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The Lovers: Cards of Love Series

Page 29

by Cole, Fiona

  And then it was just Jackson and me in the room.

  “Nice outfit, Derringer,” Jackson broke the silence.

  Outfit was an understatement. More like barely-there lingerie that resembled Mrs. Clause. “Thanks,” I responded dryly.

  Jackson shined his perfect smile at me, and I couldn’t fight the smile back. Somehow, he’d already begun putting me at ease around him.

  “You nervous for your first night?”

  “A little. But a little excited too.”

  “That’s good. It’s better to just think of it like acting in a play—to remove yourself from the porny feel of it.” He closed his locker and leaned against it, staring at me. “You going to select any partner work tonight?”

  “Umm.” I looked down and fiddled with the white fur lining the bottom of my dress. “I don’t think so.”

  “Maybe next time.” He stood to his full height and looked me over before walking toward me. Each step he took, my eyes grew wider and wider until he stood right in front of me. I watched, frozen, as his hand came up to cradle my cheek and he leaned down to press his lips to mine. They were soft and lush and not at all demanding. When his tongue flicked out at the seam of my mouth, I opened and met him halfway, tasting the fresh mint.

  I had expected the kiss to go further, to shoot to my core and set off sparks along the way. Instead, it was comfortable. Friendly. He knew exactly how confused I was when he pulled back and took in my face.

  “It’s a good feeling to have, Oaklyn. We’ll be better partners if our feelings for each other are mild.”

  I nodded and muttered an okay. He gave me a quick peck and a slap on the ass before heading out.

  “See you out there, Derringer.”

  I walked to the entrance of the employee lounge and grabbed an iPad to enter what I was willing to do that night. A giggle burst up as I started checking things off. The situation of sitting there in a slutty Santa costume, picking out what sexual acts I was willing to do in front of strangers was too funny for that moment.

  Bypassing all the partner work, I select almost every solo performance possible. Except anything that required anal masturbation. Pretty sure I wasn’t ready for that just yet.

  I placed the iPad back on the charger and snagged a bracelet that looked like a Fitbit. It would buzz to let me know if anyone had selected me for the night.

  Walking into the lounge, you’d never know the things that went on behind closed doors. A black modern bar with glass shelving was off to one side. Booths lined the opposite wall. A sprinkling of bar-top tables ringed the dance floor. Dim lighting lent a secretive air to the place. The piped-in music fluctuated between a variety of genres, but all with an upbeat tempo, filling any silence and absorbing any conversations going on nearby.

  The only thing different between this and any other upscale club, was that the employees walked around in lingerie or other seductive outfits. I made my way to the bar and asked Charlotte, who was wearing a slutty elf costume, what she needed help with.

  “Keep a pad on hand to take orders as you walk around. Eventually, you want to get better about remembering without writing them down. But for now, if you could run these to table twenty, that would be great.”

  The next few hours passed in a blur of taking orders and passing out drinks. Jackson helped the time fly by playing twenty questions each time we passed each other. I found out that he was twenty-two and had worked at Voyeur for two years. He was bisexual and not into being dominated but dabbled in dominating himself. His favorite color was green, and he liked Tic-Tacs, but only the orange ones.

  Surprisingly, I hadn’t gotten any lewd comments, and no one tried to touch me. Sure, men—and women—looked and flirted, but no one had crossed the line or made me feel uncomfortable.

  “These people pay a lot of money to be here. If they wanted to flirt and get handsy, they could go to a strip club for free two blocks down. People tend to be more respectful of the rules when they’re dropping over a grand a month to satisfy a specific kink of theirs,” Charlotte had explained when I’d mentioned it.

  She laughed when my eyes bugged out. “Jesus. I hadn’t realized how much the membership fee was.”

  My bracelet began to vibrate. The feeling traveled up my arm, sending an electric shock to my heart and jolting it into action. Lifting my arm, I looked at it like it was a bomb about to diffuse. I went blank, unsure of what the next step should be. Even though I knew. We’d gone over it. Go to the iPad and check the specifications of the request. Accept or reject.

  Charlotte patted my shoulder. “Hey, hey, girl. You got one.”

  “Yeah,” I said softly.

  “Don’t be scared. It’s like your virginity. The first time is the worst, but still fun, and it only goes up from there. And you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  I nodded, and she turned my shoulders to head where I needed to go. “Now go get ‘em, tiger.”

  I went to the iPad and pulled up my file to find the request, almost sagging in relief to see what it was.

  Couple session.

  Male: 58

  Female: 55

  Request: Solo Performance

  Comments/Specifications: Like you’re coming home for bed, lay down and start reading a book. Then begin to masturbate but show nothing. Just your hand moving under your panties with your legs spread. Make enough noise, but not overly fake.

  In room or privacy room: In room.

  As for what could have been given to me on my first go, this was a gift. It wasn’t too much exposure and something I could pretend I was actually at home for. How many times did I read a book and end up playing with myself before falling asleep? Plenty.

  This was just like that. Sort of.

  I went to the back hallway that led to all the rooms and saw the tag hanging on the knob indicating the couple was already in the room.

