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The Line: The Complete Series

Page 55

by Nikki Rose

  “No, you can’t do that. I haven’t said a word. I haven’t told you anything,” he thrashed around in a panic.

  “You haven’t, but that’s okay. We’ll put on a show for them anyway. They’ll think you did then we will set you free, a friend of the American soldiers. Or...” I paused and leaned in closer to him for effect. “I can yell at you some more. Act angry that you aren’t telling us anything while you tell us everything you know. I can throw you in the back of the police car for being uncooperative and throw you in prison for being loyal to your Russian friends. You’ll be in prison for a while but your family will be safe.”

  “Okay, okay. The woman you’re looking for, she left just before you got here. They were talking about someone coming to find her. The mentioned Petrov returning. They told me to stay here and clean up to make sure there was no evidence of us left. Now, please, hit me so they don’t think I’m telling you anything.”

  I struck him once and got up in his face. “So, they do have cameras to watch us?”


  “Tell me what else you know. How many men had her?”


  I made it look like I kicked him and yelled out, “tell me what I want to know or I’ll beat you to an inch of your life you Russian scum.” I leaned in closer, grabbing him by his collar again, “where were they going?”

  “They were heading to the safe house. 1568 Center street.”

  “Is that where James is supposed to meet them?”

  “Yes, but please, that’s all I know.”

  I released his collar and shoved him back down on the ground and spat just beside him in disgust, “throw him in the back of the car and take him in. He’s not going to cooperate.”

  He gave me a glance of appreciation before my men picked him up by his elbows, sat him on his feet, and forced him to one of the cop cars.

  “You get all that?” I spoke quietly into my two way.

  “Got it. Good job, Mason. We got people heading there now.”

  I hurried to the car where Hana was still waiting for me. She looked at me with concern but I didn’t have time to explain everything yet. I turned to one of the regular police who was working as extra eyes for us. “Officer Turner. I need you to take her home for me. I need to chase down a lead and it's far too dangerous for her to join me.”

  “No. Mason, I—”

  “I’m not arguing this time. This is what I do. This is no time for a ride along.” I turned from her to the policeman. “Officer, please?”

  “Of course.” He took a step toward us and I tugged her arm.

  “I don't have time to argue. I have to get to James before he does something stupid.”

  “Okay, just please be safe.”

  “I always am.” I helped her out of the car and passed her along to Officer Turner to take home. The moment she was out of the car, I ran to the driver side and sped off. I had no time to waste to get to that safe house and stop James from doing something he’d regret.



  I rode silently in the passenger seat of the police officer’s car as he drove me home. I understood why Mason wouldn't let me go with him. I was way out of my element on a mission like that but I felt safer near him no matter what danger was around. Being immersed in Mason's world made it easy to feel like I was part of something much larger than myself. He made me feel stronger and more capable. I had never felt so alive before he came into my life. Painting would always be my passion but Mason helped me see that there was so much more of the world to not just see but to experience.

  I worried about Mason. I didn’t want anything to happen to him. I had to remind myself that it was who he was, it was what he did for a living and he’d been doing it a long time before I ever met him.

  I took a deep breath and said a little prayer that nothing bad would happen to him.

  "He's only trying to protect you, you know."

  "I know. I just worry about him too. It's hard thinking about sitting around waiting to hear back from him while safely lounging in front of the TV or painting in my studio."

  "I understand. Sitting around waiting for that dreaded phone call or knock at the door."

  I nodded toward his wedding band as he drove. "I'm sure your wife sits at home waiting and worrying for you but I don't think you can truly understand it if you aren't on this end of things and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I just don't think it's possible to truly understand it if you don't."

  "I'm sure that's true. But I do understand. I'm the one who sits at home worrying because my wife is serving overseas right now. "

  "Oh," I had no idea what to say to that. Open mouth, insert foot.

  Officer Turner pulled into my driveway and put the car in park.

  “Would you like for me to walk you in, ma’am?”

  “No, thank you. You’ve wasted enough of your time having to bring me home.”

  “It was no trouble at all, ma’am. You have a nice day and try not to worry too much. It will all be fine.”

  “Thank you, officer.”

  I left him in the driveway and walked up my front steps. He waited there while I got out my keys, unlocked the door and stepped inside. I peeked out the front window and watched as he finally drove away.

  I put the single blind back down, letting it drop from my finger as a hand snaked around my mouth and clamped down. I could barely breathe. I tried to scream but it just came out a muffled mess. The hand pulled me back against a hard, muscled body that felt like I’d hit a brick wall. I kicked at the person’s shin which felt like a steel rod though they did slightly pull away. I swung my elbow back, twisting my body so I could get more contact with their midsection which made a soft thud and the air rushed from the intruder’s lungs along with a grunt.

  His hand released me for only a moment but I was ready. I ran for the kitchen, knocking over a chair behind me, hoping it would slow down the man but it didn’t. He grabbed my arm and slung me out of anger so that I fell back on the kitchen floor. My wrist throbbed from trying to soften my fall but I couldn’t think about that. As he came near me, I kicked but he grabbed my leg, pulling me toward him. I twisted and kicked again, this time catching him off guard as my heel connected with his jaw and his head snapped back.

