Searching for the Answers

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Searching for the Answers Page 8

by Paige Orr

  He looks absolutely gobsmacked, and I remember then that my dad didn’t know of my mother's angel origins. I ask Aziel to grab a pillow for Abaddon, before tilting my head back, looking at the ceiling feeling completely exasperated. I better try to explain this bullshit the best I can, before I have a seriously freaked out Archdemon on my hands. “Look, I only found out a few days ago myself, and my dad had no clue. My mom came to the house to tell me that she’s Archangel Gabriel's daughter, which makes me a half angel. Not that I really want anything to do with that side of my family, especially after the way she treated me for years, and the fact Gabriel supported it all. She told me her powers had been bound, and that's how my father didn’t know. Believe me it wasn’t the kind of shit I wanted to hear either, I was still struggling with the fact I’m half demon, finding out about the prophecy, and I’d literally just been kidnapped. That’s why we came out here, so I could get away from all the craziness, and have time to come to terms with my new normal. That’s why we weren’t exactly welcoming when you turned up, the first I learned of any of you, was in a letter telling my guys about the prophecy, and the fact that you all wanted me dead as soon as I was born.”

  I bring my head down to look at my uncle, and the disgust I find there has me flinching away, just great, one more reason for them to hate me. Things just keep getting worse, I’m really starting to wish that I stayed oblivious to all of this. My life wasn’t amazing, but at least the only person that hated me this much was Sarah.


  The anger in Lucifer's expression has me cowering into the couch, pulling my legs up under me, trying to make myself as small as possible out of habit. I can’t stop the fear from filling me, as my mind flashes back to my childhood, and the same look on Sarah’s face. Aziel walks back into the room, stopping in his tracks at the expressions on everyone's faces. I jump at the chance of a distraction, slowly getting to my feet, and walking over to him. Taking the pillow from his hands, I make my way over to Abaddon, gently tapping him on the shoulder so I don’t startle him, and watching as his eyes slowly open. Smiling gently at him, I hand him the pillow before making my way back to my seat, watching as he slides down to the floor. He curls up like a cat, placing the pillow under his head, and the only thing that could make it cuter, would be if he stuck his thumb in his mouth.

  Turning back to Lucifer, I find him staring into space lost in thought. “Listen Lucifer, I know this shit is a lot to take in, I didn’t really want to believe it myself. Growing up human, I believed that angels were supposed to be good, and demons were evil. Finding out that everything I knew was a lie, was one of the hardest things I’ve been through in my life, and I’ve been through a lot. I understand now though, that a person's actions, angel or demon, is what defines them.

  For years I dealt with abuse from my mother, and believed my father wanted nothing to do with me, even though that wasn't true at all. So finding out on top of that, that my grandfather is an Archangel, who defines me as ‘an abomination’, was really difficult. All I wanted growing up, was a family that loves me, and accepts me for who I am, even if that's impossible. One side hates me because of what I am, and the other hates me because of a prophecy. I’ve had to make my peace with that. All I can really say to you is, don’t judge me based on the things that other people say about me, like I’ve learned not to judge supernatural beings by which faction they belong to. I didn’t ask to be born from an angel and a demon, and I sure as hell didn’t ask for the responsibility of uniting people who have been fighting each other for millenia. I’m really just a normal woman, I worry about what I look like, I worry over the people I love, and I’ve learned that people can be cruel. I also learned that’s not who I want to be, I don’t like to judge people based on what others say, because you never know if what they tell you is the truth, or if they are saying it out of spite for the person.”

  He gives me a curt nod, getting to his feet pacing, and across the front room. “I appreciate you being so honest with me, even with the facts of what me and my brothers had planned for you are out in the open. I will need some time to speak with my brothers about this, but I can’t promise you that their opinions will change. I came here today, to see you for myself, and I do believe that at this time you don’t have any ill will toward us. The fact remains though, that we have this prophecy hanging over all of our heads. We’ll leave you now to enjoy your stay here, but we’ll most likely visit again, hopefully it’ll be on better terms next time.”

  Giving me a nod, he walks to Abaddon, nudging him with his foot till he gets up, letting out a loud yawn. They both quickly leave after that, and I let out a shaky sigh. “Well, I guess that could have gone a lot worse. Don’t worry I’m not taking them at face value, but maybe if they see I don’t plan on being a threat to them they’ll leave me alone, even if that’s just wishful thinking.”

  I watch my guys exchange troubled glances, and I lay down where I am, closing my eyes. I’m fucking exhausted after the whole debaucle, who knew trying to act like you’re not scared shitless could be so tiring. While laying there I feel Tunrida’s presence. “My child, you do not have to be afraid, we can keep the ones we love safe. Even from Archdemons and Archangels, you have more power inside you than you could ever imagine. You will figure it all out soon enough, just remember that I am here to guide you and protect you. Now get some rest, you have had a tough time, and you need to take care of yourself.”

