Searching for the Answers

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Searching for the Answers Page 6

by Paige Orr

  A gasp escapes me, feeling sweat drip down my brow, as I finally let the illusion go, and stumble after the others. When I finally catch up they have the bastard tied up in one of the cells, I'm one of the best illusionists in the demon ranks, but this fucker is strong to make me struggle so much. The biggest shock though, is the fact that our lurker really is Xilas. I can’t fucking believe it! I thought Asmo would have killed this bastard, or at least let us know in one of his letters that he was keeping him prisoner in his house this whole time.

  I exchange a glance with the others, as Xilas struggles in his bindings, while we stand around him, trying to figure out what to do now. The reason Xilas was held in such a high position before he fucked up is, that he's really fucking strong, strong enough that only the Archdemons knew how to deal with him. Knowing this leaves us fucked, because even combined, I don't know if we would be able to kill him, and these binds will only hold him for so long. Hell, I don't even know what could kill a jaguar shifter, but with all the people that have previously tried to take his life, I don't think any of us have the magick to do it. We didn't actually believe it would be Xilas, so the plan we had for dealing with our intruder goes completely out the window. Maybe we don’t even have to be here though, it’s a long shot but Lilith deserves a break.

  Walking towards Tae, I tap him on the shoulder, motioning for him to follow me into one of the soundproof rooms in the corridor, so I can tell him my plan without Xilas overhearing. My plan would be pretty fucking pointless if the bastard heard, but I don't want to go too far away either, just incase the guys need us, so I tell him my plan as quickly as possible. “You know as well as I do, that these cells won’t hold him, and it will be really fucking difficult to keep Lilith safe with him loose. So I was thinking we could all go out to the cabin, that way she's far away from him, and it gives us time to figure out how to deal with him. Also it could be exactly what she needs right now, I think we could all do with the break, and it gives us a chance to get to know Aiden and Aziel as well. While we are there, I can do some research on jaguar shifters, we could take his samples to add to the database too. Then if it comes down to it and he escapes, I can track him using the database. The stupid fuck wasn’t around when I introduced the system, so all we have to do is knock him out while I gather what we need to log him, hopefully that will give us the upper hand when dealing with him.”

  Tae gives me a wide grin as he pats my shoulder, and some of the tension visibly eases from him. “That’s a great idea Sam, and Lilith certainly does deserve to get away from the craziness for a bit. Why don’t you go let Aiden and Lilith know our plan, leaving out the little complication of course. I'll collect the samples for you, and let the others know what we’ll be doing. Could you also catch Aiden up on everything, when Lilith goes to pack. Me and the others will make sure Xilas is secured before we head upstairs to pack. We’ll also alert security about what's happening, and let them know that it will be dangerous to stay here.”

  I turn to leave the room, grasping his shoulder on the way past, and head up the stairs, going out into the garden toward where I last saw Aiden and Lilith. I find them on the same bench, leaning against each other, looking up at the sky and holding each other's hand. I hate to interrupt them while they're enjoying each other's company, but the sooner we've all packed, and head out the better. “Hey guys, me and the others were all talking, and thought that it would be good to get away for a while. Especially after all the shit that's been going on lately. It would be great to have some normality, and it gives us all a chance to get to know each other better. We have a cabin just outside of the city, and I thought it would be the perfect place to relax, it's pretty out the way, but that means we don't have to worry about anything. The others are already packing, and letting the security team know that we're going away, so that just leaves you two.”

  Lilith nods her head excitedly with a big grin covering her face, and it makes me feel like shit for not telling her the real reason we're going, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to see her smile, she hasn't had much to smile about lately. “To be honest, a break sounds fucking amazing right now! It would be nice to just spend time with you guys, without all of the danger that seems to follow me around, and spending a little time in nature is supposed to be good for the soul. How long will we be going for?”

  I rub my chin, not wanting to give too much away, but I know I have to tell her something, otherwise I'll make her suspicious. “Well, we haven’t really decided yet, probably just for a few days, but pack for a week just to be on the safe side. I don't see us staying out there longer than that really, and if we have a change of plans one of us could always bring you back for more clothes. Remember to pack your necessities though, we don’t want you getting out there, then realising you forgot something you need, because it's a long drive. We don't want you pouting, because you forgot your favorite pair of panties, and having to travel all the way back for them.”

  She reaches towards me, slapping my arm playfully, with a cheesy grin lighting up her face. “Bad Sammy, it’s not nice to make fun of me. I could totally get Gem to come over here, and kick your arse for that, and you know she would, she's fucking badass. Oh! Speaking of Gem, I’ll need to get a hold of her, so she doesn’t completely freak out, and go all hulk smash on everyone's balls again.”

  With that, she bounces to her feet, heading towards the house with a skip in her step, as I stand there stunned that she's given me a nickname. I've never really had a nickname before, sure the guys shortened my name, but I've never really been close enough to anyone outside of our group for them to give me a nickname before. Shit, I really love that girl, she definitely knows how to keep me on my toes.


