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Christmas Cruise in July

Page 10

by Marlene Bierworth

  “After the parade, I’ll do some packing. I don’t want to miss a minute of the evening fun.” Amy snuggled up to Skip. “I hope I find the pea in the cake and you find the bean. I’d love to be your Queen for the party.”

  “Good luck, you two. Packing is a good idea. I think I’ll go start now,” said Merissa.

  She only had enough time to bag her soiled garments and squeeze them into a small suitcase before it was time to leave for the parade. She’d make time after. Merissa grabbed the banner and headed for the large designated room. Rows of tables with costumes dangling on hangers behind confronted them. Members of the crew were there to help the process along. Merissa and Amy had to sign their costumes out and then back in at the end of the parade. The ship had rented them this week for the special Christmas cruise events happening aboard the ship.

  Amy and Merissa found an abandoned corner, and pulled the flowing white dresses up over their clothing, sticking the Velcro together at the neckline to hold it tight and in place. For a crown they wore a wide white band with a golden halo jutting upward from the back and appearing to fly just above their heads. Small dainty wings of starched material fastened at the back of the gown to complete the outfit.

  Merissa grinned and picked up her banner, waving it high in the air. “This is so much fun!”

  “Agreed,” said Amy. “I love this feeling – it’s almost like prom.”

  “Prom?” That was years ago. “I’m surprised you didn’t say you like a bride,” said Merissa.

  “I might have but…”

  “Since when did you pitter-patter around my emotions, Amy Patterson? Let it go. I miraculously have.”

  Merissa scanned the room. “There are the fellas.”

  “A kingly sight, if I say so myself,” Amy said.

  Merissa’s heart quickened at the sight of Chad pleased to see him back in the land of the living.

  “Isn’t Skip the most handsome man you’ve ever seen?” sighed Amy.

  “I hope things go well for you two out there in the real world,” Merissa said.

  “Well, it won’t be for lack of us trying. I can’t wait to introduce him to the gang back home.”

  “He’ll fit right in,” said Merissa.

  “What about…”

  “Please, Amy, just let it go. It’s enough I return home a whole person ready for my Prince Charming whenever he rides in on his horse to rescue me from a life of singledom.”

  “Singledom? What’s that?”

  “Chad’s chosen state. One fate that will not befall me – hopefully.”

  “Never fear. Once the word gets out that you’re up for grabs, you’ll have half the town pounding on your door,” Amy said.

  “No doubt you’ll see that they do,” said Merissa.

  They laughed and moved to where the photographers were taking pictures. From out of nowhere, Chad and Skip moved in next to them before the flash went off, and it recorded their history in photo land.

  The group paraded for over an hour, with stops for refreshments and opportunities to toss candy gifts to those not taking part. They sang every song in the Christmas catalog guitarists led them through the ship, deck by deck. It was amusing to see the variety of looks and comments cast our way. So many people like to watch fun but do not join in. Merissa had been an onlooker for a full year, but would never succumb to that level again. Life was for the living and she had a lot of catching up to do.

  After the parade, Merissa and Amy managed a rush pack job and then enjoyed a much longer dress-up time. The last hooray was about to take place. Chad showed up with Skip at early dining and appeared to be in good humor. The group chatted and laughed about the day so far.

  The show in the theater was a play of the little drummer boy and the cast did an excellent job in unfolding his story. Merissa found it interesting how the actors somehow incorporated points from the apostle’s creed and weaved it all together in a delightful presentation. One thing she would always remember from this Christian cruise was the theater. Merissa burned the pictures and messages into her being – fun in the sun and feed for the seed – to awaken her soul. She wished she could add, a dove for love, but that appeared not to be in the cards for her.

  At nine o’clock, the drums began to beat through the loudspeakers all over the ship. Everyone who signed up for the evening event hurried to the deck and stood in line to receive their piece of cake. It was an old tradition, somewhere in the world, and the director had incorporated the fun into tonight’s festivities. The girls gobbled their piece and just before swallowing Merissa gagged. She withdrew a pea and gasped. Everyone around cheered and the crowd led her to a throne of sorts in the lounge area. She sat on the edge of her seat, not seeking this honor, but smiling for Amy’s benefit who beamed with pride and swore she was a perfect Queen. Merissa sat impatiently waiting for her King to appear, and in the meantime, servers bowed to every wish and command – adding many extravagances she didn’t ask for.

  When the King arrived at his throne, Merissa gasped. Out of the thousands of guests aboard, how could it be possible that Chad would be the one to find the bean in his cake? She wondered if the North Pole was still sprinkling some unused magic their way.

  Chad looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. He bent low and kissed her empty ring finger. “There is no finer Queen that a King could ask for. Welcome to my kingdom.”

  Merissa loved to see his playfulness return and stood to accept her part. “Thank you, my King,” she curtsied. “Your kingdom will always be mine.” After she said the words, she watched as his eyes misted. He kissed her hand again before he sat on the throne. The rest of the ceremony was a blur, except for the one thing that mattered. Every detail of the game and the role Merissa and Chad played with their adoring crowd pulled them together in a stronger bond than ever before. It was a strange sensation, and she tried to guard against the captivating ambiance, but felt weak and unable to fight her heart’s response. She had fallen madly in love on this Christmas Cruise in July, and soon it would all come to an abrupt end.

  The crowd was cheering. The mock crowning ceremony had ended and the peasants wanted the King to kiss his Queen. Chad stood looking at Merissa, the invitation burning in his eyes. One step toward him was all it took. He swept her into a kiss with such a force she held tight around his neck for fear of falling to the floor. Her head spun and her heart pounded faster than the clapping that vibrated in her ears. When their lips parted, he stared with glazed eyes into her face. “I seek the Queen’s forgiveness. I have been such a fool.”

