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Beautiful Melody (The Happily Ever After series Book 1)

Page 12

by K. E. Drake

  The three seated themselves on the steps of the dais. Melody in the middle with Lyall sitting at her left side and Monet at her right.

  Melody explained everything to her mother, from her and Lyall meeting at the ball, to the suspicions she had of the king from early on, and then of the king’s powers of sorcery and his plan to take the kingdom. She briefly mentioned the king’s attempt on her life, and then explained how she was taken to the Monroe estate for safety, and how she found her father there.

  “Wait.” Monet held up a hand. “Your father? He’s alive?”

  Melody nodded and explained what had happened to her father. She went on to tell Monet of their plan to stop Cassius and that the king of Glendower had died.

  The queen listened intently to every word, shaking her head as her daughter finished the story.

  “I never should have agreed to the marriage,” Monet gave a heavy sigh. “Two days ago, you were discovered missing and an assassin of Glendower was found on the palace grounds. I confronted Cassius, but he put me under a spell so I couldn’t speak the truth about him and he could force me to go through with the marriage. Then he announced that you had taken ill and wished to be left alone, so no one would find out that you had disappeared.” She gave a light scoff. “I feel like such a fool. I should never have let myself be taken in my him.”

  “I tried to tell you,” Melody said gently.

  Monet patted her daughter’s arm. “I know, dear. I know. If only I had listened to you.”

  Melody fell quiet for a moment and her thoughts trailed back to the night before. “What happened to you after we stopped the wedding?”

  “Cassius cast a spell over the guests and then chased you outside. We were frozen for some time,” the queen explained with another shake of her head. “The spell suddenly broke after a while. Nobody knew what had happened to you or to Cassius. I sent out guards to scour the land for you.” Monet recalled. She glanced past Melody to address Lyall. “Lord Monroe?”

  Lyall bowed his head. “Your Majesty?”

  “Thank you for protecting my daughter.”

  “It was my pleasure, Your Majesty.” Lyall’s eyes fell from the queen and he gave Melody a look so intimate and sincere that she blushed deep pink and ducked her head.

  “When do you two plan to be married?” The queen asked with a hint of a smile, causing Melody’s wide eyes to shoot up to her mother’s face. Monet chuckled. “Don’t act so surprised. I heard the love in your voice when you spoke of him. I saw the way he looks at you.” The queen glanced from one to the other. “Well when?”

  “We haven’t decided yet.” Lyall answered for Melody.

  A slow smile turned up Monet’s lips. “Why not today?”

  Lyall looked to Melody and she began to shake her head. “It would be too much trouble…”

  “Nonsense, dear. Almost everything is still arranged from the wedding last evening, and none of the guests have departed yet. It wouldn’t be any trouble at all, if you want to be married today.” Monet paused a moment, waiting for their answer.

  Lyall and Melody looked to each other. They shared a brief smile and then turned back to the queen, nodding.

  “Then it’s settled!” Monet clasped her hands together. “I will announce that there will be a wedding after all.” She got to her feet and muttered under her breath last minute wedding preparations as she swept out of the throne room, leaving the young couple alone on the steps of the dais.

  Lyall turned to Melody and brought a hand up to stroke her unkempt hair. He brushed a long lock behind her ear and then cupped the side of her face, his thumb brushing over her fair skin.

  She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek further into his palm.

  Lyall lifted his hand from her hair and entwined his fingers within hers. He bent closer and gently kissed her forehead and then her temple, his lips trailing down her jaw.

  “Will you marry me today, Melody?” He whispered near her ear. He slipped a hand to the back of her neck and gently drew her closer to him.

  “Yes.” Melody sighed happily and her heart began to swell. “I love you, Lyall Monroe.”

  “And I love you, my beautiful Melody.” Lyall pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth before they fully settled on hers in a captivating kiss.

  It was a kiss that promised a love that would heal the broken hearts that endured suffering and loss, and would now grow stronger with the love that they shared and the strength that they gave one another.


