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Searching for the Answers

Page 12

by Paige Orr

  He then turns his gaze on to Sam. “Sam, I need you to check in on Xilas’s location. It was good thinking adding him to the database, at least we should be able to prepare for his arrival. Also keep an eye on anyone he may go to visit, that should give us a rough idea of what he has planned, we also need to figure out how to kill the fucker. I don’t think you will find anything else but it would be good if you could have one more look anyway, mainly I want you to set an alarm through the database for when he approaches. I don’t think we should rely on that though, since the security team said he most likely had help, it’s most likely that person has informed him about the database. We already know that that same person had been able to bypass the database, so he or she has probably also shown Xilas how to do the same thing. When this is all over, we really need you to try and make it so nothing at all can bypass it, this shit is getting too easy for our enemies.”

  He paces back and forth a few times, before coming to a stop in front of Lucien. “Do you know if there was anything in Asmo’s files about Xilas? Maybe he had more information we could work with, because I’m not going to lie to you, we know the bastard is going to be hard to kill so we need something to work with.” Tae interjects, “Maybe you both overlooked something in his diary, so just in case, I want you to read back through it, and all the files you have on him. Anything at all you find that we could maybe work with would be great right now.”

  Turning to Gale next, he takes a deep breath before telling him what he needs from him. “Gale, I need you to do what you're good at. There’s a party being held for the demon higher ups in the city on fFriday. I need you to gather as much information as you can on dealing with an archangel, any information you can get your hands on would be great. If Xilas still hasn’t made his move at that point, then maybe you could find out some information on dealing with him. You're always the life and soul of the party, and with the drinks flowing the way they will be, they’re bound to have loose lips so use that to your advantage.”

  “Lastly, Aziel. I need you to sit with Sam, and tell him everything you can about what Gabriel might have planned. I’m going to be trying to set up a trap for Xilas, but he isn’t the only threat right now, as you well know. We need to know everything about Gabriel, and what better way than having you and his personal guard to fill in the blanks for us. We have a lot of shit to get through, and not a lot of time to do it, but we will make sure our girl doesn't get hurt again. We need to know how he thinks, and what they're planning is like, down to the last letter so we can counter everything he can think of throwing at us. Talk to Aiden and find out his secret weapons, every leader in our world always has a few strong supes that they try their best to keep hidden, so we need to know exactly who he has for that. Now that everyone knows what they’ve got to do, there’s no point wasting any more time. We will gather here again at the end of the day, to share our findings, get to it boys.”

  Now that everyone has something to do, they head out to get started on their tasks, and I wait to speak to Tae till they're gone. His plans sound good on paper, but we can’t exactly predict the unpredictable. “If you want me to train her, then I’m going to need a few things that I didn’t bring with me. I can start with figuring out what types of things she can do with her magick and teach her hand-to-hand until I can get someone out here with the supplies I need. I’ll start in the next half hour, I’m going to get changed, and scout the woods to make sure I’m not putting her in any danger while we’re out there. We got this brother, don’t worry too much, we at least know who is after her this time.”

  With that said, I leave him to his thoughts, and head to my room to get changed. If there’s one thing I always take with me it’s my training gear. The others have their own form of stress relief, but the only thing that really works for me is breaking a sweat. I just hope our girls up for this, because I’m a strict motherfucker when it comes to training.


  I’m chatting with Aiden in the kitchen over some breakfast, when D walks in, dressed in full on fucking battle gear. What the fuck is going on? I know we’re kind of supposed to be preparing for Xilas too attack us, but seriously isn’t dressing for a full on war a little fucking extreme. Now I’m not complaining too much, because he looks fucking hot as fuck. That doesn’t stop me from being confused, as far as we know, Xilas hasn’t even figured out where we are yet.

  He walks over to stand behind me resting his hands on my shoulders, leaning down close to my ear whispering to me. “Alright princess, it’s time to get your training started. Why don’t you go get changed into something you don’t mind getting dirty, and meet me out back.” To say I’m shocked is an understatement, I’m still left confused as to why he’s dressed like that if we’re going out for my training, he could easily kick my ass so it’s not like he needs to wear something that will protect him from me. With that said though, I’m fucking excited to finally find out just what I can actually do. I watch him as he walks away from me, with a grin spreading over my face, and I jump to my feet excitedly heading to my room. I didn’t exactly think about training when we decided to come out here, so the only thing I can think of putting on is a pair of leggings, and a tank top. I quickly get changed, before practically skipping my way through the cabin to the back door, and outside.

