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Tempest of Change

Page 3

by Jacie Douglass

  “Give me a minute to put on the rest of my costume, Em, then I’ll help you out,” Samil says, turning off the engine.

  I nod and he's out of the SUV in a flash. Moments later he’s opening the door behind me, and I turn in my seat to watch as he pulls out accessories to complete his steampunk look. He buckles on a low slung belt, with an assortment of pouches and gadgets hanging from it. Next he straps a huge leather holster onto his back, then grabs a strange looking rifle with clear glass balls built into the barrel. Leaning the rifle against the SUV and grabbing his mask, he closes the back door and opens mine.

  “Help me with my mask?” he asks, offering me a masculine black leather mask similar in style to the one they’d given me.

  “Sure,” I smile and turn in my seat, using the added height to reach him. He sets his top hat on the roof before turning his back to me. I lean forward, pressing against his back as I reach around with the masks. His hands brush mine, sending a shiver down my spine, as he guides it into place, while I try to keep hold of the ribbons. I bring them around his head and tie a snug knot.

  “Is that good?” I ask. “Not to tight?”

  “Nope, it’s perfect,” he responds, and I tie the ribbons into a bow. I drop my hands and lean away from him, confused by what’s going on with me tonight. I’ve never reacted to Samil like this before. The last thing I need is weird feelings to complicate my friendship with the guys.

  Samil turns to face me, somehow managing to look even sexier and more mysterious with the mask on. He grabs the rifle and slides it into the holster on his back then puts on his hat. Taking my mask with one hand, he offers me the other. I let him help me out of the SUV, trying to ignore the sparks dancing over my skin.

  “Let me help you with yours,” he offers.

  “Thanks,” I flash him another smile, taking the mask and holding it to my face before turning away from him. His hand brushes the back of my neck and a gasp involuntarily escapes my lips at the touch. I hum to cover it as he ties the mask into place and steps away. He offers me his arm and we head towards City Hall.

  As we walk, I’m so glad I went with the boots. The cobblestone roads downtown might look pretty to the tourists but they are hell to walk on. I can’t even imagine trying to keep my balance on them wearing heels. I’d probably get my heel stuck and fall on my face.

  The old marble City Hall is lit up from top to bottom, giving it a festive air. Deep purple fairy lights drip from the trees lining the path and continue up to the door and inside the entry. Music fills the hall, immediately changing the atmosphere of the building. There’s a coat check set up immediately to the right of the entrance and Samil takes my cloak and returns with a ticket. I reach for it, but he slips it in his pocket with a smile. I raise an eyebrow and open my mouth to protest, but he stops me with a hand on my arm.

  “We’ll take care of it,” he assures, tucking my arm in his. “Now come on, you don’t want to miss the excitement.” With another smile, he guides me down the hall towards the music.

  As we enter the party, it’s like stepping back in time. The large room is softly lit with cobweb draped chandeliers and wall sconces. The purple fairy lights continue throughout the area, adding an ethereal glow. Someone went all out with the Halloween decorations, and I catch glimpses of ghostly figures, appearing and then disappearing again. It has to be some kind of projector, but the effect is disconcerting at first. The stage is set up on the far side of the room, and a band of ghouls are currently up play classic 40s big band songs. Half the town already appears to be here; couples dance while small groups cluster around free standing tables along the edges.

  “The younger crowd will filter in more as the night goes on,” Samil breaths in my ear, suddenly closer. “The early bands are for the adults. The mood shifts as they start heading home and the music will pick up after ten.”

  “Wow,” I reply, still trying to take everything in. “You guys weren’t kidding about this being a bid deal. It’s like we’ve walked onto a movie set.”

  He chuckles in response. “Definitely wasn’t kidding. This is a town tradition. Everyone over 16 attends. It’s a unique way to keep teenagers off the streets and out of trouble on Halloween.” I didn’t have to see his face to hear the satisfaction in his voice.

