Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 5

by Gillian Godden

  Walking away, Dominic left a very red-faced Scarlet on the dance floor. ‘Papa, I didn’t mean any harm. Sorry.’ She knew Katie had warned her, but she had ignored her.

  ‘You’re like some dog on heat. And with my employee. Is that what you need, is it? Me to pay men to dance with you? For fuck’s sake, Scarlet, the party is over, go home.’ Angrily walking away, Tony went and stood at Jake’s side again.

  ‘Is it Scarlet you’re angry at, Tony, or what Ralph has just said?’

  ‘Both. I’m not paying someone to screw my daughter and if he wants to keep his job, he can bloody work for his money.’ Jake knew better than to press the situation. Everyone could see that Tony was in no mood to discuss things rationally.

  Scarlet ran to the ladies’ room with Katie hot on her heels. She was crying, not only with embarrassment, but at the fact that Tony had shown her up in front of everyone.

  ‘How come, Katie, you have turned up with Clark Kent out there and Papa hasn’t said a word? I have one dance and he treats me like a slut!’

  ‘Come on, Scarlet, he’ll calm down, you know how hot-headed he is,’ said Katie, soothingly. ‘Maybe that’s where you get it from, eh? I warned you not to dance with Dominic. As for me and Christopher, well, that’s easy. I’ve always lived in your shadow. I never bring attention to myself and nobody notices me. You? Well, that’s a different story. Your life is like an open book. You’re loud, feisty and everyone notices everything you do, be it good or bad. It’s worked for me all these years.’ Katie gave her a hug and laughed. She felt she was the lucky one. Scarlet was always in trouble or being gossiped about for fighting at school and her stubborn ways bringing attention to herself.

  ‘Is that how it seems, Katie? Do you feel ignored?’ Scarlet brushed away her tears. She hadn’t realised that Katie felt that way.

  ‘Not in the slightest. We’re both lucky. I just get away with more than you do because I never bring attention to myself and by the time everyone notices. Well ... look at tonight. It’s too bloody late.’ Hugging her sister to stop the tears, Katie decided it was time for some old common sense. ‘Right, Scarlet, slap some more of that expensive make-up on your face and let’s walk out there in style.’

  Walking over to stand by Tony, Julie couldn’t help but have her say. He had caused a scene when he could have waited until after the party. He always had to go in with all guns blazing. ‘You know, Tony, it’s a real shame someone’s father didn’t jump in and shout at you when you were younger. You would have had a queue around the block, you miserable sod!’ She raised her eyebrows at him and gave him one of those meaningful looks of hers. But Tony ignored it. Turning to Francesca, he felt it was time to change the subject. Even he had started to regret his actions.

  ‘Drink, Francesca? Or do you think I’m a miserable sod as well?’ Hearing the arrogance in his voice and the way he had snubbed Julie’s comment, Francesca stood up. ‘In a minute, Tony. Maybe we should finish our dance first, eh?’ Francesca had learnt over the years how to pacify Tony. Seeing his face relax into a smile, she took his hand and led him onto the dance floor.

  As Tony passed one of his bodyguards, he leaned over and whispered in his ear, ‘Take that cocky bastard out the back and give him a bloody good hiding. I want you to remind him his dancing days are over.’

  Feeling the warmth of Francesca’s body close to him, he felt better. She was dressed in a long red mermaid dress. Her hair was up, but still wisps of curls escaped and hung down the sides of her face. He was a lucky man to have such a beautiful wife.

  ‘Have I told you that you look lovely tonight, Francesca?’ He held her closer and breathed in the Chanel perfume she wore.

  ‘No, you haven’t. You were far too busy shouting at our daughter. But I do like the red bow tie you’re wearing. You never fail to amaze me, Antonias. It matches my dress perfectly.’ She whispered in his ear, ‘I think it looks quite sexy.’ That seemed to appease him and she could feel his body unwind.

  ‘How sexy?’

  ‘Well, you will just have to wait till we get home to find out, won’t you?’ The big grin on his face showed he had forgotten everything that had just happened. After all, it seemed the evening was far from over. Ralph’s words still echoed in his mind, but that would be dealt with tomorrow.

