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Best Friend's Sister (Slade Brothers Book 5)

Page 8

by Alexis Winter

  “No, I don’t care how guilty you’re feeling right now. You’re not going to fuck me and then kick me out of your room. You’re better than that, Hudson. You’re better than the rest of them. That’s why I chose you.” I place my hand back on his jaw and move my lips to his. I know he’s only trying to run because he’s scared. I’ve been there many times before. But this, this is too good, too perfect to run from.

  I pull away from his lips and he lets out a long breath, knowing that I’m right. I rest my head on his chest. He absentmindedly plays with my hair. He runs his finger through it all the way to the ends. When the hair falls back down, he picks up another stand and repeats the process again and again.

  “Why were you kicked out of your mom’s house?” he asks, and the question is like being doused in ice water.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” I reply, suddenly feeling too exposed. I was just bent every which way, butt-ass naked in front of him, but I feel too vulnerable with a question. Something is seriously wrong with me.

  “Come on. How are we supposed to do this if you never let me in?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t realize we were doing much of anything,” I joke. I mean, I know we screw around, but does that mean that we’re together now? Am I in a secret relationship?

  He squeezes me. “You know, you’re a lot different than I thought you’d be.”

  “How so?”

  I shrug. “You’re such a nice, polite guy. I didn’t realize you’d be so demanding in bed.”

  He chuckles. “I guess it’s a balance. I don’t speak out normally, so in the bedroom, it’s my only chance.” He laughs. “And I’ve found that the women really like it.”

  “Yeah, because we’re expected to be strong all day, every day. In the bed is the only place we can get away from all that and get away from all of that and hand over the reins for a little while.” I smile, wondering if that’s true of most women or just a random few. I shrug. It doesn’t matter. I know it’s the case for me. Many would say that I have daddy issues from losing my father at such a young age. I’ve heard my brother and my mom talk about it on more than one occasion. They say that I seek out assholes, wanting to get their approval. I don’t see it that way. I just like to be tamed by a strong man. If a man is strong enough to tame me, he’s strong enough to love me. He’s strong enough for me to love.

  “When are you going to tell me what happened with your mom?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know if I can talk about it.”

  “Why?” He sounds surprised.

  I laugh. “There are some things that I try to avoid, you know.” I can’t hold back my smile. It’s like he thinks I’m the strongest woman out there.

  “One of these days?”

  I nod, just wanting the conversation to end.


  I giggle. “Promise. When I’m ready.”

  He lifts his head slightly and presses a kiss to the top of mine. The kiss is innocent, but it makes me smile and warms my entire body. I’ve never been held like this or kissed like that. Most men will fuck me and then leave, so I guess that’s what I’m used to. This, holding one another and cuddling, is completely foreign to me, but already, I know it’s something I can get used to.

  I must drift off to sleep because the next thing I know, Hudson is shaking me awake. My eyes flutter open to see the pitch-black bedroom instead of the one that was just lit up with the setting sun.

  “Wake up, Deven. Brad is home.”

  I fly up out of bed with those words. “What? Where is he?”

  “I think he’s taking a shower. I haven’t seen him yet,” he replies. “But I heard him walk in. You need to get dressed and get the fuck out of here now, or this will be over before it starts.”

  I pull my dress on and slide my feet into my shoes. I’m sure my hair and makeup is trashed, but I can always tell him I had a date and am just getting home. I’m sure I’ll get a talking-to about dating these worthless guys he never even bothers meeting. He just assumes they’re all worthless assholes, like I can’t pick them any better.

  Once I’m dressed, Hudson opens the door and peeks out. “He’s in the bathroom. Hurry.”

  I go to step past him, but he catches me. Our eyes lock and then slowly, he moves in for a kiss. That kiss goes straight to my belly, where a fire lights and makes my toes curl.

  “Go,” he says, pulling away.

  I rush out of his room and into the living room. I notice the door is locked but not chained. I quickly unlock it, open it, and close it. Brad is walking into the living room as I’m re-locking it, so it looks like I just got in.

