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Dirty Dealings

Page 22

by Gillian Godden

  Tony and Jake frowned. Pissed off? It wasn’t they expression they would have used. This was not the conversation they had expected.

  ‘So, do you want to meet up where so we can talk properly?’ she said.

  Tony gave Jake the thumbs up.

  ‘Yes, I’d like that, Sharon. What time?’

  Tony was listening but also watching the door, so no one could walk in and blow their cover.

  ‘I don’t want this to be public knowledge. That has been the problem all our married life, Jake. Will you meet me tomorrow night? What about that little restaurant you like on the South Bank, around 8 p.m.?’

  Jake felt a sick feeling in his stomach. Any other time he would have welcomed this ‘date’ with his wife. But there were so many strings attached to this he felt like Pinocchio.

  ‘I’ll be there, Sharon. See you then.’

  He ended the call and both men breathed a sigh of relief. Tony hadn’t dared cough or breathe while the phone was on loudspeaker.

  ‘Sounds like a romantic cosy meeting. Is she trying to make out she wants to get back with you, Jake, when we know full well that is not the bloody case?’ Tony pointed his finger at Jake in warning. ‘Don’t you dare go all sentimental and start falling for it. Remember what she has done. Most of all, remember what you have to do.’ Tony looked down at the floor. He hadn’t wanted to bring it up yet, but he didn’t want Jake raising his hopes and falling for Sharon’s sob story, either.

  ‘I know, I know. You all want me to kill my fucking wife,’ snapped Jake, and left the office.

  Tony didn’t go after him, instead leaving him with his thoughts. Poor bastard; as if he didn’t have enough to cope with. This was truly a double-edged sword and either way Jake couldn’t win.


  Sitting at the back of Scarlet’s salon while they ate lunch, Katie and Scarlet were surprised to see Jack walk in.

  ‘What’s up with you?’ said Katie.

  ‘My God, Jack,’ said Scarlet, ‘have you decided to let me do something with that scary hair of yours that has no style?’ She gave his hair a rub. ‘Do you want a cup of something?’

  ‘No, I was just passing and thought I would pop in.’

  Katie and Scarlet looked at each other. They could see something was wrong and he had come for the company and to tell someone.

  ‘Katie interrupted his train of thought. ‘Well, you have popped in, so for God’s sake, Jack, tell us about some scary firefighting job. Anything to stop Scarlet discussing her sex life.’ At least it made him smile.

  ‘No, it’s just that I heard from Mum. She wants to meet Dad at the restaurant they used to go to on the South Bank, I presume to talk about a divorce or something. Don’t ever complain again, Scarlet, when your parents show that they are crazy about each other. It’s sad after all these years that mine have come to this.’

  ‘Maybe she wants to get back with him. It’s not unheard of, she has had her fling and maybe regrets it.’ Katie was trying to make light of it. They all knew that wasn’t the case, but if it made Jack feel better, then so be it.

  After he had left, Scarlet and Katie voiced their thoughts.

  ‘Well, he’s in a sorry state, poor bastard,’ said Scarlet.

  ‘How would you feel if it was Mum and Dad? They are his family and his mother has torn his world apart.’ Katie’s empathy did her justice, unlike Scarlet, who had none.

  ‘Well, I think he’s a bloody fool. He knows the truth. He’s in denial,’ Scarlet scoffed.

  ‘One day, Scarlet, you may have children of your own and you might just see things from the other side of the fence.’

  ‘One day, Katie.’ Scarlet smirked. ‘You might just realise that we all can’t live in a fairy tale bubble. I love Jack, too. But the last thing he needs in his job is Sharon fucking with his head. He needs to accept it.’

  They both knew they were right in their own way. Jack just had to accept the facts. There was no turning back.


  After arriving at the restaurant early, Jake was surprised to see that Sharon was already there. She sat at the table, large as life, waving to him to catch his attention. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach as he sat at the candlelit table. She looked stunning. It had been a long time since she had made any kind of effort for him, but tonight, when she wanted to talk divorce, she looked amazing in a red halter dress which complimented her blonde hair perfectly.

  ‘Thanks for coming, Jake. I ordered you a drink.’ Her smile was warm and friendly.

