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Dirty Dealings

Page 33

by Gillian Godden

  Elle handed a handkerchief to Julie. There was nothing any of them could say that would really help. They offered the usual words of comfort, but Francesca and Elle knew it was little consolation.

  ‘Well, if it got to that stage, Julie, you have some consolation. He got the chance to be father of the bride with Diana. It was a lovely wedding and he has seen his grandson. It’s not much, but we all know it meant the world to him,’ Francesca said, trying to lighten the mood.

  ‘You’re right, Fran. He was really proud that day. At least he was able to be part of it. Thank goodness.’

  ‘And, talking of grandchildren, did I tell you Katie is pregnant again?’ Francesca smiled. ‘I spoke to her today and everything is confirmed.’

  ‘‘Three kids in five years. Bloody hell, what is that Christopher, a sperm bank? It must be all those grapes!’ Wiping her face, Julie laughed. She’d had her moment, now it was time to get back to normal.

  ‘Yes, she has little Antonias, Miriam, and now a new baby on the way. It’s lovely, isn’t it? We’re going to see them next week, why don’t you and Ralph come? Get away from it all, have some sunshine.’

  ‘Mm, sounds good. Yes, I might just do that.’

  ‘Hi, Mum, only me.’ The door flew open and in walked Scarlet. ‘Happy anniversary, Mum.’ She walked up to Francesca, gave her a kiss on the cheek and handed her a bouquet of flowers.

  ‘Bloody hell, are you alone? Where’s Shrek?’ Julie couldn’t contain herself. At last she had someone else to pick on.

  ‘If you mean Knuckles, he’s outside in the car. He’s taking Adam to the football match.’ With that, Scarlet gave an enormous shout up the staircase for Adam to get a move on.

  ‘Are you sure you can spare him?’ Julie wasn’t giving up. She enjoyed it too much.

  ‘It’s Knuckles’ day off, actually.’ Scarlet’s voice matched Julie’s for sarcasm. ‘And don’t call him Shrek, it’s not nice.’

  ‘Oh, come on, Scarlet. I appreciate you have done your best. He wears lovely suits, his hair is well-styled, you even went to physio with him and have trained him how to use those hands of his. But he is still a forty-year-old monster. He treats you like a Barbie doll and you treat him as a lapdog.’ Not able to contain herself, Julie laughed out loud.

  ‘And that is just how I like him. If it ain’t broken, Julie, why fix it? He knows he can stop being my driver whenever he pleases. He can walk away tomorrow if he wants.’

  Standing there in her blue cashmere dress, matching shoes and full-length mink coat, she made quite the statement these days.

  ‘Don’t get uppity with me, young lady. I used to wipe your arse ...’ Julie faltered. ‘Well, I used to watch Elle wipe your arse.’

  ‘We work well together. He protects me.’

  ‘From what I have heard you don’t need protection, Scarlet.’ Julie gave her a knowing look. She had heard the tales of Scarlet’s ways of demanding money with menaces from Ralph. Apparently, all of their payments were on time and Scarlet had created quite a reputation for herself. She was cold and heartless and with Knuckles by her side, she was frightening.

  ‘So, when are you going to join the baby club, then, and give Dominic a child?’ Again Julie pushed Scarlet. It made her laugh. She was so much like Tony it was unbelievable. Her fuse was always ready to blow.

  ‘Oh, he wants to have tests. He thinks he must be a Jaffa, but what’s the rush? I will leave that to Katie. After all, I have Adam.’ Scarlet loved Adam. She was like a second mother to him.

  ‘A Jaffa? What is that when it’s at home?’ Elle looked confused. She had no idea what Scarlet was talking about.

  ‘Seedless, Elle. You know.’ Julie nodded to her. ‘No sperm cells. Infertile.’

  ‘Oh, goodness, no. Is that right, Scarlet? You and Dominic can’t have children? Oh, you poor things.’ Elle had presumed they had just put things on hold for a while. She was sad at the thought that Scarlet wouldn’t be a mother.

  ‘Don’t worry, Elle,’ Julie drawled, ‘it might have something to do with that five-year coil she had put in and forgot to mention to Dominic. Poor bastard.’

  ‘Julie, how could you?’ Scarlet looked appalled and hurt at the very suggestion. Her blue eyes flashed at Julie. How the hell did she know that? It was a well-kept secret. She wasn’t ready to have children yet. She enjoyed her lifestyle, enjoyed running things with her father and Knuckles.

