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The Countess

Page 23

by Lisa Doughty

  He smiled softly and started toward her. Cordelia clasped her robe in front of her, and tried to concentrate on what he was saying, not the fact that he was moving toward her.

  “It’s just what?” he prompted, quietly.

  “Uh, it’s just that there’s something about you that I…” She peeked at his face. He was cautiously crossing the room, as if he was the predator and she were the prey, about to bolt. They locked eyes and Cordelia was lost. He saw right through her. She could never lie to him. “I cannot resist,” she whispered.

  He was there, inches away. Her heart was beating in her throat. She strained her neck to look up at him, feeling vulnerable and naked, as she waited for him to say something. His eyes darted between hers and the long silence started to make her uneasy.

  “It won’t happen again,” she whispered.

  “You lie,” he whispered, and leaned forward so she was forced to press herself against the door. Why was he forever pressing her against a door or a wall? Was it so she could not escape? Didn’t he realize that she did not want to? She struggled to find the words to contradict his.


  “Did you think that because I did not rejoin the party that you had made me uncomfortable?” he said in a low quiet tone. His hot breath on her cheek sent shivers down her spine.

  “Yes, I…” Her breathing became erratic when he pressed an arm against the door next to her head. Her chest heaved as she struggled to control it. His body heat penetrated the thin silk of her robe, wreaking havoc on her nerves.

  “Ask me why I did not return, Cordelia.”

  With these words, he leaned closer and slowly slid his hand down the door next to her body. She could barely concentrate, as her sex started to throb and the warmth building in her core threatened to consume her.

  “What?” she asked, mindlessly.

  “Ask me, Cordelia,” he whispered again, as his hand reached the door knob and his hot breath tickled her neck.

  “Why? Why didn’t you return?”

  “Because if I had, Cordelia, I would have ripped that little silver gown off of you and made love to you in front of the entire ton and not cared a wit.” Cordelia heard the lock on the door turn. “Because I cannot resist you either.”

  His mouth came down on hers hard. One arm slipped into her hair, and the other to the small of her back pulling her against him. Cordelia melted into him, her fingers threading into his hair to pull him closer. The kiss was a tempest. His mouth and tongue were everywhere. Cordelia could not get enough of him, nor could she stop her body from writhing against his in excitement, asking for more. He turned her away from the door, gripped the hair at the back of her head and pulled it back, so he could ravish her neck. Cordelia dropped her arms and arched into him, giving herself to him. One shoulder of her robe fell off, exposing a breast. Rhys’ mouth was on her nipple in an instant, hungrily sucking it into his mouth. Cordelia gasped at the intensity of the white-hot heat that shot straight to her sex as he suckled it to the edge of pain. Rhys let go, kissed his way up her neck, then paused and looked into her eyes.

  “Tell me you are mine, Cordelia.”

  She felt his grip in her hair pulsing as he waited for her to respond. Her answer meant something to him. She could feel it. She told him the truth.

  “I am yours, Rhys,” she whispered.

  He closed his eyes. When he opened them, the intensity on his face pinched her heart. He let go of her hair, untied her robe, and let if fall open. Next, he ran his hand down her chest, then belly, and pushed her pantaloons down. Rhys locked eyes with her as his fingers penetrated her intimate folds. Cordelia gasped and struggled to keep her eyes on his. It felt so good.

  “You are mine Cordelia. All of you.”

  His fingers rubbed back and forth, teasing and titillating, and she knew he had spoken the truth. No one else had ever made her feel this way.

  “Yes,” she whispered, with all of the emotion she felt.

  “And I am yours,” he stated, before his mouth came down on hers for a passionate kiss before he pulled back.

  “What do you want, Cordelia?” he whispered in her ear but did not stop caressing her with his fingers. Cordelia could not concentrate as heat swirled everywhere. She was getting wetter and wetter under his hand.

  “Play with me, spank me, make love to me, I care not, I am yours,” she uttered breathlessly, surrendering herself to him. “Play with me, please.”

