Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 27

by Gillian Godden

  ‘Well, I wonder what that could be.’ Laughing, Francesca reached up and ran her hand through Tony’s hair. Standing toe to toe with him like this, in the lamplit bedroom, made her feel warm and loved.

  Bending down and whispering in her ear, he said, ‘Undress me. Take off my tie and then undo my shirt.’ The warmth of his breath on her ear gave her goosebumps. Slowly she did as she was told while he stood before her smiling. Gently and teasingly taking his tie off, not a word was said. After unbuttoning his shirt with a slow seductive motion, Francesca looked up into those famous blue eyes of Tony’s. ‘What’s this?’

  ‘It’s for you.’ Undoing his shirt, button by button, had revealed a diamond necklace Tony had bought her earlier on. ‘Isn’t this better than some old box? Are you going to try it on?’

  ‘No, not yet. I want to make love to you tonight while looking at two beautiful things.’ Trailing her hand along the diamond necklace that rested on the golden hairs of his chest created a deep stirring inside of her. As it shone and sparkled against his tanned muscular body, Francesca put her arms around his neck and trailed her tongue along the cleft in his chin. Emotions were high. Tonight, there was a need for each other. Things could have gone so badly wrong and they would have been parted forever. ‘I love you, Antonias,’ she whispered, as Tony swept her up in his arms and carried her towards the bed.



  ‘Right, it’s been weeks. Is everything ready for the engagement party on Saturday? It’s time that bloody club was opened and making money again. And for God’s sake, don’t let Scarlet change one more thing. Sod her, she’s lucky it’s got this far!’ Julie was tutting and moaning from her usual place at the kitchen table as Elle and Francesca looked on.

  ‘You know Tony has been showing her how the club runs, how to do the ordering and getting her acquainted with things first. If she is going to help him run the club she has to start with the basics. While the club is closed it seemed like the perfect time,’ said Francesca for the hundredth time.

  They were going about their daily chores while Julie sat there contemplating what she was going to wear for the evening. ‘I need a change, Fran. It’s time I changed my look. What do you think?’

  ‘I think you always look beautiful, Julie. Here I am in my jeans and a silk blouse and you are wearing a designer Chanel suit and it’s only 1 p.m. What sort of look are you thinking of?’

  ‘Dunno. I might have a word with Scarlet to see if she can do something with my hair. I have had it like this for ages. It’s time for a change.’ Julie’s bored expression as she drummed her long fingernails on the table told Francesca there was something else on her mind.

  ‘By the way, Julie, you never did say what the doctor said about Ralph. Is everything okay?’

  ‘Mmm. Yeah, he’s okay,’ said Julie, avoiding Francesca’s eyes and making a point of checking her nail polish.

  Francesca tried pushing it a little further, but Julie wasn’t saying anything more. Something was definitely wrong. Glancing up at Elle, Francesca slowly shook her head indicating to Elle to not ask any more questions on the matter. Julie would tell them in her own good time. But whatever it was, it was making her feel unsettled.

  ‘I think I will go and see Scarlet. What are you wearing on Saturday, Fran?’ Julie stood up to leave. It was clear to both Francesca and Elle that something was on her mind. There was no pushing Julie, you had to let it come naturally. As open as she was, there were times when she was a closed book.

  ‘Not sure yet. I suppose I had better have a look around the shops. Fancy a shopping spree tomorrow? Adam is at his Scout club so he will be late.’

  ‘Yes, I will give you a ring and we will sort out a time later.’

  As Julie left, Francesca and Elle looked at each other. This was all very strange. Something was definitely wrong with Ralph.


  ‘Mark! Mark!’ Tony sat in his office trying to look over his own accounts. The noise from outside was driving him crazy.

  ‘What’s up, boss?’ Mark’s expression said it all. Everyone seemed to be walking on eggshells.

  ‘What the hell is that bloody racket? All I can hear is Scarlet stomping around barking orders, she is driving me crazy!’

  Standing in the doorway in his black suit, Mark raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. ‘I think it’s just Scarlet putting her stamp on things.’ He was trying to be polite but it was chaos in the club.