  “This really is an amazing place. I wish I could have grown up here, not that I’d remember.” I sigh. Samil slides his hand into mine and gives it a squeeze. I start turning towards him, when movement catches my eye. I freeze at the sight of Jared approaching, the crowd parting before him. I hadn’t given much thought on what costumes the rest of the guys would wear, but even had I known, nothing would have prepared me for this.

  His normally slicked back and bound hair hangs loose around his face, flowing like silk over his shoulders and down his back. His black mask matches Samil’s, but serves to highlight his sharp cheekbones and straight nose, giving him an almost dangerous look. The actual costume is simple in comparison to Samil's. A tight black mesh shirt with black straps crisscrossing his chest, low slung black leather pants that appear almost painted on, the way they highlight the muscles in his thighs before disappearing into black boots. But it’s the huge black feathered wings on his back that capture everyone’s attention. The tips of the wings are almost even with the top of his head. They arch back and end right before his knees. He’s like a beautiful Angel of Death come to claim his next soul. Appearing both ethereal and powerful all at once. Samil chuckles in my ear, clearly noticing the direction of my attention.

  “Jared loves to make an impression at the Ball,” he whispers, his body angled towards mine. Samil’s lips brush across my cheek again as Jared reaches us and he slips my hand from his arm and places it in Jared’s. Sparks of blue and purple flare up as our three hands meet.

  “I’ll catch up with you later. Have fun, Em,” Samil says before disappearing into the crowd. Jared draws me forward into his arms, his ocean blue eyes heated.

  “You look good enough to eat, Pixie,” he whispers in my ear, tightening his embrace till I can feel the heat of his body through my clothes. “Dance with me?” Jared asks, pulling back until his eyes meet mine. “While the crowd is still sober enough to get out of the way of my wings.”

  I nod and laugh, the lightness of his words breaking the tension between us. Dropping his hand to my waist, he guides us on to the dance floor, the crowd parting and moving out of the way as he predicted. The music slows as the band switches to a new song. He pulls me snug against him, his forehead resting against mine as we move in time with the music. I let my eyes close, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms.

  “It had to be you,” Jared sings softly along with the music, and my eyes fly open in surprise.

  “It had to be you.

  I wandered around,

  And finally found the somebody who.

  Could make me be true,

  Could make me feel blue

  And even be glad

  Just to be sad

  Thinking of you.”

  “That’s beautiful,” I murmur as he trails off. “Somehow I hadn’t pegged you as a big band fan.” I lean back and flash him a smile so he knows it’s not a criticism.

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” Jared responds with a smirk, spinning me away from him, before gently pulling me back.

  “I suppose you’re right about that. Clearly you’ve got hidden depths, Ocean,” I say with a wink. “But I suppose that shouldn’t be a surprise. So tell me something else I don’t know about you.” His blue eyes searching mine silently, before he leans in to rest his head on my shoulder.

  “You were my first kiss,” he whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. “But since you don’t remember, I think I deserve a do over.” He straightens, those piercing blue eyes scanning my face to take in my reaction. My heart races and I can feel the heat in my cheeks. The band switches to a slow version of “Moonlight Serenade” and Jared moves my hand to his shoulder and slips his arm
around my waist.

  “You don’t have to answer now, Pixie. I’ll be here when you decide.” I rest my head on his shoulder, trying to process my thoughts. Of all the things he could have shared, I never could have imagined it would be that. My heart aches at the idea that we’d shared a first kiss that I couldn’t remember. And in that moment, I wanted it back. Regardless of what was going on with my life, with the “incident”, and magic, the Magi, the kidnapping attempts, and everything else, I suddenly wanted to replace the first kiss that was stolen from me. But more surprising, I wanted it to be with Jared. I tilt my head back to meet his eyes, before dropping my gaze to his lips.

  “I agree. We need a do over,” I breathe, flicking my gaze back up to his. Jared smiles, slowly lowering his lips. His energy hits me first, a cold wave across my skin before his warm lips press against mine, somehow both soft and firm at the same time. His tongue traces the seam until my lips part and it can continue its gentle exploration. Ripples of pleasure run through me as his tongue caresses mine, slowly at first but then bolder as I moan softly against his lips.