  To Jake it felt surreal. This beautiful smiling woman before him was the very same woman who was ruining all of their lives. Looking down at the drink, Jake felt suspicious. He didn’t know why but felt he shouldn’t drink it.

  ‘I’ll have a fresh one of those, please, and another one for the lady,’ Jake said to the waiter. ‘You don’t mind, do you?’ he said to Sharon. ‘The ice seems to have melted in that one.’ Jake was a little suspicious. Why would she get him a drink so early? More to the point, given what he knew about her lately, what was in it? ‘Shall we order?’ he said.

  Neither of them seemed very hungry. It was like a cat and mouse game. So much politeness. Each had a salad that they just danced around the plate.

  Suddenly a woman caught Jake’s eye. It was one of the waitresses. He looked across at her in her uniform. For a moment he thought his mind was playing tricks. This was a stressful evening. No, it couldn’t be, he thought to himself, but the woman turned, smiled at him and walked into the kitchen.

  ‘Don’t you think she looks like ...?’ Jake stopped himself. He wasn’t sure, even though his gut instincts told him he was right.

  ‘What?’ Sharon snapped. ‘Why are you looking around the room when we’re trying to talk!’ She was starting to sweat and Jake noticed she looked on edge. It was clear even in the dimly lit restaurant his Sharon had gone and this drug-addicted woman had taken her place.

  This one had dark rings around her eyes, even though she had very skilfully applied her make-up. Her hair didn’t shine like it used to and she looked old. Much older than her years. Looking over Sharon’s shoulder again to where he had seen the waitress, he saw she had gone. No, it definitely couldn’t be who he thought it was. The dim lights were playing tricks with him.

  ‘So, what is it you wanted to talk about, Sharon? We have been here an hour and you haven’t said much, apart from the usual pleasantries. You haven’t even asked about your son.’

  ‘Well. As you say, we need to talk. I need some fresh air, let’s get out of here.’

  Jake agreed; this was no place for a slanging match. ‘I am going to pop to the loo first.’

  As he walked back towards the table, Jake stopped short. In a far corner of the restaurant was Sharon’s boyfriend. He was sitting at a table on his own. Jake’s first instincts were to go over there and beat him to a pulp, but he didn’t. Did she really need to bring her boyfriend with her? What the hell was he doing here anyway?

  ‘Right, Sharon. You got everything?’ Doing his best to sound nonchalant and helping Sharon with her coat, he watched as she looked over her shoulder and exchanged glances with her boyfriend. He pretended not to notice. ‘The car is outside. Come on.’

  ‘Do you feel like a walk, Jake? Along the riverbank. Maybe we could talk properly then.’

  ‘Sure. Why not.’ It wasn’t what he had planned but he needed to hear what she had to say and maybe it was for the best the chauffeur couldn’t be Tony’s eyes and ears on this conversation. There were still things he wanted to know about their marriage, that he felt were his own business.

  Just after leaving the restaurant, Jake turned back. ‘Hang on a minute, I think I have left my wallet,’ he said. Leaving Sharon on the pavement, Jake ran back in. He saw Sharon’s boyfriend standing up and walking towards the door. So this was going to be some kind of ambush, was it? How many of his friends were hiding round the corner?

  Jake bumped into the man on purpose; he could see that the m
an was shocked to see him back in the restaurant. ‘Oops, sorry, mate,’ Jake said. Then he leaned in towards the man’s ear and hissed, ‘Get the fuck out of here while you still can, Frenchie, or I am going to break both of your legs, and my friend in here …’ Jake slightly opened his jacket to show his gun in its holster under his arm, ‘… is going to blow your fucking head off.’ Jake’s threatening whisper made the man do as he was told. Taking his mobile phone out of his pocket, Jake rang the chauffeur. ‘Sharon’s boyfriend is in the restaurant. We’re going for a walk; watch the front doors.’

  He trotted back to where Sharon was waiting. ‘Hey, sorry about that, Sharon. Bloody fool I am, I dropped it on the floor.’ Jake’s smile was broad, even though inside he felt sick. ‘I’ll just tell the chauffeur we’re going for a walk.’ He could see that Sharon was nervous. She wanted him to hurry up. Putting his head in the car window, he said, ‘We’re going to take a walk up the South Bank. Meet us at the other end, I’ll give you a call. The walk will do me good.’ Laughing and making a joke to allay any nerves Sharon had, Jake then leaned in a bit closer and said quietly, ‘Young kid, brown suit, dark hair.’

