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The Countess

Page 17

by Lisa Doughty

  “You are a virgin?” he asked, stunned.

  Cordelia let her head fall back hard against the desk, then put her arm over her eyes to hide her embarrassment. She honestly did not know what to say. How could she explain?

  “I…I can explain…I…” She felt like she was back in the stable with Rob, tripping over her tongue.

  There was a loud knock on the door saving her from stumbling over her words.

  “Cordi, are you in there?” The door handle shook. “Why is the door locked? Where are your footmen?” Roddy bellowed from the other side of the door. Sensing a momentary reprieve, Cordelia tried to scoot away, but Rhys held her still his hands tightened on her hips.

  “Tell him to go,” he hissed.

  Cordelia’s saw in his eyes that desire had been replaced by fury once again. This time, it scared her. Was he angry that she was a virgin, or that Roddy was at the door? Roddy pounded impatiently.

  “Cordi, what the hell? Wake up! Are you asleep?”

  “Hold on Roddy, jeez!” she quipped, to give them a moment.

  Cordelia widened her eyes at Rhys, pleading with him to let her go. He pulled out a fraction, then pushed back in until he rested on her hymen again as if he did not believe what he had discovered. He pulled her forward by her neck and kissed her furiously.

  “This is not over,” he vowed, then pulled out of her. He stepped back and buttoned his trousers, while Cordelia pushed her skirt over her legs. Her bottom was still warm from his ministrations and her sex throbbed from want of satisfaction. Good god! The effect this man had on her was absolute. If he hadn’t paused, he would have taken her virginity. She stare at him. Would that have been so terrible?


  She stepped out of what was left of her pantaloons. Rhys picked them up and put them in his pocket. She had no time to argue with him so she grabbed his wrist and pulled him to a hidden door that led into her study. She tripped the latch and pushed him inside the passageway.

  “Go left and left again. You will find a door leading to the east wing hallway,” she whispered. When she started to close the door, Rhys put his hand out to stop her.

  “Tell the Duke you are mine now,” he commanded. Her brows furrowed in confusion.

  “I belong to no one.” She pushed at the door, but he held it.

  “Come to me when you are done. I will wait for you in my room.”

  “We will see.”

  “Then we face Rodrigo together.” He pushed at the door and started to walk back into the room.

  “Fine, Fine! Please just go!”

  “I’ll have your word.”

  “You have it. Now go!”

  Rhys stood his ground. Cordelia realized he did not believe her.

  “If you do not come…”

  “I know, I know. You will come and get me. I will come to you. Please trust me. Now go!” she pleaded.

  He stepped back into the passageway reluctantly, and she shut the door. She righted herself as best she could. Her bum tingled as her chemise rubbed against it while walking to the door. Hoping to soothe the sensitive skin, she rubbed it a few times, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

  Chapter 28

  “What the hell, Roddy! There better be a fire!” she chastised, hoping he would not notice how flustered she was. Roddy strode in, scanning the room, looking for the reason for her delay.

  “Well if there were, you certainly would not know it! What are you doing in here? And, with the door locked at that?” he asked, hands on his hips, tapping his toe flamboyantly.

  “I remind you that my father, a term I use loosely I dare say, died years ago. But, if he were alive, I would tell him I am a grown woman and do not have to explain how I use my time!” she retorted, placing her hands on her hips in return.

  Cordelia prayed she was being convincing. The last thing she needed was to have to explain what had happened between her and Rhys a few minutes ago. Cordelia hardly understood it herself. Did she enjoy being spanked? Her sex throbbed and her bum tingled at the memory. Yes, she did, very much! Cordelia hoped her cheeks were not turning pink. Oh god, what was happening to her?

  Roddy stepped back, aghast, and brought a hand to his chest as if she had wounded him. Then, he relaxed and waved his hand at her flippantly.

  “Fine. I’ll get a confession out of you before luncheon. I do not understand why you make me work so hard. You know you are dying to tell me. Keep it to yourself then. When you are bursting to tell me, I’m dying to hear.” Then, he looked at her desk, one hand on his hip the other pressed against his mouth. Cordelia didn’t have to guess what he was thinking.

