Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 28

by Gillian Godden

  This convinced Francesca that something was truly wrong. She would ask Tony later; maybe he could shed some light on it.

  By the time they got downstairs Ralph was dancing with Diana. He was truly delighted his daughter was back in the fold. That’s when Francesca noticed how much weight Ralph had lost. It’s strange. When you see someone on a regular basis you take them for granted and don’t always notice things that have changed about them until it’s pointed out. It was clear to Francesca that Ralph was ill.

  ‘That Wendy is a bitch!’ Scarlet was losing no time in telling them that the daughter of one of the guests her father had invited had insulted her. ‘She told me my dress didn’t suit my colouring. It’s red, for God’s sake, and I’m blonde!’ Her face was flushed and she was sweating from dancing. Sitting beside Julie and Francesca, she picked up her champagne glass and took a huge gulp. ‘She said she liked my “little diamond ring”.’ Scarlet held up her hand to show them the three-tier diamond ring on her finger. They had both seen it a hundred times. ‘She deserves a slap and I am just the person to give her one. Then, can you believe it, Mum, she said Dominic was the hired help and that was the best I could get.’

  Julie burst out laughing. ‘Bloody hell, Scarlet, it’s not like you to sit back and take it. How come you haven’t already slapped her?’

  ‘Katie. She reminded me it was her engagement party as well and wouldn’t have it spoilt. Then Christopher said it would only confirm Papa’s decision that I was too young for the job.’ Folding her arms and wearing a sulky expression, Scarlet sat back on the pink sofa in the club. The disco lights flashed and the music blared out, and everyone was in high spirits apart from Scarlet. It seemed Wendy had achieved her goal.

  ‘I hear you’re doing an okay job, Scarlet. What with that and the salon, you’re becoming quite the businesswoman.’ Julie did her best to salve Scarlet’s ego.

  ‘Is she still sulking, Mum?’ Katie walked over in her blue ball gown and sat down. ‘You know, Scarlet,’ said Katie. She had the same velvety voice as Tony. It was calm and soothing as she reached her hand out to hold her sister’s. ‘There is more than one way to skin a cat, and nothing would please Wendy more than to cause a scene at your engagement party. Dominic is handsome. I bet she wouldn’t throw him out of bed.’ Her reassuring smile seemed to bring Scarlet back to life.

  ‘Your right, Kat. Have you seen that ugly thing she has on her arm? God, I wouldn’t screw him with yours!’

  ‘Nicely put, Scarlet. There are better ways of saying it, but I prefer yours.’ Julie cackled that famous laugh of hers. ‘Oh, look, here comes Wendy’s mother. My turn, Scarlet. You fuck off and dance with that man of yours before he changes his mind.’ Brushing the girls off with her hand, Julie waited for the sting.

  ‘Julie, your hair looks lovely,’ she gushed. ‘It makes you look younger than ever.’ Then came the famous sarcasm. ‘I suppose it must be hard keeping up with the younger models.’ Her false smile made Francesca wince. She knew what was coming. Hadn’t these women learnt over the years that Julie’s sharp tongue was always on form?

  ‘You’re right, darling. My hair does make me look younger. That is exactly what your husband’s mistress said earlier.’ Julie watched the smug satisfaction fall from Rebecca’s face. ‘How come you’re not wearing those earrings I saw him buying the other day?’ Raising her eyebrow in mock surprise, Julie scanned the room. ‘Oh, of course, there she is, in the black dress, standing in the corner with your husband. Those earrings really suit her.’

  Watching Rebecca’s face redden, she looked in the direction Julie was pointing at to see her husband fawning all over a young woman. Julie smiled her sweetest smile. Poor Rebecca turned and fled to the bathroom. Judging by the tears brimming in her eyes it was obvious she was going to have a good cry. Julie wet her finger and pointed it upwards. ‘I would say that’s one to me. Wouldn’t you, Fran?’ Julie shook with laughter and nudged Francesca. ‘Come on, Fran. She was asking for it, smug bitch. Everyone knows he’s been cheating on her for months. Did she really think I didn’t know?’ They both burst out laughing. There wasn’t a woman in there that was a match for Julie’s sarcastic wit.

  ‘Oh, God.’ Julie put on her bored expression. ‘Here comes Casanova and his erection.’ She looked up as Tony was walking over to join them and laughed again.


