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The Perfect Marriage

Page 26

by Debbie Viggiano

  ‘You’re feeling warmer now,’ Matt murmured.

  ‘Yes,’ Rosie whispered, ‘I am.’

  ‘In fact, you’re feeling quite sweaty.’

  ‘Yes,’ Rosie said hoarsely. Her throat was in serious danger of drying up. ‘It is a little…hot.’

  ‘Perhaps you should take off that dressing gown.’

  ‘Yes,’ Rosie croaked. She’d have no voice left at this rate. She sat up and pulled off the gown. It slithered to the floor in a rustling heap.

  ‘I don’t think that’s helped at all, you feel like you’re burning up. Maybe you should take off those pyjamas too.’

  Rosie opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Wordlessly, she shed her cotton shorts and shoestring top.

  ‘That’s better. You know,’ Matt lowered his voice conspiratorially, ‘this reminds me of something.’


  ‘Mm. The night I met you. When you swore undying sex to me in that club, and crashed out in my bed. Stark naked.’


  ‘You were very interested in exploring a certain part of my anatomy.’

  Rosie could remember only too well. As colour flooded her cheeks, she was glad the lights were off. And then she remembered something else.

  ‘You have a piercing!’ she squeaked.

  Matt chuckled. ‘Indeed.’

  ‘How on earth did someone like you, get a piercing like that, and there of all places?’

  ‘Ah, well that’s another story.’

  ‘I’m all ears.’

  ‘It was a stag do in Vegas. A moment of drunken madness with half a dozen intoxicated mates thinking we were terribly original. But never mind that,’ Matt turned on his side and propped himself up on one elbow. Rosie could now make out his features in the grey light. ‘For the last couple of hours, Rosie, I’ve been laying here, wide awake, waiting for you.’

  ‘Really?’ Rosie could feel her vocal chords constricting again. ‘I didn’t know if I’d be along myself until ten minutes ago.’

  ‘I feel like I’ve been waiting for you forever. All my life, in fact. And finally you’re here. And it’s perfect, Ms Perfect. Just like you.’

  It was a long time before Rosie spoke again.

  Chapter Sixty

  ‘You made me wait a very long time, Mrs Palmer,’ said Matt to his blushing bride.

  ‘All good things are worth waiting for,’ Rosie teased. She’d been adamant about there being plenty of emotional time and space before the sound of any wedding bells. A late summer breeze caught her long veil, lifting the scalloped edges so that it floated out behind her.

  ‘Did I tell you that you look absolutely beautiful?’ Matt leant in and kissed her on the nose.

  ‘Only about six times.’

  ‘And that I love you very much.’

  ‘You’ve only told me eight times today. You need to do much better than that.’

  ‘Outrageous! I shall make sure I spend the rest of our married lives making up for it. Ooh, watch out, it’s confetti time.’

  ‘Look this way, please,’ bellowed the photographer, ‘that’s fantastic, keep smiling.’

  The newlyweds watched in delight as almost a dozen guests threw a swirling mass of coloured confetti. A gust of wind caught the paper petals, propelling them upwards in a kaleidoscope of colour, before the whole lot exploded outwards and showered over both bride and groom. Rosie poked her tongue out between her lips and tried to remove a pink heart that had adhered to her lipstick. ‘Oh dear, I think I’ve just ruined that photograph by pulling a silly face.’

  ‘Daddy, daddy, dad-dee,’ said Luke, breaking away from Karen and toddling over to Matt, ‘pick up, pick up.’

  ‘Sorry,’ said Karen, charging after Luke, ‘you can’t keep a two-year-old still for long, and he’s super fidgety right now.’

  ‘That’s okay,’ said Matt, ‘come here, little fella.’ He held his arms out and gathered Luke up onto his shoulder. ‘See that funny man over there with the camera? Let him take a nice family picture of us, eh? Big smile!’

  ‘’Kay,’ Luke agreed, and screwed his face up into a toothy grin.

  ‘Good boy, well done. Let Aunty Karen look after you for five minutes, and then you can travel in the big Rolls Royce with Mummy and Daddy, okay?’