  Throwing her hands up in the air, Julie made light of it and burst out laughing. ‘Just a joke, Scarlet.’

  ‘I’m ready, Scat. Is Knuckles outside?’ Fortunately, Adam came into the room and stopped Julie’s banter.

  ‘He is, darling. Now, off you go and enjoy yourself.’ Ruffling his hair with her hands and straightening his football scarf, Scarlet made her usual fuss of him.

  ‘Bye, Mum.’ Adam ran excitedly to the door. He knew, as always, Scarlet would have left a present on the back seat for him. It was usually one of his favourite games for his console.

  ‘You spoil him, Scarlet. No wonder he runs out of here without a backward glance.’ Smiling, Francesca poured a cup of coffee for each of them.

  ‘He’s my beautiful baby brother, why shouldn’t I spoil him?’

  The afternoon passed quickly as they all caught up on the weekly gossip. In no time at Adam came running back through the door, all excited. His team had obviously won and he’d had a great time. ‘I’m going upstairs to play this now,’ he said, waving his present. In a flash, he was gone again.

  ‘I must dash, Mum. Have a lovely evening with Papa.’

  Francesca and Julie walked Scarlet to the door to wave her off. Julie bent to kiss her on the cheek. ‘We share the same doctor, Scarlet,’ she whispered in her ear, ‘I know you have a coil in.’ Then, standing upright, she smiled. ‘Go on, there’s Shrek standing with the door open. Don’t keep him waiting, now.’ Seeing Scarlet blush confirmed everything she already knew.

  Sitting in the back seat, Scarlet opened her briefcase. ‘Right, Knuckles, back to business. We’ll go to the salon first and sort the takings out then we’ll—’ Scarlet stopped short as, without taking his eyes off the road, Knuckles held up a string of pearls and handed them over to the back seat.

  ‘Pearls? For me? Oh, Knuckles, I have told you before, you shouldn’t spend your money on me.’ Taking hold of the string of pearls, Scarlet marvelled at their beauty.

  ‘Didn’t.’ Knuckles’ conversation hadn’t improved over the years, but Scarlet had got used to it.

  ‘You didn’t what, Knuckles?’ Looking into the rear-view mirror, Scarlet looked at his face.

  ‘Stole them. Couldn’t get the box,’ was all he said.

  Scarlet’s heart sank. This wasn’t the first time he had done something like this. Maybe Julie was right. You couldn’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. And old habits die hard.

  ‘Knuckles, we have discussed this before. You have more than enough money. And you don’t have to get me presents.’ As much as Scarlet was flattered, she felt she had to say something. She secretly loved the fact that every now and again Knuckles would turn up with the unexpected, though it did beggar belief that he had only just been to a football match with her brother. When did he steal them?

  Taking hold of each end of the string of pearls and rubbing them across her mouth, as though flossing, she asked the obvious question. ‘Are they real?’ A big grin spread across her face as she saw him nod.

  ‘Money’s mine. Do you like them, Miss Scarlet?’

  ‘You’re so right, Knuckles.’ She laughed. ‘Your money is your own to do as you wish with. And these, Knuckles, are absolutely beautiful. Thank you.’ Reaching forward to the front of the driver’s seat, she squeezed his shoulder, then proceeded to put the string of pearls around her neck. His stony expression never changed, although she saw him glance up at the mirror. Sometimes she thought she had seen the glimmer of a smile, but then knowing Knuckles it was probably wind!


  ‘Good, Scarlet,
you’re here. I’m taking your mother out tonight. We’ll go straight home. Do you think you can manage things here?’ Tony had got used to having Scarlet by his side, she had become a great asset. She had slowly started taking over the ‘security’ side of things, which was basically making sure everyone paid their dues. ‘Oh, and what is this about you charging the strippers to work here? I keep getting earache about it. What is going on, Scarlet?’ Sometimes Tony despaired of her. ‘You can leave, Knuckles, you’re not needed here.’

  Tony’s anger rose as he saw Knuckles turn towards Scarlet. ‘What the fuck are you waiting for? Her permission to leave? Get out, you fucking oaf. I pay the wages around here.’

  ‘It’s okay, Knuckles.’ Scarlet intervened and touched his arm. ‘I’m just going to have a quiet word with Papa.’