  With her comforting words soaking into my mind I let my tension go, finally able to relax. The others must think that I’ve fallen asleep, and they begin to speak in hushed voices. “Dude, I think we should tell her. I know with everything that’s happened and her uncles appearing, it probably ain’t the right time, but I really fucking hate keeping secrets from her, especially when they’ve previously ended up with her getting hurt. I know it’ll probably freak her out finding out about Xilas, but I’d much rather her be freaked out and prepared, than get hurt because she doesn’t know she is in danger.”

  What the fuck! I can’t believe these fucking idiots. I’m pretty sure that we just fucking promised not to keep any secrets! So why would they hide something from me?! If whatever they’re hiding is really something that I need to know, then these bitches better start talking. It looks like no one is prepared to do that though, so maybe I’m better off just letting them talk now, then maybe I will actually find out what the fuck is going on! After that I can totally rip them all a new one for being arseholes!

  “Look man, do you really think she would appreciate finding out that some guy she doesn’t know, has been in the house watching her while she slept? Hell it freaked us out, never mind what it would do to her after Michael. I’m all for not keeping secrets, but I’m also all for keeping her safe and happy. If that means telling a little white lie or two so she doesn’t put herself in danger, then so be it.”

  I feel the anger coursing through me, but I try to keep as still as possible, not wanting to give away that I'm still awake, if they’ve kept this much from me what else are they hiding. Just as my trust in them all was truly building, they’ve gone and stomped all over it like I mean nothing to them!

  “Do you really think I like keeping secrets from her? The bastard used to do this shit back when Asmo first assigned him as her guard. How am I supposed to explain that her dad locked him up in the house he left her, instead of fucking killing him for what he was doing, leaving him free to do it again! I don’t think she needs to be left thinking about what he could have seen, or done!”

  I've had just about enough of listening to these bastards excuses, sitting up, I clear my throat, watching as all of their heads whip towards me. The shock on their faces is priceless, as the color drains from their features. “So, I guess now that I've overheard you all, you’re going to have to fucking explain yourselves, that is unless you want me to go fucking postal on all your arses!”

  They all look away from me guiltily, knowing that they’ve been caught in their lies. If
there's one thing I hate most it's liars, I’ve tried my fucking best to be honest with everything they’ve asked me. Even if I really didn’t want to fucking answer them, and they can’t just be honest with me about shit that fucking concerns me! This shit is really getting fucking old now, it's not that difficult to talk to me about these things, it's not like my life has been rainbows and sunshine. Finally it’s Tae who tries to explain their bullshit.

  “Kitten we can explain, you’ve been through so much already, we didn’t want to worry you over something that’s already being handled. We didn't want you to feel unsafe, so we thought it would be best to keep it to ourselves for now. Xilas was one of the men that your dad had watching over you through the years, but he turned out to be a really fucking nasty creep. He had been watching you when he shouldn’t have been, so your dad locked him in a cell in the attic of the house. If we'd known he was there, we would have dealt with it before he managed to get out. As soon as we found out what was happening, we captured him, and put him into one of the newer, stronger cells in the basement. We won’t let him hurt you, I promise.”

  I jump to my feet, pacing backwards and forwards, grabbing my hair in frustration. “Don’t fucking talk to me like I’m a child, it’s obviously not handled if you dragged me all the way out here. Surely if it was “handled” you wouldn’t have had to hide the fact that he was watching me while I fucking slept. I thought we got over this, hiding shit from me bullshit. Unless you’ve already forgotten how well that worked out last time, and it seems you’ve forgotten that I saved myself from Michael. I didn't need rescuing like some heroine in a story book, I already had that shit handled by time you all eventually showed up. I’m stronger than you fucking think, yes I freaked out a hell of a lot when I first found everything out, but lets be fucking serious, my whole life had been flipped upside down! I had every right to be a little hysterical, I've fucking dealt with my issues about who I am, I’m just fucking pissed that you can’t fucking trust me with my own safety. I don’t need you guys to fucking babysit me, I just need you to be fucking honest, and be there for me when I need you all!”

  After saying my piece, I storm out of the room, going in search of the bedroom that my stuff has been put in. I’m sick of the fucking secrets with these guys, maybe a night of the silent treatment, will finally make them fucking talk to me!


  Watching as our girl storms away, I let out a defeated sigh. I know we fucked up again, but we really did think we were doing the right thing. After Michael she seemed so terrified, and we really didn't want to add to that. That seems to be a recurring theme though, we think we're making the right decision, but really all we're doing is hurting Lilith. You would think that we’d learn from our mistakes, but I guess its hard to break the habit, especially when the group’s dynamic keeps changing so fucking often. Fuck, I can't blame Aiden and Aziel for our shitty decisions, it's not their fault we keep making bad choices.

  Walking over to the couch, I sit down leaning forward with my arms on my knees, running an exasperated hand through my hair. “We really need to fucking work on this shit! Everytime we get somewhere with Lilith, it's like one step forward and two steps back. Let's agree now, that even if we think what we know will upset her, we still tell her the truth. No holding back anymore, because she’s definitely right, the way we keep things from her makes it seem like we don’t respect, or trust her to deal with it. That shit isn’t fair to her, she’s a grown ass woman and it's about time that we started treating her appropriately. She’s our mate, and we’ve completely fucked up over and over again, we need to do better.”

