’t have to agree with what happens, but we must face the obstacles that are placed in our way,” his father conveyed to him.

  “Stop! Stop saying this stuff to me!”

  “Son, you can get as angry as you want, but those feelings will not change the outcome.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Henri, you came here for answers, and I am here to give them to you. You came for clarity and peace of mind. I would love it if you would allow me.”

  “Okay, I am listening.” Henri had a brief recollection of when his dad would lecture him when he was a child.

  “You are allowed to ask anything. So, shoot, kid!” His father hadn’t changed a bit even with death.

  “I don’t know what to ask you unless you know where the weapon of Kali is?”

  “I have no knowledge of its whereabouts. Sorry, Henri.” His father wished that he had an idea.

  “Well, I have no clue now.” Henri’s hope crashed into the ground.

  “Son, I know that there are answers that you want. Do not waste this opportunity.”

  “Do you know who the other Destined are?”

  “Alright, something that I can answer. Well, yes and no. Yes, in that you already know the other two, but no, in the way of knowing their exact names. The Ancestors told me that there is no need to tell you their names since you already know who they are. You just have to see who they are.”

  An idea came to Henri that he did, in fact, know who the other Destined were. He had a vision in his mind of the three from his vision of the future.

  He sat with the apparition of his dad and centered himself in an effort to get answers. He tried controlling his breathing, but it was proving to be a little difficult. At the moment, the only feeling Henri had in his body was one of nausea. Once he finally calmed his breathing, he was able to clear both his mind and body. Henri felt calm and refreshed, giving way to a refreshing level of energy.

  With this newfound strength and confidence, Henri knew what to do next. He would use his gifts to aid him getting the answers he needed. He would simply bring the question of the identity of the other “Destined” to mind.

  “Show your selves to me.” Henri placed his intention into the mystical void through which he ventured when he projected.

  His heart pounded fiercely. Within moments there were two cloaked figures standing before him. Henri had gotten used to the idea of seeing these cloaked individuals.

  As to why the three cloaked ones were mirrored images of Henri, was not readily obvious. The moment that he realized the connection between the future cloaked-ones and the Destined, they were standing in front of him.

  He wanted to speak with them but was not sure how to start. With much agitation, Henri addressed the three-cloaked figures.

  “It is imperative that I know your identities.”

  As he approached the mysterious bunch, he made sure that his father was still behind him.

  “Henri, I am still with you. It is time that you are shown. Focus on them.” His father stood sternly, leading Henri to the truth.

  Henri did exactly what his father suggested, and he stepped toward the three mysterious figures. No one in the wedding party noticed the commotion happening on the second level.

  Henri stopped in front of the three figures, and he summoned up enough bravery to ask them again their purpose.

  “Who are you three?” Henri stuttered.

  “We are here because it is our time to be here. It is your time to know who and what we are,” the middle-cloaked man replied.

  “Henri, you must learn the concept of balance. Balance is everything when it comes to existence itself. It is why nothing can live forever. Even the gods and goddesses of folklore don’t live forever,” the cloaked one spoke.

  “Yeah, Kali said the same thing to me.” Henri rushed the cloaked one to get answers.

  “As you learned from Metatron, the divinities of heaven have a time span. So, when you are discussing the concept of “life-span” and a divinity, an angel or some other being, you shouldn’t put human time frames onto them,” the female cloaked figure surmised.

  “Why is that important?” Henri demanded the cloaked ones make sense.

  “There’s that attitude again. I do believe that we told you to watch your mouth.” Henri remembered her lack of patience for his attitude.

  “Fine. But I need to know who you three are,” Henri persisted.

  “Your demands will not get you anywhere, child,” the last cloaked one uttered his words. Henri felt the same feelings as he did the last time he saw the cloaked ones. He had a strong feeling of his identity.

  “I don’t have time for this crap!” Henri yelled with built-up frustration, and he covered his face with his hands.

  “Henri, give us your attention,” the first cloaked person stepped forward, and he readied himself.

  “You have my attention.” Henri’s nerves unraveled by his impatience.

  Before any party in the conversation spoke another word, the three-cloaked figures revealed themselves. Henri was shocked to see the faces staring back at him. He couldn’t believe his eyes. There were three undeniable images of himself, Siméon and Etlina.

  “How… how is this possible?” Henri questioned the newly revealed strangers.

  “It’s possible because we have traveled here from the future. Plus, the Ancestors approved our arrival, and they assisted in making it happen,” the future Etlina spoke.

  “I mean how am I speaking to myself?” Henri was conscious of his inability to pay attention, but his mind was blown.

  “Henri, I am you. I am the future you. The version of yourself that you come to be,” the future Henri dictated.

  Henri looked around at the other two former-cloaked individuals who were standing next to the future Henri. Then, it occurred to him. The tallest one, on the right of future Henri, must be future Siméon. And the third person was none other than future Etlina. In this moment, Henri realized that he received the answer to his question. The destined were Siméon, Etlina and himself.

  Henri was shocked, yet not surprised that he and the others were the Destined. However, at least he knew that he was teamed up with two people he knew he could trust. Now it was time to start out on their journey. It was time to set out and find Kali’s weapon.

  “Henri, you need to focus.” She pushed Henri telekinetically, alerting him.

  “We are here to tell you that you must be diligent about finding Kali’s weapon, and you must open that first gateway. If you all do nothing, then the entire universe will disappear forever. Do you understand?” Henri noticed that she was getting agitated.

  Future Henri stepped forward. “The faster you realize what you have to do, Henri, the faster you can start preparing for the Old Ones. You must open your eyes, and you
must see.”

  He walked over to Henri, and he placed his index finger on his third eye. Henri saw images in his mind - Images of the future, images of the three fighting their way through the Old Ones’ armies, and finally, images of the Old Ones themselves flashed through his mind’s eye. Henri was unbelievably overwhelmed at the sheer size and power of their foes.

  “Henri, these images are not pictures or stories. They are truth. They are true prophecy,” Future Henri explained.

  The visions overpowered Henri’s senses. His ability to empathically deal with the feelings and emotions made the visions worse. He felt the Old Ones’ anger and hate. He ultimately felt their hunger.

  Henri fell to the ground, feeling overstimulated by the visions. His head swam.

  “I hear you all. These things are potential outcomes Unfortunately, I don’t know how to get to the point where I am ready for it all to happen.” Henri held back his fears of the situation.

  “Henri, you just have to find a way, and you must find Kali’s weapon. You must prepare yourself for what happens after you open the gateway. Her weapon is the key. It contains the necessary item for you to open the gateway,” the Destined spoke collectively. Henri wondered what the item was that he needed from Kali’s weapon.

  “What does that mean?”

  “We can’t say. This path of yours will change you - in more ways than one.”

  “It is our time to go, Henri. Spend time with your father. You will need his support.”

  The Destined stepped away from Henri, and the Destined brought forth mystical energies within the area. They directed the energy into creating a portal leading back to their true time. The Destined - Henri’s future self - stopped right before he passed through the threshold. He turned around, and locked eyes with his younger self. He stared for what felt like forever, and he finally spoke a few words.

  “Henri, you must work with the other two. The three of you are meant to become one. There are difficult times ahead of you. The important thing is that the three of you stick together because they will become your family.”


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