  “Where you been?”

  “Out. Had a date.” I sit on the couch and remove my shoes.

  “Where’s Hudson?” he asks, walking into the kitchen.

  “How am I supposed to know? It wasn’t my turn to watch him,” I say with a smirk.

  Brad shakes his head but doesn’t ask anything else. He grabs a drink from the kitchen, then takes it back to his bedroom. I hear the soft click of his door. I let out a relieved breath. We weren’t caught. But we need to be more careful. No more sleeping together, not in this apartment anyway.

  I shake my head as I stand and gather my clothes. It’s been a long time since my body has been claimed like that. It feels sore and tired. I need some hot water to relieve the stiffness and soreness.

  I get into the shower and wash off quickly. I wash my hair and shave my legs, then take a seat on the bottom of it. I lean my back against the tub and rest my head against the wall, enjoying the quiet time to reflect back on my night. The hot water does just as I’d hoped. It relaxes me and eases away the sore tired muscles. I smile to myself when I think back on the hours I spent with Hudson. I don’t know how he manages to be so sweet and so damn hot at the same time, but I know with each encounter, I’m only getting more and more addicted to him. I couldn’t walk away before. I sure as fuck can’t now. I’m a goner.

  I mean, if Brad sees that he and I really love one another, can he really demand we stay apart? Shouldn’t he want me to be happy? I understand him chasing off the guys I’ve been with the last few years. They were all worthless, but Hudson, he’s good. He’s been in the military and now, he works for the fire department. If we decide to stay together, he will take care of me, protect me, and love me because that’s who he is. I know him being friends with my brother complicates things, but deep down, Brad knows Hudson better than anyone else. He should know he’s not my usual fling.

  I shake my head clear, knowing that all these thoughts are pointless at the moment. I have no idea where things with me and Hudson are going to end up. We may stay together, get married, and have kids, or we may never move past what we’re doing right now. The only way to know is to wait and see. And until I have something concrete, I won’t be trying to change Brad’s mind.

  I stand up and shut off the shower, grabbing my towel and drying off. I dress in a pair of leggings with a tank top and brush the knots from my hair. Since it’s already so late, I don’t bother drying it. I’m too tired, and Brad and Hudson are both probably asleep. There’s no need for me to be any louder than I have to be.

  I exit the bathroom and move back to my bed, the couch. I pull the folded-up blanket off the back and cover myself as I flip through the channels. I always need something to watch, some kind of noise to put me to sleep. I stop on some reality show and curl myself into a ball. The junction between my legs is still sore and throbbing, and as uncomfortable as that is, I like it. I like having the soreness as a way to remember who I was just with. With every throb, I think of Hudson.

  Sunday rolls around, and the three of us just hang out at home for the day. We sit and watch TV. We talk and joke. We eat and relax. Around three in the afternoon, Brad excuses himself to go take a nap to prepare for his midnight shift at the brewery. It’s always hard on him going from his midnight schedule to a normal schedule and then back to midnights, which is what happens every weekend. W
ith him no longer in the room, Hudson comes to sit on the opposite end of the couch. He picks up my foot that’s between us. He pulls it into his lap and starts massaging it.

  “Mmmmm, that feels good,” I say softly, my eyes fluttering closed.

  He wags his eyebrows at me. “Just wait until later.”

  My stomach tightens with the unsaid promises. “I can’t wait.”

  I hear Brad’s bedroom door open and I quickly jerk my foot away, just in time. He comes walking into the living room, grabs his bottle of water off the coffee table, and heads back to his room.

  Hudson and I look at one another with wide eyes. That was a close one.



  Fuck. I’m in deep. I wanted to keep my distance. I did. But it was impossible. She’s too perfect. I couldn’t resist. Even now, I’m glad I didn’t. But I also wish I had. This whole thing is just confusing. I don’t like hiding things. I don’t like lying. I’ve always been an open book and I found that’s the best way to live. If I’m honest, there can’t ever be anything held against me, but now, I’m anything but honest. I’m a liar, I’m a backstabber. I’m a thief, taking something that isn’t mine. And on top of it all, I’m a shitty friend.

