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Wanting Jordie

Page 6

by Fel Fern


  Jordie caught sight of Matt tossing aside another hyena and running for him. Not wanting to look like a stupid damsel in distress, Jordie twisted in the hyena’s grip, kicking and punching at the asshole until the beast finally dropped him. Jordie tumbled, remembering how to fall. He curled into a ball, groaning when he came to a stop. The sound of water rushed through his ears. The air here felt colder somehow, and he realized they’d come to the edge of the river bank.

  The hyena approached him, fangs bared and brown eyes filled with rage. Jordie didn’t blame him. His entire clan got decimated in a single night, but they deserved it, too, for trespassing and hurting innocent folk under the protection of the Darkfall Mountain Pack. The hyena came at him. Jordie tried to dodge, but the shifter was faster, sinking its canines into his left wrist—apparently going for pain instead of a quick kill. Pain shot up his arm, making Jordie grit his teeth, but it didn’t hurt as bad as the car accident.

  Thank God, Jordie knew a little of the shifter culture and the different animal groups to remember the bite from a werehyena wasn’t as potent as a werewolf bite.

  Matt came charging out between two trees, fangs bared and ears flattened. The hyena pulled his teeth out. Jordie glimpsed another crouched figure to the right of Matt. A pincer attack, he realized. These hyenas knew how to fight dirty.

  The leader’s lackey came at Matt’s back. Using his good hand, Jordie scooped up a handful of soil and small rocks and slung it, hitting the hyena leader. It wouldn’t do much, but it distracted the leader for a couple of precious seconds, enough time for Matt to break the other hyena’s neck and go for the leader. Matt and the leader circled each other, baring canines.

  “Matt, you better win,” Jordie managed to say. “I can’t bring you home dead.”

  Was it his imagination, or did Matt’s yellow eyes looked amused under the moon light. The hyena barreled into Matt, foam forming at the muzzle. Matt sidestepped. Although bigger and stronger, Matt had trouble with the hyena’s speed and agility. The hyena feinted, but Jordie saw Matt expected that. Finally, Matt tackled the smaller beast to the ground and tore out his throat. It was all over.

  Jordie slumped on the dirt, exhausted. He shut his eyes for a little bit, opening them when he felt Matt’s fur brushing against his leg. Jordie groaned when Matt chose to sit on his chest, snarling at the sight of his bleeding arm.

  “Get off me, you big lump,” Jordie muttered, grunting when the insensitive jerk chose to lie on top of him, watching him intently. Even in wolf form, Jordie could see Matt’s disapproving look. “Okay, I can explain.”

  Matt cocked his ears, listening, and finally getting off Jordie. He changed forms, looking more furious than Jordie had ever seen him. “You fucking idiot,” Matt muttered.

  He gave Jordie a blistering lecture, but all Jordie could pay attention to was Matt’s nude body, slightly covered in blood, sweat-slicked, and, more importantly, all his. The benefits of dating a werewolf, Jordie mused, or being mated to one. It was only a matter of time before Matt was his, after all. Despite the pain in his arm and being tired as hell, Jordie sat up and buried his head into Matt’s shoulder. Matt stilled, then clasped the back of his neck.

  “I’m just so glad you’re okay,” Jordie said lamely.

  “I should be the one fucking saying that, baby.” Matt let out a breath. “I’m so proud of you. Zack would be, too. You handled yourself really well.”

  Jordie’s lips twitched. “You think?”

  “I know,” Matt corrected, tilting his chin and kissing Jordie senseless. With the crush of Matt’s lips, Jordie forgot about the cold of the night, the pain in his arm, and everything that went wrong. The world righted itself again.

  The sound of hoots and wolf calls made Jordie tear his mouth away from Matt. Seeing the wolves of the Darkfall pack watching them, his cheeks reddened.

  “It looks like everyone knows now, Jordie. Are you still going to say ‘no’ to me?” Matt glanced at his pack brothers and sisters, and back to Jordie.

  Never before had Jordie been more embarrassed in his life. His heart warmed though, because here was Matt, practically telling the world he chose Jordie. Enough hiding and playing around, Matt’s eyes said.

  “You idiot. I’ve always been yours,” Jordie mumbled and Matt kissed him silly again.

