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Dirty Dealings

Page 20

by Gillian Godden

  ‘Don Carlos, let’s have a drink and skip the pleasantries. We all know why we are here, so let’s get on with it. I am sure Tony and Jake feel much the same,’ said Ralph. He could see how anxious Jake was and didn’t want it prolonged any further. He was also the only one in the room that could speak to Don Carlos on the same level without causing any offence.

  ‘As you say, Ralph. Firstly. Jake, you know the problems are with you and your wife.’ Don Carlos raised his hand to Tony and looked towards Ralph.

  Ralph could see Tony’s blood was boiling and he was going to say something out of turn. ‘Let him speak, Tony. Once he has, then you can have your say. Fair?’

  Tony and Jake both nodded. Tony was determined to have his say, so he would wait until it was his turn.

  ‘As I was saying.’ Don Carlos was a very suave, distinguished Italian man. His dark hair was now greying at the sides. ‘This is not just some wife cheating on her husband. This is about some woman importing kilos of cocaine with her boyfriend and selling it. Not only in your clubs and casinos, but in everybody’s.’ He waited for what he was saying to sink in. It was worth the wait because he saw Jake and Tony exchange glances. Although it was a test, it was pretty obvious to him that they knew nothing about it. ‘Oh, yes, gentlemen. I have been digging. This man of Sharon’s is French. He is a small-time crook and drug dealer known to the police. He flattered and fucked an aging woman going through the menopause and she has handed us all over to him.’

  Tony looked across at Jake and saw that he was looking down at the floor. Poor bastard. He was having to sit here and listen to this.

  ‘To impress and keep him, she has boasted that it is she who runs the clubs. She is head woman, as it were. With that in mind, he became even more attracted to her. This small-time crook was now sleeping with a well-known gangland boss’s wife and her pillow talk was worth a fortune. Oh, yes. I know all of this because I haven’t sat on my arse feeling sorry for myself.’ It was clear that Don Carlos was angry at Jake. ‘She knows about the security robbery a couple of years ago. Nice job, if I do say so myself.’ Don Carlos smiled across at Ralph. ‘She knows where and who makes the counterfeit money. The deliveries and the dates and when they are imported from Italy. That means me, Jake.’ Again, Don Carlos paused. He had worked out his speech and by God he was going to say it. He was angry at Jake’s foolishness. ‘My guess is that to impress this young fool she has told him all kinds of stories. The only thing is that these stories are insurance and information to him. He can use this against any of us, anytime. If he is wise, he will have recorded it.’ Don Carlos had now dropped the bombshell. No one guessed it was this serious.

  ‘What do you think she wants, Don Carlos? What does she hope to achieve? She knows we’ll catch up with her soon enough. More to the point, why did she do it?’ Ralph spoke up first. He didn’t want Tony to start shouting and protecting Jake. He gave him a few moments to collect his thoughts.

  ‘Thank you for that, Ralph. That is what I was coming to next. Lorenzo, here, has put the word out that he is looking to do business with a new supplier. Of course I mean drugs, Antonias. There is a market and there is money. I am a businessman. If not from me, then they would buy from someone else. Now, that is the end of your looks of disgust. Capish?

  ‘Anyway. Cutting a long story short. A woman contacted Lorenzo’s men with a sample of goods.’ He waited for Tony to speak before he carried on, but nothing was said. ‘It was not Sharon. It was her sister …’

  They all looked at each other in turn. This, indeed, was a revelation. For God’s sake, just how much did he know?

  ‘Her sister?’ Jake couldn’t help but interrupt.

  ‘Yes, Jake. Her sister. Sharon wouldn’t come herself, she would be spotted, and so her sister is up to her neck in it. They are all laughing at you.’ Brushing what he had said aside with a sweep of his hand, he carried on. He had everyone’s attention. The room was silent.

  ‘She was telling Lorenzo, here, about a new gangland boss. A younger one who knows the way of the world. She felt that London should be run by young men and not three aging fools past their sell-by date. In short, Antonias, there is a plan to kill you and replace you with her boyfriend. You, Jake, she needs to get rid of anyway. But if she kills Antonias she would have to contend with you. And Ralph, well ... who knows?’