  He roared in pain and anger. His grip on my other ankle tightened so I kicked again and again, missing once but managing to hit his nose with the third try. This time he let go, instinctively cradling his nose in his hands as blood seeped from between his fingers. I knocked another chair down on him, grabbed the extra set of keys from the hook by the door, and ran for the garage. I slammed the door shut just as I saw him storming toward me. Struggling with trembling hands, I grabbed the nearby rake and used its handle to bar the door shut. It wouldn’t last long with the size and obvious strength of my attacker so I had to hurry.

  I jumped in my car and started it before pressing the garage door opener. As I backed out, my intruder came running from the front of the house toward my car. He stopped and pointed his gun at me, yelling for me to stop.

  I was mortified, but I couldn’t stop. I ducked my head in case he shot and hit the gas pedal to the floorboard. There was a loud bump and I heard him grunt but never felt a bump under my wheels to my relief. I looked up, glancing in my rearview mirror, and saw the man in my yard, stumbling to get up.

  I’d dropped my purse somewhere along the way and didn’t have my cell phone to call Mason. And, I wasn’t sure where he was headed. I had no way of knowing where any of the guys were and the only person’s home, I knew of was James who was MIA. I flew down the road as fast as I could, sure that my attacker wouldn’t give up that easily. I was sure he’d be coming after me. I needed to get off the main road and find a place to hide out where he wouldn’t think to look for me. I needed somewhere safe but I wasn’t sure where.

  On the main road, I could go faster but I would also be a sitting duck if he were to spot me. That would be all it woul
d take, I was sure his driving skills and ability to take out my little car wouldn’t be a major challenge. My only advantage was my head start. I needed to get out of sight and fast.



  With Hana safe, I made a conscious effort to put her out of my mind and focus solely on the mission at hand. It was hard enough to stay professional when it was James and Natalie we were trying to save.

  1568 Center street. I thought to myself as I glanced at the map on my built-in navigation system. It was a small neighborhood in a bad part of town and I wasn’t looking forward to what might be waiting for us when we got to the safe house.

  For all any of us knew, Vlas had lied about their location to save his own skin. It was a risk of using such aggressive interrogation techniques but I hadn’t had time for anything more subtle. Some people might have thought that I crossed a line bringing up the man’s little girl or threatening to out him to the Russians but there was too much at stake to be gentle. Sometimes you couldn’t worry about crossing someone else's line, you had to just draw your own and stick to it. I raced down the street, glancing behind me to find Hunter flanked by two more cars all keeping up with my pace.

  I had no doubt more would be coming as well. The Director would be throwing everything he had at the Russians this time. They’d made it personal which was their biggest mistake.

  I didn’t want to draw too much attention to myself by coming in hot. I slowed down, passed the first turn in, and went up to the next street over that would run into Center street from the other side.

  A glance in my rearview let me see as Hunter and one car turned off and the other car followed me. I took a deep breath and tried to put out of my mind the fact that James could be throwing his life away if he actually turned over Petrov to the Russians. Even the Director himself couldn’t save him if he committed that kind of treason. It wasn’t that any of us wouldn’t do the same if we were in his situation. I’d do the same for Hana and he’d had three years of marriage to grow more and more in love with Natalie. Not one ounce of me blamed him or thought less of him for his actions. But we were his brothers. It was our responsibility to stop him from acting impulsively and ruining his life. It was our job to find another way.

  I pulled over on the side of the road two houses down across the street at house number 1563. It didn’t look like anyone was home and I hoped no one would notice. I made sure I had my gun and extra clip, snapped on my body cam like always, and climbed out of the car. I quietly pushed my door closed before drawing my gun from my back. I needed to be ready for anything. Hunter and the other men came around into my sight and spread out around the sides and back of the house.

  I approached the house from the side, sliding up next to the overgrown shrubs which worked pretty well for cover. I hurried toward the front porch, keeping my senses on high alert. I made it to one side of the stairs just as Hunter made it to the other. We used our hands to make signals, and I took the lead.

  I hurried up the steps, knowing that would be where I was the most exposed. Glancing in the window, I couldn’t see Natalie, but I saw two men rushing around, packing up their things. They were going to move. Probably afraid that Vlas would wind up talking. While I spoke some Russian, they were jabbering on so fast I couldn’t translate and only managed to get a few insignificant words every once in a while.

  “Glava skomandova,” one barked at the other. Someone commanded. But who? The word Glava wasn’t one I was familiar with. Perhaps it was the name of someone. I’d make a note to ask later but for now there were more pressing matters.

  “I count three hostiles. No sign of James or Natalie,” I whispered into the tiny mic attached to my collar.

  “We’ve got two in the kitchen near the rear left window. They’ve got guns and cash on the kitchen table. Looks like they are planning to leave soon.”

  “Probably as soon as James gets here. If we can get Natalie first, we can stop him.”

  “We’ve got movement upstairs. Looks like two. One’s a woman.” Another man from the rear position whispered excitedly.

