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Tempest of Change

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by Jacie Douglass

  Tempest of Change

  The Magic Catalyst Chronicles – Book 3

  Jacie Douglass

  Tempest of Change Copyright © 2019, J.C. Douglass. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations in book reviews.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

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  Table of Contents


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Emily’s Stolen Playlist

  Emily’s Bonus Tracks

  Halloween Ball Big Band Playlist

  Sunday, October 11th

  Monday, October 12th

  Friday , October 30th

  Saturday, October 31st

  Sunday, November 1st

  Monday , November 2nd



  About the Author

  Emily’s Stolen Playlist

  First Set

  Sometime Around Midnight – The Airborne Toxic Event

  The Hand That Feeds – Nine Inch Nails

  Outside – Staind

  If Today Was Your Last Day – Nickelback

  Behind Blue Eyes – Limp Bizkit

  Don’t Let Me Down – The Chainsmokers featuring Daya

  In the End – Linkin Park

  Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd

  Second Set

  Wicked Games – HIM

  Slept So Long – Jay Gordan

  Counting Stars – OneRepublic

  Li’l Red Riding Hood – Bowling for Soup

  Paint it Black – Rolling Stones

  Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd

  Days go By [Guitar Version] – Dirty Vegas

  Days go By [Radio Edit] – Dirty Vegas

  Emily’s Bonus Tracks

  Sometime Around Midnight [Acoustic Version] – The Airborne Toxic Event

  Wicked Games – Chris Isaak

  Li’l Red Riding Hood – Sam the Sam & The Pharaohs

  Halloween Ball Big Band Playlist

  It Had to Be You – Billie Holiday

  Moonlight Serenade – BBC Big Band Orchestra

  I’m Getting Sentimental Over You – BBC Big Band Orchestra

  Sophisticated Lady – BBC Big Band Orchestra

  Begin the Beguine – BBC Big Band Orchestra

  A String of Pearls – BBC Big Band Orchestra

  In The Mood – BBC Big Band Orchestra


  Sunday, October 11th


  Leaning back against the headboard, I hit the speaker button and drop the phone onto the bed next to me. Ian had been going on for a while now about his attempts to trace the money. He’d listing off a bunch of different shell companies that were somehow related to the would be kidnappers, or at least related to the rental car anyways. At least I think that’s what he said. To be honest, he lost me a while back, but I haven’t had the heart to stop him. At least the guys can’t see that Ian’s boring me to death over the phone.

  “Ian,” Samil breaks in, interrupting the monologue. “Can you just sum it up for us?” I manage to stifle a giggle. Guess I wasn’t the only one losing the thread of the conversation.

  “Well,” Ian replies hesitantly. “To summarize, I’ve traced the rental car back to a company called CGA International and… well… hit a wall. They aren’t based in the U.S. and I haven’t been able to find any more information. Apparently it’s privately owned and based in a country where they aren’t obligated to disclose “sensitive operating” details.”

  “So we’re at a dead end?” I ask, trying to hide my disappointment.

  “At the moment,” Ian replies. “But I’m not giving up yet. It will just take more time. I’m still looking at other angles to tackle it.”

  “Okies,” I sigh. “I’m going to head to bed guys. I’ll talk to ya’ll tomorrow.”

  There’s a chorus of goodbyes from the phone and I disconnect the call.

  Ugh, why can’t the answers ever be straightforward? I just want a peaceful, normal life with my friends. Is that too much to ask for?

  Monday, October 12th


  “Hey Pixie, you got a minute?” Jared asks, catching me in front of my locker. I glance up, taking in his abnormally disheveled appearance with surprise. His usually smooth blue-black hair is in disarray, like he’d been running his hand over it. Long strands have escaped the ponytail and hang loose around his face, giving a sinister cast to his sharp features. Even his clothes seem unusually wrinkled; at least what I can see peeking out from underneath his long black jacket. Who knew you could wrinkle jeans? He must be having a bad day if he came to school in anything less than his normal perfection.

  I catch sight of Ian lurking behind him, trying to fade into the background. Ian at least looks normal in his button down shirt and slacks. A bit like an absent minded professor, but at least normal. I try to catch his eye, but they are hidden behind his long royal purple bangs.

  “Sure what’s up?”

  “Umm… So… Uhhh… I need to tell you something…” Jared steps forward and his cold energy rolls over me like a storm. Damn, whatever's up has even his aura feeling out of sorts.

  “Ok,” I reply, shifting to block their view of the inside of my locker. Some asshole had managed to rig a glitter bomb inside, along with a dozen paper fairies. The kids on this island really need to get a life. Luckily, Jared stares at the ceiling over my head. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to like whatever he has to say, just based on his body language.

  “Well… Umm… You see… When we were installing the cameras. We installed one on your bedroom window.”

  “Umm ok…. Is it not working right?”

  “Oh no, it’s working… That’s not the problem.”