  ‘She is planning to have me murdered? Is that what you’re saying?’ Tony stood up and paced around the room. ‘That fucking bitch wants me murdered to score points with her bloke?’ He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  ‘What better reference could this young …’ Don Carlos danced his fingers in the air trying to remember his name then he turned to his son.

  ‘Alexandre. Alex,’ said Lorenzo.

  ‘What better reference could an upcoming boss have than to have murdered and got the better of the famous Antonias Lambrianu, eh? How clever and cocky that would make him look. Your enemies would admire him, Antonias. More to the point, Sharon would put him on your throne at the club and he would rule. That is what he wants and that is what she has promised him. There is more, but I won’t go on. At the very least, if they fail, another way of disposing of you all is to have you put behind bars for the rest of your lives. I already have the FBI snooping around my American affairs, I don’t need any more hassle. Jake, la uccidi o lo faro.’

  ‘Hey, come on, guys. The only Italian I know is how to order my dinner. What the hell does that mean?’ Ralph shrugged his shoulders and looked at Tony.

  ‘It basically means, Ralph, either you kill her or I will. Is that correct?’ Jake looked across the room at Don Carlos.

  ‘That is exactly what it means, Jake. My apologies, Ralph. But I know Jake speaks Italian and he knows I am serious. Will you do it, Jake?’

  ‘Yes.’ Jake nodded his head. ‘It seems I have no choice.’

  ‘Whoa! Wait a minute. How do we all know this is correct? How is someone going to shoot me? They have to get to me first. And you, Lorenzo. How do you know it was Sharon’s sister and they have made all these plans? It’s just your word, Don Carlos.’ Tony’s eyes darkened, his face was flushed with anger and he was standing directly in front of Don Carlos.

  ‘You doubt me, Antonias? We are brothers of the same flag. Our families have history. Have I ever wronged you? In all the business we have done together, have I ever wronged you?’

  ‘No. Mi displace.’ Tony bent down to pick up Don Carlos’s hand and noticed that he still wore the diamond signet ring he’d sent him years ago. Picking up his hand, Tony kissed the ring and nodded.

  ‘No apologies necessary, Antonias. Emotions are high. Julie, I will let you continue.’

  Julie had sat behind Ralph listening to the conversation. Up to now she had taken everything in and remained quiet. Now she spoke. ‘Sharon is back in England, so they are preparing to put their plan into action. If she gets one sniff that we are on to her she will be running scared and go to the police. These folders. I have looked into that. The French police have had complaints about counterfeit money in stores and restaurants, etc. Drugs have also been sold at the casino. By my reckoning, everyone at the casino knew what Sharon was doing, but her word was law. After all, it was Sharon. She usually passed instructions on from any of you, so when she checked the money and took a bag full out, no one questioned it. To be fair, why would they? When she got the croupiers to pass on little packets of cocaine no one liked it, but they didn’t question it. That was more than their job was worth. But someone has complained. Sharon has been rude, drunk and demanding and a couple of the croupiers have left and complained about being forced to pass drugs on. We have been bloody lucky up to now. So, there are your folders and your evidence. They only have Sharon’s word that she was acting upon your orders. She will be in touch soon, Jake. Take my word for it. She needs to meet up with you both. She needs to get close enough to you, Tony, to kill you and she will use Jake to do it.’

  ‘And how do you propose she is going to
get close enough to me to kill me, Julie?’ Tony’s cocky grin and his stance annoyed her.

  ‘Excuse me, Don Carlos.’ Julie apologised for the tirade of abuse she was going to hurl at Tony. She knew it would offend him. ‘Listen to me, you blonde Italian prick. She has keys to everything you fucking own. Are you telling me that while you’re sat in your office that pimp of hers couldn’t sneak through the back doors and put a bullet in your fucking stupid head? God knows, it wouldn’t do any damage, would it. I want someone to watch your house. I will not have Francesca and little Adam put at risk. Do you hear me, Tony?’ Julie was angry and she was shouting at him now, even to the point where Don Carlos and Ralph looked down at the floor, embarrassed.