  ‘Get her in here, I want to know what’s going on. I don’t know.’ Tony took off his gold-rimmed glasses, sat back in his chair and let out a huge sigh. ‘Give the woman an inch and she’s gone power crazy. Get her in here before she’s a laughing stock.’

  The wry grin on Mark’s face spoke volumes. Narrowing his eyes and looking up at Mark, Tony could tell there were things going on that he wasn’t aware of.

  ‘What? What is it? What has she done, Mark? God, at this rate we will have a mutiny on our hands. Come in and sit down, I want to hear it all.’

  ‘Well …’ Smacking his lips, Mark was unsure what to say. He knew Tony had a short fuse and he was beginning to learn that Scarlet was just like her father. ‘You know the doormen are terrified of her, after what she did to Ryan.’ Mark waited. Maybe Tony knew about this; before he said anymore, he waited for Tony’s response.

  ‘What she did? What the hell is that supposed to mean? What could a young girl in her twenties do to a gorilla like him?’

  ‘She burnt his dick, Tony. Stubbed her cigarette out on it.’ Again, Mark waited. This was a touchy subject and he knew it.

  ‘Burnt his dick? What the bloody hell are you talking about? How did she get close enough to do that? More to the point, are you telling me she is messing around with the doormen?’ Tony’s anger was rising. The faint pink flush in his cheeks was beginning to appear.

  ‘Not sure of the whole story.’ Mark was doing his best to avoid this situation. ‘From what I gather he was flirting with her and thought she felt the same. So Scarlet coaxed him to take his dick out while she had a cigarette in her hand. She grabbed it and stubbed her cigarette out on it while squeezing it. The howl he made was deafening. Believe me, that is a man’s worst nightmare.’ Mark grimaced at the thought.

  Tony had heard enough. ‘What the fuck is going on here? Get her in here. I want to hear this from her. Go. Go on, now!’ For the last couple of weeks all Tony had heard was Scarlet’s high heels stomping up and down the corridor. He had tried his best to keep out of it and wanted to keep his word about letting her run things, but this was a step too far.

  Tony waited while Mark went to fetch Scarlet. Although he was angry, he was trying to remain calm for the family’s sake.

  ‘What’s wrong, Papa? Mark said you wanted to see me.’ Sitting down before him, she waited.

  Tony looked at his daughter. She had changed enormously over the last few weeks. Where had Scarlet gone? Wearing a pink skirt suit and with her blonde hair tied up in a chignon, she looked like a businesswoman, not his young daughter.

  ‘I hear we’re short of ashtrays, Scarlet, and you have nowhere to stub out your cigarettes.’ Tony’s blue eyes flashed knowingly at her own. He waited to see the embarrassed look on her face but none came.

  ‘Yes. And I will do it again if I have to. My, jungle drums have been beating.’ Scarlet’s eyes flashed back at him. She stuck her chin out in the same stubborn way as he did.

  ‘Do you want to tell me about it?’ He realised shouting at her would do no good, so he sat back in his chair and waited for an explanation.

  ‘If I must. But I don’t see why. That Ryan guy thought I was just some bimbo blonde he could hit on. Well, did he get a shock. He’d gone out the back for a smoke or something but he was taking far too long so I went to see where he had disappeared to. There was only me and him out there and suddenly the flirting began.’ Scarlet laughed. But it wasn’t her usual warm laugh. It was sarcastic and determined. ‘You, of all people, Pa
pa, know that I have had my fill of employees flirting with me, thinking just because I am a young female I must be “up for it”. I take it you remember the builder at the salon? Well, I will never. Never! Be put in that position again.’ Scarlet raised her voice and slapped the desk.

  As she had never mentioned that night so long ago and got on with her life Tony had thought she had put it behind her, but it was blatantly clear she hadn’t.

  ‘I remember that night, Scarlet, only too well, but as you have never said a word about it and even moved into the place where it happened, I presumed you had let it go. It seems I was wrong in my estimation.’

  ‘Damn right, you’re wrong. I will never forget that night. The more I think of it, the more it haunts me. Yes, that guy would have raped me, but then what? It would have been easy to dispose of me with all the building works going on. I shudder to think. He would have had to do something, Papa, knowing you would seek some kind of revenge. I will never let any man think it’s okay to flirt and play games with me again.’