  “Alright. Uhhh… Is it not getting the right angle of the yard? The 360 view looked great when I checked it last night.”

  “The 360 is fine… That’s not the issue either.”

  “Alright, what is the issue then?” I ask, shifting restlessly.

  “It’s pointing inside your room, not at the yard.” He says in a rush.

  “Ok, great... wait, what?”

  “We just wanted to be able to keep an eye on you, in case anyone did make it past the security system.” Jared is still looking anywhere but at me.

  “So you set up a camera to see inside my bedroom? You do realize how creepy that is?” He finally looks at me.

  “We didn’t think of that at the time…”

  “Sure you didn’t, bunch of pervs.”

  “Really, we wouldn’t… Umm, Emmy, why do you have glitter all over you?”

  “New fashion statement.” I snap, folding my arms across my chest.

  “Yah, right… And you just happened to do it here in the hallway? So you could get it all over the place?”

  “Look, it’s a stupid prank, now stop trying to change the subject from the real issue here… The camera recording my bedroom. You guys are lucky I wear pajamas, if you had recorded me naked, I’d be forced to k
ill you,” I tell him, narrowing my eyes and giving him a death glare.

  “Hey, we’re sorry.” Ian jumps in, punching his twin in the shoulder.

  “I’m sorry!” Jared gasps, rubbing his shoulder. “Really, REALLY sorry. We can remove it or change the angle so it points towards the yard. Whatever you want.”

  I try to stay mad but I just can’t find it in me. Stupid as they are, they were just trying to help.

  “Sure. Whatever,” I shrug, turning back to my disaster of a locker. “Leave it there. But if I find pictures of me in my pajamas floating around the internet, you're all dead men.”

  “What?!? No way, we would never do that, Pixie!”

  “Uh huh… Sure you wouldn't.”

  “So you’re not mad?” Ian asks hesitantly.

  “No… I’m irritated, but I’m not mad.” Ian grabs me and spins me around for a hug.

  “Now seriously Pixie… How long have these ‘pranks’ been happening?” Jared asks, holding up a paper fairy that managed to escape. I sigh, rolling my eyes.

  “A month or so? It’s not a big deal.”

  “Fruit fly?” Ian reads aloud, picking up a note that had fallen out. I snatch it back and crush it into a ball.

  “Look, it’s fine.” I sigh, shoving the note back in my locker. “People are ignorant asshats. This crap isn’t important.”

  “Wait, are they harassing you because of us?”

  “Like some notes and glitter is going to stop me from being friends with you guys?” I scoff.

  “That’s not the point, Emmy. You told us we weren’t supposed to keep secrets from you and yet you’re keeping secrets from us!”

  “This,” I say, waving my hand at the mess. “Isn’t a secret. This is juvenile bullshit, not even worth talking about. We’ve got enough on our plate already. I’ve got no time for homophobic bullies.”


  “Never mind. I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” I tell them, slamming the locker door closed.


  “Don’t Pixie me. Can we please drop this? Glitter bombs and nasty notes are just not worth my time. Anyways, I need to get going.” I say, grabbing my bag off the floor and turning to leave.

  “Umm… But we’re your ride, Emmy…

  “Hockey practice today,” Jared shrugs.


  “Fine, but I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  “Ok, Pixie, consider the subject dropped… for now.”

  “Forever,” I growl, and head to the parking lot, leaving the twins to trail behind me. I hit the side door and stop. How do I not know what the twins’ car looks like?

  “This way, Emmy,” Ian calls, turning to the left. They walk over to a black four door Cadillac sedan covered with images of blue and white dragons. I blink. Wow, now that is not what I expected. It’s certainly not inconspicuous.

  “So any more progress on the would be kidnappers.”

  “Not much. They caught the first ferry off the island after they tried to grab you. But honestly, I’m sure they planned on being on that ferry either way. I’m still working on tracking back the rental car. Like I said last night, it was rented under a business account and the driver used a fake id. It’s taking more time than expected. Whoever organized this went to a lot of trouble to keep it from being tracked back to them. Someone definitely is trying to make sure their identity remains a secret”

  We pull up to my house and I reach for the handle.

  “Want us to come in with you?” Ian asks, turning to look back at me.

  “If you want. You don’t need to babysit me, you know. That’s why you installed the security system.”

  “Maybe we just want to spend more time with you, Pixie.”

  “Uh huh, sure. But whatever, come on in.” I climb out of the car and head to the door, leaving them to follow or not. The sound of car doors slamming lets me know which they choose. Disarming the alarm, I open the front door and drop my bag by the closet before heading to the kitchen.

  “Where’s your mom, Pixie?”

  “That’s the ten million dollar question, isn’t it? Probably off with one of her volunteer projects or at the country club.” I grab three cans of Coke from the fridge and put them on the counter.

  “You know, we still don’t know anything about your life before you came back to the island, Emmy.”

