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The Countess

Page 6

by Lisa Doughty

  “I did not mean to imply any such thing,” He stumbled over his words, then cleared his throat before continuing. “What I meant to say is that I have not seen you before. I would have noticed, I assure you,” he said seductively, and gave Cordelia a lust filled smile.

  “I will take that as a compliment, my lord,” She laughed. “You are correct that you have not seen me before. Tonight is my first social outing. I have been away at school the past few years.”

  “Ah,” he expressed with a nod, as if that explained everything. “Middleton plucked you straight out of the convent then?” Cordelia was starting to get irritated at his condescending attitude.

  “A crude choice of words, my lord,” she snapped, and turned her head slightly so that her hat hid part of her face. The brim forced him to step back slightly. She almost chuckled at the expletive he muttered.

  “I did it again, didn’t I? My apologies, Lady Middleton, my social graces are a bit rusty, I dare say.” When she didn’t reply, he tried again. “Please forgive this lonely old man. It is not often I have a beautiful young lady in my arms. I believe you have turned me into a bumbling fool.”

  Cordelia wanted to smile. Emelia had been right. Men wanted what they couldn’t have. How predictable. Cordelia turned just enough to reveal her profile and his lips curled victoriously.

  “Let me make it up to you,” he said, quietly.

  “That is not necessary, my lord,” she answered sweetly, and wanted to kick him when she realized that he was attempting to steer them toward a dark nook in the corner. She stomped violently on his toe.

  “Oww! Bloody hell!” he bellowed, and let her go.

  “Oh! I am so sorry, my lord! I am frightfully nervous. This is my first dance in public. I believe I am a bit inexperienced,” she said shyly, and brought her hand to her mouth to hide her grin.

  “Perhaps we could sit and get acquainted instead?” he suggested, disappointed his plan had gone awry. His look was one of pure lust as his eyes roamed boldly up and down her body, before settling on her chest. Cordelia’s stomach turned.

  “I would prefer you to escort me back to my friends so I can hide my embarrassment within the confines of their consolations.”

  “But I wanted to…”

  “Perhaps you can come to my first soiree as the Countess of Middleton instead. I will practice every moment until then. I promise you an injury free dance.” She looked at him from under her lashes and smiled seductively. “A little more experience is all I need. I am new to this, after all, my lord.”

  She wanted to laugh. Wallaby was practically panting at her words. His eyes hooded at her insinuation, and a knowing smile curled his lips.

  “Nothing would give me more pleasure, my lady. Although, I do not mind your…inexperience, far from it. As a matter of fact, I am a most excellent teacher.” He squeezed her hand and rubbed his thumb in circles on her palm. She tamped down the urge to yank her hand from his grip.

  “I have no doubt, my lord, but I am confident that more practice is all I need. I would much rather dazzle you with the results.” With that statement, she bit the side of her lip, drawing his attention to her mouth before she continued. “It would be more enjoyable for both of us, would it not, my lord?” He leaned in as if he was going to kiss her and she turned her head to block his descent. He sighed and put her hand on his arm instead.

  They approached the group of giggling ladies, and Lord Wallaby reluctantly released her. She quickly stepped out of his reach.

  “Time could not pass quickly enough until our next dance, Lady Middleton,” he said quietly, as if he were guarding a secret. She curtsied, using the brim of her hat to end the conversation. Emelia had been right. A hat could be most useful if used correctly.

  “Bravo! Well played, Cordelia. That was brilliant!” Lady Winnifred exclaimed. “I’m so impressed! No one has been able to escape Lord Wallaby unscathed.”

  “I certainly didn’t! My left breast was sore for a week!” Lady Lucille said frankly. Cordelia sucked in her breath surprised.

  “What did your husband do?” Cordelia asked, appalled, although she didn’t expect the Earl would champion her.

  “He hardly noticed or cared. We are all interchangeable to the codgers,” Lucille answered with a shrug.

