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The Countess

Page 15

by Lisa Doughty

  The candle in the passage way had burned out, so Cordelia relit it, then padded towards the door closest to her suite. How long had she been with him? Hours, minutes? Her heart raced as she relived the encounter while she walked down the dark passage. Everything about the man was enticing. She stopped and pressed her back against the wall as she recalled the feel of him under her hands. Lord above, it was as if he was made to be touched, revered. And his shaft…ugh! She could have rubbed herself against it for hours. If he had not ripped through his binds, she was sure she would still be there fondling him, and massaging him with her sex, kissing him anywhere he would let her. No wonder the man was a rake. He was irresistible.

  Cordelia pushed herself off the wall and forced herself to walk. It was time to go to bed and put this night behind her. She was very experienced in pushing things from her mind. She would have never survived her years with the Earl if she did not. Time to draw on that particular skill and bury the memory of being with him somewhere she could let go of it. She knew she was lying to herself. The man had been her major preoccupation since their first kiss. And, she’d be lying further if she didn’t admit she wanted more of him. But, to what end? After tomorrow he would be back in London, and to a long line of mistresses, probably pining for him at this very moment. She would be just another woman he had dallied with, another notch on his bedpost to blend in with all the others. If she stopped now, both of them would know she was the one in control. She had conquered him, taken him to the brink, and made him lose himself, just as she had done in the closet. There was a certain amount of satisfaction in that, wasn’t there? That could sustain her for all time, could it not? It had to. She could not let herself lose control over the situation, she would be the only one hurt in the end.

  Cordelia straightened her shoulders and buried her worries in her resolve. Tomorrow she would avoid him as much as humanly possible. She wasn’t strong enough to resist him if he tried to convince her to come to him again. Instead, she would concentrate on preparing for the Duke, who was due by tomorrow afternoon.

  Cordelia was sure that the Duke would be attracted to Lady Esme. After a year of trying to match him, Cordelia had never been so sure that she had found someone to spark his interest. Lady Esme is perfect for him, they were perfect for each other. She would have to insure they had the proper amount of time together to discover this for themselves. Once the connection was made, she had no doubt that Lady Esme would need very little of her assistance to solidify the relationship. If things went well between them she would win. If there was no connection between Esme and the Duke, then her two days would be up and the Draysons would leave Middleton. Either way, he would be gone.

  Cordelia swallowed her emotions. Why did she care? She would never align herself with a rake. She was a matchmaker. Her reputation would be in shambles, and it would take Roddy’s and Emelia’s with it. That could not happen. She had a plan for her future. This last season of reputable matches and she could retire at Middleton Park, set for life. Emelia could go on with her life in any fashion she desired, and Rodrigo could go to London to open an instantly successful shop of his own. Everything was in place.

  Cordelia ducked through the door to her suite, leapt on her bed, and drew the covers over her head. How bold she had been tonight! It was hard to believe how bold she behaved! Her stomach jumped. She had liked it, very much. The memory of him tied to the bedpost made her sex throb. It was so erotic. How could she rein in those feelings now that they were out, or stop the longing that he had awakened in her? She brushed her hand over her breast. Maybe she should have let him touch her one more time, to put out the fire she felt whenever she thought of him. She sighed. It was going to be a long night.

  The next morning, Tilly came scurrying in, humming merrily as she opened the curtains.

  “The Duke arrives today, my lady. Rodrigo is with Lady Drayson, getting her ready for his arrival. Lady Emelia went down to see to the guests so we could get you ready to greet him. Did you know that he is sixth in line to be king? The staff is quite excited to be serving him! Sixth in line, my lady. Can you imagine? Lady Drayson could be queen one day!”

  “He would not be able to choose his wife if he was ever to be king, Tilly. Now cease your prattle!” Cordelia put her pillow over her head. She had not gotten a wink of sleep. She had tossed and turned all night, imagining herself touching him. Rhys, he asked her to call him. She could not shake the vision of him. “The Duke does not arrive until this afternoon. I did not get much sleep and would like to rest a little longer. Come back in an hour.”