  “That makes two of us,” I laugh, cracking open a can and taking a drink. “Or is it three? Well whatever, it’s a mystery to all of us.”

  “You must have learned something.”

  “Uhh… Not really. After I woke up in the hospital, my Father was never around. Not even when I got home. And my Mom…” I tap my nails against the counter. “I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like she lets everyone walk all over her. My Father, my alleged school friends, the sleazebag that claimed to be my fiancé.”

  “Wait, what did you say?” Ian asks, frowning in confusion.

  Oh Crap. “Nothing, I didn’t say anything.”

  “Bullshit, Pixie. You said “fiancé”. What fiancé? And why haven’t we heard about this before?”

  “Ugh, don’t ask. It’s the stupidest story ever.”

  “... Pixie…”

  “Seriously!” They both stare at me with those ocean blue eyes, and I sigh in defeat. “Jesus. It was some kind of arranged marriage my parents set up. Who even does that anymore? The guy was a creep and it ended with a well-placed knee to the groin. That convinced him I’d be a poor choice for a wife and I didn’t hear from him again. Shortly after that, Mom announced we were moving here. Other than my psychiatrist’s obsession with talking about the psychological repercussions of a broken “engagement”, it hasn’t come up. Mom never mentioned it again, and I’m certainly not going to bring it up.”

  “Wow, Emmy… that’s just…”

  “Creepy weird,” Jared finishes.

  “Any other questions?”

  “Where were you born?”

  “No idea”

  “Where were you living before you got here?”

  “Umm, good question. No one ever said. It could have been anywhere with a dry desert climate. Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah. Some place hot, with blue skies and lots of dirt.”

  “Do you have any other family?”

  “Not that I know of. Mom mentioned once that I look like my Grandmother, but I’ve never met her or even seen a picture, so I assumed she’s not around anymore. I didn’t find any family pictures at either of the houses, so I’m guessing I don’t.”

  “Jesus, Pixie. Didn’t your parents tell you anything?”

  “Umm, not really. Like I said, my Father was always working and my Mom just stonewalled my questions or referred me to talk to my absentee father.”

  “Wow Emmy… I can’t believe they didn’t try to help your fill in the gaps after you lost your memory.”

  I shrug. “It is what it is. At this point, my past isn’t ranking on my priority list. In the grand scheme of things, it’s just not that important.”

  “I guess…”

  “Hey, here’s something I do know. I graduated early and should be attending Stanford right now. But my psychiatrist convinced my Mom that I should repeat my senior year to get more “experience” with life again before going off to college.” I give them a wry smile. “I warned you there wasn’t anything to talk about. Maybe it would be better to talk about you guys.”

  “Fraid you probably know most of it already. You heard about our Great Granmamma and our parents. We work part time for S.A.S.S. Our parents want us to take over eventually. Once we graduate college.”

  “Is that what you guys want to do?”

  “Maybe?” Jared shrugs. “It’s too soon to make that kind of decision.”

  “So tell me about the twin connection. Clayton mentioned it the day you got hurt at hockey tryouts.” They exchange glances.

  “Not sure how to describe it,” Ian says slowly. “It doesn’t happen all the
time. Extreme pain. We’ll occasionally share the same opinions and thoughts, but definitely not on everything.” They exchange cryptic looks.

  “So what do you want for dinner?” Jared jumps in, dropping a bunch of takeout menus on the counter. “We’re buying.”

  I laugh and grab a menu, clearly he wants to change the subject, and I can get that.

  Friday, October 30th


  “Guess what today is.” Sebastian grins as I get in the SUV. The sun shines off his messy golden blonde hair and I look away quickly. Ugh, why does it have to be so bright out?

  “It’s too early for guessing games, Bastion,” I growl, buckling my seat belt before leaning back and closing my eyes.

  “Someone hasn’t had her coffee this morning,” Clayton laughs from the back seat. Without looking, I flip him the bird, causing both of them to laugh harder.

  “Still not a morning person,” I grumble.

  “Does that mean you’re not going to guess?” Sebastian pouts.

  “Nope, not guessing. You should have waited till a decent hour to ask me.”

  “Aww, please, Sprite…”


  “Pretty please?”

  “Not happening.”

  “I’ll let you drive us home from school.”

  I crack open one eye and look at him. “Really?”

  “Yup, but you have to make at least three guesses!”

  “Fine, fine… What was the question again?”

  “Guess what today is?”

  “The Mayan Apocalypse?”

  “Uh, no, that was in 2012.”

  “Oh, didn’t know that.”

  “Next guess!”

  “National Hug a Hobo Day?”

  “Umm no… Is that even a thing?”

  “Hell if I know? But it sounded good.”

  “Try again.”

  “Mystery Meat Special in the Cafeteria Day? Oh wait, that’s every day. But that’s three guesses, so I give up.”

  “Aww… You weren’t even trying!”


  “Just tell her already, Bast. Before she kills you in her caffeine deprived state.”


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