  After what feels like forever, he slowly pulls back. His eyes appear to be glowing as his gaze catches mine. The vivid blue of his aura swirls around us like a storm.

  “Wow,” I manage, breathless. “Was it like that the first time?”

  “I think the magic is adding a new dynamic,” he replies slowly. He opens his mouth like he’s about to say something else, when his eyes focus over my shoulder. His mouth snaps shut, his spine straightening.

  “Mind if I steal Emmy for a bit?” Ian voice comes from behind me.

  “Of course not, Big Brother,” Jared grins, his familiar smirk back in place. He leans in and lightly kisses my cheek before spinning me around. Ian flashes me a shy smile as Jared guides me into his arms. Ian takes my right hand in his and slides his left hand around to rest on my lower back. For a moment I’m caught between the two of them. Their combined energy rushes through me, leaving me light headed. I sway unsteadily, only their bodies keeping me from stumbling. Ian’s arms tighten around me, while Jared’s hands are steady on my shoulders, and I feel the length of his body pressing against me.

  “I’ll catch you later, Pixie” Jared whispers in my ear, before pulling back. His hands slide across my shoulders as he steps away. Jared’s energy fades, leaving only the gentle reassuring whisper of Ian’s.

  “You look incredible, Emmy,” Ian finally says as he smoothly switches us into a waltz. I feel myself blushing, still not used to all the compliments and his smile widens, revealing sharp canines.

  “You make a very dashing vampire,” I tell him with a smile. I can’t help but admire the form fitting cut of his black Victorian style jacket over the pristine white of the lace trimmed shirt. How had I missed just how well built he was, always hidden under his preppy absentminded professor clothes?

  “Thank you,” he replies quietly. “I thought it would be ironic, considering I’m not exactly smooth or charming.” He dips his head, causing his bangs to fall forward and cover one eye. I frown at his comment, moving my hand from his shoulder to brush back the unruly hair.

  “Look at me?” I ask, waiting till his eyes meet mine before continuing. “You’re a different kind of charming, Ian. When you talk, I know you’ve thought it through and mean what you say. It’s a quality I appreciate.”

  “Maybe, but I’m nothing like Jared.”

  “Why would you want to be?” I ask, tilting my head. “You’re uniquely you, and I think you’re perfect just the way you are. Want to know a secret?” I ask raising a brow. Ian nods and I flash him a grin, before leaning in to whisper in his ear.

  “Most of the time, I have no idea how to take your brother and his hot and cold running moods. Angry one moment, flirting the next. But I always know where I stand with you, and I like that.” I lightly kiss him on the cheek before leaning back to look him in the eyes.

  Ian’s serious blue eyes search mine, as though testing them for the truth. He finally nods and breaks out in a slow smile.

  “Thank you, Emmy. I love my brother, but sometimes it’s hard… Always being in his shadow.”

  “Oh Ian, the only shadow you need to step out of is your own. You have totally different talents than Jared. One day you’ll have the world at your feet, with your skills and intellect. There just aren’t enough people on this island able to truly appreciate you.”

  “This is why we love you, Emmy. You always see the best in everyone.”

  I shake my head in denial, brushing off his words. “The Emily you guys grew up with is gone, Ian. I’m really sorry, but it’s the truth.”

  “She’s not gone, Emmy,” Ian responds fiercely, capturing my chin in his hand and forcing me to look at him. “You may have forgotten yourself, but we see you. You’re the same caring girl we spent our summers with. The same girl who would fight to keep up with us, bandage our scrapes, and kiss our bruises. Who risked her parents’ anger to sneak out to play with us. Who made sure we took care of each other when she couldn’t be here to do it. That’s the Emily we love. The same one who’s here with us tonight.”

  I open my mouth to respond but his next words steal the breath from my lungs.

  “The Emmy that cried when we confronted her, because she’d inadvertently hurt us. That’s our Emily. They may have stolen your memories, but they couldn’t steal the beautiful person you are inside.” I blink rapidly, staring at the ceiling trying to keep the tears pooling in my eyes from falling. He pulls me into a hug, gently kissing my forehead.