  “I know, baby. I just wanted to hear you say it.”

  “Smug wolf,” Jordie said with affection. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Seven

  Somehow, they managed to return to civilization in one piece. After some cajoling, Jordie agreed to ride on Matt’s back. By the time they arrived at the restaurant, Matt could feel the rise and fall of Jordie’s chest on his back. His mate had fallen asleep. Matt would’ve smiled if he were in human form. Hopefully, Jordie would dream of him. The danger might be over, but Jordie and he had plenty to talk about, especially when it seemed danger was attracted to Jordie like flies, or was it the other way around?

  Either way, the talk could wait. What Matt really wanted was to get Jordie all patched up, then tuck him in bed and hug him close, making sure Jordie wouldn’t be running again. Shit. That wasn’t possible with Zack.

  A growl of challenge made Matt pause. Tail up, ears cocked to one side, Matt knew that sound. A brown and white wolf stood between him and the restaurant. For an injured guy, Zack looked damnably alive and feral.

  “Matt? Are we there yet?” Jordie murmured.

  He clutched a handful of his fur as Matt carefully lowered him to the ground. Jordie jolted awake as Zack let out another growl. No mistaking what Zack wanted. The other wolves that joined the hunt didn’t interfere. Zack was calling him out to a challenge.

  Michella and Doc came out of the back of the restaurant. The Gamma looked more pissed than Matt ever saw her. Alessio parted from the other wolves who’d formed a loose circle around Zack and Matt.

  “Matt, what’s happening? Zack, what the hell? You should be in bed,” Jordie muttered, waving around his good hand. Zack’s gaze hovered on Jordie’s bloodied arm, eyes narrowing. Shit.

  “Jordie has a point,” Michella pointed out. She came to Jordie’s side, kneeling, bringing Doc with her. Doc pushed Matt’s muzzle away with annoyance. “Jordie, how are you feeling?”

  “Oh, me? Peachy. Brush with hyenas and all, then this.”

  Michella actually smiled at that.

  “Let me see him,” Doc snapped, clearly not frightened of Matt’s protective snarl. Matt let him tend to Jordie, who was still cursing under his breath that both his brother and boyfriend were both idiots. Michella patted his shoulder.

  Alessio let out a snarl, which Michella seemed to perfectly understand.

  “Fine, I agree. It’s time to settle this before Sergio decides to step in.” Michella rose to her feet smoothly.

  “The pack acknowledges and hears your challenge to Matt Levine, Zack Simmons. If Matt wins, you’ll have no say in the matter if he wants to mate your brother.” She leveled a look at Matt now, which Matt could easily read as “you better not be all talk.”

  “If Zack wins, Matt, you’ll have to respect his wishes.”

  Christ, she was dead serious, but Matt had enough, too. Zack snarled his assent and Matt echoed him.

  “This isn’t a challenge to the death, we can’t afford to lose reliable pack members,” Michella reminded both of them. To Matt’s relief, she returned to Jordie’s side. Jordie would be in safe hands at least. “The first one who falls unconscious loses.”

  Killing his best friend wasn’t exactly in Matt’s plans, but he couldn’t say the same for Zack, who looked completely serious. Matt had fought alongside Zack numerous times, but never against him. In all their years of friendship, he’d never imagined it would come to this, but this was one fight Matt didn’t intend to lose. He couldn’t respect Zack’s wishes on this one, because his future happiness with Jordie was at stake.

  Zack and he circled each other, silently gauging each other.
Both of them were injured, not at their best, but it had to do. In terms of strength, speed, and size, they were equal. Zack bared his teeth, yellow eyes dead serious, telling Matt he would go all out. Back in the woods, Matt remembered catching Jordie’s familiar scent and the smell of his fear. Not questioning logic, Matt sprinted right for Jordie, knowing his mate was in danger. Hell, being a second late and he could have lost Jordie. He’d never been more terrified in his life.

  Making the first move, Matt broke into a run. Zack came at him, no holds barred. They tangled and tumbled into the gravel, claws and teeth clashing. Hell. Zack seemed intent on going for his throat. Matt put up a defensive position, guarding his neck. He managed to throw Zack off, but Zack didn’t stay down long. Back on his feet, Zack showed him his sharp canines, wet with Matt’s blood.