  ‘Why are we talking in the club restaurant, for goodness sake?’ Katie was annoyed at being called away from work to listen to more of Scarlet’s moans.

  ‘It’s the only place I can be alone without Papa’s men reporting back to him. I’m having some trouble with the accounts and no way am I going to confess that. Help me Katie … please.’

  ‘Course I will. You could have phoned, you know. I do have a job of my own and we’re getting sorted for the wedding and Italy. Christopher is spending some time with his parents. They enjoyed the engagement party and Dad was full of charm. Not what they expected at all. Who is the cake mixture for? What’s on the menu tonight?’

  Totally disinterested, Scarlet turned to the huge metal mixer in the kitchen. Everything was steel worktops and pots and pans. ‘Dunno, why?’

  ‘Well, you should know, Scarlet. I thought you were helping run this place,’ Katie cast one of those knowing looks that Scarlet had tripped up again. Nodding, Scarlet realised she was right. It wasn’t all about the nightlife downstairs. It had a restaurant, too.

  ‘Hey, what’s on the menu, Alfie,’ Katie asked the chef, trying to get Scarlet to show some interest in all parts of the club.

  ‘No, Miss Lambrianu. Not on the menu.’ His voice, with a strong French accent, filled the kitchen and his camp ways made them both laugh even more. Dressed in his whites, he kissed the air with his hand as he tasted the chocolate mixture being slowly mixed. ‘This is a birthday cake for your friend, Wendy. Her mama wants it to be a surprise – and does that girl love chocolate.’ He laughed and left the kitchen.

  ‘Really? Scarlet, we’re going to make that cake more interesting and a real surprise for Wendy. She talks shit so let her eat some.’ Breaking into smiles and looking across at the mixture they exchanged glances.

  After a while Scarlet appeared holding a plastic mixing bowl and a napkin to her nose. Oh, God, Katie, I forgot I went for a curry last night. This smells awful!’

  ‘Scrape some in the mixture before Alfie comes back. Quick, hurry.’

  ‘You’re sick, you know that, don’t you.’ Scarlet couldn’t help smiling but she was horrified.

  Katie folded her arms and watched Scarlet scrape the shit into the mixture. It was foul, but it blended in with all that chocolate! ‘I told you there was more than one way to skin a cat. Alfie!’ she shouted. ‘I think your mixture’s ready.’

  Alfie came rushing into the kitchen. ‘Thank you, ladies, I was busy checking the lobster order. Now, just one last secret ingredient and we’re done.’ Katie and Scarlet exchanged glances, trying to hide their smiles and crossing their fingers so he wouldn’t taste the mixture!

  ‘One tiny spoonful of coffee.’ He looked across at the girls, who seemed interested in his cooking flare. He was enjoying the audience and impressing them. ‘This, ladies, brings out the taste of the chocolate nicely.’ Thankfully, after one more mix, he spooned the mixture into two cake tins. ‘And into the oven they go. Perfection!’ He took a bow in front of them and they clapped gleefully.

  ‘You’re so clever, Alfie, and I bet your secret ingredients will make it even more special!’ said Katie, as she linked arms with Scarlet and led the way out of the kitchen. Once downstairs, they both burst out laughing. They were holding their ribs as tears filled their eyes and fell down their faces.

  ‘Oh, God, Katie, I always said she was full of shit. Well, she bloody will be now! Thank God you’re my sister, I would hate you to be my enemy!’ Again, they both burst out laughing.



  ‘Cut the bullshit, Doctor. I know what is wrong, my mother
had it, and I watched her disintegrate slowly. So, let’s have it.’ Ralph sat across the desk from the doctor. All his nightmares had come true.

  ‘Well, Mr Gold, you do show symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but I would have to do more tests. It’s not a death sentence. You could live for another ten, maybe twenty years.’

  Ralph nodded. This doctor just didn’t understand. ‘Do you know who I am, Doctor? Do you know the life I have led? I know you’re bound by your oath and so I will tell you. I am a feared gangland boss. I have murdered people with guns and homemade bombs. My mother developed memory loss leading to dementia. Of course, that was in the later stages, but I watched her while she became a stranger. I cannot die like that. I have to go out with all guns blazing, not be remembered as a pathetic old man who couldn’t feed himself.’