  When I step through the door, I find D standing at the tree line, and he waves me over to him. When I catch up to him, he leads me through the trees to a large clearing, quite a bit into the forest. He turns to me with a soft smile, before his features shift into instructor mode. I’m not going to lie, the seriousness in his gaze, and the way his voice rumbles from his chest has me feeling some kind of way. “Okay, so when we rescued you, we saw a couple of the powers you have. The main thing now is teaching you how to access them, and use them to protect yourself. I know you told us that your demon took over, and it was her that used your powers, but there has to be a way for you to use them without her as well. I know you might find it easier letting Tunrida control everything, because you don’t feel as guilty about what she’s doing, but to get through what’s still to come with this war then you will have to learn to harness those emotions, and use them to help you. It’s not a bad thing that you feel guilt when hurting someone, because that means you won’t hurt anyone just for the sake of hurting them, and to make yourself feel more powerful. You do have to accept those emotions as part of you though, so they don’t negatively affect you during a fight, because one moment of hesitation is all your enemy will need to kill you. Are you able to speak with her, as you know it’s different for me and the guys, so it would be useful if she could help guide you.”

  I nod my head, closing my eyes, and reach out to Tunrida. “Um, hello, Are you there?” I wait a few moments, starting to feel foolish for talking to myself, when she answers. “Yes child, I understand what our mate wishes, but I do not know if that is advisable. I have had centuries to learn how to control half of the powers you wield, and you have not had long with them inside you. Would you let me speak to him please, there are a few things I should probably explain to him.” I brace myself to be pulled back into the darkness, as Tunrida makes her way to the front. I swear I can feel her passing me, with a pat on the shoulder, before I’m completely sucked in.


  I watch our mate’s reaction, as our expressions and mannerisms change, showing that I am the one in control now. It amuses me to see him tensing, not knowing how to take me yet. “Hello Demetrius, I believe you wished for Lilith to speak to me, we thought it would be simpler for you just to speak with me yourself. Although I may not have the answers that you seek, there are some things you should know before this lesson continues. I know that you and your brothers have heard of me before, and it may have come as a shock to you that I share a body with Lilith. I can assure you though, I am not here to hurt her, but to help and protect her. She is the one that is in control, and I am only able to do something when she allows me. I do understand your reservations
and I am not proud of my past but those are things that I cannot change. There are things that you and the others do not know yet, that will be important for what is to come. The prophecy is more important than you could ever imagine, and has been around for millenia, I feel both sides of her magic fighting for control, and if I was not holding them apart I do not know what it would do to her. It is unheard of for someone to have both types of magick, and they are not supposed to share the same space, it is causing a very big imbalance.

  For her body to be able to handle all of her powers, I will have to slowly release them, and you will have to teach her control as they come through. During this process, she will not be able to access me, so it is of grave importance that she has you to show her how to control her magick. There are powers that she possesses that you have never heard of before because of the blend of magicks inside her, you will have to try your best to help her subdue them until I can help. I am counting on you all to protect her, do not let me down I will do what I can from my side. Regarding your issue with Xilas, only hellfire can kill him, meaning only she can do it. You have started your lesson the right way, but you should know that when it comes to protecting those that she loves, she will have no guilt or remorse.”

  With that I pull Lilith back to the front, and let the reigns go, to begin the process of releasing her magick to her. I just hope that these men will be able to do the job that is needed of them, I am at least thankful she has mates from both sides of the coin. She will have someone to teach her about the more heard of powers from each side, when I cannot.


  I gasp in a breath at the feeling of being thrown to the front again. That shit really isn’t pleasant when I’m not the one to initiate it, and she gave me no warning to brace myself, making it even worse. Just as I think this, I feel Tunridas’ presence pressing against me. “I apologise child, but I have an important job to do. I know you listened to the conversation, but I really should warn you that this will not be pleasant. I will try to stop as much pain as I can, but there is only so much that I can do to help you through this. I can block the worst of the pain, I just hope you are strong enough to not let what I cannot stop cripple you.”

  With that her presence begins to fade away, until I can just barely feel her at the back of my mind. It’s a strange feeling after getting used to having her so close to me, and I can’t help the loneliness that it causes. I expect some time before the pain hits, but as soon as I go to speak to D, my mouth falls open in a silent scream. My knees hit the floor, and it feels like someone is pouring acid through my bloodstream, making my body feel like it’s on fire. I’ve built up a very high pain threshold over the years of abuse, but this is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. A whimper manages to escape me, as my eyes begin to roll into my skull, and the last thing I remember is the feeling of D’s warm arms wrapping around me, and his voice screaming for the others.


  I startle awake a short time later, cradled in D’s arms and surrounded by the rest of my guys all wearing troubled expressions, leaving me feeling confused. That’s not exactly the expression I thought I would find on their faces when I woke up, I really thought they would look more distressed since I didn’t have time to warn D about what Tunrida told me would happen. It’s only when I look down that their expressions begin to make sense, when I realise my body is covered in flames, but not just the hellfire from when I was kidnapped. There are now purple flames mingling with the red, and I jump away from everyone, too scared to check if I’ve burned him. What the actual fuck is happening?