  Reaching my room, I head straight into my closet, and begin to excitedly pull clothes off the hangers, throwing them onto a small table I have near the door. I can’t believe we all get to go away for a while, I don't even remember the last time I got to have a break, and spending time with the guys really does sound perfect right now. I've not been myself since the whole Michael thing, if I had to describe it, I'd say that the experience has hardened me, I'm more likely to speak my mind now, instead of being too scared to open my mouth about anything. So I really need the time to figure out who I am now, and having some time to bond with my mates. Plus having no worries sounds fucking amazing right about now!

  Finished picking out a few things that I can lounge around in, I fold everything up, putting them in my duffle bag, and head back into the room, throwing it onto the bed. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I plop myself down onto the bed while dialing Gem’s number, excited to tell her that the guys are taking me away for a while. She answers after a couple of rings, and a smile breaks over my face at the sound of her voice. “Hey bitch! Don’t tell me you miss me already, it's only been two days since you saw my sexy self!”

  I snort out a laugh at her antics, I really couldn't wish for a better friend than this girl, she's fucking amazing. “You know I always miss my best bitch, we’re sistas remember, you're stuck with me for life. It might have only been a few days, but a lot of shit has happened in that time girl, and who else would I tell about my crazy life! Yesterday I got to know Aziel, the guy who came over with Sarah, and let's just say, he told me a lot about that side of my family, and none of it was good. Apparently Gabriel sees me as an abomination, and actually rewarded the guys that hurt me, which as you can guess pissed me the fuck off. After all of that, he went to meet with Gabriel, and I kind of followed him since I was still suspicious, then something really fucking surreal happened.

  Gabriel's guard sort of caught me spying on what was happening, and he dragged me into an alley, now sure that was kind of fucked up, but when Aziel found us and the guy let me go, I saw my fucking mark on him. I have seven fucking mates Gem! How the fuck is that shit even possible? I'm trying to get to know them, and figure out how everything is supposed to work. That's actually the reason I'm calling, I wanted to let yo
u know, that me and the guys are going away for a few days, to a cabin they own outside the city. I don’t know what the reception is going to be like out there, so I wanted to call you before we left. I don’t want you threatening another manhunt for my guys.”

  I give a small laugh and patiently wait for what she has to say, but all I’m getting is complete silence, which is really unusual for Gem. After a few minutes of this dragging on, I start to worry that I’ve somehow broken her. I know better than anyone how shocking this shit is, but I thought she would've reacted a little bit differently. “Hey Gem, you okay there girl? You've gone really fucking quiet, did I melt your brain or something? ”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just trying to take in how much of a lucky bitch you are. Please tell me the new guy looks like Quasimodo or some shit, and he ain’t another fucking demi-god looking motherfucker, because that would totally make me feel better about you juggling all these guys, when I’m still on the hunt for Mister Right. Seriously bitch, I need you to bottle some of that good luck you've got, and send it over my way. I want a piece of that man candy shit too. Anyway enough of me thirsting, I’m pretty sure you don’t have to worry about their connection with Sarah and Gabriel They might be their people, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn’t still be around you, if they didn’t want to be. Stop stressing yourself out over things that can't be changed, if you feel insecure about them then tell them. You've always been good at telling who's a good person or not, so you'd know if you could trust their answers. Go and enjoy yourself beautiful, going away for a few days sounds perfect for you right now, you deserve the break. I’ll make sure everything at the company stays ticking over, and anything that's usually ran by you, I’ll deal with it. You just have fun with your guys, and relax for a while, maybe even drink a few cocktails for me beau.”

  I let out a breath of relief, glad to have someone so understanding and supportive in my life, I knew she'd make me feel better. “I may have found my guys, but they were kind of picked for me, whereas you deserve the fucking world, and that's exactly what you'll get when the guy who wants to treat you like his queen comes along. You're fucking amazing gorgeous, and I know Mister Right is just waiting for your crazy ass to come along and sweep him off his sexy feet.

  I know I don’t have to worry about their connection with Sarah and Gabriel, I’m just worried about being back on their radar. I finally got away from that crazy bitch, and now it's like I'm being forced back into her orbit. Her dad isn't much better, and to be perfectly honest with you, I'd rather rip my own eyeballs out, than have anything to do with any of them. I suppose at least now I know where the bitch gets her idea on how to treat kids from, because let's be serious, you'd have to have one fucked up parent to end up the way she has.

  Thanks for being such a great friend, dealing with all of my shit, and doing such an amazing job at the company while I’m so fucking clueless. I know I’ve just left everything to you, and that shit ain’t fair, to you or anyone else. My dad left me that company, and I’ve not even set foot in the place, or taken care of anything that needs to be done. Once I’m back though, you can come over, and we can get caught up on everything, you can even teach me some of the shit I’m going to need to know to keep the company successful.”

  I rub my hand over my eyes, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. I hold so many people’s livelihood in my very incapable hands, and it’s a shitload of fucking pressure. I have no fucking clue how to handle any of it, but it’s about fucking time I learned. Finally I snap out of my head, when I hear Gem talking to me.