  Julie could contain herself no longer. She walked up to Tony and slapped his face. The loud resounding smack seemed to echo around the room. ‘I don’t give a shit about who his wife is screwing, but I will not pay the price for it. If they have murder in mind, think on, Tony. You’re no longer that single guy without a care in the world. You have a family and it’s your duty to put them first. We are your second family. We have all fought and clawed our way to the top and I don’t intend to allow some bitter ex-wife and her pimp to get the better of me.’

  ‘Stop it! Stop it now.’ Ralph stood between them. Not only was Tony’s face red with anger, but the red mark where Julie had slapped him seemed to burn in his face. His eyes were dark and he looked like he was going to hit her back. ‘Take a breath, son. We don’t hit women. That’s not what we do.’

  ‘Well, there is a first time for everything. I will let you have that one, Julie, on the house. Don’t ever do it again,’ Tony spat out.

  ‘What, like this, you mean?’ Again, the sound of Julie’s hand slapping Tony across the face shocked everyone. They saw Tony’s fists clench. ‘Don’t you fucking dare hit me for wanting to protect your family. Even him and his big mouth is like some silly brother to me. You’re both to blame and you have both confided in her. She is fucking history, believe me. Francesca is innocent. She knows you’re no saint but she always wants to believe the best in you, because she loves you. All that modesty is wasted on me and Ralph, we’ve murdered people together for years. We could both hang, if they had the death penalty here. The only good thing you have done is keep Francesca in the dark, Tony. She could take a lie detector test and walk away. Now is the time to tell her a little of the truth. If we’re all arrested it would come out in court anyway. I will protect her, but so must you.’

  Nodding and stroking his cheek, Tony sat down. Julie was right. A long time ago he would have taken his chances and not given a damn, but now he had roots. A loving wife and family. Were they all in danger?

  ‘What do you suggest, Julie?’ Tony looked up at her, waiting, while rubbing his face.

  Everyone else in the room seemed surprised at the way he calmed down and asked for her help.

  ‘I know it hasn’t been that long since they were there, but why not send the family to Italy for a couple of weeks? I know Adam shouldn’t be taken out of school, but he’s not going to miss any exams, is he? In Italy, Don Carlos and his sons will be there to see over things should help be needed … right?’ Julie looked across at Don Carlos. He was nodding his head. ‘That is one less thing for you to worry about. I am afraid you will have to be in London.’ Julie looked towards Jake. ‘I mean the pair of you. You are the bait, Jake. She will contact you. One, to see how the land lies and two, to worm her way back in. Are you prepared for that?’ Julie looked around the room. Everyone had taken in what she had said and was nodding towards her. She was right. Of course she was, Julie Gold was never wrong!

  ‘Let us all calm down and have a drink. It seems emotions are running very high.’ Don Carlos nodded to one of his sons to pour them each a brandy.

  ‘Before I forget, Antonias. I appreciate your show of respect, not killing the German who stole your vineyard. That was very wise of you. You will be pleased to know that both children are very happily living with their grandmother in Germany, where they belong. As for Herr Schmidt? He will not be stealing off anyone ever again.’

  Everyone turned their heads to look at Don Carlos, stunned by his words. But no one dared ask what he had ordered to be done. It was obvious to Tony and Jake that even Ralph hadn’t known about this, judging by the look on his face.

  ‘A gesture of friendship and loyalty, Antonias,’ Don Carlos continued. ‘Now, I expect that gesture to be returned.’ Although his voice was calm and low, it was menacing. ‘I will look after your family in Italy. You and Jake must honour your side of things.’ He paused and looked at either side of him to his sons. Then he stood up and held out his arms to Tony.

  Instantly Tony walked towards him and hugged him. It was their way. The deal was sealed and the meeting was over.



  ‘I’M BORED!!! Fran, do it for me. You too, Elle. Come on. I don’t ask much.’

  Elle and Francesca both burst out laughing.

  ‘You have got to be joking, Julie, every time you come up with a plan to escape boredom you drag me into it. Anyway, I can’t, Adam has school and there are no holidays coming up.’

  Julie winked and pouted her lips like a sulky child. The gloss shine of the redness of her lipstick was nearly blinding Francesca. Sitting there in her white trouser suit and gold top, fully made up at eleven in the morning, Julie made Francesca laugh. She had mentally decided years ago that her friend must get up about four in the morning to get ready for the day ahead!

