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Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs

Page 66

by Neely Dobbs

CHAPTER 51:  Alliance


  Jazon had been briefed by ADIZ on the preparations that had been made for his flight to Belshimitar. Then he had met privately with Kyell, saying his goodbyes. He also asked him to help Sabanda— both to provide appropriate support as her subordinate, as well as to personally look after her as her friend. Kyell, misty-eyed, had assured Jazon he would do his best on both counts.

  Inevitably, the time for departure arrived.  Jazon spoke softly to Sabanda, in a husky off-handed manner he hoped might conceal some of his dread.  “Now Mrs. Vice-Admiral, if you have nothing more pressing, would you accompany me to the departure bay?”

  She swallowed hard and nodded.  As they moved toward the bay, their tightly interlocked arms slightly impeded their progress.  Neither cared.

  When their slow steps brought them to the juncture of the corridor and the bay, he turned to Sabanda and took her in his arms.  She looked up.  Their lips merged.  Jazon held her tightly and thought, I want both of us to remember this kiss.

  Finally, after a long good-bye that was still much too short, he stroked her cheek and started backing away.  Sabanda reluctantly stood her ground, a tragically solitary figure, striving to bear up under the double burden of the impending loss of her husband and her forced assumption of command.

  “Jazon, I do respect you.  And admire you.  And love you.  I know you will do your duty…you always have.”  Tears flowed, despite promises she had made to herself.

  Backing away, a surge of deep emotion flooding him, he called out, “I will…I promise.  I don't know when and I don't know how, but I will come back to you. I won't rest comfortably until we’re together again.”

   His progress slowed and stopped, as if magnetically bound to her.  His gaze continued so long that a puzzled look entered her eyes. Jazon winked, “I just wanted to have something really beautiful to remember while I go on this little ‘vacation.'  Whenever I have a moment of free time, I'll be remembering your face, Beautiful.”

  She struggled to smile, then succeeded.  Still, her voice was husky and constricted when she spoke. “I'm in charge now.  So you'd better get goin'…you space-slug…before I have you arrested for blocking this corridor.”

  Tears welled in the corners of her eyes as Jazon flashed a rakish salute, then moved to the open door of the command cruiser.

  The last words she heard were, “I will be back, Sabanda… because I love you.”



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