  “The Duke is due to arrive this morning, my lady. A missive arrived late yesterday. I thought Rupert or Rodrigo told you.” Cordelia bolted straight up.


  “Yes, my lady. We have a little over an hour. You did not know?”

  “No! Oh, my god, is everything prepared? Where is Rupert?”

  “Everything is ready, my lady, except you. Please rise so we can dress you. Rodrigo will do your hair when he’s finished with Lady Drayson. You should see the dress he picked for you. How I love your new look! I dare say the Duke may want you, not Lady Drayson.” Her giggle was interrupted by a knock on the door. “That will be your bath, my lady. Please, you must rise. I will build a fire so we can dry your hair quickly and…”

  Tilly prattled on. Cordelia moved in slow motion as she struggled to get out of bed. The Duke was almost here? It was almost over. He would be gone soon. She felt numb. So be it.

  Cordelia had no appetite for the breakfast tray Tilly ordered and decided to go straight to her study after being dressed. She was halfheartedly fumbling through her correspondence, so did not notice Emelia came into the room until she spoke.

  “Lord Roth approached me this morning,” Emelia stated.

  The mention of his name jerked her out of her stupor. Her heart jumped into her throat. Had he told Emelia what had happened last night? What could he want with Emelia? She looked at the papers on her desk, doing her best to act nonchalant.

  “Oh? What did he want?” she asked, without looking up, but her heart was racing inside her chest.

  “He requested to see you in private.”

  Oh god! She could not handle this conversation right now. Emelia would see right through her.

  “He will have to wait. The Duke is due to arrive any moment and I…”

  “Cordelia, stop. What happened between you two? I can see by the flush on your face that something has happened.” Cordelia should have known better than to try and hide anything from her. Emelia sucked in her breath. “You went to him! Didn’t you…did you?”

  “No!” her head snapped up. “No! I swear. Well, I did, but we didn’t…oh god! What have I done?” Cordelia buried her face in her hands.

  “By the look on his face, something he wants more of…” Emelia started to say, sarcastically. Cordelia stared at her for a moment, tears threatened as fear consumed her.

  “I can’t, Emelia, I just can’t! He’s so…so… I do not know how to express it exactly.” Cordelia put her face in her hands again.

  “Cordi, why do you fight so hard to…” Emelia was interrupted by a knock at the door. Cordelia looked up, nervous.

  “Oh God! The Duke is here! Look at me. I’m a wreck. I swear I am not made to have affairs. They are too nerve-wracking!” Emelia took Cordelia’s hands and forced her to look at her.

  “You are fine. You will be fine. You’ve done this a thousand times. This time will be no different than all the other ones,” Emelia said, with confidence. “Come in!” she called, and a footman entered.

  “The Duke is arriving, my lady.”

  Cordelia took a deep breath. Time to push Lord Roth to the back of her mind and concentrate on the task at hand. She shook off her unease about facing Roth and went to greet the Duke.

  Chapter 25

  Rupert had done a spectacular job with the Duke's reception. It appeared as if the whole staff was on the steps to meet him, but she knew t
here were plenty of servants left inside to tend to the guests. The man was a marvel at juggling.

  “You are a marvel, Rupert. One would think the entire staff was here to greet the Duke. How do you do it?” she asked, as she and Emelia took their places at the top of the stairs next to the butler.

  “Discipline and organization, my lady. Nothing more,” he answered, in his usual stoic manner. When the Duke’s carriage rolled up to the bottom of the stairs, he nodded to the footmen, and asked Cordelia, “Shall I see your party to the lawn to join the rest of the guests?”

  “No. I wish to speak to the Duke privately first. Arrange for tea and brandy in the front parlor,” she ordered. Something about issuing orders restored her confidence, especially when it meant upsetting Rupert’s perfectly laid plans. “We will join the others directly after. Thank you, Rupert.”