  ‘Please, Fran, come on holiday with me. I’m going to the villa in Italy.’ Julie was determined to get Fran out of the house. She wanted her away from danger.

  ‘It depends on Tony. I don’t know what his plans are.’ Francesca hated saying ‘no’ to Julie, but this time she had to.

  ‘You’re weakening. Ha! Anyway, what has it got to do with him? He’s not invited and neither is Ralph!’

  ‘I’m not weakening, I’m trying to iron. You should try it sometime.’

  ‘Not bloody likely. Do you know how much this manicure cost me? That is why I have staff at the house. They can do these things. Now me?’ Julie started to laugh. ‘I was not put on this earth to iron. Go on, Fran. Have a word with old misery guts. Tell him he’s not invited and you’re going on holiday with me. You too, Elle. You can tell that randy old Albert he will have to do without you for a few days. Then, when you get back you can show him your white bits!’

  ‘Goodness me, Julie, behave! And I won’t be showing Albert anything, thank you very much.’

  Julie’s laugher was infectious. She always seemed to bring good humour to the table, even if Tony was usually the brunt of her jokes.

  ‘Just the man,’ Julie said, swinging her legs on the high stool at the breakfast bar as she waited for Tony to come down the hallway.

  ‘Tony what are you doing here? You only left a couple of hours ago. Have you missed me already?’

  ‘I forgot my briefcase. It’s upstairs.’ Tony started to walk away, then turned back to Francesca. ‘I always miss you.’ Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her tenderly on the lips.

  ‘Oh, now we get it. Briefcase, my arse. You have come back now that Adam is at school for a bit of how’s your father. For God’s sake, Tony, they are going to have trouble burying you. How are they ever going to put a lid on that permanent erection?’ Laughing out loud, Julie opened her cigarette case. ‘Have we spoilt your morning?’ She winked at him.

  ‘I don’t hear my wife complaining, Julie. Anyway, it would be a pleasure to see them put a lid over your mouth!’

  ‘Now, children. Play nice.’ Elle wagged her finger at the pair of them in a playful way.

  ‘Fran and Elle were just discussing going on holiday to Italy, Tony. You’re not invited but we’re going.’ Julie winked and smiled at him.

  ‘Holiday? Since when?’ Tony put on his surprised face. This had all been worked out before Julie got there. This was part of their plan.
  ‘I’m not going anywhere. Don’t listen to her, she’s bored, which means she is going to annoy us all until she finds something else to do.’

  ‘Seems like a good idea. In fact, it seems like a very good idea. No one had much of a holiday last time. I was going to see Katie and Christopher this afternoon. He has made some proposals about the vineyard. Maybe you could go with them and keep an eye on him.’

  ‘Really? But what about Adam and school? Wouldn’t you like to come with us?’ Francesca was taken aback. Of course she knew from Katie what Christopher had in mind for the vineyard, but she hadn’t expected Tony to agree.

  Taking her in his arms and holding her close, Tony looked over her shoulder at Julie and gave her the thumbs up. ‘Adam isn’t going to miss any important exams at his age, is he? Go and have a look around with Katie. You can be my eyes and ears. I can’t come, I have things to attend to.’

  ‘Yeesss!’ Julie punched the air. ‘Elle, pack up your things, we’re going on holiday. Tony’s paying. I’m going to leave you lovebirds now. No doubt he will want to get a few extra strokes in before you leave.’ Julie’s loud cackle filled the room while Elle stood there and winced.

  ‘Sounds good to me, ladies. Go. Elle, go and cook and freeze as many meals as possible for Albert while you’re away. Julie, you can torment Ralph’s credit cards with more holiday clothes, and Adam is at school, which means you, Francesca, are all mine. Bye, everyone.’ He was laughing as he spoke, and Julie and Elle took the hint and left.

  ‘Are you sure you don’t mind? You have only just come back from Paris.’

  ‘No. Go and keep an eye on that Christopher for me. Get some sun. And yes, I have only recently got back, and I don’t seem to have spent an hour alone with you.’

  ‘What do you have in mind, Tony?’ Francesca asked playfully, in his arms.

  ‘I think … we should go and see if you have made the beds this morning.’ A naughty, boyish grin crossed his face. ‘Why waste a golden opportunity?’


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