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Three Matings And A Baby: A Howls Romance

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by Tonya Brooks

  Three Matings & A Baby

  A Howls Romance Bite Of Life


  First Edition Copyright © 2019 by Tonya Brooks

  All rights reserved. This book or any portions thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author and publisher except for the use of brief quotations used in a book review.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.


  To Tonya's Tribal Council for everything you do. Y'all are the absolute best!

  To the readers who loved the Lassiter brothers and wanted more of them.

  As always, to my beloved Billy.









  It had been a hell of a day.

  Reece Lassiter had been enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon in Central Park with his mate and cub when his phone began to ring incessantly. After fielding calls from outraged city and state officials, he was absolutely livid. Because his calm, even-tempered, chivalrous prick of a brother had lost his fucking mind.

  Dane had interrupted Shana Nichols wedding to another man and kidnapped her in front of hundreds of witnesses. Her father, the fucking district attorney, had demanded his head on a pike. The mayor and a senator who had also been in attendance had insisted that Reece deal with this fiasco and return the bride unharmed.

  As the pack alpha, it was his responsibility to handle the mess, deal with the fallout, and ensure Shana's safety. Since he was also the Supreme Alpha Wolf Shifter of the United States, and Dane was his fucking Beta, the situation could have turned into a political nightmare if he hadn't handled it with kid gloves.

  Brute strength was more his style and if he had dealt with the situation with his usual lack of tact, Reece could have easily had a shit storm on his hands. Because as a wolf shifter, he had fully supported Dane's decision to claim his mate by any means necessary. Though he had managed to refrain from informing the irate politicians of that.


  Instead, he'd taken his ire out on the one who deserved it and chewed Dane's ass out, which hadn't done a bit of good or helped the situation. Because his little brother had finally grown a set and since Dane had been in a mating frenzy, nothing short of death would have pried him from Shana.

  Reece had been almost as proud as he was pissed.

  Dane had been born an alpha, but he had suppressed his wolf's natural inclination and refused to take his place as the leader of the pack even though he went out of his way to take care of others as a true alpha should. Combine that with his brother's kind heart and generous spirit and what you got was a chivalrous prick who refused to embrace his destiny.

  When Dane had refused to step up and accept his full potential, their father had named his oldest son pack alpha. A truly ruthless bastard, Reece had ruled with an iron paw and the respect he'd commanded was rooted in fear. But the pack loved his brother, and would blindly follow his lead without question.

  The situation had been long overdue, and it wasn't like he'd had a choice. It had been Reece's responsibility to rein Dane back in, even if he had to bare fangs and claws to do it. There had been nothing else that he could do when his brother provoked a confrontation. Because for once, his reasonable sibling had been completely unreasonable.

  The battle had been bloody and even though his wolf had fought valiantly, the stronger alpha had won. Reece had refused to do irreparable damage and when his wolf realized that the only way to overpower Dane was to kill him, he had admitted defeat. Family was more important than status to both man and beast.

  Besides, he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if his brother had been killed. Now that he had conceded his position as alpha, Reece was free to focus his time and attention on his mate and cubs. As far as he was concerned, he got the better end of the deal. Jolie and their children were his whole world.

  Thankfully, his little brother had managed to claim his mate and insisted that Reece officiate their mating ceremony later that evening. Since Dane was now his alpha, it had been a request he couldn't refuse. Not that he would have, because it truly was an honor to perform the ceremony.

  Though the timing couldn't have been worse. Reece's mate had almost died when she went into premature labor with their firstborn, and since Jolie was nearing her due date, he was overly protective of her. After all of the excitement of the day, he would have preferred for her to be at home resting.

  His mate had smacked his head and insisted on attending.

  He really loved it when she got feisty.

  While his sunshine girl took a nap that he had insisted on, Reece had contacted Shana's father to let him know that she was fine and the situation was under control. The pompous ass had bellowed and brayed for her immediate return and he had taken great pleasure in informing the man that any complaints needed to be addressed to the new Supreme Alpha.

  That said, he'd ended the call and contacted his assistant so she could inform the rest of the packs formerly under his control as well as the Paranormal United Nations that there had been a change in hierarchy. As far as he was concerned, his last executive action was complete and he was officially retired.

  That thought in mind, Reece left the office and went upstairs to the master suite where his beautiful mate was exiting the bathroom wrapped in a towel. As always, the radiance of her smile bathed his soul with sunlight and filled his heart with love. "You're supposed to be sleeping," he chided as he walked toward her.

  "I'm going to take a nap," she admitted as she dried her hair with another towel. "But before I do, I need someone to take an outfit over to Shana so she doesn't have to show up in Dane's sweats."

  Considering the mating frenzy that his brother had been in, the wedding gown that she'd arrived in was probably in shreds. Which explained why Shana had been wearing his brother's clothes when they had seen her. "Rest, sunshine," he commanded as he gently lifted her into his arms. "I'll take them to her."

  "Jesus Christ, Reece, I'm not helpless," she complained as he carried her across the room.