  ‘What the hell is going on with you two? He does my head in, no wonder you and Dominic are always arguing about him. If he defies me again, Scarlet, I will put a bullet in his head or I will take him off you completely and put him back working on the doors. Do you hear me?’

  Wincing at the mention of Dominic, she felt her cheeks burn. Dominic was always complaining these days. He had said he felt he had to make an appointment with Knuckles to speak to his wife. ‘He’s just got used to following my instructions, Papa. He doesn’t mean any harm. He’s just a bit thick at times.’ As much as Scarlet always defended Knuckles, she realised now was the time to appeal to her father’s better nature. ‘Anyway, I saw Mum today. She is really looking forward to tonight. What have you bought her?’ Changing the subject and mentioning her mother always lightened the mood.

  ‘This.’ Tony opened his desk drawer and took out a red velvet box. In it was a gold bangle with two heart-shaped rubies. The inscription read: ‘Two hearts, one soul’.

  ‘It’s lovely, Papa. She will love it, you old romantic.’ She kissed him on the cheek. She marvelled at the rubies and made a mental note that she must get Knuckles to steal her one just like it.

  ‘So, you have softened me up, Scarlet, now tell me about the strippers.’ Tony was determined that he wasn’t going to let this go.

  ‘It’s business, Tony.’ Now Scarlet was back in business mode. ‘This club is one of the most elite pole dancing clubs there is, if not the best. It’s a privilege for them to work here. They get a wage and yet they are still all fighting over the best shifts. I have solved that problem. If they want the best shifts, then they pay a commission for them. What is a hundred pounds? They can earn that in tips, if they are any good.’

  Tony couldn’t help smiling. Scarlet was a good businesswoman and over the last few years had become as cunning and as crafty as a fox. ‘So,’ he said, laughing, ‘you charge them for their hairstyling. You charge them to use your tanning booths and now you charge them to work here. I like your style, Scarlet. Get out,’ he joked. He couldn’t help laughing. Nothing she did shocked him anymore.

  ‘Have a good night tonight.’ Scarlet winked at him and went out into the club, where Knuckles was waiting for her.



  Tony was waiting at the bar of the restaurant as Francesca walked in. He had arranged to meet her there to save travelling time. She looked beautiful. Her long wavy, auburn hair trailed down her back, highlighting the white, spangled, tasselled cocktail dress she wore.

  ‘You look beautiful. Happy anniversary, darling.’ He gently kissed her on the lips and then waited for the waiter to show them to their table. They laughed and they flirted with each other.

  ‘You know, I’ve been thinking about my mother today.’ Tony’s eyes saddened at the thought. ‘It’s strange, I haven’t thought about her for years, but today I couldn’t get her out of my mind.’

  Puzzled, Francesca looked over at him. His mind seemed to be wandering in remembrance. He never mentioned his mother. ‘Really? And what were you thinking about, darling?’ She could see that he was troubled and wanted to talk about it.

  ‘Oh, nothing.’ He tried brushing it off as a whim. ‘Just how the girls reminded me of the women in my life.’ He smiled. ‘Katie reminds me of Miriam. She sees everything and says nothing. Scarlet lives the life my mother always dreamed of. It seemed the higher she aimed, the lower she sank.’

  The candlelit romantic evening was everything it should be, and then Tony reached into his jacket pocket.

  ‘Damn it,’ he cursed. ‘Your present. I have left it on the desk in my office.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter, we can get it tomorrow. What is it?’ Francesca smiled lovingly at him.

  ‘It’s a bracelet. I wanted to give it to you tonight. I left it there when I showed it to Scarlet. Damn it. We’ll stop by the club on the way home and get it.’

  ‘Tony, don’t worry about it. We can pick it up tomorrow. Let’s enjoy our evening and go home. Adam’s having a sleepover and the house is ours to make as much noise in as we like.’ She tried to make light of his forgetfulness but she could see it disturbed him.

  ‘It’s your anniversary present. I want you to see it. I had it made especially for you.’

  ‘Okay, Tony. We’ll stop by the club and pick it up. Now, let’s finish our meal and stop worrying, darling. Another hour isn’t going to make any difference. Thank you, though.’


  ‘I’ll just be a minute, I know where it is.’ Tony was getting out of the car and then turned back to Francesca. ‘Unless you fancy a nightcap.’

