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The Perfect Marriage

Page 24

by Debbie Viggiano

  ‘Er, is Gregory around? I’m the new product tester. My name’s Rosie Perfect.’

  ‘Yes, I know who you are,’ Cheryl’s lips appeared to be curling back like a snarling dog.

  ‘Good,’ Rosie attempted another smile, just as Matt walked through the double doors. ‘I’ll take a seat then, shall I?’

  Cheryl’s eyes narrowed as she looked from Rosie to Matt, and then back to Rosie again. ‘A seat?’ she sneered. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer a sofa?’

  ‘I’m sorry?’

  ‘To lay down on. I gather horizontal is what you do best.’

  Rosie blinked. Did she really just hear what she thought she’d heard?

  ‘Knock it off, Cheryl,’ said Matt, ‘and let Gregory know I’m here for our meeting.’

  ‘Knock it off?’ Cheryl said furiously. ‘Don’t you mean “knock it up”?’ She pushed her typist’s stool back. Picking up her handbag, she stood up. Turning her attention to Rosie, she walked slowly around the reception desk. ‘You must be chuffed to bits.’


  ‘Yes, you, you bloody bitch!’

  Rosie’s mouth dropped open. ‘Look, I don’t know what I’ve done to offend you, but please–’

  ‘I don’t know what I’ve done to offend you,’ Cheryl mimicked. ‘Oh, per-leez!’ She was standing right in front of Rosie now, hands on hips, the handbag dangling off one wrist. ‘Drop the innocence.’

  ‘She doesn’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about,’ Matt said, ‘so stop making a prize tit of yourself.’

  ‘Don’t you talk to me about tits,’ Cheryl hissed, ‘after your sorry performance in my house.’

  Rosie flinched. Had Matt lied about not sleeping with Cheryl? Either way, Rosie really didn’t want to hear about Matt’s lack of skills in pleasuring Cheryl. Especially in Tibor’s Tasty Titbits’ Reception which was so open to the public. Behind Cheryl, Rosie saw the door to Gregory’s office opening.

  Cheryl adopted a sweet tone of voice. ‘Do you really have no idea?’ she asked Rosie.

  ‘Cheryl,’ Matt said warningly, ‘would you please–’

  ‘Let me enlighten you. Last Saturday this man took me out to dinner. And all he could talk about was somebody else. Somebody so wonderful, it’s not just the sun that shines out of her backside, but the moon and the stars too. And after the most unromantic dinner in the history of mankind, he came back to my place to apparently make love to me, but ended up not raising anything other than an apologetic smile. And do you know why? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s because–’

  ‘Yes, I do as it happens,’ Rosie interrupted, ‘I do know why. It’s because he’s met somebody else. Not that it’s any of my business.’

  Matt gave Rosie a puzzled look, and opened his mouth to say something.

  ‘Put a sock in it, Matthew,’ Cheryl interrupted before he could speak, ‘or instead maybe you’d prefer one of Rosie’s tits.’

  ‘What on earth is going on in my reception?’ asked Gregory Tibor.

  Cheryl spun round. ‘You really want to know? Let me show you.’ And with that Cheryl took her handbag and walloped Matt hard around the head.

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  Cheryl was bright red in the face and panting slightly. She’d laid into Matt with every ounce of strength she could muster. Unfortunately her handbag hadn’t been zipped up, and as she’d swung the bag like a champion hurler, tampons had scattered everywhere.

  ‘What on earth’s got into you, woman?’ Gregory roared.

  ‘Certainly not him,’ Cheryl snarled. ‘He took me out on Saturday night and totally used me. You fucking bastard. And as for you,’ Cheryl turned on Rosie, ‘you’re not exempt either. Take this!’

  But Cheryl wasn’t quick enough for Gregory, who caught her handbag mid-swing. ‘Sorry, love, but assaulting my staff isn’t part of your contract. Consider it terminated forthwith.’

  ‘Good,’ Cheryl screamed, ‘it’s a bloody awful dead-end job anyway.’

  ‘The door’s that way,’ said Gregory.

  ‘Don’t worry. I’m going.’ She kicked a couple of tampons out of the way. ‘You can have them,’ she hissed to Matt, ‘because you’re a total twat.’ Grabbing her jacket from the coat stand, Cheryl stuck her nose in the air and stalked off.

  Gregory stared after her, and shook his head. Turning to Matt, he looked bewildered. ‘Whatever did you do on Saturday night to upset her so much?’