  “But we do not put up with that behavior anymore, do we ladies.” There was a round of affirmations. “We look out for each other and run interference when we can. If Wallaby pinned you, one of us would have interceded,” Hadley explained.

  “Does he not have a wife of his own?’

  “No, he prefers to pick through his friends’ young wives,” Lady Marsha said with disgust.

  “Not anymore, right ladies?” Hadley reaffirmed, with everyone’s agreement.

  Cordelia danced a few more times. She was pleased that not all the gentlemen were like Lord Wallaby. She particularly liked the younger Lord Eddington. He was charming and respectful but looked at her with such longing that she was not sure how to react. He asked if he could dance with her twice. How she wished she was truly free to enjoy his attention. The Earl walked up behind her a few moments later.

  “Cordelia, it is time to depart,” he said with authority.

  “Yes, my lord,” she replied obediently, although she would have preferred to stay. She looked sadly at Hadley.

  “It was so nice to see you again, Lady Hadley, and to meet all of you,” She gave the group a genuine smile. “I hope to see you again.”

  “I will send you a message with the information about our book club. I hope you will be able to join.” Hadley gave her a knowing smile.

  “I would love to!” Cordelia answered, taking the hint.

  “We shall see. Come dear,” the Earl commanded.

  The Earl stared at her intently on the way back to Middleton Park, his piercing gaze making her uncomfortable. She was just about to say something when he spoke.

  “You made quite an impression tonight, madam.” A sardonic smile crept onto his lips. “The gentleman’s parlor was buzzing about you. Wallaby wanted to know if you play.”


  “Yes, my dear wife,” He leaned forward. “In other words, would I let him touch you, in return for concessions, of course.”

  She sucked in her breath. What had she expected? Of course, his friends, her father, and her husband would be of like minds. She looked out the window, no longer able to meet his stare with confidence.

  “I will never whore for you. Never!” Cordelia hissed.

  “You will not be touched by anyone, madam. That I can guarantee you. I had one whore for a wife. I will never have another.” He leaned back and stared at her. “I have different plans for you. Inform me if a situation arises, and I will take care of it. I do not want you handling it, understand? I need you to appear vulnerable.”

  “If it arises? Lord Wallaby has already made advances!”

  “Marcus likes the new ones. He always wants to be first. He will move on once he’s satisfied,” he stated unconcerned, and dusted lint off his waistcoat.

  “Satisfied? The man is a menace. You do not care that he practically accosted your wife?” she exclaimed.

  “I prepared you for the occasion. You look no worse for wear.”

  The fact that he didn’t care didn’t surprise her, but his complete acceptance of the men’s disrespect of the other gentlemen’s wives did. She looked at him with disgust.

  “What?” He looked confused at her attitude. “That is the whole reason I had Emelia prepare you for the wolves. And wolves they are, my dear, the lot of them. They will follow you around sniffing at your arse until you give in.” He chuckled. “Why do you think I found myself a young, beautiful virgin to dangle in front of their wealthy, pompous faces? I knew they could not resist the likes of you. If tonight is any indication, we will have them eating out of our hands in no time.” He grinned with satisfaction. “Besides, I desire to have something pure, innocent and unsullied to see me to my end.” He looked out t
he window, his mind lost somewhere else. “I loved her, I’ll have you know. She was to give me a son, and see me through my old age, but she betrayed me! Sullied my name, tainted my soul and diseased my body!”

  Cordelia suddenly felt empathy for the Earl. He looked genuinely forlorn, as if he did not realize he was speaking out loud. Maybe there was a soul inside him after all.

  “I want to see your beauty, my dear, which will remain untouched by all these wolves. Something I have that they can never have. Do you understand me?” Anger quickly replaced his forlorn look. He grabbed her arm and jerked her forward violently. “Never! Do you understand me? I will take them all down, all of the dirty bastards! One of them has done this to me! They soiled my Rose, and in turn, me. I will see all of them will die penniless and suffering just as I have!” he hissed.

  “That is why you need me? To be bait to these gentlemen so they can catch the pox?” Her eyes widened. “That would be murder, would it not?” He released her and sat back.