  ‘’Kay,’ Luke grinned, allowing Karen to take him from Matt.

  ‘Rosie!’ said Lucy, waddling over. ‘You look absolutely stunning.’ She was almost fit to burst. ‘Thank goodness Bump didn’t decide to make an appearance today of all days.’

  ‘You’re very overdue,’ said Rosie, giving Lucy’s huge tummy a gentle pat.

  ‘The hospital is giving me another two days, and if Bump hasn’t made an appearance by then, I’ll have to be induced.’

  Gregory pushed his way through the milling crowd and caught up with his wife. ‘Congratulations, guys,’ he boomed, pumping Matt’s hand, and kissing Rosie noisily on the cheek, ‘you finally got around to tying the knot. Well done!’

  ‘Cheers, matey,’ said Matt, clapping Gregory on the back. ‘My wife took a helluva lot of persuasion, as you know.’

  ‘Excuse me! Excuse me!’ said a shrill little old lady, elbowing and shoving her way over. ‘Congratulations to you both,’ she said, stepping smartly in front of Gregory, ‘and I want to give you this, Rosie. It’s meant to bring good luck!’

  ‘Gertrude!’ Rosie exclaimed with delight. She took the silver horseshoe tied with white ribbon from Gertrude’s bony hand. Stooping down, she kissed the little old lady’s floury cheek. ‘That is so thoughtful of you, thank you.’

  ‘Gertrude, what are you doing?’ boomed an authoritative voice. Two seconds later Hester appeared by Rosie’s side. ‘You’re holding up the photographer, Gertrude. Go back over there with the rest of the gels. Oh dear, now look, what you’ve done – they all think it’s okay to come over. Oh well, never mind, Geraldine is with them.’ Hester turned to Matt. ‘I don’t think you’ve met my sibling yet, Matt, so you must let me introduce you. I say, Geraldine! Over here!’ A haughty looking woman with a hawk-like nose swept majestically through the crowd. She bore a striking resemblance to Hester. ‘My sister, Geraldine,’ said Hester, for all the world sounding as if she’d just said, “Her Majesty the Queen”.

  ‘How do you do?’ said Geraldine, and gave Matt’s hand a no-nonsense pump. ‘Many congratulations to you both. I must say, Rosie, you look a damned sight happier than the last time I saw you.’

  ‘Oh she is,’ Hester quickly assured. ‘And has every reason to be. She’s married to an absolutely mah-vellous man. Did I tell you that Matthew has a bachelor’s degree?’

  ‘I’m impressed,’ said Geraldine.

  ‘I knew you would be,’ said Hester delightedly. ‘My son-in-law is a fritefly successful business consultant, and manages all sorts of financial organisations. He comes up with the most amazing business strategies. He’s a very clever man.’ Hester lowered her voice confidentially, ‘and earns an absolute packet.’

  ‘Glad to hear it,’ said Geraldine, ‘unlike that tosser Rosie was first married to.’

  ‘Er, quite,’ said Hester hastily, ‘but we won’t talk about that today. Come with me and meet the vicar. Absolutely super chap. Clive’s organising this year’s gardening show and presenting the prize for the biggest marrow. I think he might win it himself though. He’s got a very big one.’

  ‘Has he?’

  ‘Enormous, bulging all over the place.’

  ‘Er, ladies,’ Matt interrupted, ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you Geraldine, and I look forward to catching up with you both at the reception, but the photographer is frantically signalling to us. I think he wants to get a few more photographs in the can before we leave the church.’

  ‘See you later, Aunty Geraldine,’ Rosie smiled, as Hester lead Geraldine away.

  ‘My goodness, was that really your mother singing my praises?’ Matt laughed.

  ‘Apparently so. Looks like you’ve finally won her over.’
  ‘She gave me such a glowing reference I’ll have to employ her as my marketing manager!’

  ‘Don’t tell her that, she’ll never stop showing off to the gels,’ Rosie giggled.

  Hester’s imperious voice carried across the crowd. ‘Absolutely charming man,’ she was loudly telling anybody who cared to listen. ‘He’s absolutely perfect.’

  And that is how Rosie Perfect got her perfect ending.