  ‘In a nutshell, I wasn’t up for it – and she was.’

  Gregory sighed. ‘Meanwhile I’m without a receptionist. Although,’ he looked at Rosie, ‘how do you feel about a sideways promotion and taking this job instead?’

  Rosie’s eyes widened. ‘Seriously?’

  ‘Absolutely. You have a great speaking voice, the phones aren’t complicated to work, and I’m sure you can find your way around a computer. What do you say?’

  Rosie considered. Sampling dog food in the factory? Or a cushy reception job? It was a no-brainer. ‘I say yes!’

  ‘Good. Hang up your jacket, love, and make Matt and me a couple of coffees for our meeting. Then just sit and look pretty until we’ve finished, and I’ll properly show you what’s what.’

  By lunchtime, Rosie had a pretty good grasp on fielding phone calls, sorting out Gregory’s diary and meeting and greeting a couple of reps. She was floating on air. Who would have thought, when she’d left Penshurst, she’d never have to eat dog food again – hurrah! She switched the phones to divert, and then popped her head around Gregory’s door.

  ‘I’m going to check out that café on the corner. Can I get you a sandwich?’

  ‘No thanks, love. I’m sorted.’

  ‘Okay. See you in an hour.’

  Outside in the car park, Rosie was surprised to see Matt waiting for her.

  ‘I just thought I’d let you know that I’ve spoken to my cousin at the nursery, and according to all the staff, Luke is absolutely fine.’

  Rosie grinned. ‘I know. I rang a little while ago too. The nursery must think we’re a right pair of worriers.’ Her smile faded, and she flushed. Heavens, she’d inadvertently made Matt sound like he was Luke’s father, or something. ‘I mean, thanks. You know. For caring.’

  ‘Of course I care about Luke. Listen, Rosie, I’m meant to be in Bromley right now, but I’ve deferred it. I simply have to speak to you.’

  At that moment, Rosie’s stomach let out a huge rumble. ‘Good heavens, my belly is touching my backbone. Do you mind if I grab a sandwich first?’

  ‘Actually, I’ve booked a table at the Chinese in Bexley Road. Remember it? We went there after your dog food interview with Gregory.’

  ‘How could I ever forget?’ Rosie laughed. ‘It tasted a million times better than Tibor’s Tasty Titbits. However, I only have an hour. ’

  ‘I took the liberty of pre-ordering the same dishes we had last time. I hope that’s okay.’

  Rosie looked astonished. ‘Gosh, thanks. But honestly, Matt, you needn’t have gone to so much trouble. Whatever it is you want to tell me, surely it can wait until tonight?’

  ‘No. No, it can’t wait. Come on. There’s not a minute to lose. I don’t want Gregory sacking you on your first day.’

  Ten minutes later, they were working their way through aromatic crispy duck and side dishes. Rosie popped a miniature spring roll in her mouth. Mm. A piece of heaven.

  ‘So, what couldn’t keep?’ she asked, reaching for a pancake and dipping a teaspoon into a dish of hoisin sauce. It was at that point she realised Matt hadn’t touched a single mouthful of food. She paused and frowned. ‘Nothing awful has happened has it?’

  ‘Apart from Cheryl thumping me, and telling me what I could do with her tampons, no, nothing awful has happened.’

  ‘Ah, yes. I guess that was pretty awful!’ Rosie grinned, and carried on spreading the hoisin sauce over the pancake. ‘So what is it?’

  Matt took a deep breath. ‘I’m in love with you, Rosie.’

  There was a c
latter as Rosie dropped the teaspoon, and hoisin sauce splattered across the tablecloth.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Rosie stared at Matt. She had a sudden pounding in her ears. Possibly her heart had jumped out of her chest and taken up residence in her ear drums. It seemed as though somebody had pressed the pause button on the programme of life. Everything appeared to be suspended. Even the waiters had melted away. Matt’s eyes were locked on hers. He was gazing at her, his eyes full of…what was it? She’d seen this look before, and mistakenly thought it was tenderness, and consequently nearly launched herself at him. But, wait a minute.

  ‘I’m confused. This morning, in the car, when we were talking about Gregory and Lucy’s impending nuptials–’

  ‘I said that sometimes people know in their hearts what is right for them, and who is right for them.’

  ‘Yes, and this was harking back to another conversation you’d started the day before. Sunday morning. I remember because I was reading the Sunday papers.’