  Scarlet’s words stung him. Maybe he had overlooked her feelings in this matter. Life had carried on. His face softened and he reached his hand over the desk to take hers but she shrugged it off.

  ‘I don’t want sympathy, Papa. It’s over and done with. But this lot have to learn I won’t be messed around with. I have to put my stamp on things. They think I am Tony Lambrianu’s daughter pissing around at running a club. Well, no. I am your daughter, but in all of the right ways. I will not let them take the piss out of me and, slowly but surely, they are learning that.’

  Pursing his lips and looking across at this confident, self-assured woman, he pondered the situation. ‘And what about all this stomping around and barking orders at everyone. What’s that all about? All I hear is your voice these days down the corridor.’

  Nonchalantly she threw her hands in the air. ‘When this club is open properly again, Papa, I want everything to be in order. Things have been overlooked and let slide. I appreciate you have been busy and Sharon’s assistant has done her best. But this is supposed to be the best club in town and that is just what it will be. The best.’

  ‘Are you saying I have done a bad job, Scarlet, and that I couldn’t survive without you?’ Scarlet’s slight had annoyed him. Was she saying he wasn’t up to it anymore and had let things slide? That was an insult.

  ‘No, Papa.’ She looked across and smiled apologetically. ‘I’m just saying while you were busy sorting other things, they have taken advantage of it and the strippers alone have done their own thing. Well, it’s time they remembered to work here is a privilege and they can soon be replaced. Some have put on weight. They aren’t spending their money on sunbeds and having their hair done as they should. They earn enough money for all of that but they can’t be bothered. Not without somebody keeping a close eye on them. Vicky does a good job, don’t get me wrong, but she doesn’t carry the same weight as a Lambrianu. Or indeed, Sharon Sinclair.’ Scarlet almost stopped herself from mentioning Sharon’s name, but it had to be said. Sharon had kept on top of things and kept everyone in order, until she had discovered the wonders of cocaine.

  ‘I have offered them all a discount at my salon.’ The smile crossed Scarlet’s face and the mischievous glint in her eye matched Tony’s. ‘I have tanning booths and hairdressers. I also have quiet Tuesdays. Might as well keep it in the family, eh?’

  Laughing, Tony shook his head. He couldn’t believe it. She was going to pay their wages with one hand and take it off them with the other. That was good business! Bloody hell, she would give Dick Turpin a run for his money.

  ‘I won’t let them ride roughshod all over me, Papa. I am Scarlet Lambrianu.’ Indignant, she pointed to her chest. ‘And they can bloody like it or lump it. Or better still, sod off and find employment elsewhere.’ She had said her piece and stood up to leave. Then a thought crossed her mind. It was something she had been finding the right time to bring up, and it seemed as they were clearing the air, now was the time.

  ‘I think it would be better, Papa, if while I am here at the club I call you Tony.’ She held her hand up to stop his protests. ‘It sounds more businesslike. Saying Papa makes me sound like a schoolgirl and this lot have to realise that is just what I am not. Anywhere else, you’re my papa and I love you. But here, it has to be business.’ Then she faltered. ‘Is that okay.’

  ‘Mm, I see that. Why don’t we give it a try? Although remember, Scarlet, you may be running around barking orders but I have the last say on any decisions you make. Always remember that. Everyone has someone higher than themselves. And don’t make too many enemies in the process.’

  Nodding, she left the room, walking past Mark as he was entering it. Shutting the door, he stood in front of Tony. ‘Chip off the old block, eh, Tony.’

  They both burst out laughing. He was proud of his daughter’s determination to make a go of things. And he liked the way she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. ‘Bloody hell, Mark, she scares me and I’m her father.’

  ‘That Ryan ain’t gonna be shagging anyone for a long time, poor bastard! She’s doing a good job, though. All the bar staff have new uniforms and everything is spit and polished for the engagement party.’

  ‘Thank God she’s on our side, eh, Mark. Look, I want you to keep an eye on her and report back to me. I don’t want her to think I’m undermining her. Let’s see how this goes.’

  ‘Sure thing, Tony, but I think it will work out just fine. She has Dominic by her side, and us. Although she doesn’t need anyone. The one person she does rely on for her strength, funnily enough, is Katie.’

