Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 4

by Gillian Godden

  Scarlet was impressed with Christopher’s cool business manner and the way he was talking to her as though talking to a client. In her own strange way, she admired him, although while he was talking to her over the telephone, she rolled her eyes with boredom. God, whatever did Katie see in him? Nothing seemed to excite him.

  When they went to look at the place, it was indeed grubby, and the flat upstairs had mouldy broken tiles. ‘Couldn’t you find anything better than this, Christopher?’ Scarlet said, looking around the filthy place in dismay. This was not what she had hoped for.

  ‘At this price, no. You’re in the heart of the West End of London, for a fraction of the usual price. What else did you expect? You can see for yourself now why the bank is auctioning it. The barber just seemed to have given up on it. No wonder he had no customers. You could let the flat upstairs. That would generate extra income.’

  ‘Katie, we could live here! We’re twenty-seven. We can’t live at home forever. This would be ideal. Anyway, it would give you more privacy for Superman, here.’ Scarlet couldn’t help having a dig at Christopher, but shied away from her sister’s blue eyes throwing daggers at her.

  Within a few weeks everything was under control. The builders were hired and Christopher and Katie had stopped Scarlet having her mad spending spree. Christopher had negotiated a discount at the warehouse for the pink washbasins and units. Scarlet had taken the course so she could do spray tanning and they all agreed that they would hire the tanning booths for the time being. Scarlet took a back seat and let them get on with it. The mortgage was underway. They had put a large deposit down and Francesca had acted as guarantor for the rest. Now they were on their way to a credit rating.

  Francesca hated all the cloak-and-dagger stuff and keeping secrets from Tony, and insisted that Tony had to be told. She knew he would try and take over, but she promised the girls she would argue their case and let them prove themselves as efficient businesswomen.

  Tony had wanted to go around and look the place over, but Julie had stepped in and told him to keep his big nose out. That had been more than enough to keep him at bay – except for the night his daughter had needed him there.

  ‘We’re opening tomorrow,’ Scarlet had told him, when he asked for an update. ‘All will be revealed. I’m so excited, Papa. Do you remember when you opened your club for the very first time?’

  Tony’s mind wandered back to the time when he and Jake had been as excited as she was now. It all seemed like a million years ago. He could see her lips moving but he wasn’t really listening. He felt sorry for being grumpy and sulky when the salon was mentioned. Now he understood. They wanted to do it for themselves, just like he had.

  ‘Are you sure you want me to come and see it? I thought you didn’t want me involved?’ He winked.

  ‘Oh, Papa, don’t be like that. I want you to see it in all its glory. We want you to be proud of us, don’t we, Katie?’

  ‘I am proud of you both.’ Cocking his head to one side, he looked at them both. ‘Anyway, you haven’t said what you’re calling the place. Am I not allowed to know that either?’ He laughed.

  ‘All will be revealed at the opening ceremony. I’m going for a shower.’ Kissing him on the cheek and walking away, she gave Katie a thumbs up.

  Tony walked into his bedroom; he could hear the en-suite shower was already running. Raising his eyebrow, a smile appeared on his face and he slid the shower door open.

  Francesca stood there, the water falling down her naked body. Her long wavy, auburn hair was hanging in ringlets. ‘Do you have room for one more in there, Mrs Lambrianu?’ Francesca saw the familiar glint in his eye and watched him drop his towelling robe.

  ‘Come here, Mr Lambrianu,’ she said, reaching out for him, and they made love in the shower with the water pouring down on them not dampening their passion in the slightest.



  ‘Thank you, everyone, for coming here today. I know you’re all busy so I shall just get on with it.’ Scarlet was making her well-rehearsed speech, with Katie at her side, outside of the shop. Passers-by stopped and watched. All of the family had turned up for the grand occasion.

  ‘Katie, Christopher, pull down the sheet and reveal the name,’ Scarlet said. Katie and Christopher stood at either side of the sign and pulled away the sheet to show the name, much to everyone’s shock.

  ‘Scat Katz?’ said Ralph, stunned by the sign. ‘That is the name of one of the clubs we own. Surely there is copyright or something?’

  ‘You’re right, Uncle Ralph, there is. It’s our copyright. Everyone calls me and Katie that. The newspapers always refer to us as that. Now everyone will know it’s our salon.’ Scarlet beamed.

