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The Line: The Complete Series

Page 48

by Nikki Rose

  “Here, let me help you with that,” he stepped closer to me and took the rag from my hand, helping me wipe the paint from my face. He cupped my jaw, running his thumb over my cheek to wipe away the last smudge from my face.

  I looked up into his eyes, the soft green and brown swirling together with light flecks of gold nearly hypnotized me as he gazed down with softness in his stare. His thumb stroked over my cheek again, slower and more tender. The sensual touch had me unconsciously biting my lip which lit a fire in his expression.

  He cupped my cheek in his hand still, pulling me toward him as he lowered his lips to mine. The kiss was soft, timid, like he was asking permission that I eagerly gave. My lips softened as I melted into his kiss.

  The tenderness of the moment lingered for only a moment, like the glowing embers just before they erupt into a wildfire. He moved his hand to cradle the back of my head and deepened the kiss as our passion grew. I parted my lips for him and his tongue delved into my mouth. He tangled his fingers into my hair, gripping and tugging slightly to tip my face up to him. I grasped his biceps hard, desperate to hold on to the moment and keep him close to me.

  He released my hair and I feared he’d regained his control and was about to pull away but instead, he gripped my thighs and hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding on tight to his chiseled shoulders, running my hand up the back of his neck and tangling my fingers into his hair.

  He dug his fingertips into my ass cheeks almost to the point of pain and I could tell he was holding back with restrained strength. Mason could rip me apart if he chose to. His strength and size compared to mine was undeniable but he kept it in check, always holding back. His touch teetered on pain but never went over.

  He held me up with one arm, his other hand tugging my hair, guiding my head to the side, exposing my neck. He ran his lips up my neck from the crook at my shoulder to just behind my ear which sent shivers up my spine.

  “Tell me I can have you. Please Hana, or I might just lose my mind. If you tell me to stop, I will but—damn it, just tell me I can have you,” his soft lips lightly brushed against the shell of my ear. His voice was gruff and strained as if he was battling with his self-control. He needed me just as badly as I needed him, burned just as fierce. I could hear it in his voice.

  “Yes. Please,” I breathed out the only words I could manage and that was all he needed.

  He let go of my hair again, shoved my oversized shirt up my thighs as he backed me up against the wall. He used his body to pin me to the wall and I held on to him tight as he lifted my shirt up over my head and tore my panties away. He kissed me again, hard before his lips moved down my neck, across my collar bone. My head fell back against the wall and I let out a soft moan as his lips traveled down to my breast. He teased each peek in turn until I was writhing against the hardness restrained by his jeans.

  He reached between us to undo his zipper. His hand brushed against my wetness and I nearly combusted. I let out a loud moan and ground against his hand purely out of primal need. He looked into my eyes with a knowing look and rubbed his hand against me again and again.

  “Mason, please?” I begged but I wasn’t sure if it was for him to stop torturing me or for more. All I wanted was for him to put me out of my misery, the ache deep inside was unbearable and all I wanted was for him to set my body on fire, to send me over the edge, and let me fly.

  He unzipped his pants and pressed against me but he didn’t push in. He circled my entrance with his tip, teasing me more and driving me so wild I couldn’t stand it.

  I was dripping down my thighs and I knew he could feel it too. He let out a low growl that rumbled in his chest. He gripped my ass hard to hold me in place as he thrusted into me. I cried out, my insides clenching around him as he stretched my inner walls. Another thrust and he was fully seated inside me. I clung tightly to him as he began his vicious pace.

  My body bounced on him, my back sliding up and down the wall. I clung tight to him, gripping hard to his back. He felt so good and it had been so long. My insides quivered, winding tight, ready to burst. He thrusted up into me again, pulling me down on him at the same time and I cried out as my pleasure took over.

  I closed my eyes tight, white lights flashing behind my eyelids as my body was torn into a million pieces and pulled back together by the pure magnetism that pulled me to him.

  The wave of ecstasy waned slightly and I rested my head against him in a panting mess.

  “Had enough already? I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart,” he smirked down at me and carried me to the white leather couch on the far-right wall. He sat down, keeping us connected, and I straddled him.

  I rolled my hips, feeling him rub against my slick inner walls which only made me want to do it again, and again. I ground myself against him, sitting upright while he slumped down in his seat. I lifted myself up on him, holding his shoulders, and watched him disappear inside me as I lowered myself on him again. He groaned, his head dropped back onto the back of the couch. I loved the power of making him feel so good.

  I lifted myself again, lowering down on him a little faster the next time until I was practically bouncing on him. He gripped my hips hard, his fingers digging in with a bite of pain but I loved to feel him unraveling beneath me. He thrust his hips up while forcing me down onto him hard until he reached something inside me that had never been reached before.

  My back arched and I tossed my head back as a scream was ripped from my throat as I came around him. One more thrust and his body convulsed under me. His vice-like grip held me firm against him while we rode out our release. Our bodies rolled in waves together as if we were one until both of us collapsed.