  “Roddy! You were banging my door down, what do you want?” she asked, hoping to distract him. He snapped out of his reverie.

  “Oh yes! I came to get you. You have to see. You are a genius! Emelia and I are in awe, not that we doubted you, oh no, but still, you’ve done it again! Come, come.” He grabbed her hand and started pulling her to the door. She resisted.

  “Roddy, cease! Please explain yourself! You cannot pull me along like an excited child, for heaven’s sake! What has you in such a state?”

  “The Duke and Lady Esme! He is beyond enchanted with her. They are walking along the path next to the pond, and he has his hand on the small of her back! He is not even trying to hide his regard. You truly have a gift, lovey. How you could possibly have known they would have an attraction is beyond me. Come, you must see…,” he insisted.

  “Roddy.” She put a hand on his arm. “You go and keep me updated. I came in here to nurse a headache. I am going to my room to take a potion and lie down for a while. Nature will take its course. You and Emelia can handle it from here.” she said solemnly.

  “True, but…oh lovey, are you not well? You are flushed, now that I look at you,” He put his hand on her cheek in genuine concern. Cordelia’s eyes dropped, feeling guilty for lying to him. “Shall I send for the doctor?”

  “No. I just need to lie down for a bit. I’ll be fine. Can you cover for me?” she asked sweetly, looking at him from under her lashes, hoping he would believe her excuse.

  “Of course, lovey, you lie down. I’ll check on you later.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and escorted her to the door. “I suggest brandy and a nap. That will fix you right up. Maybe a soak in the tub would do the trick. Are you close to your monthlies?”

  “Roddy!” Cordelia checked to be sure no one was able to overhear their conversation. “Must you always take everything to the extreme?”

  “Oh please, we girls must stick together in the end. I will leave you here. I must go help Emelia.” He stopped at the landing. “I will check on you later.” He kissed her cheek. “Send word if you need a doctor.”

  “I just need to rest a little while. I’ll be fine by dinner, I promise.”

  “I hope so. The Duke will have apoplexy if you are not there to entertain, I dare say.”

  “If what you say about him and Lady Esme is true, I doubt that my absence would be noticed.” She smiled weakly, as he walked down the hall toward the lawn.

  Butterflies took flight as the time approached to face Rhys again. They needed to talk. Besides Emelia and Roddy, he was now the only other living person who knew she was a virgin. A secret she had taken desperate measures to keep. Her creditability was on the line. Not just hers, but Roddy’s and Emelia’s as well. Now, he had the power to expose her as precisely what he had accused her of being when they first met. A sham. It was not fair! Her work should speak for itself, shouldn’t it? Society would not view it that way. There was nothing more enticing than a scandal that led to someone’s ruination. She would have to convince him to keep her secret, but how? Why would he?

  Cordelia proceeded upstairs toward her suite, then took the servant’s passageway to the hall outside of his room. She knocked softly on the door. When there was no answer, she poked her head inside. The room was empty. Was it possible that she had beat him here? She decided to wait inside, just in case som
eone came by. It would not do for her to be caught lurking in the hallway. As she stepped inside, Rhys came out of the anti-chamber before she could close the door.

  Her heart jumped into her throat at the sight of him. He was so tall and handsome. And, just thinking of what he could do with those hands made her heart start to race. They were alone again. It was going to take all her concentration to get through this awkward conversation. But it had to be done. It was not just her that could be hurt by her weakness for this man.

  “Lock it. My valet might return at any moment,” he commanded, gently. He looked strong, virile and every bit in control. This was a man who took what he wanted. And, damn it to hell, she would give him anything he asked if he would but make her feel like he had in her office again. What was happing to her? How was she ever to convince him to help her? Tears welled in her eyes.

  “Please, my lord, I beg you not to tell anyone.” She struggled to speak, her voice small. “If it was just my reputation to be compromised…I would not care. But it affects Emelia and Rodrigo too, and that, I cannot abide.”