  “Don’t forget your panic button if anything should happen,” Tim, the security guard who was placed outside my door explained. “I placed it on the nightstand for easy reach should you need it. I’ll be right out here the whole time.”

  “Thank you.”

  Taking a deep breath, I gripped the knob before turning it and clearing my mind.

  Ignore the couple in the corner. Focus on you and the scene.

  I walked into a normal bedroom. A dresser with a mirror set up on the wall next to the door, littered with all kinds of basics you’d find in a bedroom. Brush, books, makeup, perfume. A bed on the far wall with a basic hotel-like set up and a nightstand on each side. I’d been told each room included a fully dimmed alcove where the voyeur would sit, and though I didn’t look, I knew my couple was sitting in the alcove to my left.

  Instead of focusing on that, I went to the dresser and took off any jewelry I had and avoided looking in the mirror, unsure if I was ready to see what I’d find staring back at me. I brushed my hair and then flipped through the books, selecting one and heading to the bed.

  I pulled the covers back but lay down on top of them after fluffing the pillows behind me. My eyes skimmed the words, not taking anything in as I tried to determine the appropriate amount of time to pretend to read before fingering myself.

  The nervous laugh that bubbled up at the thought almost escaped. I clamped down on the inside of my cheek to keep myself in check, then I rolled my hips and rubbed my thighs together. I shifted the book to one hand while the other worked its way down my body. Repeating the motion of my hips, I slowly drew my heels up toward me and spread my legs wide, letting my fingers play with the edge of my lace underwear. Each graze along the edge of the fabric sent shocks to my core.

  Were the couples’ eyes glued to my movements, desperate for more? Were they touching each other? Was he mimicking my movements? Teasing her with soft grazes against her core? I didn’t dare lift my eyes.

  When my fingers sunk beneath the fabric, I let out a moan, surprised to find how turned on I actually was and that I was wet. I made my motions b
ig, to make sure the couple sitting directly across from my spread legs could see what was happening.

  When I heard them for the first time, it almost pulled me out of the moment. A swish of fabric, her soft moan, his heavy grunt. I kept my hand moving, my hips pushing up, but my mind was slipping.

  What were they doing? Who were they? Did they like what they saw?

  Her breathing increased, and the repeated rustle of fabric led me to believe they were having sex.

  Were they even watching me anymore? What would I see if I lifted my head enough to peer into the shadows?

  My core tightened at that thought, and I closed my eyes and pictured it. I pictured her straddling his lap and grinding on him as he stared over her shoulder and watched my thighs shake from pleasure.

  Using my rush of moisture, I pushed my fingers inside my pussy and moaned. I pulled back out and circled my clit, wondering if she had turned to watch me too, and I moaned again.

  The rustle of clothes sped up to a rhythmic thrust that I used to time my motions, keeping pace with them. Her cries became louder and mine matched hers. Not that I was particularly loud but had to remember their request for sounds.

  But soon they were real, and I was coming. My walls squeezing around my fingers as my thumb worked harder across my bud. Almost as soon as I was done, with ringing still in my ears, I heard them climax, his loud groan pulling another spasm from my core.

  I gathered myself fast, unsure of how to finish the scene. They hadn’t specified and laying there with my hand stuck in my underwear seemed like too much, but I knew they were supposed to leave first.

  With one last breathy gasp, I pulled my hand out and rolled to my side, bringing the book with me. I slipped under the covers and pretended to read. While they prepared to leave, I stared at the words on the page and a small storm brewed inside me.

  I’d come.

  I’d enjoyed it.

  I liked being watched. It spurred me on more to imagine them watching, getting off to what I was doing.

  In all my thoughts about what I’d agreed to do, my nerves had been the only ones I’d been concerned with. I never imagined that I would like it. Would I like being with Jackson? Would I begin to crave him too? How far would I be willing to go?

  When I heard the click of the door, I sat up and watched the minute hand circle around, waiting two full rotations before I got up to leave. As soon as I walked out of the room, I went to the iPad and removed my options. I was done performing for the night, too overwhelmed with my first performance to continue. Instead I stuck to Charlotte’s side and distracted myself with orders and customers, knowing I would eventually need to process the surprising reactions I had in the room.

  But it could wait.

  * * *


  “I had a great night, Cal. Would you maybe want to grab a drink at my place?”

  I thought over Shannon’s offer, knowing it was more than a drink, knowing I should say yes, but my body already breaking out in a sweat at the idea. “I’ve got an early morning, but maybe next time.” I added a smile to soften the rejection.

  “Next time.” Her hand trailed down my chest as she stepped into me outside her car door. I moved my hand to her waist, as she probably expected, and leaned down to meet her halfway for a kiss.

  I watched her eyes close and wondered what she saw behind them when her lips touched mine. She pressed close and I moved my mouth against her softer one, enjoying the connection, but unable to lose myself in it. Before it could become more, I pulled back with a peck, watching her eyes dreamily open and a small smile play across the flushed lips I’d just tasted.