  I rested my cheek against his chest, panting and relishing in the afterglow. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart racing, while I breathed in his purely masculine scent. After several moments, both of our heartbeats began to slow and exhaustion took over. I felt myself nearly drifting off when he cleared his throat. I looked up at him and he smiled gently down at me.

  “We should probably get cleaned up.”

  “Good idea, if I can stand,” I chuckled.

  He cradled me in his arms, lifting us both from the couch, he carried me into the bathroom. If I’d thought the cuddling after sex was intimate, the shower was beyond words. Slowly and tenderly he bathed me with a wash rag until every drop of paint was removed from my body. He made me feel cherished, like I was a precious possession to be adored and cared for. I’d seen curators at the art museum who took less care of a da Vinci painting than he was for me.

  Once he made sure we were both clean, he wrapped me in a towel before drying himself off. We went back into the art studio so that we could get our clothes which were covered in paint.

  “I think we ruined your couch,” Mason stood by my white faux leather couch while I stuck my brushes in the cleaning solution to soak.

  “It should come out. If not, it will just be a very large piece of artwork to remind me of an amazing night,” I smirked at him and he laughed.

  “I should help you clean this up,” he motioned toward the mess of paint splattered on the floor and even a little on the walls.

  “We’ll clean tomorrow. I’m beyond exhausted. Tonight, I just want to fall into my bed and sleep until noon.”

  “Well then, let me escort you to your bed,” Mason scooped me into his arms and carried me like a bride to the bed. He sat me on the edge of the bed and pulled down the blanket before covering me up.

  He turned to walk away but I grabbed his hand before he was out of reach, “where are you going?”

  “To the couch.”

  “When I said I wanted to go to bed, I meant with you.”

  “Oh, I didn’t want to assume—”

  “Come here,” I tugged his arm.

  He climbed over me and settled in with his front to my back. I kept hold of his hand and tucked it under my cheek so that his arm wrapped around me. I wanted to feel him close, to enjoy the warm
th of his body against mine.



  We pulled up at James’s house once again. It had been two days since we’d first gotten the news about Natalie’s abduction. Tension was high like a rubber band slowly being pulled tighter and tighter until it was near snapping. The Director and the team worked together with IT to put together the information so that it looked and sounded real.

  We all sat around the table as the guys reviewed the information one last time to make sure everything was in order. I’d never seen people work so diligently as I watched them go over the printed versions of the electronic files that were uploaded into a zip file on James’ computer.

  Mason glanced up at the old analogue clock hanging on the kitchen wall and took a deep breath. “They should be calling in ten minutes if they are punctual.”

  “Remember, make sure they let you see her before sending the files and ask about getting her back. We’ve got IT at the ready to try and trace the call but chances are they’re still rerouting their signal like before.”

  The guys kept talking strategy while I watched the clock as the minutes ticked by. The movement of the hands put me into a trance which was broken when the incoming video chat came through one minute before expected.

  James swiped to answer the call and there again was Natalie alone in her chair.

  “Natalie, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m okay. Do you have the information the kidnappers demanded?”

  “I do but in exchange for the intel, I want them to release you.”

  Natalie glanced up to the left of the screen like she was checking with someone before returning her attention to James.

  “They say not yet. Once they know this intel is accurate and in full, they will have one more request before they will let me go.”

  “What request?”

  She looked up again before responding. They were definitely feeding her the answers. I wasn’t sure if it was a way to control James’ emotions or if it was to keep their faces off the camera. Either would have been a clever idea but both were working.

  “They will be texting you an email address to send the files to and will be in touch with their next request at a later time.”

  “When—” they ended the call and James nearly lost it. He dropped the phone on the table and slammed his hands down. “Shit.”

  “Stay calm,” Director Applegate reminded him. “They are doing it this way to mess with you.”

  “Well, it's working. I can’t take this. Seeing her but not being able to do anything.”

  “I know. Just try,” Mason tried to calm him.

  A moment later there was a chime on the phone signally an incoming text and James checked it.

  “I’ve got the email address.”

  “Let me see,” Hunter took a picture of the email address which was just a bunch of random numbers. “I’m sending it to Mikey in IT to see if he can find out anything from it.”

  “Good.” The Director nodded to James, “send the files.”

  James was hesitant for just a moment before he hit send.

  Mason had to stay upstairs where the Director couldn’t see. He had seen him the other night and although I was certain he knew Mason was there, he still had deniability as long as no one said it out loud and he didn’t actually see him again. I acted as a voice for Mason and his eyes and ears.

  Almost an hour after sending the files, James’ phone rang with another incoming video call and we all hovered around.

  Natalie sat, still bound to that same wooden chair. She looked disheveled and I thought I could detect a slight tremor to her body. Fear. I couldn’t imagine the horror she must be going through. I sent out a silent prayer that the kidnappers would be satisfied with the fake information and let her go.

  Natalie’s voice shook and she kept looking just over the camera, “The files have been received. I am very disappointed...” Her words sounded even more scripted than before and I imagined she was probably reading some type of cue cards of what they wanted her to say. She faltered for a moment but swallowed hard and continued. “I’m very disappointed that you didn’t send the correct information. Not only are you now late in providing the required files, but you tried to deceive which requires further punishment.”