  “Bitch, don’t you dare put yourself down. You've been through so much shit, in such a short amount of time, it’s only natural to need some time for yourself. Fuck, you were kidnapped by some fucking madman, you’re bound to be shaken up. You're also still getting used to all the recent developments in your life. It's a lot to take in, so sort everything out in your head, and come back refreshed. I can get you caught up on everything easily enough. Now, get to packing, and I’ll see you when you get back. I’ve got a meeting to get to, but if reception is good in the wilderness, then feel free to call anytime.”

  We say our goodbyes before she hangs up, then I just sit there taking a moment to collect myself, before grabbing my bag, and heading downstairs. Here’s hoping nothing crazy happens, and we all get to enjoy ourselves for a little while.


  I walk into the living room, finding all of the guys sitting in a tense silence. Dropping my bag in confusion, I look around trying to catch any of their attention. But even my little ray of sunshine Gale looks like he’s swallowed a wasp, and they all refuse to meet my eye. Heading further into the room, I try to take a guess as to what’s causing their sour mood, but as far as I can tell, everything seems normal. You would think that they would be happy, knowing that we’re getting away for a while, it was them that suggested it after all, but they look as far from excited as you can get.

  I take my usual seat on D’s lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, and laying my head on his shoulder. “Hey big guy, why does everyone look like they want to murder someone? Is there a problem with going to the cabin or something? We don’t have to go if you guys don’t want to, it’s not like we really need to go.” He places a hand at the small of my back, turning and burying his nose in the crook of my neck, I feel him taking a deep breath, instantly making his tension melt away. I love that I have such a strong effect on these guys, and that just being around me, can make them feel better.

  “It’s nothing to worry about Princess, they’re just being over protective. We all can’t wait to get away with you, even if our faces don’t show it. You know what we can be like, and we just want to make sure you’ll be safe, everything with Michael really shook us up, we’ll be fine once we’re on the road. Are you all ready to head out? You’ll be riding with me and Tae. I just hope we can keep you entertained since the cabin is a good hour into the hills outside the city. It’s pretty remote, but hopefully it’ll be just what we all need right now.”

  I give him a reassuring squeeze, tangling my fingers into the hair at the base of his neck. I really need to think about how the guys are feeling more. Sure what I went through was pretty traumatic for me, but it couldn't have been easy on them either. “Yep, I’m all packed and ready to go, Sam said he didn’t know how long we’d be gone for, so I might have overpacked a little. I know you guys will keep me safe, Michael only got the chance to take me through my own mistakes. So please stop overthinking everything, and just take the time to enjoy yourselves. You guys are far from boring, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be just fine. Now why don’t you take your fine self out to start the car so we can get on the road, these guys look like they need to get out of here before they go cray cray.”

  The smile he gives me, as he moves me onto the seat beside him warms my heart. I watch as he gets to his feet, heading out the room, before my attention falls back on the rest of my guys. Straightening my shoulders, I clear my throat, getting their attention. “Alright killjoys, you're seriously killing all my happy vibes with your doom and gloom act. It’s time to get your arses in gear, we’ve got a road trip that I’m kinda excited for. So, if you don’t mind turning those frowns upside down, and getting your sexy arses off those seats, let’s fucking go!”

  I'm practically bouncing in my seat at this point, which finally makes the fuckers smile thankfully, I thought I would have to get naked to get any sort of reaction from them. Getting to my feet, I walk over to Tae grabbing his hands, I pull him to his feet, and begin dragging him from the room. The others quickly follow after us, laughing at little old me, pulling him along like a naughty puppy, instead of the big bad wolf he is. It’s good to hear them finally laughing, it gives me hope that this trip isn’t going to be a complete disaster, and if it takes me acting foolish, then it seems like I’m going to be a fucking comedian. I’d rather concentrate on them being happy, than waste my time with them thinking about shit I’d rather forget.

/>   When we get to the garage, D’s already started his car, and put my bag with the others in the cargo area. I can’t wait to get this show on the road. I drop Tae’s hand, and run towards the car, shouting shotgun over my shoulder. Hearing the guys chuckling behind me, I feel a massive smile covering my face, and I jump in slamming the door behind me. Quickly, I settle into the seat, sliding my shoes off, and resting my feet against the dashboard in front of me. I watch from the window, as Tae quietly tells D something, before they join me inside. Any other time I’d probably question what that was about, but surely if it was something important, they could have said it in front of me, so I decide to just let it go.

  Once they settle in, I turn to D whose behind the wheel, looking at him with an animated expression. “So, what is the cabin like? What are we going to get up to? I could probably ask about a million questions right now, but I don’t want to drive you guys too crazy before we’ve even started driving. I’m making no promises for when we’re on the road though.” D shares a strange look with Tae, before turning back to look out the windscreen. Tae clears his throat, looking rather uncomfortable, which leaves me puzzled, waiting for him to finally speak. “Well, we didn’t fully take the time to figure out what we’ll be doing, but we have a few things that you might like. There’s a full library, a shit load of movies, and a game room. If there is anything else you would like though, just let one of us know and we’ll get it for you. The main point is for you to relax, and just take time to fully recover from everything that's happened. There's been so much going on since we got you home, and you haven’t had any time to fully process any of it. Just take this time away, to concentrate on you, it’s really peaceful at the cabin, so we were hoping that will help you out.”


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