  Rhys looked confused. Then, he crossed the room quickly and crushed her to his chest. She stiffened, trying to hold onto her resolve, but could not bring herself to pull away.

  “I would never talk about what we do together, Cordelia. Ever,” he reassured her, and she relaxed. He started rubbing her back. “This is all my fault. I misunderstood the situation and acted rashly.”

  “What?” she asked, her voice muffled against his chest. Misunderstood the situation? How could he misunderstand? He had stopped once he felt her…her proof of virginity.

  “I do not know what this is, this effect you have on me, but somehow I cannot seem to control myself…I cannot keep my hands from you, and frankly, I do not want to. If you rather our relationship remains…”

  “What?” This time she pulled back to look at him. “My lord, I…”

  She froze. The desire in his eyes made her heart crack. His eyes searched her face before he spoke.

  “Rhys. Call me Rhys,” he whispered. Her eyes dropped to his lips, wishing he would kiss her and take away all her doubts and concerns, even if it was just for a moment. As if he had read her thoughts, he leaned down, almost brushing his lips on hers. “Say it. Say my name.”

  “Rhys,” she whispered, lost to him, willing to give him anything he asked. Lord help her, this man was irresistible.

  He closed the gap and kissed her with so much passion she could swear he felt the same. She pushed her thoughts aside and melted against him, submitting to the kiss. He moaned, reached down, picked her up, and carried her to his bed.

  First, he sat her down, and without breaking their kiss, leaned her back pressing his weight on her. It felt divine. She threaded her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer as she writhed beneath him. He reached for the buttons on the front of her dress and managed to undo two or three before she realized what was happening. He had done it again! He had but to touch her, kiss her, and she instantly lost her resolve. No! They had to talk, before she did something else colossally stupid. She started pushing on his shoulders. He hesitated, then with a growl, rolled to her side frustrated. She abruptly sat up and tried to catch her breath.

  “Good god,” she whispered. “You are very good at this…I can hardly think.”

  “Then don’t,”

  Rhys pulled her back on the bed and attempted to roll on top of her, but she put her hand on his chest to stop him.

  “Wait. We need to talk. I have to know you will not tell. No one can know of my ah…condition. You cannot fathom the damage it would do. You are the only one that knows besides Roddy, Rodrigo that is, and Emelia. I’ll not have them hurt by my weakness.” Cordelia waited for his reaction. It was important that he knew that this was of the utmost importance. Rhys furrowed his brows, looking confused.

  “Condition? What condition?” Her cheeks flushed at his question. Why did he insist on embarrassing her? He was going to make her say it?

  “You know…I’m a uh…”

  His expression changed, and she knew it had finally dawned on him. Her cheeks started to get hot. He eased away from her hand pushing on his chest. She relaxed a fraction but did not remove it.

  “It is hardly a condition, Cordelia.”

  How could he be so flippant? Did he not know the damage that would result if this were to get out?

  “It is if you are a matchmaker! How could anyone trust me if I have never experienced, ah…. passion or desire…in the traditional sense? It would ruin me, all of us, and all those we have matched if anyone knew. Do you not see that?”

  Rhys stared at her. She could not tell what he was thinking.

  “I can attest to your passion and desire, Cordelia. You do not lack in either.”

  Ugh! That was the last thing she wanted to hear! Cordelia did not want to offend him but having a referral about her desire and passion from a rake, was not something she wished for. Quite the opposite.

  “You would tell them what happened between us?” She felt her cheeks turn pinker. This was a nightmare! How was she to get herself out of this mess?

  “I would never betray you. What we do is our own. Ours, do you understand? I would never demean what is happening between us by gossiping about it, understand?”

  He sounded angry. Demean what was happening between them? It felt as though he cared about her, as if she was more than just another conquest. Was this part of his game, to earn her trust? Cordelia locked eyes with him, judging his sincerity. His expression was unwavering, confusing her. She relaxed and dropped her hand. Cordelia pushed the thought away. It could not be.

  “Yes, I do,” she whispered, so he knew she understood, hoping that this would be an agreement between them.

  “What is this weakness you are referring to?”