  ‘Mm, that would be nice, and I could say hello to Scarlet while I’m here.’

  Tony went down to his office while Francesca made her way to the bar, where Scarlet sat on her stool with Knuckles at her side.

  ‘Mum, sit down and have a drink. Where is Papa?’

  ‘Gone down to the office. He forgot to pick up my anniversary present. I think he thinks it’s spoiled the evening.’

  ‘It’s beautiful, Mum, I’ve seen it. He’s probably more excited about it than you are. The inscription is lovely. What’s that?’ Something had captured Scarlet’s attention. There was a noise coming from the foyer. ‘Knuckles, go and see what’s going on. Probably some drunk, but find out where the doormen are.’ She was angry at the thought that her father was here and there was trouble. She needed to sort it – fast! Excusing herself, she followed Knuckles. Francesca followed Scarlet. She was surprised her daughter could hear anything with the music as loud as it was. If it was some drunken upset it would be sorted soon enough. It wouldn’t be the first time. People got drunk and they argued. That was a part of club life.

  There was a man in the foyer shouting at a man and a woman. He was threatening the woman.

  ‘What the hell is going on here?’ Scarlet walked up to the doorman and slapped his face, hard. ‘Get that fucking drunk out of my foyer, now.’

  Rubbing his cheek and feeling embarrassed, the doorman felt he had to explain. ‘That’s his wife with another bloke, Scarlet. He’s just caught them together.’

  ‘I don’t care if that is his wife with a monkey. Get them out of here. You!’ Scarlet shouted at the couple. ‘You have five minutes to take your domestics and fuck off.’

  Tony walked down the corridor from his office. Hearing the noise, he started walking faster and headed to the foyer. He saw the man take out a gun and wave it around aimlessly. He pointed it at the couple. ‘You bitch, I’m going to kill you. You have been cheating on me with that piece of shit!’ In his other hand he was holding a bottle of whisky and he took a drink. Everyone stood back at the sight of the gun.

  Knuckles walked up and grabbed hold of the end of the gun just as it fired. The bullet went straight through his hand, leaving the man shocked at the sight before him. There was no blood, just a hand with a hole in it.

  He started turning around in a half circle, pointing the gun and shouting threats at everyone there. One of the doormen had already telephoned the police. He aimed the gun at his wife. ‘I’ll shoot you, you bitch,’ he shouted. His wife ran for cover.

  Tony saw the m
an’s finger on the trigger and ran forward. The woman ran beside Francesca, near the cloakroom hatch. ‘Francesca!’ Tony shouted, and suddenly the gun went off.

  Everything seemed to go in to slow motion.

  On hearing Tony’s voice, Francesca turned, just as he ran up to her and tried pushing her out of the way, and then he slumped into her arms.

  ‘Tony?’ The dead weight of Tony in her arms pulled her down on to her knees.

  ‘Call an ambulance, Tony’s been shot,’ she heard someone shout. She removed her hand from his back and saw blood. Kneeling beside him on the floor, she grabbed his head. ‘Tony! Tony! Speak to me,’ she shouted. Fear and panic gripped her. This couldn’t be true. She kissed his face and saw his eyes flicker. ‘I’ll come back for you,’ he whispered, with his last breath. His lifeless body lay on the floor.

  Francesca’s once-white dress was now drenched in blood. Her hands were covered in it and her face was smeared with it. Tears rolled down her face. Everyone from the nightclub had run into the foyer to see what had happened. They all stood there in shock. Tony Lambrianu was dead.

  Francesca pulled Tony’s head on to her lap and held it. Throwing her head back she let out a deafening howl, like a wolf baying at the moon. It seemed to go on forever.

  The police came running through the doors and stopped when they saw the sight before them. Looking around, they saw a man face down on the floor with his hands behind his back. One of the doormen was sitting on him. The gunman had been wrestled to the ground after the shot had been fired.

  They walked up to Tony’s lifeless body, and Francesca. She was a pitiful sight, covered in blood. Even her long hair was matted with it. Then they walked over to the man on the floor. Everyone was still in a state of shock and couldn’t take in what had happened.

  Trying her best to gather her thoughts, Scarlet stepped forward and pointed to the man. ‘That bastard has just shot my father when he should have shot her.’ She pointed to the woman cowering in the corner. ‘Knuckles, go and ring Julie. Tell her what has happened.’


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