  ‘Katie?’ Tony was surprised at this. ‘Scarlet relies on Katie. I always thought it was the other way around. You surprise me.’ Tony had always seen Katie as the peacemaker, the quiet one who went along with things. As time moved on he was learning new things about his family that he had missed or overlooked.

  ‘Oh, yes, hard as nails, that one but she gives the impression she is as sweet as candy. Whenever Scarlet isn’t sure about something, that is who she calls. Two sides of the same coin, Tony. You can be quiet and deadly, and you can also shout and let your fists fly. Well, you’re one person and they are two.’

  This revelation about Katie surprised Tony. Maybe Mark was right. They both had his blood in them, they just used it in different ways.

  ‘Katie as hard as nails, Mark. I find that hard to believe. You know her, she wouldn’t hurt a fly.’

  ‘Wouldn’t she? I’m not so sure. The only thing is she doesn’t make a song and dance about it. She is more logical and thinks things through. That is the worst kind of enemy.’ Mark left the room, leaving a puzzled expression on Tony’s face.


  ‘Well, the engagement party went well. Everyone seemed to have a good time. I’m bushed. But I have to say, Julie, with that new hairstyle of yours you really did steal the show.’ Francesca kicked off her shoes and walked around the stool Julie sat on, admiring Julie’s new hairstyle from different directions. She truly looked amazing.

  ‘She did a good job, didn’t she?’ Julie smiled as she took out her compact mirror and admired herself. ‘I warned Scarlet if she messed it up I would shave her head. Especially when she went on about my age and how I should soften the peroxide blonde into an ash blonde. And when she suggested getting rid of my life-long bob I nearly had a heart attack. So she covered the mirror in the salon and I smoked a hundred fags as I watched my hair falling on the floor!’

  Julie’s blonde hair was now a warm ash blonde. It was long on the top, giving her more height, and cut deep into her neck at the back. The fashion magazines that had turned up to take photos of the engagement party couldn’t help themselves when they saw Julie Gold’s new hairstyle. The lights on their cameras flashed away like some movie premier, as she made her way from the car to the club entrance.

  ‘Oh, I can still turn a few heads, Fran and now everyone knows that Scarlet did it, she will be busier than ever!’

Why was Ralph wearing that silk sling for his arm? You never said he had sprained it or anything?’

  ‘Oh, it’s nothing. You know Ralph, he banged it or something, but he likes to be the centre of attention.’ Julie brushed it off, but Francesca wasn’t having it this time.

  ‘You never did tell me what the doctor said about Ralph when he went for his check-up. Is he okay?’

  ‘Yes, sort of. He just has to take things easy. Well, he’s no spring chicken, Fran. He has to slow down. All those cigars and whisky don’t help, either.’ Julie brushed it off yet again, but Francesca wasn’t convinced. Julie certainly didn’t want to discuss it and Tony had said he hadn’t been around as much. This was becoming more mysterious by the day.

  ‘Well, I presume the girls will be dancing the night away until the early hours. It was nice to see Diana with her boyfriend in tow. Very handsome. He’s a sergeant or something, isn’t he?’

  Julie’s face broke into a smile at the mention of Diana. Now things had settled down a little she didn’t have to be quite so secretive about their meetings, although she enjoyed living in town with her new friends and so had decided to stay there.

  ‘They make a nice couple. He seemed friendly enough, so I presume she has decided to come out of the closet, Fran, and by this time tomorrow everyone will know she is Ralph Gold’s daughter.’ Shrugging, Julie lit a cigarette. ‘Well, it had to come out sometime. You can’t keep something like that a secret forever.’

  ‘I suppose we had better go downstairs and see what is happening. I only came up to the apartment to change my shoes. Those new ones are lovely, but they were hurting my feet. Thank goodness I have spares here. Come on, Julie, we had better go before we’re missed.’ Fran paused while Julie stubbed out her cigarette and stood up to leave. ‘When you’re ready to tell me what is wrong with Ralph, you know I am always here to listen. That is all I am saying on the matter.’

  ‘Oh, don’t go on, Fran,’ Julie snapped. ‘It’s nothing. Come on, let’s go and drink some of that free booze that’s on offer.’ Then her voice softened. ‘But thank you. Some other time, eh?’


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