  “It is their choice in the end. No one can force a man into temptation. I may not be able to give them the pox, but there are many ways to kill a man’s soul. I will settle for what I can get.”

  Chapter 9

  Cordelia paced her room while waiting for the Earl to come. Maybe he had changed his mind, or better yet, fallen asleep besotted with too much brandy. He said he wanted to see her beauty. What did that mean? She cursed her ignorance! She wished she could talk to Emelia. She would know to what he was referring.

  Her stomach dropped and the blood drained from her face when the Earl walked into her room through the connecting door. He was dressed only in his robe. There was gray hair curling through the gap at the top and bare ankles showing at the bottom. If he was not going to touch her, then why did he appear to be naked under his robe?

  “When I come to you, I want you ready for me on the bed, understand?” he stated curtly, disappointed that she was standing in the middle of the room.

  “Ready, my lord?” she asked, confused.

  “Yes, naked on the bed, of course. I told you I wanted to see your beauty,” he declared.


  “Bloody hell! Take your clothes off. I wish to see you.” He said impatiently and sat on the chair next to the fire looking at her expectantly.

  “In front of you?”

  “Of course! I am your husband.” He sighed, frustrated. “Since we must start from the beginning, I wish for you to go slow. Reveal yourself to me.” He settled back in his chair and took a sip from the glass he was holding.

  Cordelia was at a loss. She reached for the tie on her robe. She had to make a show of removing her night clothes? Surely this was hell on earth. Husband or not, she had never been naked in front of a man. She would die of embarrassment to be sure! Whatever he wanted she just wanted it over with quickly.

  She untied her robe slowly, not because he had demanded it, but because she was stalling. She searched for any excuse to end this humiliation.

  “My lord, would you not prefer that I…”

  “Quiet! Do as I say! Push your robe off and let it drop from your shoulders.”

  She did as he bid, half relieved he was telling her what to do, but the other half dreading what was to come next. As she followed his instructions, she noticed he became placid, enthralled with her every movement. When she undid the buttons down the front of her night rail, revealing a peek of her cleavage, he practically drooled. He licked his lips as she slowly slipped one side off her shoulder to show an ample portion of her breast. He became silent, intently watching, and occasionally adjusting himself in the chair. On purpose, she let the gown drop to reveal her nipple. He moaned and almost dropped his glass. He reached into his robe and started to fondle himself.

  Suddenly, Cordelia felt powerful. She shrugged slightly and let the other shoulder strap fall down her arm but held the gown in the middle so as not to let it drop past her nipples. He groaned. She turned her back and looked at him over her shoulder. He licked his lips in anticipation and continued to stoke himself. With one hand, she released the clips in her hair, letting it fall down her back. She gave it a shake, hoping it would cover some of her skin, but the movement only made him impatient.

  “Faster! I want to see…”

  “Quiet!” she ordered over her shoulder. “You will sit there in silence or I will stop, do you understand?” To her surprise, he yielded.

  She dropped the nightgown to her hips, and he sucked in his breath sharply. Cordelia sighed. There were no more ways to stall. She pushed the gown past her hips, revealing her derriere. She turned slowly, resigned to her fate, and faced him for inspection. He dropped his glass.

  “Good god…” he panted. “I had you all this time…I had no idea.”

  His eyes stared at her sex, he licked his lips again, his expression changing into something that scared her. His hand started to move faster under his robe. Uncomfortable, she reached for her robe to cover herself.

  “Noooo!” He bolted across the room and knelt before her. “It’s mine. I want to see it. It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever…” His hands reached for her, and she batted them away.

  “You promised never to touch me!”

  “I have to. I…”

  “No! This is over now!” She reached for her gown.

  “NO! I won’t touch it, I swear! I swear.” He put his hand on her gown to stop her from pulling it up and covering herself. “I have to see it all, show me. I give you my word I will not touch you. Show me.” He sounded desperate, panicked.