  The Duke stepped out of his carriage, looked straight up the steps to her, and gave her a big smile. Cordelia had forgotten how handsome he was. Tall, lean and debonair, with blue eyes and sandy hair that just started to gray at the temples which only added to his appeal.

  He had lost his first wife to infection a mere three years after marriage. Heartbroken over his loss, the Duke refused to think about another match until a year ago That is when he solicited Cordelia to find one for him, insisting on complete discretion. The Duke did not want every mother in the country flaunting their daughters in front of him. He had a specific list of requirements that he did not want open to public scrutiny.

  The problem lied in the fact that his list was almost impossible to fulfill. It made Cordelia question how serious he was about finding a match. At first, she paraded several candidates in front of him. They were la crème of society, beautiful and proper, with impeccable reputations. He was polite, and even showed interest in two or three, but that quickly fizzled out. Then he confessed to her that he did not wish to break in a virgin. That’s when Cordelia decided to slow down and wait for the right candidate. To the Duke’s credit, he responded immediately when she called. Especially today, since he had arrived hours earlier than expected. This might be a clue that he finally may be serious about finding a match.

  He happily bounded up the stairs, hardly noticing of the staff assembled for his arrival. Cordelia and Emelia immediately dropped into curtsies.

  “Your Grace, welcome to Middleton Park. Thank you for coming,” Cordelia said politely. He took her hand, even though she hadn’t offered it, and pulled her to rise.

  “Lady Cromwell, you are as lovely as ever. I was ever so pleased to receive your missive. I was beginning to think you had given up on me.” He kissed her hand. The man was not short on charm which was a trait that went well with his debonair looks and elevated title.

  “I would never, your grace. The last thing I want to do is disappoint you,” she replied, sincerely.

  The Duke pulled her hand through his arm and pinned it there and turned to escort her in the house. Cordelia noticed there was no heat between them, not like there was with Lord Roth. Emelia gave her a knowing nod and headed toward the lawn leaving Cordelia to deal with the Duke alone.

  “So, tell me, what have you for me this time?” he asked, jovially.

  “Her name is Lady Esme Drayson, your grace. You and she have similar requests in a match, so I thought you should meet. She has been very popular amongst the other gentlemen. So, if you find her appealing and wish to know her better, I would not hesitate.”

  “Is that so? Intriguing,” He smiled, and squeezed her hand. Once in the parlor, Cordelia tried to disengage herself. He let her arm go but did not let go of her hand. “You do know why I reject all the ladies, do you not?”

  “No, your grace. I presumed it was because they were not to your taste.”

  “Have you ever considered that you may be the perfect woman for me?” he said, so seriously that Cordelia immediately looked shocked.

  Her mind abruptly went to Roth. As charming as the Duke was, it was Roth that made her heart leap in her throat. If Roth said these things to her, she knew her knees would buckle. On the other hand, she was disappointed with the Duke. Why would he cross the line after all this time? He was just like all the others. He just wanted to know that he could have her if he wished to, even though there was no spark between them. She pulled her hand away.

  “Oh, your grace, save your charm for Lady Drayson. You know I am not available.” She gave him her most charming smile.

  “Why are you not available?” he asked, taking a step closer.

  What was it with the gentlemen this weekend? Was it a full moon? Never had she had more than one gentleman question her rebuff. Even so, the last thing she wanted to do was insult the Duke.

  “Your grace, this is not about me, it is about you. If you do not find yourself attracted to the lady you have come to meet, then I will be happy to explain why I am not interested in remarrying…ever.” She paused, but his expression did not change. Lord save her from these arrogant men! “Unless, I take it, you are truly don’t care to meet the lady? I would understand, of course. The last thing I would want to do is waste your precious time.” He chuckled.

  “Of course, I will meet the lady, madam, but surely you cannot blame a man for trying.” He took her hand once more and kissed it. “Whoever wins your heart will be a lucky man indeed.”