  I try to put myself in Brad’s position, but it’s hard for me to do. I grew up the youngest of five boys. There wasn’t ever a sister to protect. Us boys, we had one another’s backs when needed. We all knew how to take care of ourselves. I try thinking back to see if there was ever a girl I felt obligated to protect. Other than a random girlfriend here and there growing up, I come back empty-handed. I didn’t even have any cousins growing up because my dad was an only child, as was my mother. It’s always just been me and my brothers.

  I know how pissed Brad will be when he finds out the truth. And I know what I’m doing will only hurt him in the future, but for the first time in my life, I don’t care. I’m finally doing exactly what I want. I’m living my life the way I want. I’m not taking orders from my father, brothers, or command. The whole point of this was to live my life the way I wanted as an adult, something I’ve never done. And more than anything, I want her. I want her under me, on top of me, screaming my name, and withering away in the pleasure I cause. I want my name to be the only name that falls from her lips. I want to be the only person she thinks about. I just want her, all of her. And I’m not letting anyone take her away, not anymore. I won’t even try fighting it. All I will do is try hiding it because I’m afraid that if Brad finds out, he’ll kick me out, and she and I will be done.

  I try to push all these thoughts away as I make my way to the apartment Monday afternoon. This morning, I had to be at the fire department bright and early. I did my second interview and spent the rest of the day watching training videos and taking tests before I’m allowed to start any kind of physical training. My day was spent sitting in a hard wooden chair, so my back and neck ache. I have all this pent-up energy from not being able to do anything physical.

  I let myself into the apartment and Brad is hanging out in the kitchen. The radio is on and I can hear him singing along. I step into the kitchen with a wide smile and watch him sing along to “22” by Taylor Swift while swaying his hips and washing dishes.

  He never notices me standing there and when the song wraps up, I give him a round of applause. He jumps, dropping the pot in his hands. “Fuck, man. You scared the shit out of me.”

  I can’t hold back my laughter.

  “How long you been there?”

  “Oh, only since the first chorus. I had no idea you could sing like such a delicate lady. Does Taylor know about you?” I joke, needing to give him shit.

  He laughs and shakes his head. “Man, you’re just jealous that you don’t have the voice of an angel like I do.”

  I laugh harder as I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge.

  “So, how was the training?”

  I plop down at the kitchen table. “Shit. I did nothing but watch videos and take tests.”

  He snorts. “Well, you didn’t think they’d just send you into a burning building, did you?”

  “I kinda hoped so.” I laugh out. “How hard can it be? Save the people, put out the fire.”

  He laughs. “I’m sure there’s more to it than that.”

  “Apparently, there’s a whole lot more to it than that. I should know. I spent the last six hours learning all about it.”

  “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow? More videos?”

  I nod. “More videos, more tests. But at the end of the day, they’re going to send me into the simulator.”

  “What’s that?” he asks, drawing his brows together.

  “It’s this little house thing they have set up. You go in and they fill it with smoke. I have to search through the house for the lives I’m supposed to save. And in case you were wondering, they’re dolls. Then, I have to get out without getting lost in the smoke or leaving anyone behind.”

  He nods as he sticks out his bottom lip. “Sounds cool though. When do they plan on starting you?”

  I take a drink of water. “Just depends on how well I do on my tests and all the little tasks they’re going to have me do. I have to test on hooking up the hose, using the hose, climbing up the ladder with heavy equipment. It’s a long list.”

  He shakes his head as he drains the water from the sink and dries his hands. “I don’t think I could do it. I’d get too panicky. All that smoke and heat and the worry that I’d miss someone. Not to mention rushing into a burning building that could be coming down on top of you. Nope, no thank you.”