  ‘And then Lucy rang, interrupting me.’

  ‘That’s right. You were going to tell me about wanting private relations with Miss World.’


  ‘Well, not Cheryl obviously. Although she’s very attractive, I grant you. I’m talking about the other very attractive woman. The one you wanted to bring home for…you know…while I was parked in front of your telly watching a Laurel and Hardy film.’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ said Matt, looking confused.’

  ‘Yes you do! You told me you hadn’t slept with her – Cheryl, not Miss World – and that you needed to be honest with me. And that was when you started to tell me there was another woman on the scene. I realised you’d met somebody else super-quick, and that was why you were so keen to justify Gregory’s and Lucy’s whirlwind romance – because your own romance had happened faster than a tornado. You don’t have to be Einstein to work out that bringing this woman back to your bachelor pad with Luke and me there was a total no-no. You even started to give me a Dear Rosie speech – that I meant the world to you – to soften what was coming next. My marching orders.’

  ‘Rosie,’ Matt suddenly grabbed her hand, ‘darling Rosie. I was talking about you.’

  Rosie’s eyes widened and her jaw started to give way to gravity. Memories flooded back. Sitting side by side on the sofa, almost making a berk of herself. She’d been sure of that! Hadn’t she? Rosie’s mind travelled back a little further. Of eating toast in Matt’s kitchen, and the pair of them making jokes about Marmite. Matt had suggested he’d had feelings for someone, but that it hadn’t been reciprocated.

  “Didn’t this…other person… love you?” she’d asked.

  “I never told her how I felt,” he’d replied.

  And then the mood between them had shifted.

  “Why not?” Rosie had whispered.

  And Matt had given her the same look he was giving her now. Finally he’d answered.

  “The timing wasn’t right.”

  The timing wasn’t right.

  Rosie glanced down at her hand cupped in his. He was talking about her! And the timing was indeed not right.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Rosie,’ Matt’s expression changed to one of despair. ‘You look absolutely horrified at what I’m saying.’

  Rosie shook her head slowly. ‘No, not at all. In fact,’ her expression softened, ‘I’m overjoyed to hear what you’re saying.’

  ‘You are?’

  ‘Yes,’ Rosie whispered, ‘because, despite trying to convince myself otherwise, I know I love you too.’

  Matt’s face was suddenly wreathed in smiles. He reached forward and took Rosie’s other hand in his, squeezing them tightly in his own. ‘I had to tell you sooner, rather than later. You’ve received your insurance money, you’ve started a new job, and to cap it all off, you’ve had an offer on your house. You’re on the threshold of moving on. And much as I’m delighted that everything has suddenly come up roses for you and Luke, the thought of you both moving out of my apartment and getting on with your lives elsewhere, without me, I just…well I can’t bear it.’

  Rosie’s eyes filled with tears. ‘That is such a lovely thing to say. But–’

  ‘No buts. Please.’

  ‘There has to be a but.’ A tear spilt over and ran down Rosie’s cheek. ‘We’ve known each other such a short space of time. And I’ve only just buried my husband – although granted he was a soon-to-be-ex-husband.’

  ‘You’re going to talk about rebounding, aren’t you?’

  Rosie removed one of her hands from Matt’s and wiped the stray tear away. ‘Yes.’

  ‘I’m just asking you to stay, Rosie. I’d love to ask you to give up your job and let me look after you and Luke, instead of him being in a nursery away from his mummy. But rather than pressure you, what I’m suggesting is – for now – carry on with what you’re doing but stay at Penshurst. And maybe later, when you’re ready,’ Matt’s mouth twitched, ‘you might consider those private relations you were talking about.’

  Rosie gave Matt a watery smile. Private relations with him would be oh-so-easy. It was another set of relations that bothered her more than anything – her mother. Because confirming her mother’s suspicions about Matt Palmer wasn’t something Rosie relished.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  ‘Oh, my goodness,’ Rosie gasped at the vision standing before her. ‘No wonder you nearly wept at the thought of cancelling your wedding to Terry. What a stunning dress. I have never seen such a gorgeous bride.’

  The two women were in Lucy’s bedroom. Rosie, as Maid of Honour, was overseeing last minute adjustments to the bride’s attire. She took a step forward, circling Lucy slowly, scrutinising the many miniature buttons in case one had been left unfastened, adjusting the veil here, tweaking the lacy neckline there, finishing with a last minute sweep over the full skirts of the diamanté smattered fabric to ensure it was hanging just so. Everything was in order, from Lucy’s crystal and pearl tiara, to her satin high heels. Rosie stood back again, appraising the overall effect. ‘Breathtakingly beautiful.’