  “Stop it, both of you,” Jordie yelled.

  Matt stole a quick look at Jordie and was relieved to see Jordie remained on the edge of the circle. Jordie knew the rules. He’d grown up with the pack. Brave mate. Matt meant every word. Cowards ran, just like Mack, and he was a werewolf. He could have fought, but Jordie stood his ground. If it wasn’t for Jordie’s quick thinking, Matt would probably be dead, mauled and eaten by two hyenas.

  Zack ran at him, canines bared. They went at each other, holding nothing back. Zack raked his claws at his flank, but Matt refused to back away. Growling, they clawed and bit at each other. Matt triumphantly got Zack underneath him. Killing or badly injuring Zack wasn’t in his plans, but he didn’t mind beating some sense into him.

  Zack’s fur thinned beneath him. The dirty bastard started to change forms, leaving no option for Matt but to get off him and do the same. Zack finished changing, and Matt didn’t see the fist coming at him from the side. He felt the impact of the first punch though, nearly blacking out, but he remained conscious.

  “How dare you,” Zack hissed at him between his teeth, emphasizing each word with a punch. They were both on their feet now, swaying slightly like drunks picking a fight. “You fucking bastard.”

  “Zack,” Jordie yelled from the sidelines, about to intervene, but Matt knew either Michella or one of the pack members would stop him.

  This was good. Better to fight it out here and bring all the dirty laundry out. Matt deserved the beating, so he let Zack pummel him.

  “He’s my fucking brother,” Zack finally said, gripping Matt’s bruised shoulders.

  “I know.” Matt met his gaze. “You suspected, didn’t you? Well, you don’t need to worry.”

  Zack glowered at him.

  “I love Jordie,” Matt said simply. “I’ve known for a long time now, Zack. He’s my mate. You’ve done a good job of taking care of him so far. It’s my job now.”

  Zack blinked. Anger no longer clouded his eyes. “He’s not a one-time thing to you?”

  “Back in the woods, I broke pack formation the instant I knew Jordie was in trouble. I’ve never been so fucking scared in my life, Zack. I knew I couldn’t lose him. He’s my mate, my better half.”

  Zack stared at him now, amazement in his eyes. Someone came running at them, out of breath.

  “You both are such idiots,” Jordie spat. Zack let Matt go. Matt would have fallen if Jordie didn’t let Matt lean on him.

  “Jordie, is this true?” Zack asked, looking more serious than Matt ever saw him.

  “I’ve loved Matt for a long time,” Jordie said simply. “We both did. We just couldn’t admit it then.”

  Matt angled Jordie’s face and gave him a passionate kiss, to show Zack he meant every word.

  “All right, everyone, the fight’s resolved. Go home. Those injured from the fight, come into the restaurant,” Matt distinctively heard Michella saying, but he didn’t care about anyone. The world narrowed its scope to Jordie and him. God, it felt good. Jordie tasted good and he doubted he’d ever get sick of his heat and taste.

  “Okay, enough. You guys made your point.” Zack looked embarrassed now.

  They went back in the restaurant to get patched up. Extra clothes were distributed and they found an empty table to settle down while Jordie told Zack what happened after Mack confronted him in the carpark. Doc stayed behind to tend to the wounded, muttering under his breath when he tended to Matt and Zack.

  “Wolves with nothing better to do,” Doc grumbled. After tending to them both, he turned to Jordie. “You have a lot on your plate. Good luck.”

  Jordie stared after Doc, shaking his head.

  “Jordie, incidents like the one with Mack might happen again,” Zack began tentatively. “If you really hate being human, we can ask one of the Esteban siblings to give you the bite. They might need convincing, but they won’t hold out long. You’re practically family.”

  Matt’s heart leapt at those words. He didn’t want Jordie to change, but that was selfish thinking. Jordie had proven over time he was an adult. He could decide for himself.

  “Besides,” Matt added lamely. “There’s a small chance it will fail, but you’re strong. You’ll definitely survive your first shift with our help.”

  “Me, become a werewolf?” Jordie murmured, looking deep in thought. “If that happens, I want Michella to change me.”

  “Is that what you really want?” Matt asked. “She won’t mind, I know, and I’ve seen her teach some of the pups she’s given the bite to. She’s a pretty patient teacher compared to her hot-headed brothers.”