  Natalie’s eyes widened in fear as she glanced from the camera to someone standing just out of frame, “please, please no?”

  A figure dressed all in black stepped into the frame holding a knife. The camera only showed Natalie to about mid-chest and he fidgeted with something below the camera’s frame. Natalie squirmed in her chair, fighting against the ropes as she begged and pleaded but it made no effect on the mystery person.

  He lifted the knife into the frame, light reflecting off the steel blade before bringing it down fast.

  Natalie screamed a horrible, blood curdling screen that made me glad that I couldn’t see what was happening off screen. James yelled out, his cry mixing with hers. I hadn’t realized that I was clenching my fists until the joints in my hand began to ache.

  When he finally pulled up the knife, it dripped with crimson that I wished was paint but knew better. When he held up two severed fingers, I had to turn away. I ran to the bathroom, collapsed in front of the toilet and threw up. I could hear James’ string of curses muffled in the next room and I felt so stupid for losing it the way I did when it wasn’t my wife. I couldn’t imagine what he was going through—what she must have been going through.

  “Hana? Hana? What happened? Are you okay? Mason’s voice was in my ear. I’d forgotten about the Bluetooth and the fact that he could hear everything including me throwing up. I leaned against the wall in the bathroom and pulled my legs up to my chest as sobs wrecked through my chest and throat still unable to find words.

  Within a minute, Mason burst into the bathroom without even knocking. I looked up at him in shock and he fell to his knees beside me, wrapping me in his strong arms and pulled me against his chest.

  “Mason? What the hell?” I heard one of the guys’ voices but I couldn’t look up. One of Mason’s arms left me for a moment and I imagined him shooing him away but I didn’t move to look.

  I couldn’t speak for what seemed like hours. Mason didn’t try to push me to talk. He just held me, softly cooing gentle words like ‘It's okay. I’ve got you. You’re okay.’ I just sat, curled up against him and cried until my tears finally ran out.

  “Mason?” Hunter's voice broke the silence. “I know this is a bad time but the Director walked outside for a minute. We need to get you back upstairs. He didn't technically see you.”

  “Okay,” Mason answered him before directing his voice to me. “You going to be Okay? We shouldn’t be here much longer then you can go home. I doubt the kidnappers will be calling back tonight.”

  Then I could go home?

  “What about you?”

  “I can get one of the guys to drop me off at a safe house. They’ll be looking at mine but I’m sure any of them would let me use theirs.”

  He was giving me an out but after what I'd seen, the last thing I wanted was to be alone. I needed to see the whole thing through or the not knowing would haunt me.

  I shook my head against his chest and looked up at him. “You should stay with me.”

  “With you? Hana, I appreciate it. Really, I do. But you never signed up for any of this. I forced this on you and you deserve to get to go back to your peaceful, normal life.”

  “And what if one of your friends gets caught helping you? He’ll go to prison and so will you. Don’t you think the police would think to check all your friends and the people you work with?”

  “We are trained to be careful.”

  “Then you should stay with me. There’s no connection between us.” He raised his eyebrow at me and for some reason I felt the need to clarify my statement. “I just mean, I don’t work with you, there’s no one who can place us together, we didn’t grow up together, nothing. There would be no reason for t
hem to suspect you’d be at my house and the police have already checked it out so it was already clear. How much better could a hideout be?”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Okay,” Mason smiled as he agreed and I couldn’t help but smile too. Eventually Mason would be proven innocent, James would hopefully get Natalie back, we’d go back to our own lives, and everything would go back to normal. I couldn’t explain why but that idea gave a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t ready for Mason to be out of my life when he’d just come in. Yes, he’d shaken things up and made things very complicated, but he gave my life meaning I hadn’t known was missing.

  Mason helped me up, making sure I was steady on my feet before he released me and went back upstairs.

  I went into the living room to find James alone on the couch staring down at a frame in his hand.

  “Hey, where is everyone?”

  “The guys walked the Director out so Mason could get back upstairs.”

  He didn’t look up when he spoke and so I walked over to him and sat beside him. “Are you okay?”

  “No. She’s somewhere out there with those horrible people and there’s nothing I can do. I don’t know who has her, where they are keeping her, or what they might be doing to her now. It’s a terrible feeling.”

  “I can’t even imagine,” I glanced over at the picture. It was a wedding picture of James and who I assumed was Natalie. She was beautiful with sandy blonde soft curls and blue eyes a shade or two darker than mine.

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?”

  “She’s gorgeous.”

  “I swear I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her.”

  I let out a soft sigh but held my tongue. I wouldn’t tell him how I didn’t believe in love at first sight and that it was more likely lust at first sight. He clearly grew to love her and that was all that mattered.

  “They’ll get her back,” I told him definitively and he nodded.

  “Yes, we will,” Mason’s voice startled James and I both, “you about ready to go? Hunter texted me to let me know the coast is clear.”


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