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The Line: The Complete Series

Page 32

by Nikki Rose

  When I got back to the tent, Derek was lying under our sleeping bag with a slight look of disappointment on his face.

  “Looks like tonight’s a no-go, babe. I drank too much.” He shrugged and motioned down below his waist where nothing was showing through the blanket. A side effect of all the alcohol he’d consumed. I let out a sigh of relief because I had yet to figure out how I was going to tell him we weren't having sex.

  “That’s alright. It happens.” I shrugged and climbed into the tent, trying to hide my relief. I laid down in the shared sleeping bag and situated myself with my back to Derek so I could fall asleep.



  The blinding morning light pierced through the small holes in the tent. My head hurt and I remembered why I didn't party more often. Even though I didn't drink half as much as anyone else there, my body wasn't used to it and my head was killing me.

  Derek laid there snoring beside me—another side effect from when he drank. I gave him a nudge but he didn't quiet down. I shoved him a little harder and he let out a loud snort before turning over and starting to snore again.

  I thought about waking him up, but decided to let him sleep. I slipped out of the tent, squinting in the bright light. I needed to find something to drink that wasn't beer.

  I walked around the campsite, checking the coolers from the night before, finally finding a lone bottle of water and downed it. I took the opportunity to enjoy the peace while everyone slept. The morning rays of sun danced through the tree leaves, reflecting off the shimmering lake. I walked along the dirt path that followed the lake. It was beautiful and quite peaceful when not flooded with rowdy drunk campers. The trail narrowed and I had to duck below low growing branches while stepping over the exposed roots and overgrowth. I reached the end of the path which opened up into a small clearing that jutted out into the water like the start of a mini peninsula.

  Grass barely grew in splotches, the rest of the ground covered in embedded rock. I found a clear spot of smooth rock and sat down to take in the scenic view. Across the lake was a small seemingly uninhabited island covered in trees and brush. Several ducks and a few geese swam along the water leaving small wakes in their path. It was nice to get away on my own. To take in the beauty and clear my mind.

  The cracking sound of twigs under foot and the rustling of someone making their way through the brush startled me. I turned just in time to see Derek hiking down the path.

  “There you are.”

  “Hey. Yeah, I just went for a little walk.”

  “Well come on. I've got a massive hangover and the last thing I want is to be walking through these damn woods trying to hunt you down.” He snapped.

  “You were sleeping. I didn't think you'd be hunting me down.” His attitude irritated me. Yeah, he had a hangover. Big deal. As they say ‘don't do the crime if you can't do the time.’ It wasn't my fault and he had no reason to take it out on me.

  “Marcus and Camy are running back into town to pick up some supplies.”

  “Oh great, because there is absolutely nothing here after last night.”

  “Tell me about it. They are gonna pick up some beer and hit the liquor store. Probably pick up some grub too, but I think we have some granola bars or something at camp.”

  “How about some Gatorade? Maybe some ibuprofen for this headache?”

  “Really? I just drink a beer and it usually does the trick.”

  “I don't think that's going to do it for me.”

  “Well, I can't call them. No service. Maybe someone has something you can take. Let's go back to camp.”

  Everyone was waking up by the time we made it back to camp. It was sort of like strolling through a scene of the walking dead. They all groaned and complained that the sun was too bright as they stumbled out of their tents, walking on unsteady feet as they raided what few supplies were left. Everyone had seemed so fun last night but the magic was gone. I was relieved when Marcus’s car rumbled down the dirt path and pulled into view.

  Camy and Marcus seemed to be doing pretty well. They looked refreshed and well rested. Camy didn’t even grimace when she stepped out of the car into the sunlight. Luckily, along with the tons of alcohol they’d picked up, Camy and Marcus had come back with food, sports drinks, and ibuprofen. We spent the next two hours sitting around shielding our eyes from the bright sun, popping ibuprofen, and drinking Gatorade.

  By lunchtime the majority of our symptoms had dissipated and we spent the rest of the day on the lake where I learned that I was surrounded by a bunch of risk takers. Derek and his friends were constantly doing something stupid that made my heart stop until they wound up safe. They’d tied a rope to the shallow part of the lake and took turns swinging and dropping into the shallow water. Some tried to stick the landing on their feet which ended in more than one guy limping from the lake. They did flips off a higher bank of the lake and I held my breath the whole time. I swore before the day was out someone was going to need stitches or mouth to mouth.

  As the day turned to night, the casual talking and dancing turned wilder. Most people traded in their beers for stronger shots and somewhere along the way, I’d lost track of Derek completely.

  “Hey, Caroline.” Camy called to me, stumbling up to the bonfire with Marcus half holding her up as she giggled. “We’re all doing vodka shots by the lake. You should come.”

  “No thanks. I think I’ve had my fill.” I held up my one drink. After the night before I couldn’t bear the thought of another bender.

  “You interested in something a little different?” Marcus gave a devilish grin. He pulled out a bag of what looked like sugar cubes and I tilted my head in confusion.