  Oh god! Could this moment be any more humiliating? This she could not bear. Telling him that he was her weakness would only stroke his enormous ego. He would be intolerable if he knew the power he had over her. She looked away. He put his finger on her chin and pulled her back to look at him.

  “I think you can agree that we have shared quite a few intimate moments, Cordelia. To be embarrassed in front of me at this point seems moot, wouldn’t you agree?” She nodded on his finger, and he tenderly ran the back of it down her cheek. She felt silly. He probably knew anyway. He whispered, “Tell me,”

  “You, you arrogant arse, you are my weakness,” she told him, reluctantly.

  He stared at her as her words sank in. How could he not have known? He had but to breathe in her direction, and she became putty in his arms. A slow, sexy smile came to his lips, proving that he knew how much it pained her to admit that truth.

  “Then we are stuck with each other, madam, as I cannot seem to get enough of you either.”

  Chapter 29

  Rhys’ mouth came down on hers hard, his kiss possessive. Her hands slid into his hair, and she pulled urgently, his words pinching her heart. She felt wanted, wanted by him, and she wanted him too. There was no turning back this time. Cordelia knew she would not be able to fight him if he took her. And she wanted him to. For the first time, she wanted a man to take her.

  “God damn it, Cordelia, what are you doing to me?”

  He reached down with both hands and ripped open her bodice. The buttons flew everywhere. She gasped as excitement surged through her. Heat like before swirled everywhere. She wanted to feel her nipples against his skin. Hastily, she pulled down her chemise to reveal her breasts and shrugged out of it, hoping he would get the hint. Rhys took off his jacket, flung it across the room, ripped open his waistcoat, then pulled it and his shirt over his head together. She sucked in her breath at the sight of him.

  “Oh Rhys, you are so beautiful,” she whispered, and ran her hands down his chest. Cordelia had to taste him. She pressed her lips to his skin. “So, beautiful,” she whispered against his chest.

  She let her lips slide softly to his nipple, while she slid her
hands around to his back and pulled him to her. She sucked his nipple into her mouth, sucked on it hard hoping to find that place between pain and pleasure as he had done with her. She increased the suction until he moaned and arched into her. It was so erotic she thought her sex was going to explode. She had to touch him, feel his hard manhood in her hand. His breath became ragged as she slid her hands to his crotch, yanked the buttons free, and reached inside to seize his erection. He sucked his breath between his teeth. Cordelia felt powerful as she pumped her hand up and down his hard shaft until the rhythm of her suckling and her hand were in unison. His head dropped back, and he moaned in ecstasy. Cordelia felt as if she owned him, when his mouth dropped open, and only only silent grunts escaped. When she rubbed her thumb over the tip and spread the small bead of moisture that had gathered on the pillowy head, he tried to catch his breath. She let go of his nipple and started across his chest to the other one.

  “Cordelia,” he managed. “I do not know how much more I can take. I want you too much.”

  He sounded desperate, but she was not done yet with him yet. She could not get enough. Cordelia reached her destination and sucked his nipple into her mouth as she squeezed his cock.

  “Bloody hell!” He was losing control his reaction made her sex throb. Cordelia moaned and she sucked hard on his nipple one more time before she let it go.

  “You had better take me then,” she whispered, half afraid, half excited about what was to come.

  Rhys looked at her in disbelief. She grasped the top of his waistband and started to push his pants down to show him she was serious. He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb across her soft skin as he gazed at her with wonder. It was such a tender gesture.

  “Are you sure?” he asked softly, as if afraid she would change her mind.

  “Yes,” she said with a nod.

  He undid the buttons on the back of her skirt. It fluttered to the floor. She stood before him in all her glory, wearing only her stockings. She slipped out of her shoes and kicked them and her skirt aside. She stood waiting, as his eyes roamed her naked body. She tried to quell the memories of her time with the Earl. She battled to keep her thoughts at bay, but felt insecure nonetheless. He stared at her hungrily, and she was afraid that he might ask her to do the same things the Earl had wanted. Her stomach sank when he reached out and cupped her sex.


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