  “Thank you, your grace, but those days have come and gone. Would you like some tea, or brandy perhaps? We are to join the others on the lawn, but if you need a moment…”

  “I would love a brandy, if it means having you to myself for a few more minutes. Let us sit and you can tell me more about Lady Drayson.”

  He gestured to the settee. Once she had settled herself, he respectfully took a chair next to it. Cordelia let out a sigh of relief. She did not think her nerves could have taken it if the Duke had pressed the point. She tried to relax into the conversation. She was honest about her opinion of Lady Drayson, knowing he would see right through any fabrication. After a cup of tea for her and two brandies for him, the Duke stood and held out his arm.

  “Shall we go, so you can introduce me to Lady Drayson?” He seemed cheerful, and Cordelia was relieved. “You must promise me one thing, Lady Cromwell.”

  Of course, your grace. If it is within my power…”

  “If you change your mind about being unavailable, will you consider me first?” He put his hand over hers in a familiar fashion. Cordelia did not reject it, not wanting to ruin the Duke’s mood now that they were to meet Lady Esme.

  “I would be honored, your grace, but I must warn you not to hold your breath,” she said lightheartedly, smiling at him.

  The Duke let out a booming laugh just as they stepped onto the lawn where the guests we mingling.

  “You are a treasure, my lady, a true treasure,” he stated as he looked at her with affection, unconcerned over everyone’s gawking faces.

  Cordelia tried to disengage her arm, knowing how it must look. The exchange had seemed intimate. She wanted him to let go so she could curtsy and resume formal appearances. Apparently, the Duke cared not a whit about what the others might think. He scanned the crowd, which was now murmuring among themselves. No doubt they had guessed who he was.

  “Now, where is she? You have made me most eager for this introduction.” At least he had the decorum to say it quietly, as he leaned into her ear.

  Damn it to hell! Why had she not worn a hat today? To be honest, she had forgotten entirely because she was preoccupied with thoughts of Lord Roth. Or was it because she knew that he hated them so? Good lord, she honestly did not know. She was lost in thought when she realized the Duke had asked her another question.

  “Lady Cromwell?”

  “Apologies, your grace. I was distracted searching for Lady Drayson.”

  Chapter 26

  Cordelia felt, before she saw, Roth staring at her. He was livid. Lady Esme and he were not far from the door, standing under the closest tree for the shade. Lady Drayson looked stunning in a cream dress
which fit her perfectly and highlighted her olive skin. The soft coif that surrounded her oval face was perfection just as Roddy had told her this morning.

  “No one will be able to keep their eyes off her,” he bragged, as he fussed with her hair. “The Duke would have to be queer not to notice. If he is, send him to me! I’ve always wanted a Duke!”

  Roddy had been right! He would have to be a puffer not to see how lovely Lady Esme looked today. As they approached, Esme opened her parasol and brought it to just the right angle to block the Duke’s view. Clever girl. Either she knew the Duke was here to meet her or she was embarrassed by the way he was staring at her. The Duke’s arm tensed under Cordelia’s hand. He was indeed staring, but to her surprise his expression was angry!

  “Is that her? In the cream dress?”

  “Why yes, your grace. Lovely, isn’t she?” Cordelia asked, keeping her tone light, but worried by his reaction. What could this be about?

  “Is that the Marquess of Roth standing next to her?” The venom in his tone surprised her. Did he know Lord Roth? Was there bad blood between them? This could be a problem, a big problem. Judging by Roth’s expression, it was entirely possible.

  “Yes, your grace, the Marquess is her brother, as a matter of fact,” His arm relaxed a little. “Do you know him?”

  “No, not personally, but I have heard of him,” He slowed, and squeezed her had. “I must warn you, Lady Cromwell, the man is a notorious rake. You must keep your distance. He is said to be one of the best in London. I would not want you to fall prey to such a man.”


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