  The others nod their agreement, and I get to my feet, scrubbing my hands down my face. I’ve got some making up to do, and I’m not going to let her go to sleep while she’s still angry, no one deserves that. Before heading to her room, I go into mine first, searching through my bag for the present I brought with me. I pull the delicate box out, opening it one last time before I head over to Liliths room. I can’t wait to see the beautiful, delicate chain around her neck, with the gorgeous ruby heart shaped pendant hanging at the dip of her throat, it'll look absolutely stunning, against her creamy skin.

  Slipping the box safely into my pocket, I head out of my room closing the door behind me, before walking to her door and knocking gently. I hear her stop moving, and let out a small sigh, refusing to acknowledge me. My baby should know better than that, Daddy only wants to help her, and listen to how she feels. “Please baby, open the door. I can’t make you feel better from out here.”

  I wait a moment, hoping she'll let me in, and the door finally opens a crack. “Sammy, I’m really not in the mood for the good guy shit right now, I’m too pissed off.” I nudge the door lightly, looking at her with a stern expression, until she finally concedes, and let's me in. She closes the door, walking over to the window, and turning her back on me. Daddy doesn’t like that one little bit, my little girl should be able to tell me anything, and know that I’ll hold her through the storm.

  I walk towards her, stopping centimeters from her back, and watch as a shiver travels down her spine. Slowly wrapping my arms around her, I pull her back into my embrace, resting my chin on her head. The minutes pass with me just holding her, until I feel her relax into me, and a pleased smile covers my face. Leaning down, I begin to whisper softly into her ear. “See baby, it wasn’t too hard to let me be here for you, that’s all I want to do. No matter how much of an idiot I've been, my main concern will always be you, you mean the world to me. I also brought a present up here for you, I was hoping that we could spend some time together, and I could give it to you then, but I hate seeing my beautiful girl so upset.”

  I step back slightly, giving her room to turn around, and she watches me curiously, as I pull the box from my pocket. Reaching my hand out to her, I urge her to take the box from me, feeling nervous over what she'll think of my gift. This girl is perfect in every single way, and I wanted something as delicate and beautiful as she is, but nothing will ever be able to come close. She takes the box from my outstretched palm, biting her bottom lip between her teeth, and taking her time as she slowly opens it. When her eyes land on what's inside, she lets out an adorable gasp. I watch transfixed as tears fill her irresistible hazel eyes, and a sweet little smile covers her gorgeous face. Her words come out at barely a whisper, and I can hear the emotion in her voice. “It’s absolutely stunning, I-I don’t even have the words to describe it. Thank you… so fucking much. It’s perfect."

  I step forward, bringing my hands up to wipe the tears that begin to fall from her eyes, wanting nothing more than to have her back in my arms. “Shhh, you don’t have to thank me baby, I would do anything to see that breathtaking smile on your face. Your happiness is like a drug, and I'm completely addicted to it. I know me and the guys haven’t been dealing with things in the best way, which is making you feel like shit. I wish I could tell you we won’t fuck up anymore, but knowing us we probably will. We're bound to make mistakes, because we've never really cared about anyone outside of our group to care enough about their feelings before. That doesn’t mean that we all don’t love you, because we do, so much that it fucking hurts sometimes.

  None of us had any meaningful relationships before you, so this is all new to us. We never cared about the people we’ve been with until you, so we don’t really know how to do this shit properly, but me and the guys spoke before I came up here, and we all decided that there’s no more holding back. You deserve the truth from us even if we think it will upset you. It's disrespectful of us to constantly think you can't handle it, just because you struggled finding out about our world. We sometimes forget this is all new to you too, you didn't even know any of this was real a couple of weeks ago. But that’s no excuse, we need to start acting like adults, and treating you the way you deserve. So please know, we’re sorry and we’re going to work on all of this together, okay?”

  She reaches up, cupping my cheek, and leaning up on her tiptoes to plant a ge
ntle kiss against my lips. The taste of her sweet lips, explodes against my mouth, stealing my breath away. “Okay Daddy, together. No more hiding things, that’s a promise.” Smiling down at her, I take the box from her hand, and spin her around until her back is pressed against my chest. Gently moving the hair off of her neck, I slowly draw my fingers down to her shoulder, watching as she tilts her head to the side with a contented sigh. She’s always so sensitive to my touch, I can't keep my hands to myself when she's being so submissive, and causing my cock to swell in the tight confines of my trousers.

  Bringing the necklace up in front of her, I undo the clasp as I rub my throbbing cock against her arse, while I fasten the chain around her elegant neck. The little moan she makes, almost has me cumming in my pants, but I remarkably manage to hold off, tonight is for my baby, not me. I slide my hands gently down her arms, and across her stomach, making my way slowly south to where I'm dying to be. I want nothing more than to worship every inch of her tonight, so she finally feels as beautiful as we see her.


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