  ‘I’ll go and see if Scarlet is okay, first, and then I think we should leave and let everyone get on with their evening, don’t you?’ Francesca said. ‘Or you could apologise for your outburst.’ Raising her eyebrow and cocking her head to one side, Francesca waited expectantly.

  ‘Mm, maybe I will speak to her tomorrow. First, I want to see what you have in store for me. Let’s go.’ As Tony walked to the exit he looked towards the bouncers on the door. They gave him the thumbs up sign. Satisfied, his smug grin said it all. Dominic had truly learnt his lesson.

  No sooner had Francesca got in, but she went to check on Adam. He was okay and was fast asleep, and so was Elle. Then she went to her own bedroom. Tony was sprawled on the bed with his arms around the back of his head, wearing only his red silk boxer shorts and his red bow tie. A silver champagne bucket was on the bedside table and the cork had already been popped.

  ‘Unzip your dress, Francesca, I want to look at you. Let down your hair,’ he said, all the while not taking his eyes off her. He poured the champagne into flute-shaped glasses. Taking a sip, he watched her dress fall to the floor. His arousal was apparent. The red underwear she was wearing met with his approval and with his hand he beckoned her on to the bed.

  Afterwards, they lay in each other’s arms, satiated and content. ‘Do you think I am getting old, Francesca?’ Obviously what Julie had said earlier about his ‘younger days’ was playing on his mind.

  Tony’s vanity was always at the forefront of his mind, although he needn’t have worried. The years had been more than kind. His full blonde mane of hair remained thick, only now it had odd silver streaks, highlighting it even more against his tanned skin. Working out at the gym regularly had kept his body muscly and firm. If anything, he had grown better looking with age.

  ‘If it’s possible, Tony, you are better looking now. You have that air of authority and class about you. What about me? I’m not getting any younger, you know.’

  ‘You, Francesca, look exactly the same to me as the very first night I saw you. You’re never getting away from me. Not even in death. I will haunt you forever.’ He laughed.

  ‘Don’t say that, Tony, it frightens me when you talk like that.’ A cold shiver ran down Francesca’s spine. The very thought of Tony dying and leaving her alone made her feel sick.

  ‘Come on, Fran. It’s the only thing any of us can be sure of in life. But I’m telling you, Francesca Lambrianu …’ Turning on his side and resting on his elbow to look at her face, he seemed serious. ‘If I go first, I will come back for you. And if you go before me, I will be dead anyway. Two bodies, one soul, remember?’ Leaning over, he kissed her gently on the lips, and it turned into an ardent, lasting kiss. A need for each other.



  ‘I have to go, Francesca. I have an early meeting this morning with Ralph. You stay in bed.’

  Francesca had woken to the sound of the shower. ‘What’s the rush? You rarely meet up on a Sunday for a meeting. Will you be back for lunch?’

  Nodding and dressing quickly, Tony looked at her lying in bed. The last thing he wanted to do was leave her there to go and face bad news, but there was no putting it off.

  Tony was surprised when he walked into his office at the casino. He had wanted to be there before Ralph. ‘Ralph? You’re here early or am I late?’ Tony looked at his watch, it was just 8.30 in the morning. ‘Have you been here long?’ Now Tony was not only curious, but the hairs on the back of his neck were standing up. Whatever Ralph was going to tell him, he knew he wouldn’t like it.

  ‘I’ve been here a while, Tony. Thinking things over.’ Ralph took another drag on his cigar and blew the smoke in the
air. His thin greying hair was slicked back and he was immaculately dressed in a black suit and tie. ‘In short, Tony, and there is no nice way of saying this, we’re in shit. Right up to our necks in it.’ He raised his hand up to his neck to make his point.

  Perplexed and shocked at what Ralph was saying, Tony sat down. Ralph was being very serious and, more to the point, he seemed upset. Pouring himself a coffee, Tony waited.

  ‘As I told you last night, The Paris casino, that is the problem. It’s just about breaking even, a few more months and it will be losing money. Which we know is bloody impossible, so somebody is creaming it off the top. We’re all for the high jump if this comes to light and I don’t intend spending the rest of my days behind bars.’

  ‘How could this have happened, Ralph? Most of the money in that place is counterfeit. We launder money through there and have done for years. No one particularly knows what euros look like and up to now it’s been easy. What has happened now? More to the point, how long have you known?’ Sitting forward in his chair to listen, even Tony realised that if this was ever investigated it would open a whole can of worms and yes, they could all end up behind bars.