  ‘You’re talking a long way off into the future, Mr Gold. So, yours is hereditary? Well, it’s rare but it does happen. Parkinson’s is not a death sentence, as I say, but it can develop into the kind of symptoms you describe, and even pneumonia. I would like you in for more tests just to be on the positive side. How long have you been like this?’ Trying to change the subject, the doctor tried shrugging off what Ralph had told him. He also knew the disease got worse the older you were and Ralph Gold was not a young man. He could understand Ralph’s reservations, and was doing his best to reassure him.

  ‘A while, doctor. I have known for a while. My hands shake and I am having posture trouble. It’s advanced, I know that. I will come for your tests just to put my mind at rest, but I think we both know the truth. I am an old man, I have lived a great life and I will not, do you hear me? NOT be a pathetic man where people that respect me now look at me with pity. That is not how I planned things for my ending.’

  ‘Very well, Mr Gold. Come in tomorrow and we will do more tests. I understand your concerns, but there are lots of medications around and, without being disrespectful to your mother, times have changed; medicine is more advanced now.’

  ‘Thank you, doctor. I will see you in the morning.’ Ralph stood up and shook the doctor’s hand. There was nothing more to say. His mind was in turmoil. He needed to sort things out the way Tony had. He knew Julie suspected what was wrong. She, too, had seen his mother in the nursing home. Both of them were in denial. Neither of them wanted to discuss it, but now it had to be talked about.

  First he had to speak to Julie and then he would have to put Tony in the picture, especially as he was going into hospital for a couple of days. He knew it was pointless, but he wanted it confirmed all the same. Then and only then could he decide what to do.

  ‘Ralph, where the hell have you been? I’ve been calling you.’ Tony looked towards Ralph as he walked in the office. He was pretty pissed off. He had been calling him for hours and had no response to his calls. He had even called Francesca and asked Julie where he was but she was as evasive as usual.

  ‘I need to talk to you, Tony.’ Ralph had gone straight there from the doctor’s surgery. His original plan had been to speak to Julie, but business came first. Julie already had her own ideas so it wouldn’t come as a shock, but Tony. Well, let’s see what he said.

  Seeing the solemn seriousness in Ralph’s face, Tony’s anger subsided. Something was wrong, he could see that.

  ‘What I am about to tell you stays in this room, okay?’ Ralph paused and waited for Tony’s response.

  ‘Of course, Ralph. What is it? We can’t have another war on our hands, everything is sorted and Angus is doing very well at the south side. So, what is the problem?’ Tony’s mind was working overtime. He couldn’t think what was so serious that it would take the smile off Ralph’s face. He was always ready for a fight.

  ‘I have Parkinson’s disease.’ Ralph held his hand up to stop Tony interrupting. ‘I know it’s not the end of the world, but I also know the symptoms and I’m not a young man. I have to go into hospital for a couple of days to confirm it and so I am letting you know first. I won’t be around as much and I expect you to take the reins. You and that daughter of yours.’ Ralph managed a smile.

  ‘She is worse than us, Ralph, and she is sick in the head to boot. Do you know what she did a couple of weeks ago? Well, let me tell you. She put shit in a birthday cake and watched her enemy eat it. Nobody seemed to notice, but by God it made them ill. She thought it was funny and even confessed it to me. Thankfully no blame has come back on our chef. It seems the woman in question had eaten and drank so much that night no one could point the finger at anything specific. What the hell have I raised?’ Tony looked disgusted and shook his head. He was surprised when Ralph burst out laughing.

  ‘Are you telling me, Tony, that you wouldn’t have done something as sick as that in your younger days? I know I would have if I had thought of it. Vengeance is sweet, eh? Or rather chocolate cake, in this instance.’ Looking across at Tony, Ralph could see the wry smile on his face appear. Then he, too, burst out laughing.

  ‘You know what, Ralph? Sometimes I miss the old days. Fighting for survival, fighting other gangs and trying to be one step ahead of them all the time.’ Letting out a deep sigh, Tony sat up. His mind was wandering.

  ‘They always seem like the good old days when you look back, but at the time they were a nightmare.’

  ‘I suppose so, Ralph, but women are bloody devious. They are worse than us. Then oh my God, then she almost admitted it to that Wendy bird. All cocky and smiling, she told her it tasted like shit as Wendy was putting another piece in her mouth. Then, as she walked away, she said, “Yes, Wendy my shit … enjoy”.’