  Cordelia was confused. What more could she show him? She was completely naked. What she did realize was that this was the time to solidify her position. For whatever reason, the Earl was desperate for what he wanted. He was on his knees in front of her, begging for it.

  “You will never touch me. Not one finger or any other part of you. You will give me your word, or this will be the last you will see me. I do not care what you do.” When he looked up at her, she could see she had won.

  “I will give you whatever you want as long as I can look at you, all of you. I need to see it, every inch. I want to see your beautiful, virginal pussy, knowing I’m the only one that can look at it. I want to see it, shiny and pink…” Harvey moved his face closer and inhaled. “Oh god, lay on the bed.” Cordelia sat, and he did not take his eyes off her sex. I can do this, she chanted to herself, as she realized what was coming next. What harm can come of him looking at her?

  “My mare?” she asked, refusing to move until she had reassurances of their bargain.

  “I will send someone for her tomorrow. Now move back, sit against the headboard.”

  Cordelia scooted back slowly as the Earl crawled on the bed behind her.

  “And the keys to the courtyard?”

  “I will bring them to you tomorrow.”

  “I would have them now.”

  “Now?” he said, incredulously.

  “Now, or this is over.”

  The Earl jumped from the bed and ran to his room. His skinny bare legs parted his robe as he sprinted. He looked ridiculous, and Cordelia suppressed a laugh. So, Emelia was right once more. Women did have all the power in the end. She could have asked the Earl for all his gold, and he very well may have parted with it just for a peek at her sex. So be it. Harvey was her husband, and she would not be the first wife to use the marriage bed to get what she wanted. They had used her, so why shouldn’t she do the same in return. Get the things she needed to make her life livable?

  The Earl was back in short order and threw a set of keys on the bed. She recognized a key similar to the one the cook had. Convinced they were genuine, she continued to scoot her body back toward the headboard. The Earl crawled eagerly and laid sideways in front of her once she was settled.

  “Now. Open for me,” he pleaded, eagerly.

  Cordelia turned bright red, embarrassed about what she was about to do. She pushed herself against the headboard for support, then opened her legs ju
st enough to let him see the core of her. She closed her eyes, humiliated as he stared unabashedly.

  “God damn,” he hissed, and she heard the lust in his voice. “More! Wider, all the way…” She slid her feet wider apart, and he moaned. “Wider, as wide as you can go. Hold your knees.”

  Cordelia cringed, but did as he asked. She could feel the cold air on her intimate skin as her legs parted. Never had she been in this position before. Her breathing became ragged as she shoved her embarrassment somewhere deep within her. He was her husband. He had the right to look at her, she tried to convince herself.

  “It’s beautiful. God damn it to hell, who knew you were hiding such beauty…”

  Cordelia felt the bed shift as he moved closer. Suddenly, hot breath brushed against her intimate skin. She gasped and flinched a little before realizing the delicious sensation it caused. He did it again. He exhaled his hot breath on her. Her sex clenched, and she felt a hot, wet sensation come from inside. Her head fell back against the headboard. She would not enjoy this, no, she vowed.

  “Ah…yes, that’s right. Haaaa,” he exhaled again. Cordelia could not suppress a moan as his hot breath wreaked havoc on her sensitive skin. “Mmmm, that’s right. Let my beauty get wet for me…,” he whispered.

  Cordelia could hear the Earl pleasuring himself as he looked at her. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the sound. She felt shame that she had reacted to him, and humiliation. Did other married couples do this? This was not what she imagined for herself and a husband. Her only saving grace was that he had not touched her, though that did not wipe away the mortification that she had gotten pleasure from his hot breath, nor the fact that she wanted to feel more of the sexual sensations that had evoked. The Earl grunted, then let out a long-stated breath before he started laughing. Cordelia let go of her legs and pressed them together. She looked at the Earl who was flat on his back, his hand clutching his flaccid member, with the evidence of his pleasuring splattered on his robe.

  “Your beauty could make a dead man come, madam. I never thought I would have that pleasure again,” he said breathlessly.


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