  “What is that?”

  “Sugar cubes.” Marcus sounded shocked and a little dumbfounded that I had to ask. I had to be missing something because what grown man carries around sugar cubes?

  Camy must have noticed my confusion because she grinned brightly and broke the silence. “They’re laced. With LSD?”

  My eyes widened and I tried to hide the shocked look. I was at their party. Who was I to judge? But I was way out of my comfort zone. “Oh. I didn’t know.”

  “So, you want some?” Marcus offered out his hand with a couple cubes on it and I had to fight the urge to step back.

  I shook my head instead. “No, thank you. It’s not really my thing.”

  “It’s cool. I got some other goodies in my bag that might be more up your alley.” He tilted his head and studied me intently for a moment which made me squirm. “You seem like more of an X girl to me.”

  “X? Oh, no. Really, I’m fine. Thanks”

  “Okay, sweetness. If you change your mind, just let me know.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” I wouldn’t be changing my mind but what else do you say to be polite when someone offers you drugs.”

  I started paying closer attention to everyone around the camp. The whole feel was different than the night before. A group sat hunched over by the picnic table, snorting something. A glint from a lighter reflected off a spoon as one guy prepared something and another readied a needle. I took a deep breath. I was way over my head. The wilder everyone got, the more I regretted my choice to escape to the woods with Derek. I should have known better but all I could think of was just needing to get away, clear my head, and I couldn’t do that with Chris.

  Chris. I missed him. I wished I was curled up on the couch watching some stupid action movie with him instead of watching Derek pop sugar cubes infused with LSD and stare at a tree’s bark for half an hour. Being the only semi-sober person at a party sucked, but I could never bring myself to do more than a couple drinks. I was definitely not the type to take drugs. Call me a control freak but I never liked the idea of something other than myself controlling my perception and the way I acted.

  Everyone was becoming more and more obnoxious as the night went on and I needed time away from it all. I decided to take a short walk.

  I followed the same old wa
lking trail that led its way down the side of the lake and to the small clearing. It had been so beautiful earlier and tonight it would be my escape. The lake looked so peaceful and calm at night, like a giant sheet of glass with a small island set off in the middle. The large moon was so clear, its light giving everything a soft silvery glow.

  From the shore, I could make out another group of campers set up on the island. Their campfire flickered and sent crazy shadows dancing on the tree line. A few couples danced near the fire and other clusters of people broke off into smaller groups. I stood there silently watching them for several minutes until a loud blood-curdling scream drew my attention to one of the groups closer to the fire. There stood four men, two held another by the shoulders as he screamed while the fourth pulled a large pocket knife from his midsection.

  Bright red blood poured from his abdomen as I stared in shock. The man holding the knife plunged it back into the man’s gut again. I opened my mouth to scream, to cry out for what I wasn’t sure but a large hand cupped over my mouth and muffled my screams while a strong arm held me in place.

  I fought and screamed against the hand that silenced me while watching the horror show in front of me. The man pulled the knife out again, plunging it two more times until the two released the man and he fell to the ground.

  “Shut up. You want them to come after you next? If they think you saw anything, you’re dead.” Derek’s raspy voice hissed in my ear as he finally tugged me back from the edge of the water and back along the pathway.

  He was still pretty messed up from the drugs but there was some clarity in his eyes. He had a point about not letting those guys see me.

  “Let’s go in my tent for the night.” He gave me a lascivious look and I knew what he had on his mind. It made me wonder what I’d ever seen in him.

  “Are you crazy? I can’t even think about that after what we’ve just seen. We need to call the police or an ambulance or something.”

  “You mind your own fucking business. We aren’t gonna say anything, do you understand me?” His fingers dug painfully into my bicep as he dragged me toward the tent.

  “Okay, but no sex tonight. I just want to go to sleep.”

  “Whatever. Let’s just get in the tent.”

  “I have to pee first.”

  He gave a sigh of annoyance. “Okay. Pee then meet me in the tent.”

  I nodded and walked into the woods to find a hidden spot that would be private enough before I pulled out my phone and turned it back on. I’d turned it off earlier so Chris couldn’t follow me but now I wish he would have. I didn’t want to be there with Derek any more. I just wanted to go home.

  I scrolled down to Chris’s number and hit send but my phone just beeped.

  No signal.

  I walked a little way farther from the camp and hit send again but there was still no signal.

  Regret tore at my insides. I just wanted to be safe at home but instead I was stuck in a camp with a bunch of people so high that they didn’t even realize a man lay bleeding and probably dying just a stone's throw from where they stood partying and drinking.

  As a last resort, I tried sending Chris a text.

  I typed out a quick text and hit send but the text status remained stuck at Sending... My only hope was that once I moved around the campsite, I might happen upon a signal and it would send. Until then, I just needed to play it cool and keep a low profile.

  Lucky for me, by the time I got back to the tent Derek had already passed out. I climbed in as quietly as possible and settled in on the other side to try to get some sleep. The moment I closed my eyes, all I could see was that poor man from across the river while his screams echoed in my mind.