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  Steph Garvey has been married to husband Si for 24 years. Steph thought they were soulmates. Until recently. Surely one’s soulmate shouldn’t put Chelsea FC before her? Or boycott caressing her to fondle the remote control? Fed up, Steph uses her Tesco staff discount to buy a laptop. Her friends all talk about Facebook. It’s time to get networking.

  Si is worried about middle-age spread and money. Being a self-employed plumber isn’t easy in recession. He’s also aware things aren’t right with Steph. But Si has forgotten the art of romance. Although these days Steph prefers cuddling her laptop to him. Then Si’s luck changes work wise. A mate invites Si to partner up on a pub refurbishment contract.

  Son Tom has finished Sixth Form. Tom knows where he’s going regarding a career. He’s not quite so sure where he’s going regarding women and lurches from one frantic love affair to the next.

  Widowed neighbour June adores the Garveys as if her own kin. And although 70, she’s still up for romance. June thinks she’s struck gold when she meets salsa squeeze Harry. He has a big house and bigger pension – key factors when you’ve survived a winter using your dog as a hot water bottle. June is vaguely aware that she’s attracted the attention of fellow dog walker Arnold, but her eyes are firmly on Harry as ‘the catch’.

  But then Cupid’s arrow misfires causing madness and mayhem. Steph rekindles a childhood crush with Barry Hastings; Si unwittingly finds himself being seduced by barmaid Dawn; June discovers Harry is more than hot to trot; and Tom's latest strumpet impacts on all of them. Will Cupid's arrow strike again and, more importantly, strike correctly? There's only one way to find out....



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  41-year old Cassandra Mackerel is loved up and happily re-married to new husband Jamie. Together they have a ready-made family and a six month old baby boy. Juggling her own children with step-children and an infant is both hectic and stressful, especially with a mother-in-law who seems to have taken up permanent residence.

  Cass has a strong support system in good friend and new mum Morag – who is the fourth Mrs Harding with more step-children she can keep up with – and also old neighbour and great pal Nell who has a baby girl.

  Rising to the challenge of a second marriage and the emotional baggage that comes with it is tough. The last thing Cass needs is the reappearance of husband Jamie’s ex-girlfriend Selina. Gorgeous and glamorous but utterly unstable, Selina once stalked Cass and contrived to split her and Jamie up. And now Selina is engaged to Jamie’s business partner, Ethan Fareham. Seemingly it is appalling coincidence.

  Cass can’t shake the feeling that Selina is up to her old tricks. And she's right to be worried. For if Selina has her way, she’ll split Cass and Jamie up permanently. Because this time it’s murder...



  Mixed Emotions

  Life is a funny old thing. There are times when we love it, relish every moment and can't get enough of it. Equally there are other times when life is jail sentence. Something comes along that knocks us right off our feet. The sun ceases to shine and our smiles vanish.

  As we walk through life we fall in love, out of love, and in love again - sometimes many times over. We forge long and rewarding friendships - but sometimes are betrayed. We deal with tricky ex partners, and picky neighbours. We get pregnant, give birth and some of us experience stillbirth. And just when we think we can't take any more, something happens to cause our hearts to expand with love. We are left feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

  Life is full of mixed emotions. And that's what this little book is about.



  The Ex Factor

  Sam Worthington is married to Annie. He’s also a loving, hands-on dad to daughter Ruby. Then Sam discovers Annie is having an affair. Even worse, she wants a divorce. Devastated, Sam has to cope not just with the dismantling of a marriage, but being parted from the daughter he adores.

  When Annie’s new relationship breaks down, she wants Sam back. But Sam has now met teaching student Josie, and re-discovered love. Annie hatches a plan to seduce Sam and win him back, but her plan fails. Sam hadn’t counted on his rejection of Annie backfiring on him so spectacularly – for Annie vows to use Ruby to destroy her ex-husband.

  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And for Sam Worthington, his journey to hell is just beginning...



  Prior to turning her attention to writing, Debbie Viggiano was, for more years than she cares to remember, a legal secretary. She lives in leafy Swanley Village in Kent with her husband, children, a food-obsessed beagle and a cat that thinks it's a dog.





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