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La reine Margot. English

Page 33

by Alexandre Dumas



  In saving the life of Charles, Henry had done more than save the life ofa man,--he had prevented three kingdoms from changing sovereigns.

  Had Charles IX. been killed, the Duc d'Anjou would have become King ofFrance, and the Duc d'Alencon in all probability would have been King ofPoland. As to Navarre, as Monsieur le Duc d'Anjou was the lover ofMadame de Conde, its crown would probably have paid to the husband thecomplacency of his wife. Now in all this no good would have come toHenry. He would have changed masters, that would have been all. Insteadof Charles IX. who tolerated him, he would have seen the Duc d'Anjou onthe throne of France, and being of one heart and mind with his motherCatharine, the latter had sworn that he should die, and he would nothave failed to keep his oath. All these thoughts entered his mind whenthe wild boar sprang at Charles IX., and we know that the result of hisrapid thinking was that his own life was attached to that of Charles IX.

  Charles IX. had been saved by an act of devotion, the motive of whichthe King could not fathom. But Marguerite had understood, and she hadadmired that strange courage of Henry which, like flashes of lightning,shone only in a storm.

  Unfortunately it was not all to have escaped the kingdom of the Ducd'Anjou. Henry had to make himself king. He had to dispute Navarre withthe Duc d'Alencon and with the Prince of Conde; above all he had toleave the court where one walked only between two precipices, and goaway protected by a son of France.

  As he returned from Bondy Henry pondered deeply on the situation. Onarriving at the Louvre his plan was formed. Without removing hisriding-boots, just as he was, covered with dust and blood, he betookhimself to the apartments of the Duc d'Alencon, whom he found stridingup and down in great agitation.

  On perceiving him the prince gave a start of surprise.

  "Yes," said Henry, taking him by both hands; "yes, I understand, my goodbrother, you are angry because I was the first to call the King'sattention to the fact that your ball struck the leg of his horse insteadof the boar, as you intended it should. But what can you expect? I couldnot prevent an exclamation of surprise. Besides, the King would havenoticed it, would he not?"

  "No doubt, no doubt," murmured D'Alencon. "And yet I can think of itonly as an evil intention on your part to denounce me as you did, andwhich, as you yourself saw, had no result except to make my brotherCharles suspect me, and to make hard feeling between us."

  "We will return to this in a few moments. As to my good or evilintentions regarding you, I have come to you on purpose that you mayjudge them."

  "Very good!" said D'Alencon with his customary reserve. "Speak, Henry, Iam listening."

  "When I have spoken, Francois, you will readily see what my intentionsare, for the confidence I am going to place in you does away with allreserve and prudence. And when I have told you, you will be able to ruinme by a single word!"

  "What is it?" said Francois, beginning to be anxious.

  "And yet," continued Henry, "I have hesitated a long time to speak toyou of the thing which brings me here, especially after the way in whichyou turned a deaf ear to-day."

  "Really," said Francois, growing pale, "I do not know what you mean,Henry."

  "Brother, your interests are too dear to me not to tell you that theHuguenots have made advances to me."

  "Advances!" said D'Alencon. "What advances?"

  "One of them, Monsieur de Mouy of Saint Phal, the son of the brave DeMouy, assassinated by Maurevel, you know"--


  "Well, he came at the risk of his life to show me that I was incaptivity."

  "Ah! indeed! and what did you say to him?"

  "Brother, you know that I love Charles dearly. He has saved my life,and the queen mother has been like a real mother to me. So I refused allthe offers he made me."

  "What were these offers?"

  "The Huguenots want to reconstruct the throne of Navarre, and as inreality this throne belongs to me by inheritance, they offered it tome."

  "Yes; and Monsieur de Mouy, instead of the consent he expected to askfor, has received your relinquishment?"

  "My formal relinquishment--even in writing. But since," continued Henry.

  "You have repented, brother?" interrupted D'Alencon.

  "No, I merely thought I noticed that Monsieur de Mouy had becomediscontented with me, and was paying his visits elsewhere."

  "Where?" asked Francois quickly.

  "I do not know. At the Prince of Conde's perhaps."

  "Yes, that might be," said the duke.

  "Besides," went on Henry, "I have positive knowledge as to the leader hehas chosen."

  Francois grew pale.