  ‘Well, as long as they don’t come in for a drink and a dance with their haircut.’ Ralph started clapping and congratulating them, followed by a round of applause by everyone watching nearby.

  Walking in the door, Jake gave out a low whistle. The shining modern salon was a far cry from the last time he had seen it. Giving Tony a wry smile, he wandered in and looked the place over.

  ‘Don’t you think I’m clever, Mum?’ Scarlet was as proud as Punch of the beautiful salon everyone was admiring, preening and taking their praise.

  ‘I think you’re a very talented young woman, of course I am proud of you. I’m proud of you no matter what you do. But let’s not get carried away and forget Katie, eh?’ Adamant that Scarlet wasn’t going to take all the praise, Francesca lowered her voice and whispered in Scarlet’s ear, ‘You wouldn’t have all this if it wasn’t for Katie.’

  The smile disappeared from Scarlet’s face. She hadn’t meant to take all the glory and she knew Katie wouldn’t mind her boasting. ‘I know, Mum. Katie and Christopher have worked really hard helping me set all of this up. I can’t thank them enough.’

  ‘I don’t mean that, Scarlet. What I’m talking about is who wore the high-necked jumper to hide the fact that she didn’t have a cleft in her chin, which is the only way that people can usually tell you two apart – until you open your mouth. Katie put her own future in jeopardy and sat your entrance exam into that college for you. We both know you would never have passed that maths exam.’

  ‘How did you know?’ Scarlet’s shocked look spoke volumes.

  ‘Don’t ever forget that I am your mother, Scarlet. And I am not stupid. You passed an A level in maths? Since when did you study so hard? I’m not judging you, but when you’re boasting about how clever you are, remember who got you here in the first place.’

  ‘Well, let’s see what else my daughter has up her sleeve,’ said Tony, joining them both and drinking his champagne. He couldn’t help but admire the very chic surroundings.

  Francesca and Scarlet exchanged glances and then turned to Tony. Painting the smile back on her face, Scarlet beamed her delight. Of course, she knew her mother was right. She wouldn’t have passed that exam without Katie. But how could she tell her mother it had all been Katie’s idea?

  ‘See, Papa? We’ve kept the Lambrianu colour scheme up. That is our signature tune. All the basins are pink and the chairs are black and chrome.’ She was smiling broadly and showing everyone around excitedly. This was her and Katie’s empire. Then a thought crossed her mind and she scolded herself. ‘Of course, none of this would have been possible without Christopher. He masterminded everything. Thanks, Chris.’

  Everyone turned to look at the young man standing beside Katie. Tony turned and frowned at Francesca.

  ‘Not a word, love,’ Francesca whispered in his ear. ‘They are all just friends.’ Holding his hand and squeezing it to reassure him, she smiled inwardly; he couldn’t help himself. He still saw them as his little girls needing his protection. It would be hard for him to let go and Francesca knew that. Only time would loosen the apron strings.

  ‘Wait till you see the apartment upstairs, everyone.’ Scarlet beckoned them and ran excitedly up the stairs, pulling Tony along by his jacket sleeve.

p; ‘Apartment? You’re leaving home? Does your mother know?’ This was the biggest shock of all. Pulling her to one side while everyone walked past them to admire the place, Tony felt apprehensive about Scarlet’s decision. ‘Tell me, Scarlet, do you really want to live here, knowing what you know and what happened here?’ His voice had turned into a hushed whisper at the top of the stairs. Did she really want to live here with the memories of that awful night still fresh in her mind? It seemed freaky and absurd to him.

  ‘You told me to get on with it, Papa.’ She was whispering now, as Katie led everyone into the apartment. ‘That night is over and I have been given a second chance. I will never be a victim again. Anyway,’ she scoffed, ‘any house you move into these days, someone has died in. It’s fine, Papa, I have Katie with me, plus Clark Kent over there.’ She laughed.

  ‘Katie’s leaving home, too? How long has he been on the scene?’ Tony looked disparagingly over the young man at Katie’s side, drinking a glass of champagne.

  ‘Months, Papa. He’s going to be a bank manager. Very boring, but he suits Katie. She says they are just good friends.’ She winked. ‘Lighten up, you’re the man in our lives. You sound almost jealous.’ Scarlet nudged him playfully and went to join the others.