  "No, but you are precious to me," he countered and kissed the sass right out of her before he lowered her to the bed. "Indulge me."

  "Fine," she sighed in exasperation, but a smile curved her lips. "When is Bryce arriving?"

  They had left home in a mad rush earlier, and not knowing what he'd be walking into, Reece had left their son with his nanny. Now that the danger had passed, he'd arranged to have his driver bring them both out for the ceremony. "He'll be here soon," he assured her.

  "Good. Since you no longer have to deal with pack issues, you can keep him and the other children out of trouble until the ceremony," his adorable wife suggested with an impish smile.

  "Ride herd on a pack of cubs?" Reece asked in mock horror. "I'd fare better fangs deep in a pack war."

  Jolie laughed as he had intended. God, he loved the sound of her laughter. "I think you're tough enough to handle it."

  "I guess we'll find out. Rest, sunshine. I'll handle the cubs," he assured her with a wink and left the room. Once outside, he walked right into the middle of a shit storm that he wanted no part of. After a sternly barked warning to stand down until the alpha arrived, he climbed into a Jeep and drove away with a smile on his face.

  Pack issues were Dane's problem now. />


  "I can't go out in public like this."

  Dane Lassiter took in his mate's freshly fucked appearance in pure primal satisfaction. Her mane of sable hair was bed tousled, the pale green eyes sated and slumberous. Her curvaceous yet petite figure completely hidden beneath his sweat pants and t-shirt. "You look amazing," he replied honestly.

  She really did.

  Shana was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

  "Dane," she said in exasperation. "I need to take a shower. One sniff with those sensitive shifter noses and they'll know what we've been doing."

  He laughed and flashed her a wicked grin. "Trust me, beauty. They know." If his triumphant howl hadn't already alerted the pack, the mating mark peeking out from the neck of the oversized t-shirt she wore would.

  She rolled her eyes and pointed out, "I smell like sex."

  Closing the space that separated them, Dane pulled her into his arms and buried his nose in the curve of her neck. "You carry my scent, beauty. And my mark." He placed a tender kiss on the mating mark and felt her shiver in response. "Nothing could make me happier."

  She sighed in resignation and hugged him fiercely. "You always know just what to say to make me agree to anything," his mate grumbled without heat. "You'd never get away with it if I didn't love you so much."

  His wolf howled happily and his soul rejoiced as tears stung his eyes. Dane held her even tighter as he vowed, "I love you, Shana. More than words can ever say." Because she was the first person to ever say those words to him. His precious mate was the only woman who could love the unlovable.

  "Actions speak louder," she murmured against his lips as she pressed her lower body against his suggestively.

  He'd love nothing better than to take her back to the bed they had just left, but they had a mating ceremony to prepare for and he was eager to officially make her his. "After the ceremony," he promised and kissed her hungrily before reluctantly releasing her. "Besides, Reece is outside waiting for us."

  Wide-eyed at the revelation, she whispered, "How long has he been here?"

  "Long enough to know you're finally mated," his brother's amused voice announced from outside.

  "Damn shifter hearing. We are so having this cabin soundproofed," she hissed quietly as her cheeks flamed in embarrassment.

  Both brothers were still laughing when he led his mate out onto the porch. "I come bearing gifts," Reece said by way of explanation and extended a stack of folded clothing. "Jolie sent Shana some clothes."

  "Oh, I do love your wife," she said in relief and took the garments before giving his brother the evil eye. "The verdict is still out on you."

  "Ouch," the former alpha said with a laugh as she disappeared back into the cabin, the door slamming shut behind her. "Your mate has quite a bark."

  "She bites too," he grinned since his shoulder bore evidence of his human mate's bite.

  "Thought I'd give you a heads up," the other man informed him in amusement. "There's trouble brewing at the main house."

  Dane scowled and demanded, "You couldn't deal with it?"

  "Nooo, not my job anymore," he imparted cheerfully. "This shit storm is all yours, Alpha."

  God help him, he was the Alpha now. A position he'd never wanted.

  But his wolf had.

  Because the beast was an alpha. Pureblooded and powerful. And that was the reason why Dane had always maintained such fierce control over his wolf. Because he'd known what would happen if he ever gave the animal free rein. His wolf would have challenged the pack alpha, and when challenged, Reece always fought to the death.

  If he hadn't been in a mating frenzy, Dane would have never allowed his wolf to fight his brother. But, he had been out of control. Fortunately, his beast had not. The battle had been vicious, but in the end, Reece's wolf had conceded defeat. And the whole fucking pack saw it happen. So like it or not, Dane was the Alpha.

  "Jesus Christ. I haven't even been Alpha for a whole day yet," he groused. "What's going on?"

  "Shana's friends and family have invaded pack land and they're demanding to see her," he imparted with dark humor evident in his tone. "Garrett has scented his mate among them and apparently she's a real ball buster. She's standing between him and the men with her and he's about to lose his shit."

  "It has to be Cindy," Shana said as she walked out of the house dressed in a pair of form-fitting leggings and a t-shirt that matched her beautiful pale green eyes.