  Reaching out for Sharon’s hand brought a lump to Jake’s throat. It was a clear moonlit night. Perfect for lovers.

  ‘I need to talk to you, Sharon. We need to talk.’ The pavements were empty, barring a few passers-by making their way into the nightclubs and expensive restaurants.

  ‘I feel the same way, Jake. It’s been a nice evening but we both know it’s over.’

  They carried on walking, both looking straight ahead of them. It seemed neither of them wanted eye contact.

  ‘Am I allowed to ask why?’ Jake needed closure before anything else. Feeling the gun inside his jacket pocket rub against his chest he knew what he had to do, but he needed some sort of closure first. Had she ever loved him? He felt sad and crushed as they walked side by side, with the moon shining on the Thames.

  ‘I recognise your train of thought, Jake. Yes, I did love you once. And it seemed easier once we had Jack, but I want my own life now.’ Her words stabbed Jake’s heart. She was being matter-of-fact about it. Like she was just discarding an old pair of shoes. The woman he loved wasn’t there anymore. This one was bitter and heartless.

  ‘Well, if you walk away, you walk away a very wealthy woman and will be able to start afresh. Is that what you want?’ He was trying to sound reasonable to this shrew.

  Pulling him into a side alley, Sharon laughed. ‘Do you really think that I am going to walk away with just a few quid in my pocket? Think again, Jake. I want it all. Why not? I’ve earned it. You and Mr High-Almighty Tony think there is nothing and no one that can knock you off your pedestal. Well, I have, Jake. Game, set and match, eh?’

  Trying to keep his voice steady and reasonable, Jake tried again. ‘It wouldn’t just be a few quid, Sharon. We’re talking millions, not thousands. I know what you have done. You have betrayed us all. Is that what would make you happy, seeing us all behind bars?’

  ‘I would be the architect of it all, Jake, and I wouldn’t have had to do half of the things you have. Do the others know? No.’ She shook her head. ‘That was a stupid question, of course they do. So, what do I care? Are you going to pack me off in exile somewhere? Is that what they all want, for me to keep my mouth shut? Oh, no, Jake, I have a contingency plan. The police will be all over you and Tony like flies around shit if anything happens to me.’ Even in the darkness Jake could see the sneer on her face. Her pupils seemed dilated and he realised she must have taken a lot of cocaine before this meeting. Suddenly she looked old to him. Maybe he was seeing her for the very first time. He was seeing what others saw. This was not his Sharon. She seemed glad he knew what she had done and was proud of her achievement. What a bitch.

  Trying to keep his voice steady as they stood in the darkness of the alley, which branched off to little tunnels leading to different Tube stations, lit only by moonlight, Jake felt he had to ask, ‘When did you stop loving me, Sharon? What happened? Just tell me, I need to know.’

  ‘Years ago, Jake. I am sick of being “good old Sharon”, one of the boys. Tony never looked at me once. Instead, he fell for that slut stripper who I gave a job to.’

  Feeling a lump in his throat, Jake felt stunned by this confession. ‘Tony? What has he got to do with it? He has only ever treated you well. We’re family. Don’t be nasty about Francesca, she has nothing to do with any of this.’ Jake shrugged, trying to comprehend what she was saying.

  ‘The only person Tony loves is himself. Or rather, it was, until that stupid slut turned up. God, she didn’t know even how to hold a knife and fork.’ Sharon’s fake laughter rang out. ‘Well, he came from the gutter and that was the best he could get.’

  Ignoring her comments, Jake carried on. ‘What about Tony? Why do you have such a grudge against him? He has worked bloody hard to make us all rich. He bought us our first house, Sharon. Tony has been more than generous.’ Jake was confused. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. For years Sharon must have felt bitter.

  ‘I’m a woman. Not once did he look at me like a woman. He would fuck anything with a pulse, but not me. How the hell do you think that made me feel, Jake?’

  Jake turned her around to face him. He couldn’t believe his ears. ‘You fancied Tony? Is that what you’re telling me? All this is a woman scorned?’ As crazy as the situation was, Jake felt like laughing. A woman scorned? He now felt no reservations about what he had to do. He had his answers.