  Merissa could barely breathe and did not trust herself to be long-winded. May as well jump straight to the happy-ever-after. “You have, sir, but I love you nonetheless. Is that what you want to hear?”

  “Oh, yes.” The cheering grew louder and they kissed again before drawing apart. Chad bowed to the crowd and Merissa curtsied.

  The Epilogue.

  It had been a long day at work. Merissa had been tossing around a cover design for the magazine and received little help from her flighty workers. An emergency meeting had been held and she’d come down hard on them. It was beyond her abilities to put this monthly magazine into the hands of the public all by herself. She needed the skills of others and for some reason lately, they’d be sadly lacking. Merissa hoped her shape-up speech had not fallen on deaf ears. She rounded the corner in her apartment building hallway, laden with mail and work-for-home when she ground to a halt.

  In front of apartment number 306 sat a unique ornamental vase. A rather large bouquet of roses, dark, luscious, thick petaled roses, and they filled the air with an outdoorsy, morning fragrance. She hurried toward her door, dropped her armload of clutter, and held to her face. “Mm,” she groaned aloud. She reached for the card and read the words, Missed you. No signature followed, but she knew they were from Chad.

  A voice sounded from down the hall. “Glad you like the roses.”

  Merissa turned and stared at the man she’d seen only in her drea
ms for the last two weeks. Her day suddenly improved. He crossed the distance between them, never losing eye contact. She handed him her key and he turned the lock. They were no sooner inside the door – the vase safely on a hall table, the briefcase and mail kicked inside – than he slammed the door shut and pulled her into his arms.

  “I missed you so very much.” The world stood still as they sealed his words with their hearts. When their emotions were spent, Merissa led him to the couch.

  “How was your trip to China?”

  “Tedious, and too far away from you.”

  She would not repeat her offer for a position in the art department of the magazine. She could use his talent and expertise now more than when she’d suggested it to him on that Monday night before he left to fly overseas. She could not make the next move for him nor did she want to. She’d have him home only when and if he was ready.

  “I’m ready,” Chad said as if reading her mind.

  “Ready for what?”

  His eyes shone with mischief. “Do I need to submit a resume and art samples?”

  “You certainly do. There will be interviews with me and the team as well.”

  “Making this difficult, are you?”

  “It’s a competitive business, Mr. Livingston. We both need to know that you will be a good fit and happy in your work.”

  “Mm – tough boss, I see.”

  “I have to be. The magazine is ranked among the top five in America and I want to keep it there.

  “I can help. I’ve been thinking a lot about it, even when I should have been fixing the mess over there. My resume will also include my skills in human resources. Got anybody solving the people problems at work?”

  “Where were you today? I have people problems.”

  “Excellent. Then I’m your best choice for new hire. Part time art and the arm of the law for the company when needed.”

  “That is a great pitch,” said Merissa.

  “After all, if I come aboard, it will be our sole source of income, so I’d best make it work,” Chad said.

  Merissa grinned. “Is that you’re way of saying we may have a chance for a happy-ever-after?”

  “It’s looking extremely strong in your favor, Miss James.” Chad pushed her to arm’s length. “My mother wants to meet you.”

  “That is a good sign.” Merissa absently fumbled with the chain digging into her neck that held the half-cruise ship ornament then she slipped it back beneath her shirt.

  “What you got there? A gift from an admirer?” Chad asked.

  She slowly pulled it into plain view and watched the color in Chad’s face drain. “What’s the matter?”

  “The necklace – where did you get it?” Chad asked.

  Merissa stumbled with her reply. She did not want to open the subject of that magical intervention. After coming to grips it is was a miraculous intervention, and accepting it for the mystery it was, she did not want to rekindle the fire, especially with Chad. So many good things had happened on the cruise to change her life.

  “It was delivered to me, in the manila envelope from the North Pole.”

  Chad’s face lit up and he jumped to his feet. He dug deep in his pocket and pulled out the other half of the ship hanging on the original ribbon. “It is a best-friend match!” He looked like a kid on Christmas morning. “Will you be my friend forever?”

  Merissa took it from his fingers in a daze. “This was in the envelope you received from the North Pole?”

  “Yes! But I didn’t know what to do with it. I wasn’t going to give you half a boat as a gift. I know the rule about the friendship necklaces.”

  “Friends? Is that all you see in our future, Mr. Livingston.”

  “Oh, no, boss-lady. I think we can do a whole lot better.”

  Merissa wrapped her arms around his neck. “There’s been a mysterious force watching out for us, and I’m so happy it chose you for me.”

  “Not nearly as grateful as I am. Singleness is not what it’s cracked up to be.”

  “Singleness, huh?”

  “A problem we’ll have to rectify in the not too distant future.”

  From his jacket he withdrew a box with a ribbon tired around it. He dropped to his knees and held it out to her. “Merissa James. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Merissa was tongue-tied but her face revealed all he needed to know. Stammering she answered, “My wedding date is long overdue. And I am more thrilled than I ever dreamed possible.” Merissa grinned. “I’ve been practicing my new name – Mrs. Merissa Livingston.”

  “Sounds perfect!”

  Chad stood, and after she’d removed the ring from the box, he slipped it on the ring finger of her left hand. He silenced her gasp at the beautiful stone setting with a kiss that contained all their unspoken dreams and released new ones – filled with a different purpose and direction than either of them had expected that one Christmas cruise in July could possibly deliver.


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  May the spirit of Christmas abound in you and yours throughout the entire year and make all your dreams possible!




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