  Melody wrung her lace gloved hands as she paced just inside the doors that led to the gardens outside the castle.

  The heels of her white shoes clicked on the polished floor and the skirt of her simple, white gown twirled around her ankles when she turned to pace in the opposite direction. Her loose hair fell in dark-brown ringlets to her waist, brushing over the white lace around her shoulders and down her back.

  It was her wedding dress.

  “Are you nervous?” James asked from where he waited by the doors.

  “I’m getting married. Of course I’m nervous.”

  Her father chuckled warmly, and Melody halted her pacing to look at him.

  He went to Melody and placed his hands on her shoulders, giving her a gentle smile. “It will be all right,” he promised. “Just keep your eyes on Lyall and nothing else will matter.”

  Melody looked into his eyes and felt tears brim in hers. “You really loved mother, didn’t you?”

  “More than words can say.” James brushed the back of his fingers over Melody’s cheek, wiping away a tear. “You’re exactly like her.”

  Melody blinked the tears from her eyes. “I wish she was here now.”

  “She is.” He placed a hand over her heart. “In here.”

  Outside the doors leading to the gardens, Music began to play, signaling the start of the ceremony.

  James held his arm out to Melody. “Are you ready?”

  “I am.” Melody smiled. She took his arm and they stepped out the open doors into the palace gardens.

  The mid-day sun shone down from the blue sky, bathing the gardens in a warm, golden light. The music grew nearer as they moved down the garden path and came to the center of the gardens.

  A smile graced Melody’s lips as they made their way down the path to the queen’s rose garden and she saw Lyall. He stood at the front of the crowd by the black iron gate that opened into the room of roses.

  He was dressed in solid black apparel, with the curls of his rich, brown hair combed back from his brow. One side of his mouth was turned up in a small smile and his blue eyes shone like the sky above them.

  James stopped at the end of the aisle at the front of the rows where the guests were seated. He turned to Melody and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. She leaned in to kiss her father’s cheek and then went to take her place in front of Lyall.

  She no longer had to try to keep her gaze on him as she placed her hand in his. His eyes never left hers.

  It was only the two of them.

  Ruby watched on as Melody’s new husband took the princess in his arms and laid a gentle, loving kiss on her lips.

  A longing sigh escaped Ruby’s lips as she absentmindedly brushed her fingers over the white embroidery on the skirt of her mint-green dress.

  She had always longed for adventure and now her dearest friend, who dismissed the very thought of it, had gotten hers. Of course she was happy for her friend. Melody lived her adventure, and found her father and her true love in the process. Finally her heart could truly begin to heal from the heartbreak she had suffered.

  Princess Melody and Lord Monroe walked arm in arm down the aisle as the guests began to stand and offer them congratulations and well wishes.

  Meanwhile, Ruby remained near the rose garden, waiting as the crowd scattered on the way to the dining hall for the wedding feast. She gazed through the crowd and her eyes stopped on Prince Samuel of Avon as he spoke with a group of noblemen who had attend
ed the ceremony.

  She observed the prince for a moment more as an idea formed in her head. It was rumored he planned to leave on another adventure when he departed from Omrie, although no one knew what for.

  The prince looked in Ruby’s direction, his emerald eyes passing her over without a thought. She dropped her gaze, hoping he hadn’t noticed how intently he watched him.

  Tomorrow, she assured herself, her heart pounding so much she could barely contain it.

  It was Ruby’s turn for adventure.

  Happily Ever After For Some

  About The Author

  I love happily ever after. Like, really love happily ever after. My passion is writing and creating stories that bring a smile to the face of the one reading it. If my book makes you smile at least once during the story, I consider my job complete.

  I live in a small town in Missouri America. If I'm not sitting at my computer, procrastinating doing any sort of real work, you can find me in my kitchen baking cookies, laughing until it hurts with my family, or binge-watching a newly discovered television series.

  I publish books both on Wattpad and on Amazon Kindle. Check me out at both stores for different collections of fun stories that are sure to bring a smile to your day.




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