  ‘Did you know they were both leaving, Francesca?’ Tony looked concerned. Both his daughters were leaving the nest.

  ‘Yes, love. Nothing definite, but I had an idea when she told me there was an apartment attached to the place. It seems only natural they’d want their own place. They are grown women, you know.’ She left Tony standing there trying to compose himself. Francesca could see he wasn’t happy, but she knew he wouldn’t spoil their moment.

  ‘Right, now we have seen your empire, let’s all meet up at the club for a real celebration, shall we?’ Rubbing his hands together and putting his arms around his daughters’ shoulders, Tony felt proud. They had done well. These were his girls.

  ‘Oh, God,’ Scarlet moaned to Katie and Jack, Jake’s son. ‘Our parents are so embarrassing. They really need to get a room, especially at their age.’ Scarlet looked disgusted as she looked over at the dance floor and watched her mother and father, locked in each other’s arms, slowly moving to the music.

  Following Francesca’s stare, Jack picked up his drink and took a large gulp. He looked almost sad as he shook his head at Scarlet’s comment. ‘You two really don’t know how lucky you are, do you? I wish my parents were this embarrassing for all the right reasons. All mine do lately is argue. That is, when they are not having that civil silence for my benefit. I have moved in with Bobby, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I told Dad it was more convenient for work. He was pretty sad about it, but I think Mum welcomed the fact that I wasn’t there. So you see, Scarlet, I would give anything for my parents to openly declare their love instead of hate.’ With that, Jack finished his drink and walked away to where Bobby and his friends were.

  Exchanging glances as he left, Scarlet and Katie couldn’t understand what he was talking about. ‘That’s weird. Dad never said anything about Jack moving in with Bobby. Do you think he knows that there’s trouble at t’mill?’

  Scarlet shrugged. As she looked around the busy nightclub something else caught her eye.

  ‘Who the hell is that, Katie? He’s gorgeous. Oh, God, Katie, look at those pecs. He is mine, all mine. Excuse me while I go and dance with him.’ Scarlet had spotted an unknown handsome young man standing alone at the other side of the room, dressed in a black tuxedo.

  ‘Scarlet, wait. Put your tongue back in your head. He works for Dad. His name is Dominic and he works for Dad on the doors,’ Katie stressed. ‘You’re asking for trouble.’ Katie looked at Christopher and shook her head as Scarlet stalked across the room like a lion to its prey. ‘She’s asking for trouble, Christopher, Dad won’t like it.’

  ‘She has her own mind, Katie, and there is nothing you can say or do to convince her otherwise.’

  ‘Oy, you two, haven’t you had enough, for God’s sake?’ Julie poked Tony in the arm and gave him one of her stern, bored looks. ‘For God’s sake, Tony, leave her alone.’ Standing there with her hands on her hips, Julie saw them reluctantly part. ‘Bloody hell, Tony, you’re an old man, it’s time you started realising it. Come on, Fran, drinkies.’ Linking her arm through Francesca’s Julie led her away, leaving Tony looking very forlorn’

  ‘You’re evil, Julie. This love-hate relationship of yours has gone on far too long. Poor Tony, look at him, he looks like a scolded schoolboy.’

  ‘I can’t help it, Fran.’ Julie laughed. ‘I love the fact that he hates the way I wind him up, and he falls for it every time. It’s just so easy to put a little dent in his ego and he falls to pieces. You have to admit, when you see him standing with Jake at the bar, they look like Dumb and Dumber!’ She burst out laughing at her own joke. Francesca couldn’t stop herself from smiling. This love-hate relationship had gone on for years. Julie was like the mean older sister to Tony and teased him mercilessly. Everyone thought he would be used to it by now, but she always found a way to trip him up when he was off his guard. If anyone was a double act, it was those two.

  ‘Evening, Francesca, Julie.’ A girlfriend of one of the men who worked for Ralph walked up to join them. She was wearing a low-cut blue ballgown with only one purpose in mind. While she was talking to Julie she was letting her hand play with the diamond necklace she was wearing. This was her whole purpose for coming over. Her hand trailed along the necklace, obviously waiting for admiration.