  With a flirtatious smile and heated look, she turned to open her door and said, “Call me,” before getting in. I nodded and stood back until she pulled out of the parking lot, but I wasn’t sure if I would.

  I got in my own car and drove home. The keys jangled too loud in the empty house, echoing against the walls, reminding me I was alone. I didn’t bother turning on the lights after I placed my keys in the bowl and set my wallet in line with the corner of the entryway table. Instead, I let the moonlight streaming across my hardwood floors through the open blinds guide me to the wet bar in the corner of the sitting room. I poured a shot of expensive bourbon. I didn’t keep too much alcohol in the house after the way I struggled with it as a teen, but tonight wore on me. I poured another before sitting back against the stiff cushions of the couch.

  This house was too big. I thought maybe if I had a house with so many rooms, a house that begged for a family, it would push me to fill it. Yet there I sat, in the dark, sipping bourbon, on my barely used couch in my barely used sitting room.

  My mind wondered to Shannon and what she would think if I’d taken her up on her offer to go somewhere for drinks, preferably one of our houses. She was a beautiful woman. A slim body and medium height. Her breasts full and the cleavage she’d had on display alluring. She gave the vibe of a good girl who’d want to do dirty things in bed. Would she understand my desire to watch? Would she like it?

  I adjusted my hardening dick as I thought about bringing a woman to Voyeur to watch with me. Torn between watching the performance and watching her bare breasts heave in excitement.

  Yet, I hadn’t taken Shannon home, because thoughts were just that. Enough to turn me on, but I was realistic enough to not act on them.

  The quiet was getting to me, leading my mind to shadows I didn’t want to visit. I needed to get out of the house. I tossed back the last bit of bourbon and moved to the kitchen to wash and dry my glass, putting it away in the cabinet before grabbing my keys and heading out. My parents would be in town next week, and I wouldn’t be able to satisfy my desires while they were there.

  * * *

  Confidence surrounded me as I walked through the door to Voyeur, entering my ID number into the program, even though it was unnecessary since everyone knew me. I waved as I passed some of the guards and regulars that had been there longer than me. When I reached the bar, I ordered a beer, remembering my two drinks at home. The bartender, Charlotte, set my bottle in front of me and left to attend to others. I grabbed my drink and turned to scan the crowds, trying to find someone I wanted to watch tonight.

  Just as I brought the cold glass to my lips, I spotted her walking out of the back hallway. Her light brown hair looked mussed, fanning out behind her as she walked, like she’d just rolled out of bed. A flush stained her cheeks all the way down to her chest, making my eyes trail over her perky breasts, barely a handful. My mind raced with thoughts about what she might have just done, how she would have looked.

  Instantly, my cock hardened as I stared at her slim body weaving between the patrons. She wore a minuscule Santa nightie and black, thigh-high stockings that made her legs look much longer than her short body could handle. She kept her head down for the most part, but when a woman stepped back, bumping into her, she glanced up with a smile that punched me in the chest. Her lips were full on her petite face and her smile almost too big. It was beautiful.

  I stared as her features pulled me in, entranced me as I mapped every inch. Something about her ensnared all of my senses and wouldn’t let me go. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. Maybe physical attraction? It felt bigger than that, like a planet that was pulling me into its orbit.

  Too soon she slipped behind the wall I knew led to the employee’s lounge. I took one last quick pull of my drink and abandoned it, half full, at the bar before heading to the iPads where I could make my selection. Flipping through who was working for the night, I searched for her face. An urgency I couldn’t explain hit me. An excitement I hadn’t felt before lit a fire through me. I needed to watch her tonight. Watch her do anything as I wrapped my fist around my cock, imagining it was her, until I came.

  When I found her picture, an asterisk stood beside it and my chest deflated. The asterisk was to let people know that she was no longer able to perform for the night. Fuck. Had I just missed her last performance? Had
I missed my chance for the night?

  Squeezing my sweaty palms into fists, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This wasn’t me. I didn’t let such strong emotions carry me away and affect my body like they were now. Another deep breath and I swiped my palms against my slacks. Then I opened my eyes and looked down one last time at her seductive eyes in the picture.

  Continuing to swipe, I decided to find someone else to watch. I needed something harsh and angry to get some of the added frustration out that had suddenly taken over. I didn’t want the tediousness and teasing of BDSM, just rough. Finding a couple, I marked my preferences, noting that I’d be observing from the private room behind the one-way mirror.

  Having made my choice, satisfaction rushed to the base of my spine, hardening my cock even more.

  Reed could comment all he wanted about my sex life, but I had a plethora of options laid out before me.

  Who cared that I couldn’t bring myself to do any of them?

  * * *

  Read Callum and Oaklyn’s full story HERE!

  About Fiona Cole

  Fiona Cole is a military wife and a stay at home mom with degrees in biology and chemistry. As much as she loved science, she decided to postpone her career to stay at home with her two little girls, and immersed herself in the world of books until finally deciding to write her own.

  Fiona loves hearing from her readers, so be sure to follow her on social media.



  Reader Group: Books, Wine, and Music with Fiona Cole

  Also by Fiona Cole

  Where You Can Find Me


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