  Jordie looked at Matt, reaching out over the table and lacing their fingers together. “Matt, I know you’ll say you trust me and that I can choose for myself, but I want to hear what you think.”

  Matt blew out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He considered his words, then told his mate the truth. “I think you should remain as you are. You’re our anchor, Jordie, Zack and mine. In the long run, if you decide you want the bite, the option’s always open.”

  Jordie squeezed his fingers. “I see. I think I’ll stay human for now.”

  Matt noticed Zack studying Jordie, like this was a side of his brother he’d never seen before. “Zack, you want to add something?”

  “Damn. Why did I never see this before? You two actually look good together. Awhile there, I thought you were a married couple with the way you talked things out.”

  “Married?” Jordie’s cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

  “Oh, marriage is certainly in the cards,” Matt agreed, loving the look of shock, then happiness and excitement on Jordie’s face.


  “Don’t you want to? Besides, we’re already mates. Why not take that step eventually?” Matt grunted when Jordie leapt from his seat and pulled him into an embrace.

  “Baby,” Jordie breathed. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you so fucking much, too, pet.”

  “Christ, I think I’m going to be sick,” Zack muttered. “I’m heading home. Jordie, are you coming, or are you staying with Matt?”

  Jordie gave him a look.

  “Figures,” Zack muttered.

  “Zack,” Matt called before his best friend left the restaurant. “I won’t disappoint Jordie or you. Let’s all have breakfast tomorrow.”

  Zack grinned. Nodding, Zack left them.

  “Now that we’re alone,” Matt said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at Jordie.

  Jordie frowned, stern look on his face. “Are you crazy? We can’t have sex with you this injured. No, baby. You need some rest.”

  Matt groaned. “Damn it, pet. Seriously?”

  “Seriously,” Jordie said firmly. “If you’re a good patient, I’ll reward you.”

  “With?” Matt asked, intrigued by the notion of an incentive.

  “You can do whatever you want with me, within acceptable limits, of course.” Jordie paused. “Matt, you have that evil look on your face again.”

  “It’s because you haven’t thought this out that well, pet.” Matt rose to his feet. “Come on, let’s go home?”

  “Let’s,” Jordie agreed. “Damn, it feels
good, going back to your place without needing to hide it from Zack.”

  Matt drove toward their apartment. After a quick shower and some fussing from Jordie, who demanded to inspect his wounds, they fell into a long sleep. After spending nights worrying about what Zack would think, Matt feel into a dreamless sleep, with Jordie tucked close to his chest. It finally felt like the world had righted itself.

  Chapter Eight

  One Week Later

  “That’s the last of the boxes,” Zack mumbled, grunting as he placed the last of Jordie’s things into Matt’s apartment.

  “Thanks for helping us out,” Jordie said, meaning it.

  He knew it wasn’t easy for Zack adjusting to the notion his best friend mated his brother. Jordie brushed a hand over the healed bite mark on the side of his neck—Matt’s mark, telling the world Jordie belonged to him, and vice versa. A smile found its way to Jordie’s lips.

  “Jordie, thinking dirty thoughts are we?” Matt teased. Catching sight of Matt, barefoot and wearing only jeans, Jordie’s mouth went dry. Damn it. He shouldn’t be tongue-tied every time this happened, but, God, Matt’s sweat-slicked torso gleamed back at him, tempting him. Yummy.

  Zack cleared his throat and Jordie tore his gaze away from him to look at his brother. Matt noticed, too. “Beers anyone?”

  “I should go,” Zack muttered.

  Jordie shook his head. He knew with the move, Zack and Matt didn’t spend as much time together like they used to. Things would eventually return to normal, Jordie knew, but he sensed Matt wanted to talk to Zack about something. Matt and he shared a knowing look. “Stay, please? I’m going to make a quick stop to the restaurant to hand Michella some papers, and I’d like to finish up a report.”

  “Are the accounts really that bad?” Zack asked, accepting the beer Matt handed him.

  “Yeah, but I don’t mind. I like being the pack accountant,” Jordie joked. “Plus, the benefits are awesome.”

  “See you later then?” Matt asked, eyes gleaming. “Give me a kiss.”


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