  “See,” I whisper hugging him tightly. “What you say is always thought out and important.”

  “And you’re deflecting,” Ian smiles, “but because it’s your birthday weekend, I’ll let you get away with it.”

  I laugh, rolling my eyes at him. Ian looks over at the stage, then back at me with a smile.

  “Speaking of which, it’s almost time for your next present.” He says, coming to a stop and stepping back. With a small bow, he offers me his hand. I slip my hand into his and he guides us off the floor to the refreshment table.

  “Punch?” Ian asks, pouring two glasses.

  “I thought you warned me it was spiked?” I lean in and whisper, raising a brow. He passes me a glass and then grabs a bottle of water, pressing it into my free hand.

  “It probably is, but a little won’t hurt,” he reassures. “I’ve got to take care of something. Stay close, one of us will be back shortly.” And he slips off into the crowd. Laughing to myself, I move away from the table and find a vacant chair near the stage. I take the opportunity to rest for a bit and watch the party goers. Samil was right; a lot of the older crowd has left, leaving the party to the younger generation. I take a sip of the punch and cough at the sharp alcoholic bite. Uncapping the water, I take a long drink trying to wash away the taste. How do people drink this crap? They must have dead taste buds.

  Setting the nasty punch aside, I pull out my phone. No one said I couldn’t read while I wait for the guys to reappear. I shut out the noise around me and lose myself in the story.

  I vaguely register that the music has stopped and someone, the Mayor? Is talking, but it is not important enough to interrupt my reading.

  The band starts doing a sound check and warming up. I’d have thought they’d already taken care of that, but what do I know.

  “Happy Halloween everyone!”

  Wait a minute… Is that Sebastian? People start cheering and screaming, and I look over at the stage in confusion. The band from earlier is gone and another band is set up in their place… That’s Sebastian, and the rest of the guys up there. My guys’ are the next band? What the hell? I mean, they said they had their own band but… I hadn’t expected this tonight.

  Jared’s on the drums, his huge black wings flaring out behind him. Ian’s nearby at the keyboard, although he’s focused on the violin in his hands rather than the keys. Samil is sitting nearby, a cello resting between his thighs. I blink rapidly as not so
pure thoughts of the other things between his thighs flash through my mind. What is wrong with me tonight? I let my eyes drift over to Sebastian at the microphone. He’s wearing what I’m coming to think of as their signature mask. I tilt my head as I look him over, trying to place his all black outfit and head scarf.

  OMG, he’s the Dread Pirate Roberts, I realize with a laugh. He’s still talking up the crowd but I’ve been too distracted to pay attention to what he’d been saying. He looks damn good in the outfit, even though it’s not as formal as Samil’s or as revealing as Jared’s. The costume still manages to bring his muscular body to the forefront of my attention. He steps back from the mic and grabs a nearby guitar and I look over at Clayton. My eyes catch his and he gives me a brilliant smile. I lift my hand in acknowledgement, letting myself admire his genie costume. Bare feet and loose black pants with a bright aqua sash around his waist. His chest is bare under the long sapphire blue robe. I knew he was built, but holy shit! He looks like a fitness model, getting ready for a photo shoot. His chocolate skin gleaming under the stage lights. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was laughing at me from behind the signature mask as he even manages to make the ridiculous turban look sexy. No wonder all the girls at school were mad that he wasn’t dating.

  He turns back towards the guys and I blink as the spell is broken. The music starts and I can’t help but grin as I recognize one of my favorite songs “Sometime Around Midnight”. Finishing my bottle of water, I push my way through the crowd to join in on the dancing. The violin and cello form a beautiful contrast to the drums, guitar and bass. Sebastian’s voice breaks over the room, warm and smooth like silk. How have I never heard him sing before and why is he not in chorus with Samil and me.

  I close my eyes and let the music take me, moving instinctively, ignoring the occasional brushes with other dancers.


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