  ‘Good old days?’ Ralph chuckled. ‘What, Tony, you mean standing there while some guy is pointing a double-barrelled shotgun at you?’ A faint smile crossed his face. ‘I see what you mean. We lived on adrenalin then and we didn’t have a care in the world. But you have to admit, this is funny.’ Ralph was beside himself with laughter. This really cheered him up. It reminded him of the old days when they both played horrible pranks like this on their enemies.

  ‘And that Wendy never reported it. Why?’ asked Ralph. He was amazed that, considering Scarlet had as good as told her what she’d done, she didn’t complain.

  ‘Well, to start with, Wendy had eaten half of it. Greedy cow. And I presume she didn’t want anyone to know what had happened. She also probably thought it was just one of Scarlet’s sarcastic remarks, but I don’t think she will be eating here again for a long time.’ Sitting back in his chair and putting his arms around the back of his head, Tony looked at Ralph in dismay. Then they both burst out laughing.

  ‘What did you say to Scarlet when she told you?’ Now Ralph was intrigued. This was a real blockbuster of a story.

  ‘Obviously I had to do my father thing and give her a good telling off. She didn’t seem to care, though. On the other hand, Mark did exactly what you did and burst out laughing. For God’s sake, don’t tell Julie; she hates that Wendy and her mother and would take great delight in spreading the word.’

  ‘It’s fucking brilliant though, Tony. Absolutely brilliant.’ Ralph slapped the desk and started to laugh again. He knew no one would believe it. It was way off the scale. ‘She really is as sick as her father.’

  ‘Oh, no, Ralph, mate. They are, you mean. Apparently, it was Katie’s idea. Tony’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. ‘For God’s sake, if Francesca found out she would be mortified. Her two little babies doing something like that. They are like Frankenstein’s monster.’

  ‘Yes, Tony, but you’re Dr Frankenstein. Don’t forget, son, you made them,’ said Ralph, pointing his finger at Tony and looking him squarely in the face.

  ‘I wish Jake was here. He wouldn’t be able to contain himself. Everything he said would have had a double-barrelled meaning. He would have thought it was hilarious. But back to you, Ralph. Sorry, I digressed. Take what time you need, it may not be as bad as you think.’

  ‘Thanks Tony,’ Ralph got up from his chair to leave. ‘Now I had better go and tell Julie.’

  Watching R
alph walk away saddened Tony. Surely this wasn’t going to be the end of Ralph Gold?



  ‘Well, I want a double wedding. Think of it, Katie, it will be great. You and I going down the aisle together. Papa in his element. The newspapers will go crazy for it.’ Scarlet was so excited about planning her wedding she was nearly shouting.

  ‘Calm down, ladies, please.’ Francesca tried stopping what was going to be an argument. ‘Just calm down, for God’s sake, you’re worse than Adam.’ She looked towards Elle then threw her hands up in the air. ‘I give up, Elle.’

  ‘If that is what you want, Scarlet. Personally, I want the wedding brought forward. Let’s say, a couple of months.’

  Raising an eyebrow and giving Katie a peculiar look, Scarlet said ‘Why?’ She seemed amazed that Katie would want it done so soon. She wanted to take months preparing everything and raising people’s expectations.

  Francesca, Julie and Elle all threw a glance at each other. There would be only one reason Katie would want the wedding brought forward. They waited for Katie’s answer, but none came.

  ‘For God’s sake, Katie, how many months are you? That is the only reason why you would want a quick wedding. Unless, of course, you wait till after the baby is born.’ Julie gave a bored look implying that she’d known all the time, which, of course, she hadn’t.

  Blushing and slightly stammering, Katie nodded. ‘Only about six weeks, but I would rather be married before the baby is born and not look pregnant on my wedding photos.’ Her voice seemed to drop to a whisper as she looked across at Francesca’s stunned face. ‘Sorry, Mum.’

  ‘Oh, my God. You mean you and Clark Kent have done it?’ Scarlet laughed out loud. ‘Did he keep his tie on? I bet he said, “Do you mind if I come now, Katie,”.’ again Scarlet was beside herself with laughter. What Katie had just said didn’t seem to bother her. The thought that Christopher and Katie had had sex seemed much more interesting.


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