  "But," continued Henry, "the Huguenots are divided among themselves, andDe Mouy, brave and loyal as he is, represents only one-half of theparty. Now this other half, which is not to be scorned, has not given upthe hope of having Henry of Navarre on the throne, who having hesitatedat first may have reflected since."

  "You think this?"

  "Oh, every day I receive proofs of it. The troops which joined us at thehunt, did you notice of what men it was composed?"

  "Yes, of converted gentlemen."

  "Did you recognize the leader of the troop who signed to me?"

  "Yes, it was the Vicomte de Turenne."

  "Did you know what they wanted of me?"

  "Yes, they proposed to you to escape."

  "Then," said Henry to Francois, who was growing restless, "there isevidently a second party which wants something else besides whatMonsieur de Mouy wants."

  "A second party?"

  "Yes, and a very powerful one, I tell you, so that in order to succeedit is necessary to unite the two--Turenne and De Mouy. The conspiracyprogresses, the troops are ready, the signal alone is waited for. Now inthis supreme situation, which demands prompt solution on my part, I havecome to two decisions between which I am wavering. I have come to submitthese decisions to you as to a friend."

  "Say rather as to a brother."

  "Yes, as to a brother," went on Henry.

  "Speak, then, I am listening."

  "In the first place I ought to explain to you the condition of my mind,my dear Francois. No desire, no ambition, no ability. I am an honestcountry gentleman, poor, sensual, and timid. The career of conspiratoroffers me indignities poorly compensated for even by the certainprospect of a crown."

  "Ah, brother," said Francois, "you do wrong. Sad indeed is the positionof a prince whose fortune is limited by the boundary of the paternalestate or by a man in a career for honors! I do not believe, therefore,in what you tell me."

  "And yet what I tell you is so true, brother, that if I thought I had atrue friend, I would resign in his favor the power which this partywishes to give me; but," he added with a sigh, "I have none."

  "Perhaps you have. You probably are mistaken."

  "No, _ventre saint gris_!" said Henry, "except yourself, brother, I seeno one who is attached to me; so that rather than let fail an attemptwhich might bring to light some unworthy man, I truly prefer to informmy brother the King of what is taking place. I will mention no names, Iwill designate neither country nor date, but I will foretell thecatastrophe."

  "Great God!" exclaimed D'Alencon unable to repress his terror, "what doyou mean? What! you, you, the sole hope of the party since the death ofthe admiral; you, a converted Huguenot, a poor convert, or at least suchyou were thought to be, you would raise the knife against your brothers!Henry, Henry, by doing this, do you know that you would be delivering toa second Saint Bartholomew all the Calvinists in the kingdom? Do youknow that Catharine is waiting for just such a chance to exterminate allwho have survived?"

  And the duke trembling, his face spotted with red and white blotches,pressed Henry's hand to beg him to give up this idea which would ruinhim.

  "What!" said Henry, with an expression of perfect good-humor, "do youthink there would be so much trouble, Francois? With the King's word,however, it seems to me that I should avoid it."

  "The word of King Charles IX., Henry! Did not the admiral have it? Didnot Teligny have it? Did not you yourself have it? Oh, Henry, I tell youif you do this, you will ruin us all. Not only them, but all who havehad direct or indirect relations with them."

  Henry seemed to ponder an instant.

  "If I were an important prince at court," said he, "I should actdifferently. In your place, for instance, in your place, Francois, a sonof France, and probable heir to the crown"--

  Francois shook his head ironically.

  "In my place," said he, "what would you do?"

  "In your place, brother," replied Henry, "I should place myself at thehead of the movement and direct it. My name and my credit should answerto my conscience for the life of the rebellious, and I should derivesome benefit first for myself, then for the King, perhaps, from anenterprise which otherwise might do the greatest injury to France."

  D'Alencon listened to these words with a joy which caused every muscleof his face to expand.

  "Do you think," said he, "that this method is practicable and that itwould save us all the disasters you foresee?"

  "I think so," said Henry. "The Huguenots love you. Your bearing ismodest, your position both high and interesting, and the kindness youhave always shown to those of the faith will incline them to serve you."

  "But," said D'Alencon, "there is a division in the party. Will those whowant you want me?"

  "I will undertake to bring them together by two means."

  "What means?"