  Lucy blushed prettily. ‘Thanks. You look pretty damn fabulous yourself.’

  Rosie laughed, ‘Actually, I feel pretty damn fabulous! What woman wouldn’t when she’s wearing a dress like this one?’ Rosie turned to stare at her reflection in the long mirror. She was wearing a silvery satin column dress which clung to every curve of her body, and brought out the soft grey of her eyes. The other bridesmaids were in the lounge with Lucy’s parents, supping pre-wedding champagne and chatting to a photographer. ‘We’d better get a move on. The photographer will be calling for us any moment.’ She hurried over to a huge box in the corner of the bedroom. Bending down, she carefully lifted out Lucy’s bouquet. ‘Here,’ she handed the cascading blooms to her best friend, ‘now you really are a bride. Oh dear, I think I’m going to cry.’

  ‘Please don’t,’ Lucy looked horrified, ‘or you’ll set me off. Apart from anything else, the make-up girl did an exquisite job on us both, and I’d hate for it all to be ruined.’

  Rosie blinked the tears away. ‘Marie is still here. She’s having a glass of champagne with the others. She’ll repair our make-up if need be. Come on, we have a wedding to go to.’

  ‘Here, you’d better have this.’ Lucy pressed a business card into Rosie’s hand.

  ‘ – why do I want this?’

  ‘Because I predict your own wedding will follow soon after mine.’

  ‘Oh no,’ Rosie shook her head emphatically, ‘I’ve already told you, one rebound was enough for me. Been there, done that, and never again.’

  ‘What exactly is going on between you and Matt?’ Lucy asked. ‘I mean, you’ve both agreed you’re in love with each other. Intent has been established, a wedding should now be taking place!’

  Rosie rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t make me repeat myself.’

  ‘But you’re living together!’

  ‘As in sharing his apartment – I’m under his roof.’

  ‘Not in his bed?’

  ‘Most definitely not.’

  ‘But why?’ Lucy asked in exasperation.

  ‘Is there an echo in this room?’ Rosie cupped one hand to her ear.

  ‘Okay, point taken. I’ll shut up asking questions. All I can say is that you must have iron willpower. There’s no way I’d be lying in my bed, alone, acting like a demure little virgin, with a steaming hot guy like Matt in the next room. My loins would be twanging all over the place.’

  Rosie dropped her eyes and pretended to study Marie’s business card. Yes, her loins had been frequently – as Lucy so succinctly put it – twanging. It was exhausting trying to sleep at night knowing the most attractive man on the planet was only a few feet away on the other side of her bedroom wall – moreover that he’d welcome her into his own bed with open arms. The reality was that she and Matt hadn’t so much as even kissed since his declaration of love in the Chinese restaurant. It was a peculiar situation to say the least. They’d reverted straight back to the original status quo – lots of twinkly eyes and flirty atmosphere – but other than that moment where he’d reached across the candlelit tablecloth to take her hands in his, Matt hadn’t so much as laid a finger on Rosie. She knew it was his way of giving her emotional space.

  ‘I just want to put a bit of distance between burying my husband and starting over with a new relationship,’ Rosie mumbled. She walked over to the dressing table and placed Marie’s card on it. ‘And when it happens, I want it to be special. Right now there’s Luke to consider. I can just imagine getting into a lip lock with Matt, and then Luke screaming blue murder and shattering the moment. I don’t want it to be like that.’

  ‘Blimey,’ Lucy’s eyes were like saucers, ‘Realistically, you could be waiting years. I can picture it now – Luke, a teenager, announcing he’s going out for a night on the tiles, and you and Matt exchanging meaningful looks. It’s finally going to happen! Matt swallowing a Viagra, while you reach for the KY jelly. Then he’ll remove his sensible pyjamas while you slip off your winceyette nightie, and then he’ll grab hold of you and tangle his fingers in your greying hair. You’ll reach up to tenderly stroke his receding hairline, before letting rip with a trail of kisses, down, down, over his paunch, down a bit more, only for…ring ring…Luke phoning to say the cops have raided the club he’s in, and could one of you come and fetch him pronto. And then you’ll pull on your granny pants, while Matt sits around for hours on end covering his crotch with a cushion because his medicinally enhanced stiffie won’t go down, and–’


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