  I paced just outside the study as I waited for Director Applegate to finish his phone call to speak with me. It had been two days since I’d last seen her. I couldn’t explain what happened the night before or what had happened to Caroline. I’d screwed up—bad. But it was time to face the consequences of my actions. I’d never completely failed a mission so bad in my life.

  Chances were, he’d take me off the assignment, but I didn’t care. I’d search to the ends of the world for her—assignment or not. The Director slammed down his phone and waved me in.

  Before I could make it to his desk, he was already questioning me. “Any sign of her?”

  “No, Sir. We scanned all the security footage and there was nothing. I saw her go out to take Peterson that cupcake and return promptly to the house. About an hour later, the security footage goes dark for about twenty minutes. After that there’s nothing”

  “That had to be the hackers. They must have disabled the security system wirelessly and broke in to get her. Where the hell were you during all this?”

  “I—uh. I fell asleep at the computer in here, sir.” I had to struggle to maintain our eye contact. I’d never been so ashamed but I refused to show weakness.

  Director Applegate lifted a brow as his gaze burned through me. “You fell asleep at the computer?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “That doesn’t sound like you. Sit. What happened?”

  “I don’t know.” I lowered myself into one of the leather chairs opposite him and finally showing the first sign of weakness, I dropped my head into my hands.

  “Walk me through everything.” His voice was still stern but there was a hint of something different there. Sympathy.

  I lifted my head from my hands and met his gaze again. I didn’t see my war-hardened Director. I saw a father, searching for his child.

  Caroline had been kind of quiet the past few days so I can’t speak to exactly where her mindset was. She stayed in her room for the most part except when she came down to bake cupcakes. I had to run a quick errand—”

  “To help Hunter with that interrogation.” He finished my thought and I nodded.

  “But I made sure she would be staying home while I was gone. Mason came to watch her. Security was still at the gate and I wasn’t gone long. She was finishing icing the cupcakes when I got back. I could tell she needed her space, so I went into the study to look over some files and review security footage.”

  “And you didn’t see anything unusual up until this point?”

  “No, Sir. She came into the study and offered me a cupcake, then said she was taking one to Peterson in the guardhouse. I told her to come right back which the security footage confirms.”

  “The security footage? But you didn’t see her come back?”

  “No, Sir. Everything after that is a complete blank until I woke up the next morning.”

  “And Peterson never saw anything either?”

  “Not after—shit.” I slammed my fists into my thighs. “Not after she brought him the cupcake.”

  “You don’t think...”

  “She drugged us.”

  “But, why? Where would she go?”

  “She was getting cabin fever being stuck in the house so much. I’d done my best to take her out but my guess is that she wanted time away from the constant security.”

  “I’m calling Amanda to see if she’s heard anything.” Director Applegate pulled out his cell and started punching in numbers while I walked into the hall and called our tech guy, Mikey.

  “Hey, Chris. Man, I heard what happened. That sucks.”

  “Hey, Mikey. Listen, I need you to do a trace on Caroline’s phone.”

  “Already done. Boss man called me the second he heard she was missing. I got nothing.”

  “Try again. Maybe it's been turned back on. Also, can you check the last time it had service?”

  “Yeah, just a sec. Let me see what I can do.” I could hear him viciously typing on the keyboard. “I got nothing, man. She’s either taken the battery completely out of her phone or she’s out of cell range.”

  “Damn it. Thanks Mikey. It was worth a try.”

  “I’ll leave the trace running. If her phone turns back on, I’ll get a loca—”

  A ding on my phone signaled an incoming text. I glanced at the phone and my heart nearly stopped.


  CAROLINE: I’m so sorry. I needed to get away. Went on a trip but it’s horrible here and I want to come home. There’s no service to call but we are somewhere past the Lower Ausable Lake. I’m hoping this message gets to you.

  She left. She wasn’t taken. It was a mix of relief and anger. How could she have done that? Worrying me and her father so much. But the overwhelming feeling was that she was safe. Not only was she safe but she wanted to come home.

  I busted into the Directors study without knocking.

  “Let me call you right back.” He put the phone down and stepped toward me. “What is it?”

  “She texted me.”

  “Oh, thank God. Is she okay?”

  “Seems so. She said she’s sorry. She just had to get away for a little while. She wants to come home but there was no service to call.”

  “Who is she with?”

  “She didn’t say.”

  “If I had to guess, I’d say that trouble making guy she’s been seeing.”

  “That prick...”

  “I’ll kill him. Let’s go.” The Director started toward the door and froze. “Damn it. I need to call and cancel my meeting with the director of homeland today.”

  “It’s a good four-hour drive. Let me go pick her up. She might be more receptive if it’s just one of us anyway so she doesn’t feel ganged up on.

  “She’s my daughter. I should be the one—”

  “I’ll call as soon as I get her.” I pleaded. I needed to get to her as soon as possible and there were so many things we needed to talk about that couldn’t be said with the Director there.


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