  “Good god, Cordelia,” he whispered.

  She felt her feet leave the floor. He stood her in front of the bed and discarded her robe and underthings. She pushed his robe over his shoulders and he untied the string to his pants. She did not see them fall before his lips were on her neck, then chest, and she felt the mattress under her. He pushed her arms above her head and put her hands around the post on the headboard.

  “Hold on to this. Do not let go, understand?” he whispered in her ear.


  Cordelia gripped the headboard in the exact spot in which she had tied his hands. Her heart raced with excitement and anticipation. His lips started to travel down her body stopping to suckle each nipple into a hard bud before moving on. Then, to her surprise, he rolled her hips to the side and pushed one of her legs up to her chest. Her eyes hooded as he pushed a finger inside her.

  “You are always so wet and ready for me Cordelia. You drive me mad thinking of it,” he confessed, as he added another finger and pumped a few times before leaving her. “Do not let go, Cordelia,” he commanded.

  She felt the tip of his cock at her entry slowly pushing inside, the feeling much more intense in this position. Once inside he paused, then thrust inside her hard, hitting her core and sending waves of erotic sensations through her. She arched her back and gripped the headboard as the sensation rippled through her. Oh god, it felt so good. He ran his hand down her side and over her derriere, squeezing it before he pulled almost all the way out, only to thrust hard into her again. She arched into him again, wanting more, when his hand came down, spanking her close to the junction of her thigh and bottom. Delicious vibrations of ecstasy undulated through to her clit intensifying the feeling of his cock inside her. Her her sex clench around him. She rotated her hips slightly, feeling the sensual tug of her skin at her entry as he slowly pulled out. He did it again, thrusting harder, and slapping her gently. Her body took over, clenching around him violently this time. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed with erotic sensations.

  “Oh god, oh god. Rhys,” she chanted. She felt his hand gripping her hip tightly as he threw his head back and pumped in and out slightly, until she relaxed again. He did it one more time and, when he slapped her, she thought she might faint at the intense pleasure. She was not sure how much more she could take.

  Just as she thought she could take no more, he pulled her leg over and laid on top of her. He slid one hand under her derriere on the heated spot he’d created, and the other at the nape of her neck. His cock slid in and out, in and out, as he made love to her. His kiss was filled with such emotion that Cordelia thought her heart would burst. A new feeling started to grow in her belly and spread to her loins. She felt cherished. His mouth left hers and settled on her neck, while he continued to thrust into her harder and harder.

  “Rhys,” she whispered, as she let go of the headboard and wrapped her arms and legs around him. His lips covered hers. Her body was threatening to explode. “Oh Rhys…ah, I love you,” she whispered, then exploded.

  “Cordelia,” he whispered, and his mouth came down on hers before he threw his head back, and she felt his seed burst inside her. He gripped her so tightly as his orgasm took him that Cordelia did not know where hers began and his stopped. Finally, he rested his forehead on hers briefly, before rolling them to the side taking her with him.

  They both struggled to catch their breath, unable to speak. Cordelia was glad, since she needed to compose herself. She had just told him she loved him! She hadn’t been able to hold back, because it was t
he truth she realized. Somewhere in this whirlwind relationship she had lost her heart to him. Now he knew. How would he use this power? As if he could read her mind, he hugged her closer, tucking her head under his chin with a kiss.

  “Its official, I am lost to you.” She felt him smile as he laid his cheek on the top of her head. Was he joking?

  “You are?” she asked, not sure of his sincerity. She hadn’t known what to expect, but this surely it wasn’t this! Maybe he hadn’t heard her declaration!


  Cordelia pushed back so she could see his face. He seemed sincere, but it wasn’t clear if he was making light of what she had said.

  “Is that a good thing?” she asked, probing.

  “It is, if you wish it to be,” he said, searching her face. Then he ran his fingers down the side of her face tenderly. “Do you wish it to be?”