  ‘Came to light recently. We need to sort this out … now.’ Pursing his lips, Ralph looked directly into Tony’s eyes. He was all fired up and angry. Ralph Gold was not a man to cross.

  ‘Wait a minute. Judging by your expression … don’t tell me that you think that I have anything to do with this. I haven’t been there in ages. Just what the fuck are you implying? Spit it out.’ Pushing his blonde hair back away from his forehead, Tony stood up. He was angry. After all these years, was Ralph Gold actually accusing him of double-crossing him?

  ‘Not sure, Tony, you tell me, but I had to ask, didn’t I? Your face tells a million stories and I can see right through you, don’t forget that. No, sorry lad, it isn’t you, that’s for sure.’

  ‘But you suspected me? How do I know it’s not you and you’re just covering your tracks?’

  Raising his hand to stop him, Ralph nodded his head.’ Fair play, Tony. What do you suggest?’

  ‘I suggest we stop sitting on our arses blaming each other and go to Paris and see for ourselves, don’t you agree?’ His blue eyes were blazing with anger and he felt insulted by Ralph’s suggestions. Yes, he would bloody well sort this out, and when he did, he wanted a big fat apology!

  Lowering his head, Ralph Gold narrowed his eyes and looked at the angry man before him. A smug smile crossed his face. This was exactly what he wanted. Tony to go to Paris and find out for himself.

  ‘Hi, guys.’ Jake burst in and interrupted them, but at least he had brought a selection of sandwiches. ‘Thought you could do with something to eat. You’re early, Ralph.’ Even Jake was surprised at Ralph’s early arrival.

  Nodding at Jake to acknowledge him, Ralph almost looked at him with disdain. Inhaling from his cigar, he blew the smoke in the air. ‘I will begin again. There are problems at the Paris casino. In short, somebody knows what we are doing and are ripping us off. Who are we going to call, the police?’ Ralph’s mock laughter filled the air. ‘How the hell it’s been going on is beyond me, but now that it has come to my attention, I intend to find out.’ Ralph was in charge of the situation now and his air of authority filled the room.

  ‘Ripping us off? How the bloody hell can they rip us off, Ralph? Half the money that is in there isn’t even real money. It’s forgeries, Mickey Mouse money!’ Jake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This, indeed, was serious. ‘Tourists come and go. We never target the local members. Half the time they are so pissed and overjoyed at winning they never even check the money. And you pour free champagne down their throats. Even the buffet is free.’

  ‘Someone is going there. I am telling you both.’ Waving his hand in the air while holding his fat, Cuban cigar, Ralph pointed at both of them. ‘Our cash registers are full of crap and they are taking their winnings in cheque only. Someone has given them good advice. They are using our own money to play the tables. We can’t not let them use the money. That would cause too much suspicion. But it’s our money they are using, so where the hell are they getting it from? It’s the same every month. And let’s not forget, Tony, those cheques are stamped with “Lambrianu”.’ His cold stare made Tony’s blood run cold. Although Ralph’s grey hair was receding and thinning and he looked a little fuller around the waistline, his distinguished suits and manner spoke volumes for him. Ralph Gold was not a man to be trifled with.

  ‘Any idea how long has this been going on, Ralph? You just said every month. How many months?’ Jake was intrigued by just how much Ralph knew. ‘What is it that you’re not telling us? I feel there is a lot more to this than meets the eye.’

  Irritated, Tony looked towards Jake. ‘For God’s sake, Jake, this is a serious matter and all I can hear is you munching on a sausage sandwich. Put the fucking thing down, I’m trying to concentrate.’ Tony was angry and disturbed by what Ralph was saying and Jake wasn’t making him feel any better.

  ‘Don Carlos is stopping any more money coming into the casino. Sloppiness like that could cause a paper trail right to his doors. Someone knows something and we need to find out who.’ Ralph was adamant that this should be nipped in the bud.

  ‘Don Carlos? Ah, well, that explains everything. So, he has told you, has he? Well, I will go to Paris, it’s time I showed my face there, anyway. It has to be an inside job.’ Slamming his fist down on the desk, Tony was angry.