  ‘Oh, Jake, love.’ Sharon stroked his face. ‘You only see what you want to see. I loved him for years. He could have given me children. I married you again because I needed a father for Jack and I could be close to him, still. He needed me, if only to run his club. But I don’t need him or you anymore. Alex is younger and more powerful. You, Tony and Ralph are past it now.’ Her shrill laughter filled the air. ‘Old pensioners playing cops and robbers. I’m not walking away from anything, Jake. You are.’

  ‘You really are a nasty piece of work, Sharon. I’m sorry I never realised it years ago.’ Jake shoved her against the wall, banging her head against it.

  A shot rang out into the night air and Jake fell to the ground on his knees. His lifeless body, with just one bullet hole to his head where Sharon had shot him, lay in a crumpled heap.

  ‘I’ll not take your crumbs, Jake, I want it all,’ Sharon spat out as she looked down at his dead body on the ground. She felt no remorse. ‘And Jack will never know.’ Sharon moved his lifeless body with her foot. Then she saw the gun in his pocket. Stunned, she looked down at it; he had been going to kill her.

  Hearing a noise, she looked up and saw the figure standing in the shadows. ‘You took your fucking time,’ she said. ‘Do you see that? He was going to kill me, the bastard. We need to leave now.’

  The figure of a woman emerged more clearly from the shadows. Taken aback, Sharon couldn’t believe who was standing in front of her. ‘What the fuck are you doing here?’

  ‘The same as you.’

  ‘Where is Alex?’

  Raising her gun, the woman pointed it at Sharon.

  ‘You haven’t got the guts!’ Sharon spat out, and pointed her own gun at the woman. A shot fired and, dropping her gun, Sharon collapsed and fell on top of Jake’s lifeless body. Blood poured from her as she held her stomach. Walking up to her, the woman pointed the gun at her once more. ‘That was for the family. This one is for Jake.’ Again, the woman pressed the trigger and shot Sharon in the head. She looked at their dead bodies lying on top of each other in the darkness of the side alley, highlighted by a touch of moonlight; they made a pitiful sight.

  Walking away to the top of the alley, the woman gingerly stepped over a man’s dead body with a bullet hole in it as she walked towards the main road. Sharon’s lover, Alex. She had seen him as she had gone through the other end of the tunnel. This part of the South Bank had many sides, almost like a maze, leading to different Tube stations. She had seen him standing
there in the shadows, listening to Sharon and Jake’s conversation, his back to her in the dark. He had been so engrossed he never heard her behind him.

  The chauffeur had been watching the front of the restaurant, not the back. She knew why he was there. If Sharon had bottled out, he was going to do the job for her. Now he had all that inside knowledge and money, who knew? He might have even killed Sharon. She had served her purpose. Thankfully the silencer had muffled the sound as she had shot him in the back. She was sorry that she had got there too late to save Jake, but it couldn’t be helped. Maybe he wouldn’t have gone through with it after all. This way she had saved him from tormenting himself for years and feeling guilty about killing Jack’s mother. Maybe it was for the best. Looking up, she saw an orange light coming towards her. ‘Taxi!’ she shouted, as she held her arm out. The black cab slowed down and stopped. Turning her head for one last look towards the alleyway, she opened the door and got in.



  ‘Tony, it’s me. Has Jack been in touch yet?’ Francesca’s voice quivered as she spoke. How she wished she wasn’t stuck in Italy.

  Yawning, Tony sat up in his bed and rubbed his face. Looking at the clock, he saw that it was 3 a.m. ‘What’s wrong? Francesca, are you alright?’ Instantly he shook himself awake.

  ‘Wait, Tony. Hear me out. We’re all okay, but have you heard from Jack?’

  ‘Francesca, you’re crying, what the hell is wrong? No. In answer to your question, Jack hasn’t contacted me. Why should he?’ A cold sense of foreboding passed through Tony’s mind. He knew what Francesca was going to tell him. Sharon was dead. He had expected that, but why was Jack trying to get hold of Francesca? More to the point, why hadn’t Jake called him?

  He heard a scuffle on the other end of the phone and Julie’s voice in the background; he waited. ‘Give me that phone,’ he heard Julie say.

  ‘Tony, it’s Julie. Jack has rung us. He probably forgot we were in Italy. Sharon is dead. But worst of all, Tony …’ Julie paused.


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