  Just what he fucking needed. Garrett Darnell was the head of pack security for a reason. His wolf was as vicious a fighter as they came and having men near his unmated woman would send him into a killing frenzy. Dane understood exactly what the other man was going through since it had just happened to him.

  He pulled his mate into his arms for a reassuring hug and said, "I'll deal with this while you get ready for the ceremony."

  "Like hell," she refused and pulled away to glare up at him. "My place is by your side, Mate, so get your ass in gear and let's handle this."

  God, he loved this feisty woman. She was the perfect mate for an alpha. He hauled her back into his arms and kissed her breathless before taking her hand and leading her to the Jeep his brother had driven over. "If Garrett loses control of his wolf, get Cindy out of there while I deal with him."

  "You be careful," Shana insisted. "We have a mating ceremony to attend."

  And that reminder was all the incentive he needed to make sure that nothing went wrong.


  Shana hadn't known what to expect, but the scene before her was almost comical. Her father was standing up inside his limo, his head and shoulders sticking out of the sunroof as he barked out orders and demands. The group of wolves and men surrounding the car were ignoring him for the most part.

  Their attention was focused on the people who had exited the car. And the big, scary looking man facing off against them with fangs and claws exposed. Her former fiancée, Lawrence Best was wedged protectively between the car and his mate, Bratcher Phelps. The professional football playing wolf shifter looked as feral as the other man.

  But what captured her complete attention was her roommate and best friend, Cindy de Suza. The crazy woman had placed herself between their friends and the snarling wolf shifter. Fire flashed in her light brown eyes as she gave him hell. If the situation hadn't been so dangerous, it would have been hilarious.

  The Jeep jerked to a stop and Dane jumped out of the vehicle. "Garrett, stand down," he barked in a commanding tone that was seriously hot. The hair rose on the back of her neck and tingles ran down her spine so she knew that her mate was using his badass alpha power to calm the pack members.

  The auburn-haired wolf shifter swung his wild-eyed gaze toward Dane and she could see that he was making a concerted effort to control his beast as he growled, "Mate."

  "I hear you, brother and I know what you're going through," Dane admitted as he walked slowly toward them. "Your mate is scared and there are men near her that you don't know."

  Scared? If Cindy was scared then she was hiding it well because the woman looked madder than hell. Actually, she looked like some kind of warrior princess as she stood her ground in defense of their friends. When Dane moved in front of her, she took a couple of steps back so she was standing next to Bratcher.

  Garrett saw the move and snarled a warning.

  Dane snarled back.

  Oh hell no. Shana had seen enough bloodshed for one day. Before the fur could start flying again, she jumped out of the Jeep and rushed over to her friends. "Garrett, this is Bratcher and his mate, Lawrence," she said briskly and saw the shocked expression on the shifter's face. "They're not a threat to Cindy."

  "Cindy," the name slipped past his lips on a soft growl as his golden eyes locked on her friend again. "Mine."

  "I've had more than enough of this drama," her father bit out from his position in the sunroof. "Shana, get in the car this instant and let the wolves tear each ot
her apart. We're going home."

  Dane never took his eyes off of the man in front of him, but she saw his entire body tense at the callous command. She glared up at her father and announced, "This idiot is my dad. If he opens his mouth again, feel free to maim him." His outraged gasp filled the air but he wisely refrained from speaking.

  Turning back to the wolf shifter, Shana linked arms with Cindy and said, "My friend is here for my mating ceremony. If you behave yourself, I'll introduce you. If not, you'll have to deal with the alpha instead. Your choice."

  In true Cindy fashion, she put her hands on her hips, glared at the man claiming to be her mate and demanded, "What's it gonna be Wolfman? You wanna tangle with him or me?"

  Now that Garrett had calmed down somewhat, his lips curved in a devilish smile as his eyes raked hotly over the curvaceous mocha skinned beauty. "Aye, I'm gonna tangle with you, baby," the man purred in a voice so sensual that she felt her best friend shiver.

  "Bring it," Cindy breathed seductively and lifted her chin in challenge as she walked right up to him. Garrett scooped her into his arms and kissed her as if they were alone. And naked. From the way they were staring at each other after he broke the kiss, they would be in a matter of minutes.

  When the wolf shifter began walking away, still holding Cindy in his arms, Dane cleared his throat and said, "Don't be late for the mating ceremony."

  "We won't," Cindy said with a huge smile and gave a little finger wave over her soon-to-be mate's shoulder.

  Shana laughed at her best friend's antics and held out her hand to her mate. When Dane pulled her into his arms, she informed her father, "Dad, this is my mate, Supreme Alpha Wolf Shifter Dane Lassiter. If you can be nice you're welcome to stay for our mating ceremony. If not, you can be escorted off of pack land."

  Every member of the pack security team closed ranks around the car as if they had just been given an order. She blinked in surprise and realized that they had. As the alpha's mate, she wielded an enormous amount of power and if she said something, the pack members would make it happen.


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