  “I…of course.” It seemed like he needed reassurance. She had told him she loved him. Why would he need more assurance than that? He must not have heard her. “If you wish it to be, too.” She added unsure of what to say. He gave her a smile that stopped her heart.

  “Let me show you how much I wish it to be.” He rocked his hips, moving his cock inside her and she gasped. “You will never doubt it again.”

  Chapter 37

  The next morning, Cordelia soaked in her bath for longer than usual. She had barely made it back to her room before Tilly came to wake her. This morning, Rhys had refused to let her go, making love to her for far too long before she finally tore herself away. He had tried to walk her back to her room, but she would not let him. It was too dangerous. She knew the servants were rising to see to their morning duties.

  They could not keep taking these chances while her guests were still at Middleton. One more day, and they would have the freedom to do whatever they wished. But he was leaving, and she was frightened to ask what was next for them. Even though he had made love to her all night, his light-hearted jests had left her confused.

  The last thing she wanted was for him to feel obligated because she had been a silly girl and blurted out her feelings in the throes of passion. What a ninny! No wonder he was amused. No. If they were to continue whatever this was, it would be on equal terms. No obligations. She knew that was what he was used to, and though not ideal, she would agree to it if he wished. No more talk of love or feelings. Just more of what had happened between them last night. It was wonderful, and she would not give it up for anything.

  Resolved to enjoy his company and whatever he wished of her, Cordelia dressed for their ride. For the first time, she was eager to see Rhys. He may not love her in the same fashion, but she did love him and could not wait to see his handsome face again. Her heart was the lightest it had been since they met. For once, she was not dreading what would happen between them. It was glorious to feel free. Tilly was pinning on a riding hat that was more of an ornament than anything else, when there was a knock on her door. Tilly answered, and a footman handed her a letter. Cordelia opened it and read it.

  “Tilly, have you ever heard of a Viscount Moreland?”

  “Hmmm, maybe, but I am not sure. I can ask around.”

  “Give this to Rodrigo and have him find out who he is. He wishes an audience with me next week and I want to know more about him before I accept.”

  “As you wish, my lady. You are ready.” Tilly announced.

  “Thank you, Tilly.”

  Cordelia’s heart skipped a beat when she saw Rhys waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. His back was turned. Except for a maid or two dusting, no one else was about. Everyone would be resting in their rooms, preparing for tonight. She was happy to have a moment alone with him as they would probably not be alone again until after the ball. When she was halfway down the stairs, he turned and took in her appearance. His smile was that of pure joy and he looked more handsome for it.

  “Now that is a hat that I can maneuver around,” he teased and Cordelia laughed.

  “I fail to see its purpose, actually. I’m told it’s the latest fashion. Do you like it?” She turned her head side to side.

  “Everything looks fashionable on you, Cordelia. Especially me.” He held out his hand, and she took it.

  “You should not say such things out loud, my lord. We may be overheard,” she whispered.

  “Pull your mind out of the gutter, my lady. I only meant on my arm,” he teased and possessively tucked her hand in his. “Besides, I want the world to know about us, even if you do not.”

  “One more day, my lord, and my guests will be gone.”

  “And one more night,” he said quietly as they approached the stables. “If I can wait that long.”

  Cordelia smiled at him slyly, although her heart skipped a beat. The man was a menace.

  “I may not have my usual size of hat as a weapon today, my lord, but I warn you, I will be armed nonetheless.”

  “Oh, is that so?”

  “Yes, my riding crop.” She smiled triumphantly, he laughed heartily, and slightly leaned in to her.

  “Ah, a whole new set of possibilities for me to ponder,” he whispered. Cordelia’s eyes widened, and she slapped his arm playfully.

  “There you two are. I was wondering if you were still coming,” Esme chastised. “The Duke has gone ahead to try Rhys’ horse. He left word for us to meet him over the next hill. I was about to leave you both behind.”

  Cordelia checked the watch pinned to her jacket. They were five minutes early. She looked at Rhys and smiled. He rapidly raised his eyebrows a few times, making her giggle.

  “Let us be off then,” Cordelia announced and let go of Rhys.