  I close my eyes, trying to breath through the panic, until I hear footsteps approaching. In my haste to back away so I can’t hurt anyone, I fall on my arse. That doesn’t stop me trying to scurry away, until finally the footsteps stop. I don’t want to hurt any of them, and I don’t even know what these new flames will truly do, but I know that I’m too dangerous for them to touch and that fucking petrifies me. I hear D’s voice speaking quietly to me. “Princess, look at me. You didn’t hurt me if that’s what you're thinking, even while you were unconscious, your flames didn’t hurt any of us. So please, don’t shy away from us, we were worried after seeing your reaction to your powers coming through. We need to know if you're okay so please, let us check on you princess.”

  I look between everyone, seeing the worry in their eyes, and take a deep breath. Getting to my feet, I slowly walk towards them, trying not to get too close. “W-Why are the flames different? Last time it was only hellfire, is there something wrong with me?” This time it’s Aziel who steps forward, trying his best to reassure me the best he can. “The purple flames are holy fire, I’ve never seen anything like this. I never even thought it would be possible for hellfire and holy fire to mix, but you yourself are unique and with the mix of blood in you it makes sense. I’m sure they both work in a similar way, so all we have to do is train you how to use them. Don’t be scared though angel, they won’t hurt you and they haven’t tried to hurt us. I think they would only hurt people who are trying to hurt you, which is a good thing. Most powers are strongly connected with our emotions, so if you try to calm yourself down, hopefully they will go out.”

  I let out a breath of relief, and as my heart rate slows down, the flames begin to dim. I can’t stop myself from staring at my arms, watching as the flames go out. If I have powers from both my angel and demon sides, do they all compliment each other just like the flames. I remember that I was able to use my mind to control the blood in the vampires' bodies, so what would be the complementing angel power to that? Also I called on the hounds of hell, are there celestial beasts like them that I’ll be able to call on as well? This shit is fucking confusing! How am I supposed to learn to control my powers, when we have no fucking idea what they are going to be because of my mixed blood. I'm a walking, talking cluster fuck of magick, and I feel like I'll never get a handle on this shit.

  I turn to the others to see what they think about all of this, to find them staring at me in wonder. I clear my throat with a blush spreading over my cheeks and start talking to distract them, I'm not a circus show after all. “So what do you think my other powers will be? I know that Tunrida was able to control the blood in the vampires, she even made them explode because of it. It was some fucked up shit to be honest with you guys, the power that she used on them really fucking scared me. You guys saw that she somehow summoned hellhounds as well, so what else could I possibly do, because that’s already shit load. I swear, I’m starting to feel like a fucking freak, I’m literally the only person alive able to do this shit. I’m so fucking happy I have you guys, or I would feel really fucking lonely.”

  The guys exchange glances, and I can tell they don’t really know what to tell me. Shit, I don't really blame them, what do you tell the person who quite literally has the weight of the world on their shoulders. I let out a resigned breath, knowing there's no point in dwelling over this, and started to head back to the cabin. I don’t check to see if the guys are following me, but I can hear their footsteps close behind me. I don't really know what to say to them, my heads all over the place right now, and none of this shit is helping. When we get back to the cabin, I throw myself down on the couch feeling exhausted, I could sleep for a fucking week at this point, I know that I really can’t afford to just lay around though. I would give anything to be able to just put a bubble around us, and block out the world.

  Gale sits down beside me pulling me against his side, and I take a moment to enjoy just being around my guys. I keep forgetting that they are going through this all with me, and that they're just as far out their depth as I am, which is strangely comforting. At least we can figure it out together, meeting these guys has been the best thing to happen to me out of all of this shit. The worst part about it all is knowing that this is only the start of what we'll have to go through together, but I also know that when we come out the other end together, it will all have been worth it just to spend my life with them. As we sit
there in silence, there's a knock at the door, putting us all on edge. Please don’t be trouble, I’m way too fucking tired for that shit right now.


  D gets up heading towards the door, and we all brace ourselves for the worst. Surely someone who was going to hurt us wouldn't knock, but with the unhinged arseholes we're dealing with you never really know. But I let out a sigh of relief, when the door opens and it’s Lucifer standing on the other side. I know I’m not supposed to trust him yet, but I have a feeling that he doesn’t really want to hurt me. If everything that’s happened has taught me anything it's to trust my feelings because they’re usually right. I give him a weak smile as he comes in, moving over to give him a seat, and he gives me a cautious smile back, as he sits beside me. “Good afternoon Lilith, I apologise for my abrupt arrival, since it seems like you were expecting someone else.”

  “That’s alright Lucifer, I’m actually glad you came, even if that does sound strange to you. I was hoping I would get the chance to see you again, seems how we didn’t get off to the best of starts, and any other time I’d want to sit here and get to know you properly. Unfortunately there’s been a few developments since we last saw you, and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions, that’s if you don’t mind answering them. Although I’m guessing you didn’t come here to listen to me prattle on, so my question can wait until after we’ve spoken about why you're here.”


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