  I laugh. “It’s exciting. The adrenaline pumps through your veins, and it’s the best high you’ll ever experience. I learned that as I ran away from guys with high-powered machinery and bombs being thrown my way. Shit gets scary sometimes, but once you make it out alive, there’s a high for days.”

  He chuckles. “You need therapy, man.”

  “Been there, done that.” I laugh out.

  “I’m going to go take a nap before I have to go in. If you have time, would you mind running down to the laundry room and finishing up for me? I’ve got things in machines 12 and 13. Take one out, put one in. That easy.”

  “Sure, no problem,” I agree as he walks out, leaving me alone.

  I finish off my bottle of water and toss it into the full trash can. I go ahead and grab the bag, taking it out as I go for the laundry. I find the machines he was talking about, and there’s an empty basket on top. I open the dryer and pull the clothes into it. Right on top is a red, lacy thong. I pick them up and hold them in front of my face. I wonder why I haven’t seen these yet? I know one thing for sure. I’m going to be ripping these motherfuckers off her tonight. My mouth waters just from thinking of it.

  I shake my head at myself, then toss the lace onto the top of the pile before moving the clothes from the washer into the dryer. I grab the basket and take it back up to the apartment. I drop it into the corner of the room and throw myself back on the couch. I kick up my feet and lean my head back, watching TV from beneath my lashes as exhaustion takes over.

  I guess Brad slips out while I’m sleeping. The next thing I know, I’m being woken up with her lips on my neck. My eyes pop open, and I turn my head to the side to see her lust-filled eyes.

  “Why’d you stop?” I ask, giving her a sleepy smile.

  “Ugh, because my brother hasn’t left yet.” She quickly leans back a second before Brad walks into the living room.

  He motions toward me with a scoff. “She hasn’t been home five minutes and she’s already woken you up.” He rolls his eyes and shakes his head before turning his attention to her. “Some of us actually work for a living, Deven. Try letting us sleep, huh?” With a lift of his brow, he heads for the kitchen.

  “What’s his problem?” I ask, stretching.

  She rolls her eyes. “I was in the bathroom this morning, and he claims I was being so loud that I woke him up. Then he proceeded to bitch about how I was in there for too long bec
ause he had to pee. Then he didn’t have enough hot water. Blah, blah, blah.”

  I chuckle under my breath. “The life of siblings,” I say, sitting up and resting my elbows on my knees.

  Brad comes walking through the living room with his lunch box in hand. “Well, I’m off. Dev, let the man sleep. He’s a firefighter now and he has to rescue dolls from the smoke tomorrow.” He glances at me. “Don’t put up with her shit,” he says with a smile as he opens the door and steps out.

  She looks at me confused. “You have to rescue what?”

  I laugh. “It’s a test. I have to rescue dolls. It’s too risky to use real people.”

  She nods. “Sounds like fun. I bet there are some at-home exercises we could run if you need practice.”

  I frown, wondering what in the hell she’s talking about. “Like what?”

  “Like…I could be the dirty little porn star whose penthouse apartment is on fire. And my only way of repaying you by riding you all night.” She smiles wide.

  I laugh. “I think that’s called roleplay, but I’m cool with it.” I reach out to pull her in for a kiss, but before my hand touches her, the door opens and Brad comes marching in. My hand falls away as he walks straight past us, into the kitchen, and then back toward the door.

  “Forgot my keys. See ya,” he says, walking back out.

  When the door slams behind him, the both of us let out a long breath. I shake my head as annoyance pumps through my veins. I stand up and start pacing. “This is exactly what I was talking about. We’re going to get caught.”

  She comes to stand in front of me. “No, we’re not. We just need to set some ground rules.”

  I nod. “Okay, yeah, ground rules. What do you got?”

  “Well…First of all, we can’t talk dirty, touch, or kiss if we’re not locked in your bedroom or out of the apartment. That way, we never have to worry about him walking in on us.”


  “Second, I think at least once a week, we each need to bitch to him about the other. You know, just to throw him off and make him think we hate each other.”


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