  He lifted her onto her grey, his hands squeezing her waist before he let go, then mounted Midnight in one swift motion. Cordelia was so impressed with his horsemanship. He was able to keep the eager beast at bay beside her mare as they walked.

  “He needs to run, to be free for a moment. I can understand how he feels. I often feel that way,” Cordelia told Rhys. “You should breeze him for a bit. Go, and we will catch up.”

  “Come with me.” Rhys held out his hand, and she looked at Esme.

  “Go. Give him his head, we will catch you over the next hill,” Cordelia said, with regret.

  He nodded and was off. Esme came up beside her on her white mare.

  “You have a keen understanding of horses, Cordelia. And men.”

  “They are similar, I dare say. Their priorities are eat, drink and breed.” They laughed.

  “Speak of… The Duke kissed me last night,” Esme said, with a sideways glance.

  “Did it curl your toes or make you turn up your nose?” Cordelia teased, with no hint of judgment.

  “Definitely curled my toes. I never wanted it to end. If he hadn’t stopped, I swear we still would be in that alcove now,” Esme answered frankly. They both giggled.

  Cordelia liked Esme very much. Her frank manner and keen insight reminded her of Emelia. She would make a perfect wife for the Duke.

  “That’s wonderful!”

  “I know! I cannot wait to see him again. He seemed a little rattled and nervous when we parted last night. I hope he does not think me fast.”

  “I’m sure he likes your honesty, Esme. Your brother is here as your chaperone and I’m sure he did not want to get carried away and offend him. You will know how he feels the second you see him this morning.” she reassured her. Cordelia knew the Duke was looking for a passionate partner, but she would not dare to speak for him.

  “I hope so. I would be devastated if he thought poorly of me. He’s the first man I have thought about for myself, if you know what I mean.”

  “I do. Come, let us run to catch up the men and find out…”

  Cordelia spurred her grey into a gallop. Esme was beside her in a flash. They laughed as they gave their horses their heads and sped over the hill. She saw Rhys waiting on the other side and they headed to him.

  “Where’s the Duke?” Cordelia asked as they stopped, surprised
that he was not with him.

  Rhys was scowling as he nodded at the meadow. The Duke was on a tall white gelding, cantering toward them. The low-lying fog billowed around the horse’s hooves, which gave him a mystical appearance. Esme gasped, then looked at Rhys. A look of complete satisfaction came across her face.

  “What?” Cordelia asked, confused by their reactions.

  “See, Rhys? You are not right about everything,” Esme quipped and spurred her horse toward the Duke.

  “What was that about?”

  “I’ll explain later,” Rhys said irritated. Cordelia could tell there was an underlying meaning to their exchange and Rhys must’ve lost a small battle with his sister. She decided not to pry as they watched the pair meet. After a short exchange of words, the Duke pulled Esme onto the saddle in front of him, took her horse’s reins, and started to ride away. To Cordelia’s surprise, Rhys laughed.

  “Should we go after them?” she asked, shocked by Rhys’ caviler attitude towards theDuke’s bold breach in propriety.

  “No. I promised the Duke time alone with Esme today. I have the distinct impression there will be a wedding within a fortnight.”

  “Oh.” Cordelia said as she watched the couple disappear in the distance.

  “Besides, we need to talk, Cordelia. Which way is that waterfall you mentioned?”

  Chapter 38

  Cordelia’s nerves tingled. Rhys was leaving tomorrow. She was suddenly consumed by dread. Was he going to ask her to be his mistress? Or was he going to try and break it off again?

  “This way.” She set off toward the waterfall and Rhys came up beside her. Her heart filled with trepidation about what was to come.

  “I need to talk to you about a delicate subject, Cordelia.”

  “Yes?” She gulped back tears. This was it! She vowed to accept whatever he had to say with grace and decorum.

  “You realize that we haven’t taken any precautions when we have been together, don’t you?”

  Cordelia relaxed. Was he worried that she had not been discrete? She would put his fears to rest.


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