  "First, by the confidence the leaders have in me; then by the fear thatyour highness, knowing their names"--

  "But who will tell me these names?"

  "I, _ventre saint gris_!"

  "You will do that?"

  "Listen, Francois; as I told you, you are the only one I love at court,"said Henry. "This, no doubt, is because you are persecuted like myself;and then my wife, too, loves you with an affection which isunequalled"--

  Francois flushed with pleasure.

  "Believe me, brother," continued Henry; "take this thing in hand, reignin Navarre; and provided you keep a place at your table for me, and afine forest in which to hunt, I shall consider myself fortunate."

  "Reign in Navarre!" said the duke; "but if"--

  "If the Duc d'Anjou is chosen King of Poland; is that it? I will finishyour thought for you."

  Francois looked at Henry with something like terror.

  "Well, listen, Francois," continued Henry, "since nothing escapes you.This is how I reason: If the Duc d'Anjou is chosen King of Poland, andour brother Charles, God keep him! should happen to die, it is but twohundred leagues from Pau to Paris, while it is four hundred from Paristo Cracovie. So you would be here to receive the inheritance by the timethe King of Poland learned it was vacant. Then, if you are satisfiedwith me, you could give me the kingdom of Navarre, which wouldthenceforth be merely one of the jewels in your crown. In that way Iwould accept it. The worst that could happen to you would be that youwould remain king there and bring up a race of kings by living with meand my family, while here, what are you? a poor persecuted prince, apoor third son of a king, the slave of two elder brothers, and one whoma whim may send to the Bastille."

  "Yes, yes," said Francois; "I know that very well, so well that I do notsee why you should give up this plan you propose to me. Is there nothrob there?"

  And the Duc d'Alencon put his hand on his brother's heart.

  "There are," said Henry, smiling, "burdens too heavy for some hands;therefore I shall not try to raise this one; fear of fatigue is greaterthan the desire of possession."

  "So, Henry, you really renounce it?"

  "I said so to De Mouy and I repeat it to you."

  "But in such cases, my dear brother," said D'Alencon, "one does not say,one proves."

  Henry breathed like a pugilist who feels his enemy's back bending.

  "I will prove it this evening," said he. "At nine o'clock we shall havethe names of the leaders and the plan of the undertaking. I have alreadysent my renunciation to De Mouy."

  Francois took Henry's hand and pressed it effusively between his own.

  At that moment Catharine entered the Duc d'Alencon's rooms, unannounced,as was her habit.

  "Together!" said she, smiling; "two good brothers, truly!"

  "I trust so, madame," said Henry, with great coolness, while the Ducd'Alencon turned white from distress.

  Henry stepped back to leave Catharine free to speak with her son.

  The queen mother drew a magnificent jewel from her bag.

  "This clasp comes from Florence," said she. "I will give it to you forthe belt of your sword."

  Then in a low tone:

  "If to-night you hear any noise in your good brother Henry's room, donot stir."

  Francois pressed his mother's hand, and said:

  "Will you allow me to show Henry the beautiful gift you have just givenme?"

  "You may do more. Give it to him in your name and in mine, for I haveordered a second one just like it."

  "You hear, Henry," said Francois, "my good mother brings me this jeweland doubles its value by allowing me to give it to you."

  Henry went into ecstasies over the beauty of the clasp, and wasenthusiastic in his thanks. When his delight had grown calmer:

  "My son," said Catharine, "I feel somewhat indisposed and I am going tobed; your brother Charles is greatly wearied from his fall and is goingto do the same. So we shall not have supper together this evening, buteach will be served in his own room. Oh, Henry, I forgot to congratulateyou on your bravery and quickness. You saved your king and your brother,and you shall be rewarded for it."

  "I am already rewarded, madame," replied Henry, bowing.

  "By the feeling that you have done your duty?" replied Catharine. "Thatis not enough, and Charles and I will do something to pay the debt weowe you."

  "Everything that comes to me from you and my good brother will bewelcome, madame."

  Then he bowed and withdrew.

  "Ah! brother Francois!" thought Henry as he left, "I am sure now of notleaving alone, and the conspiracy which had a body has found a head anda heart. Only let us look out for ourselves. Catharine gives me apresent, Catharine promises me a reward. There is some deviltry beneathit all. I must confer this evening with Marguerite."


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