  “Can you confirm that it's Natalie?”

  “Not for certain but it could be.”

  “Good enough for me. Take out the two in back, we’ll use the flash bomb to disorient the three in front then rendezvous at the stairs to go up.”

  “Roger that.”

  “On my count. One...two...three...go, go, go.”

  We tossed in a flash bomb and the minute it went off, we breached the front door. I shot to my right and the man fell to the floor. I glanced to my left just in time to see Hunter’s target crash through the glass coffee table. The third guy darted for the stairs but I dropped him on the second step.

  Rodrigues and Marks came through the kitchen and met us at the stairs as planned. Without a word, we stepped over the body on the stairs and hurried up. We cleared the landing and one of the bedrooms before bursting into the room occupied by two. One man stood with a gun pointed down at a woman strapped to an old wooden chair. Her hair covered most of her face but when she looked up at me in fear, I recognized her. Natalie.

  “Put the gun down,” Hunter barked at the man as we filed into the room, our four guns on him with his one pointed at her.

  “I’ll shoot her. Don’t take another step. Get out or I’ll shoot.”

  The man didn’t look like someone who would have led the group. None of them had. I could only assume they were in the middle of packing up to take her back to the leader or maybe it was Petrov somehow running the show. Maybe he had somehow figured out a way from his prison cell though I couldn’t see how.

  “You shoot her and there is no way that you are walking out of here alive. You know that, right?” I spoke calmly to the man, holding my gun up so that I didn’t look like a threat and he seemed to listen. “If you shoot her, one of my men will shoot you and they aim to kill. You don’t want to die do you?”

  The man shook his head from side to side. Good. That made things a lot easier.

  “Okay, good. Then let’s get you out of here alive, okay? I need you to put the gun down. You did your part. You tried to follow your orders but you were outnumbered. The smart move is to survive. When you survive, there’s always a chance of next time. Death is much more permanent.”

  His expression softened. He was receptive to what I was saying. He lowered his gun to the floor.

  “Good. Now, kick it over to me.” He followed my direction and I bent to pick up the gun. “Good. Good. Now, put your hands on your head, turn around, and slowly walk toward us.”

  Again, he did as he was told. Marks stepped forward, holstering his gun and cuffed the man, dragging him out of the room.

  “Go with him,” Hunter told Rodrigues. “Make sure he gets him to lock up.”

  Rodrigues nodded and left the room.

  I rushed over to Natalie and pulled the gag from her mouth, “let’s get you out of here.”

  “No,” she cried out when I went to touch her and I froze.

  “Natalie, we need to get you out of here before more of their men come back and we need to find James and let him know you’re safe. He’s done something...”

  “Under the chair,” she blurted out in a panic, tears streaming down her face.

  I hadn’t noticed the wires taped to the legs of the chair until then. She was strapped to a bomb most likely rigged to go off the moment she moved.


  “What is it?” Hunter came over as I was crouching down to get a better look.

  “Looks like a pressure plate,” I said with a sigh. I looked up at Natalie, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible. “I need you to stay as still as you can. Even a shift in weight can sometimes set these things off.”

  “Oh...” she sobbed, her whole body trembling in fear.

  “Can you defuse it?” Hunter asked eagerly.

  “I think so.”

  “Think so? Explosives are one of those things you kind of want to be sure

  “Each one of these things is unique. Each bomb builder has their own technique, their own signature, if you will. Most of the time they all work the same but sometimes that signature affects the detonation.”

  Natalie shook as she sobbed but I needed to calm her if any of us were going to make it out of here in one piece.

  “Natalie!” James yelled in a panic from downstairs. “No. No. No. Natalie,” his voice became frantic as it got closer along with two sets of footprints.

  “Natalie,” James exclaimed in horror as he saw her strapped to the chair while I was examining the wires underneath.

  I glanced over at him and the man I knew to be Petrov with him. With James horrified by the sight of Natalie’s position, his hand dropped from its hold on Petrov who had to have been biding his time because the rope slipped free from his hands as he swirled around, snatched James’s gun from his side holster. I watched it all happening like it was in slow motion. Petrov turned quickly and fired the gun, barely missing my shoulder as I dropped backward to dodge his shot. Another shot toward Hunter missed and shattered the window. Natalie screamed and nearly fell out of her chair but I managed to lunge for her and keep her steady. Two more gunshots and Petrov fell to the floor, blood pooling from his head. Hunter had taken the kill shot.

  Natalie screamed in horror and sobbed. I looked past Petrov’s lifeless body to James, leaning against the door jamb, a bright red bloodstain spreading across the midsection of his white tee.

  “Shit, James.” I ran over to him while Hunter remained near Natalie. I pulled off my shirt and applied pressure to his wound to try to stop the bleeding. “Hang in there, man. You’re going to be okay. Just hold on. I’m going to call for help right now.”

  I called for an ambulance but it seemed to take years for them to finally arrive. They kept the pressure on his abdomen while loading him onto a stretcher and strapping him in. They were worried, and moving extremely fast which made my nerves worse and not better.


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