  ‘You’re right, I think you should go, Tony. You as well, Jake. It’s time you both showed your faces.’

  ‘You’re not coming, Ralph?’ Jake looked across at Tony. The very idea that with something as serious as this Ralph didn’t want to come disturbed Tony. Ralph always had his finger on the pulse.

  ‘Not just now, boys. I have other things to deal with. I will stay here and keep things in order.’ Ralph stood up and, without a by-your-leave, he left.

  ‘He knows a lot more than he is cracking on. What is his problem?’ Tony was perturbed by the very idea Ralph would not divulge any more information. They had worked together for years and yet this time he felt Ralph was holding something back.

  ‘You don’t think he is going to let us take the rap for all of this, do you, Tony? He won’t want to get his hands dirty. And, after all, it does say “Lambrianu” above the door. If this all goes wrong then it’s your problem and you’re the only one going to jail.’

  ‘Thank you for stating the fucking obvious, Jake. I needed that. No, I know Ralph, whatever it is, he wants me to find out for myself. Well, it looks like we’re going to Paris, Jake.’

  ‘You want me to come with you? Don’t you want me to stay here and keep an eye on things?’

  ‘No, Jake. If I am going to jail, you’re going to be my cellmate. At least it will give me peace of mind if I ever have to bend over in the showers and pick up the soap! Now, go home and get packed. Actually, is Graham here yet? Maybe he would come with us. After all, he has managed this casino for a very long time. Although he has taken a back seat and his sons are doing it now, I want his experienced eye. If anyone is screwing us over, he will know how.’

  ‘Are you going to tell him everything? He is straight, Tony!’

  ‘Do you really think he doesn’t know that we are just a pair of crooks in fancy suits? No, Graham knows what is going on. He just doesn’t want to know, and that way he can look the police or whoever directly in the eye and prove his innocence. But he is far from stupid, Jake, and I know he will get to the bottom of it.’

  ‘Fair enough. He usually gets here around lunchtime. I know the others are here; do you want me to get them?’

  ‘No, Graham only. Let’s keep as many people out of this as possible. He wouldn’t thank us for involving his family anyway.’

  Graham had worked as the manager of the casino for years. He had always been loyal and trustworthy. Tony had made a point of not letting any of the laundered money go through the London casino, where Graham and
his family worked. As far as they were concerned everything was squeaky clean and when the gambling license investigation crew turned up to check up on things, which was their right at any time without appointment, Graham could easily get out all of the accounts and let them do their snooping with a clear mind.

  ‘Why are you packing? Where are we going?’ said Julie, as she stood in the doorway of Francesca’s bedroom.

  ‘We’re not going anywhere, Julie. I have been known to go away without you. But, no. Tony called, he has to go to Paris and wanted me to pack some things for him.’

  ‘Tony’s going to Paris? That’s nice!’ Julie watched Francesca packing. ‘Did he say how long for and why? Don’t you want to go with him?’

  ‘No, he didn’t, Julie. I take it you’re going to give him and Ralph a long list of things you want bringing back. Anyway, he never asked me to go. So I presume it’s business. Mark, his driver is coming to collect his stuff. Hasn’t Ralph said? I thought he would be going with him.’

  ‘No.’ Julie inhaled on her cigarette ‘No, we have things to do here. A boring Paris trip I can do without right now.’

  ‘Well, I never thought I would hear that from your lips, Julie. Since when has a Paris trip and all their designer shops ever bored you?’ Francesca laughed as she carried on packing.

  ‘Well, we all live and learn, Fran love. I will go another time. I just have things to do, that’s all.’ Julie continued to watch Francesca packing. It was clear to her that, as always, Tony was keeping her in the dark about his reasons for going. Walking to the en-suite bathroom and throwing her cigarette down the toilet, she said, ‘I have to go, anyway, I’m meeting Ralph for lunch.’ Then that familiar grin appeared on Julie’s face. ‘Don’t forget to pack the bromide, Fran, we don’t want him chafing his hand!’

  ‘Bromide?’ Elle had come upstairs with some more of Tony’s dry cleaning. ‘Isn’t that what they put in prisoners’ cocoa at night to stop them having urges?’ Elle tutted and frowned at Julie.


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