  ‘That’s a lot of glass, Avril, I didn’t know you were dating a double-glazing salesman.’ Julie’s sharp tongue instantly took the smile off Avril’s face and Francesca could instantly feel Julie’s hackles rise.

  ‘This?’ Avril feigned mock surprise. ‘My boyfriend thought I would appreciate it. Nice diamonds, aren’t they?’ Her preening and smug smile annoyed Julie even more.

  ‘Well, it would be nice, honey, if it was real. But, like I said, that’s a lot of glass.’ She enjoyed seeing the smile disappear from Avril’s face. Avril stopped stroking her necklace and looked down at it. This wasn’t the reaction she had expected.

  Toying with her own diamond necklace, Julie held it up. ‘Now this, honey, is the real thing. Keep that in mind when you’re stood fingering your glass in front of your friends. Evening.’ Julie led Fran away, leaving the poor woman very deflated and inspecting her own necklace even more closely.

  ‘You’re on good form tonight, Julie. First Tony and now Avril. Who is next?’ Julie had really burst the young woman’s balloon.

  ‘Well, what do you expect, Fran. Trying to show off that bloody zircon. Even in this light you could see it was rubbish. My cat wears better collars than that. The bitchy cow thought she was going to make me jealous.’ Julie shrugged and laughed. ‘Bollocks!’ she said.

  Tony saw Ralph beckoning him to one side and walked over to him. Ralph backed away and led him to a dark corner. ‘What’s with all the cloak-and-dagger stuff, Ralph?’ A frown crossed Tony’s brow; he could see Ralph was serious and this was no joking matter.

  ‘Someone knows about the money laundering in Paris. Word is spreading. It needs sorting.’ Ralph’s serious business manner unnerved Tony, especially at the mention of the money laundering. Everything was as sweet as a nut as far as he was concerned. There weren’t any problems.

  ‘How would anyone know about the money laundering? We’ve done that for years. If they know about that, then they’ll know that some of that money is Mickey Mouse money. Some excellent forgeries go through that place.’ The smile slid from Tony’s face as the penny dropped. Whoever was doing this had a rope around their necks.

  ‘Inside job, I would say, Tony. We will have a proper meeting tomorrow morning. Now, let’s get on and enjoy the rest of our evening, if that is possible without Julie insulting every woman in the room.’ Although Ralph joked to change the subject, Tony could see that was just a front to lighten the situation. He’d dropped his bombshell. Tony walked ove
r to Jake at the bar and ordered a drink.

  ‘Do you know anything about trouble at the Paris casino?’ he said. ‘Ralph seems to think there’s something up. He wants a meeting tomorrow.’ Tony’s mind was working overtime. It was a disturbing thought that someone knew about their money laundering. How long had Ralph known about this?

  ‘Trouble? No, that place is a gold mine. We ship the money in from Italy and bit by bit we spread it out to the customers. Why should there be trouble now?’ Jake was puzzled, too. But they both knew that if Ralph was bringing it to light then he must have some serious evidence. He always liked to sit back and watch a situation unfold, unlike Tony, who rushed in like a bull in a china shop. Ralph knew something, they were sure of it.

  ‘Wait a minute, Jake. Hang on.’ Looking over Jake’s shoulder, something had caught Tony’s eye and he wasn’t best pleased. After hearing what Ralph had said and now this, he was angry.

  Turning around from the bar Jake followed Tony’s gaze. ‘Leave it, Tony. It’s a bit of harmless fun on the dance floor. It’s a busy night full of people enjoying themselves. Do you really want to cause a scene? Not now, eh?’ Jake knew his words were useless, but he’d tried his best.

  Marching over to where Scarlet was dancing with Dominic and blatantly flirting, Tony couldn’t help himself. Grabbing hold of Dominic by his jacket and pulling him forward, he shouted, ‘Just what the fuck are you doing with my daughter?’ Instantly Scarlet stopped.

  ‘We’re just dancing, Papa. What’s the problem?’ Scarlet did not see it in the same light as everyone else.

  ‘Problem? You’re asking me what the problem is?’ Tony was shouting above the music so that she could hear him. ‘I’ll tell you what the problem is, miss. He’s supposed to be working. I don’t pay him to dance with you. Have some fucking self-respect. You, Dominic, get back to your post and you, Scarlet, can fuck off home.’


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